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Black people 'less intelligent' scientist claims

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posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:11 PM
When we speak of intelligence, why do we immediatly think "academic achievment"?
And exactly why should high academic intelligence = general superiority?

Most Black Africans are simply not "wired" for academic achievment.
They also are not "wired" to form & manage complex governments,
Look at Haiti for instance. For that matter look at all of Africa.

We err in trying to mould them to the Western way of life, and have brought the entire African continent and the African race to ruin.
We cannot judge them by our standards and we cannot expect them to have the same behavioral patterns.

You could turn this around and imagine white folk living for thousands of years in tribal units without ever changing. Would they? And if not why not?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady
Whether or not this is true is certainly debatable, but is it worth debating? Casting one race/culture/class/sex as being more intelligent than another is degrading to the parties declared inferior. I think scientific research of this nature does little to unite our world and can do a wealth of damage by encouraging stereotyping and a sense of superiority. Can't scientific research be used for a higher purpose than this? ... I hope so.

[edit on 3/12/2009 by sad_eyed_lady]

I'd have to disagree with this. If asians are smarter, then they should get jobs that require the most intelligence. Looking closer within a group, knowing that there is a higher chance of finding what you're looking for in that group, to find something makes perfect sense i think. The only problem would be that some people might think they're being overlooked and THAT will become their reason for failure instead of their own shortcomings. Do you think it offends asians to call them smart? Do you think it offends blacks to call them fast? Nope. But there is a difference between accepting it and expecting it. expecting it is the problem. two cents, anyways.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:24 PM

Are all dogs the same?
The border collie is smarter than the bassett hound.
The golden retriever makes a good family dog, but the bloodhound is great for hunting.
Are all birds the same?
The eagle is alot larger and smarter than the hummingbird. He has better vision too.

IMHO, as human beings, we are broken down into species too.
Why wouldn't it make sense to say one species "as a whole" is smarter than another.
As a white guy, I have no qualms admitting that the Asian race "as a whole" is smarter than the white race. I also realize the black race excels in athletics.

Each race, I believe, has their "own thing" that makes them special.
And if there is a race that dominates intelligence, it also stands to reason that there is a race that does not. Unfortunate, but true.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 06:36 PM
I guess nobody has heard of the "Bell Curve". Very controversial about 20 years ago. Looks like someone is trying to revive it. Of course saying one race is dumber than another, even with proven results, is bound to cause controversy.

Part III of The Bell Curve contains the most controversial chapter in the book, "Ethnic Differences in Cognitive Ability." The data reviewed here are neither new nor surprising and find strong support in the current psychological literature (Humphreys, 1988). East Asians, living in Asia or America, score above White Americans in tests of cognitive ability; the best estimate of that difference is about three points with findings ranging from no difference to a 10-point spread in test scores. The difference in measured IQ between African Americans and Whites has remained at about 15 IQ points for decades, although there is some indication of very modest convergence due to fewer low scores in the African American population. Controlling for SES reduces but does not eliminate this difference, and of course, controlling for SES in ethnic group contrasts may eliminate a valid source of IQ variance. Moreover, ethnic differences on cognitive tests cannot be attributed to test bias.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by ghaleon12

By the term any less or any more I mean in the racial/sexual sense. Of course some people (individuals) will be taller, or smarter or whatever. What I was saying is that in the broad sense we all are created equal and are pretty much the same. God created us all the Bible says and it was Good it says. So I think singling out any group broadly and stereotypically is ignorant and usually bigoted.

The other point I made was that Charles Darwin said this exact same thing in his writings and he is a celebrated genius by many. I was pointing out that if Darwin was correct and we did evolve then maybe the negros are less evolved or more stupid or whatever else one might claim. If evolution is correct there are lesser and greater evolved peoples. This was Hitler's main deal too, he wanted to advance evolution by getting rid of inferior races and give evolution a boost. He of course thought Aryan was the pure and most evolved of the races so he targeted and killed many millions of Jews, Blacks, Slavs, Russians and Gypsies.

So basically if evolution and Charlie are right this man's research/statement may be correct and dead on. It may hurt feelings and seem racist but it would be truth under an evolutionary thinking process. If evolution is wrong and God Created man equal then this is nothing but appalling hatred, racism and bigotry. God said love your neighbor, evolution says survival of the fittest. Therefore the less fit MUST DIE OFF for the good of the whole.

Again I find this man's words to be ignorant, racist and stupid personally, he should be ashamed of himself for even thinking such things let alone saying or publishing them.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

In the sense Darwin used the word, race, it referred to type, or species. His works had nothing to do with racism against humans.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Geneticist1945

so, your entire argument revolves around cold is harder than hot?


posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I understand much of the thinking behind what you write, but I'm not sure if you are attempting to debunk the theory of evolution or not to suit your own interests.

Are you saying that for evolution to have occured it means that their must be differences, otherwise the theory of evolution is not possible. I do not see a single bit of sense in that theory, as clearly by their being no facts of differences intellectually it shows their is not a great difference.

The theory of evolution is not discredited in any way in the slightest by their being an absence of intellectual difference, I may have misunderstood but that seems to be what I generally summarise from what you wrote.

Or have I misunderstood?

[edit on 13-3-2009 by MrAnonUK]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by hotpinkurinalmint

Most asian languages use a different form of math that is literailly 1 hundred(s) 2 ten(s) and 6 one(s) plus 5 ten(s)

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by MrAnonUK

Black people 'less intelligent' scientist claims

so one guy - somewhere - who happens to be a "scientist" can say say anything he wants (just say it, by the way) and that's enough to kick off a serious debate?

Hardly breaking news I realise...

? - please explain...

well worthy of a debate

seems more like an opportunity - for something other than debate

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 07:55 PM
I have to agree that I think it is more cultural then genetics.
Like I read here once on ATS, I think some societies(not limited to one I might add) may be more focused on immediate gratification then others. Living in the here and now and personal advancement then focusing on the future or the advancement of society as a whole.

There are different kinds of intelligence. And level of productivity is not the sole guidance.

while a culture may be less technologically or educationally advanced, take a scientist into Africa and see how well they survive in the bush.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
reply to post by MrAnonUK

Black people 'less intelligent' scientist claims

so one guy - somewhere - who happens to be a "scientist" can say say anything he wants (just say it, by the way) and that's enough to kick off a serious debate?

Hardly breaking news I realise...

? - please explain...

well worthy of a debate

seems more like an opportunity - for something other than debate

Oh give me a break

You realize you're on a conspiracy forum where heated debates take place over theories with less evidence then this scientist shows, right? If you feel so strongly against what he claims then debate it and show us how stupid we are for even talking about it, don't just spit out some elitist nonsense.

And I thought people who lambasted reptilian threads were stuck up. Kindly get off you're high horse and realize no one is taking advantage of this mans claim with veiled racism, and if some are I'm sure our moderators will snuff out any inappropriate posts and give them a stern warning. Regardless, I find no problem debating such a theory and consider your post worthless with snide remarks and unsupported accusations.

You sure did show us.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Black people less intelligent than white people? Yikes!! Gawd!! I come into contact with white morons on a daily basis and I sure as hell don't believe black people are dumber than these boxes of rocks! Otherwise, how would they survive? Seriously.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by BrokenVisage

...You realize you're on a conspiracy forum where heated debates take place over theories with less evidence then this scientist shows, right?...

yes, in fact I do realize that - is this the new standard?

should we not expect more?

If you feel so strongly against what he claims then debate it and show us how stupid we are for even talking about it, don't just spit out some elitist nonsense.

elitist nonsense? :-) funny

...I'm sure our moderators will snuff out any inappropriate posts and give them a stern warning...

my concern is not for the posters that come after me - or whether or not they will or will not behave themselves

I'm entitled to my opinion - and it is this:

if you're going to start a controversial thread - based on nothing but a controversial statement - not science - then alert us straight away that you realize it will be controversial - then sit back and watch what happens - what's going to happen is exactly this -

you're going to get snide, stuck up, worthless elitist remarks and unsupported accusations

I showed up on time and as expected

why are you so angry?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by MrAnonUK

Do you think Michael Jackson would resit his school exams to see if there is any truth behind this claim ?

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:22 PM
I hope this is true because I would hate having everyone equal in every single way(read Harrison Bergeron), it would be a terrible world......

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Black people are physically superior to every other race on this planet. It's scientific fact and a really obvious one in my opinion.

If scientists have reasons to believe that black people are intellectually weaker than the other races. I don't see a problem.

The races are not equal, the sexes are not equal and individuals are certainly not equal.

Get of the "PC train".

[edit on 3/13/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
reply to post by MrAnonUK

Black people 'less intelligent' scientist claims

so one guy - somewhere - who happens to be a "scientist" can say say anything he wants (just say it, by the way) and that's enough to kick off a serious debate?

Hardly breaking news I realise...

? - please explain...

well worthy of a debate

seems more like an opportunity - for something other than debate

Okay, for the sake of saving your seeming paranoia I will explain myself, although you are seemingly the one person that seems to have such fears of hidden agendas that given my remarks throughout are relatively clearly non-existentl.

"Hardly breaking news" well, it is clear if you had taken a second to have read this article I am looking to discuss is relatively old, but I guess you decided to overlook that fact or simply replied negatively immediately without looking prior to 'opening your mouth.'

"that's enough to kick off a debate" well, it's enough for me wish to gather other peoples views on the issue and look to learn from how others would evaluate the opinions stated by the scientist. This is after all a forum, please see the definition of forum. It should not and does not only cover what you deem of interest to yourself.

"seems more like an opportunity" I am not as opportunistic as yourelf by your apparent desire to immediately flame another, this is a debate and a knowledge resource. A resource that my open the eyes of some people along with painting a clear picture of why such statements even though from a supposed respected person are utter rubbish.

Now please, show some reasonable comprehension other only negatives. I'm not even responding to you again, what utter rubbish... take a few minutes out and read the damn thread before making such rediculous and pointless suggestion.

Grow up.

And why somebody star' you only god knows, I suppose I had expected someone like you to show up earlier in actual fact, so your appearance so late is quite a result really.

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 10:08 PM
Each race is just as intelligent as the other. It depends on the environment and education(As you know, education isn't everywhere). Genetics also plays a part, but not entirely, fraction maybe. Whether you are black, white, hispanic, middle eastern, indian, albino, pink, red, green, it doesn't matter.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by Gouki]

posted on Mar, 13 2009 @ 10:09 PM
Ughh, stupid thread.
Old news is great!
Yes, blacks are collectively less intelligent, but it is due to socio-economics and available education, not genetics. Sure, if you are poor, you are going to have less chances. Does not take a scientist to work that out. Sure, you were born in the Serengeti - most likely you arent going to be a Phd in biochemistry.
This article says more about the stupidity of some scientists (and posters) than it does about genetics.

[edit on 13-3-2009 by cruzion]

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