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Christ and Satan have both incarnated.

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posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:41 PM
No, the ones posting here are the new ones. You have spoken the only truth...and no other exists.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:50 PM
Christ incarnated as Thomas Jefferson who has now emanated as Obama.
Satan is Cheney, Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and their henchmen.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by moobaawoof

I already tried with this

Lets just keep it to something only I would know. Something very specific.

how about this

When I was a about 4 or 5 I started choking.

1. What was I choking on?
2. What did my mother let me have afterwards when I asked?

when he was talking about speaking to and asking questions of his "spirit guides/angels/demons"

So far no answer but to say that he will try and ask when he and his friend weren't so busy with college.

Just another excuse if you ask me.

Im sorry but now after the story about astral projection to another planet and killing an alien, then having being attacked yet saved my the Archangel Michael........please.

I find it funny that now its the Archangel Michael coming to the rescue now instead of the names of the spirits he mentioned earlier. Only because when someone pointed out that these names were also names of evil demons etc I guess it only makes sense to change it to ones that he knows for sure is good.

I suggest the OP does some study into theology and demonology so he gets it right the first time instead of having to backtrack later in the post as he has done.

So again OP, whats the answer to my question. Not hard if what you say is true.

If all else fails I see a great future in creative writing for him.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 10:50 PM
this question was probably asked before, but does your buddy kno what day or year christ and satan was incarnated?
just curious.

you seem pretty legit. either you can hold your head real well or you are telling the truth, but i am going to read more and be as neutral as possible for me.

posted on Apr, 1 2009 @ 11:20 PM
Christ incarnated as Thomas Jefferson? lol...Jefferson was turned by the LUCIFERIAN Adam Weishaupt, the designer of the World Revolution and Satanist. He designed the Illuminati.......

Jefferson incarnated as Jefferson.......I almost took you

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 01:40 AM
We hear of many names of the past of many whom we know NOT of.

Good deeds are possible with man though no man is worthy of praise for himself. Mankind will consistently let another down though for one to appreciate a collective sense of deeds performed unto mankind by a collective set of actions, perhaps man may soon see the Brother in the other.

Man needs another. Regardless of one's religious ideology, man needs man to complete his being. Divided you are conquered. If made as whole, how is man to defeat himself?

"History" in today's interpretation may also be viewed as the laughter upon many fools.

If something does not make sense; It was not meant to.

sense, in the true Sense of the word has been hijacked.

You always had a choice.

No one forced your hand to do the bidding of another.

No one forces your hand tomorrow.

You still have choice though time is fleeting; so are your 'rights'.

All that is asked of you....unto you, is to do what is right unto you and your neighbor.

"Do unto you as you would have done unto yourself". An ancient axiom that always rings truth to infinity though often disregarded for fools gold.

Infinity is based on truth.

You have been and are currently seen as expendable fools, less than worthy of second 'thought'.

Now that much has been 'exposed' it is now up to you to make right with yourself and your neighbor.

You have choice and quite an audience.

Are you a slave or a sovereign being?

Your 'leaders' were weak.

They sold you out for their own 'assumed' benefit.

They are to suffer today as well as tomorrow, by design.

Now their progeny will be slaves or tortured within and without as per design...unless they choose to right 'their' path; the path to Individuality; the path to Freedom to discover one's uniqueness in the world.

You 'intuitively' know this yet many cower to the power of fools. Fools gold.

Now what are YOU to do with your future?

Slavery or sovereignty?

Your have a choice.

T-Tock, may your conscience be unlocked.

[edit on 2-4-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:40 AM
Well i figure that its getting closer to the time a which i will have to reveal my secret identity. I am he that which was to return. Its a really long story and the only way to prove it is to show you but since i cantt exactly do that over the internet its pointless. but i figure you ATSers should know that there is someone listening and sadly the best the kingdom of heaven can do is Above top secret with the rest of you guys. Atheist leave the religious alone, it appears that your only angle in being an atheist is to cause problems with religious people. i mean the darwin fish dont get me wrong id have one as well as i get satire and believe in evolution but i also have a stong belief in the general mysticism of life the universe and everything. So Allied Atheist Alliance get off our nuts, just cause your life is boring stop making it a hassle for the theorist just live happily in your uninteresting and quite incomplete belief in evolution. oh yeah but seriously though im pretty sure im like jesus, or buddah or something.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by Wehali

I have a feeling I'm Chrisatan incarnated until of course proven otherwise.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

There is some thing you need to understand. The bible, was not written from the hand of one person. The bible is a collection of stories, letters, documents that a secretive and ancient group of people hand-picked to put together into one complete book. You say that human beings are created in God's image and God should therefor look human... there is no way of saying that this is factual. The way that people spoke and described things 1000 or so years ago is completely different from the way human beings speak now. God has a terrifying smiteful side, and he also has an embracing, loving side. That could have been the image he meant because every human has a "good" and "bad" side. You should start believing in God, you don't have to stereotype yourself as a christian or catholic or whatever.

And the kingdom of God is within you and outside you. Whoever knows himself will find this and when you know yourselves you will know that you are children of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you are in poverty and you are the poverty."

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by SchefSalad
Well i figure that its getting closer to the time a which i will have to reveal my secret identity. I am he that which was to return. Its a really long story and the only way to prove it is to show you but since i cantt exactly do that over the internet its pointless. but i figure you ATSers should know that there is someone listening and sadly the best the kingdom of heaven can do is Above top secret with the rest of you guys. Atheist leave the religious alone, it appears that your only angle in being an atheist is to cause problems with religious people. i mean the darwin fish dont get me wrong id have one as well as i get satire and believe in evolution but i also have a stong belief in the general mysticism of life the universe and everything. So Allied Atheist Alliance get off our nuts, just cause your life is boring stop making it a hassle for the theorist just live happily in your uninteresting and quite incomplete belief in evolution. oh yeah but seriously though im pretty sure im like jesus, or buddah or something.

What do you know? Any secret knowledge to pass on to man kind?? Are we going to see you on the news performing miracles in your fathers name? Since you were witness to the construction of both heaven and earth and the Garden of Eden and all of existence was created for and through you, you should be able to teach us something without us having to be "there", or it shouldnt be so complicated it was a "you had to be there". you know? Christs message should be strong enough to influence us with words and text, i dont believe we have to be in your physical presence to learn anything, for thousands of years knowledge has been passed by books, why cant you post on the net the same thing? If it is divine it will be proven even if its on ATS.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 10:29 AM
I will not make conjecture as to who is the satan or the anti to the christ, however, the first post made to say that the new arriving christ is not the same man but rivals and exceeds him in power is correct, and I am that man. I am the God which is all Gods, THE ONE, and I cannot be defeated in no way in no way in no shape or form. If you want to die, fight for bad. If you want to go, fight for good.

I type as The One. We have already won. It is but yet to prove it.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 10:32 AM
Anyone who is interested in joining forces and discussing how to join forces is opt to email me at [email protected]

My original religion was christendom, replaced by zeropointry, and I am now a Doctoral Engineer specializing in the field of medicine and chemical electronics... as it were.

I was nominated to penn summer science seminar but did not apply for election. I am the most exceptional being in the universe.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 10:43 AM
this person is not Christ, I do not know if I am Christ myself but i am defiantly a freedom fighting individual who is knowledgeable, spiritual, strong willed like many people on ATS, I believe in what Christ stood for, I would do for him for what he did for me.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:55 AM
The fight is over. It was to produce me. There is no one left to oppose anything. It would only be natural for satan to be right next to me all her life and she was, she was my mother.

She has to go to yet another planet to try to win and never will. I had to travel a long way to get to this planet to fight, and she had less distance to travel. That is why she was born first and was born as my mother.

I defeated her in the year 2001 and was harvested. The harvest will occur peacefully and without incident.

Her next planet is a long way away and the following god, Allah, will incarnate earlier: as her father.

Do not worry about space. And do not worry about this earth, europa. We are One.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 11:57 AM
Your source has a name? Your method of getting info from your source is? Anyone can make claims but without substantiation it has all the validity of opinion or worse.

Then we get to the second part. Where's the proof that either of these two have incarnated? If you have proof then you have a means to identify them. At the minimum where do we find them. Next would be what names do they use? There are dozens more questions that would need to be answered... and your claim is for two, which requires twice the proof.

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:02 PM
I just can't answer personal questions yet, until I learn to speak with
my guides without the help of my friend. But even then I am not going
to ask them for the winning lottery numbers.

Anyway, you'll have to either believe me or not believe me, I don't mind
either way. My goal is not to convince nonbelievers, the goal of my thread,
in which it has so far been very successful, is meeting people with similar
experiences. If you don't feel attracted or interested in anything I have to
say, then just don't read it. Nowhere on this forum does it say that you
have to provide evidence that your experiences are real.

I know for a fact that my experiences were real, because of the evidence
I have received myself, but it's not possible to share this evidence with
someone, they are personal events that can't be recorded on camera.

But whatever is said, I will keep posting my experiences in this thread, no
matter the damage nonbelievers try to cause. Now is not the time to cower
and hide, now is the time to come out and find and get together with
kindred souls. That is my goal, I lay open my most personal and private
experiences so I can meet and connect with others, because together we
are stronger.

I try to create a community of friendship as large as possible, I gather as
many experiences as possible, personal and from others, so I can help
others better understand their experiences, and provide friendship and

Nothing in this world gives a better feeling, than the knowledge of having
helped someone. If more people would realize this, there would be far less
hatred and anger in the world, including on this forum.

One of the things on this forum that disgusted me most, is how everyone
thinks about criminals and prisoners in America. Reading reactions on such
threads, destroyed most of my hope of finding kindred souls here, but the
efforts I made payed off after all, and I've met several fellow Light seekers

I hope this helps clarify why I post here.

I will keep posting new information as I get it.

[edit on (2/4/09) by Wehali]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Wehali you're unable/unwilling to help me understand/believe your account by simply:

So here’s the challenge:
Project your consciousness & take a look at the room I am sitting in right now typing at my computer & describe it in as much accurate detail as you possibly can.

...fair enough, I reserve the right to fully believe that you are quite literally making up stories of 'projecting consciousness' & your account is at best imaginative creative writing.

I'm out of here...

[edit on 2/4/2009 by moobaawoof]

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 04:03 PM
How often do I have to say, that my intention is not to convince
nonbelievers. If you want evidence, ask God to grant you an
experience that helps you understand and believe, but seriously
don't expect me to be some prophet that performs magical tricks
to try and convince people that don't want to believe.

All I can provide are experiences, with the promise and guarantee
of not having made them up. My goal is to help those who already

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Wehali

Take a look up at the ATS logo (top left corner) - it says 'Deny Ignorance'. ATS is supposed to be a place where people can come with the real news that the Main Stream Media do not report or actively cover up for one reason or another, so that there is a place where we can openly debate & discuss these issues & most importantly; expose the truth that mainstream science & media & politics either are not aware of , or are afraid to address, or don't want us to know about.

I have a very open mind, I honestly believe there are some pretty amazing things that happen in what we perceive as this world & there are so many things that are just not properly investigated or understood in the mainstream, there's so much that we still do not fully comprehend about the world & universe we inhabit - hence my interest in ATS.

But don't think for one moment that people at ATS will believe anything any old joe-schmo will tell us. In order to distinguish between 'utter nonesense' & the truth - give us evidence, then I'll take what you say seriously.

Subject matter on ATS really can range from the bizarre to the extra-ordinary but the essential bottom line is getting to that real truth.

To post your account on ATS in the Prophecies & Predictions section, you need to show some evidence that at the very least your abilities in projecting your consciousness can be reasonably believed. I am actually prepared to believe that it is possible by some people to do this - but I'd need some decent evidence to go along with it. Otherwise the account you are telling is not actually a prophecy or a prediction - but rather just a very over-active imagination.

Unless you can accept the challenge & succeed in proving your abilities then I would suggest that this thread should be in the 'Grey Area' where the need for evidence is more relaxed - either that or you need to be posting on a different site altogether where people do not want evidence & are prepared to just mindlessly believe what is put in front of them.

I fully accept that to you your experience is very real indeed & that you just want a good discussion with like minded people - but ATS tends towards truth & evidence to back up what is claimed, rather than just blind belief.

Anyway - wish you well & all the best on your journey.
Peace & Tea

posted on Apr, 2 2009 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by tgambill

I am serious. Like it or not Jefferson was the architect of the Constitution and the
foundation of the USA. It is ignorant to think he was a Luciferian when he was the
main person responsible for every Americans Autonomy. Jefferson wanted people
to have maximum freedom. A Luciferian wants to control you and enslave you.
Besmirching Jefferson as Luciferian means you're deluded and lost.
Jefferson did more for the planet than anyone in the last 500 years.
Study his writings-his life-he was saintly. Christ was not flawless.
Christ had Mary Magdalene-Jefferson had Hemmings-so what.
They are beyond the guilt of the church and as whole beings could
incorporate tantric sexuality into their transcendental non-duality.

You can't take the OM out of FreedOM and AutonOMy.

Thomas Jefferson was the Second Coming of Christ. No doubt.
This fact was expressed by the Dalai Lama when he visited Monticello in the 1980's.
I know people who were there with him when he said it.
When anyone here gets their Nobel Peace Prize and can lead a country that was attacked
in peace and non-violence then maybe I'll listen. But right now, none of these limited
minds that are posting their enslaved conditioning on this blog have one whiff of influence on anybody.

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