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Muslim Preacher Mocks Fallen British Soldiers After Homecoming Parade Protest

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posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by IAF101

Shooting people we disagree with is the American way. Obviously, any rational people with even an iota of self respect would see this an not only a point of "contention" but more an affront on their country that cannot be tolerated and left unanswered.

Britain and the world would be wise to learn to learn from our example.

Sooo what you're saying is, human life means less to an American and you have no way to vent your anger apart from murdering people?

By the way, nice cheery avatar you got there.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
reply to post by Ownification

!/ If a British soldier was ordered to jump off a building by a superior they most probably would do without question. They don't question their superiors they just do as ordered.

OK let's take this one step further:
What if a soldier is ordered to kill his own family, would he do it?

2/ What on earth are you saying? If you're saying that we are being mislead by our government then yes I would agree with you but this doesn't change the fact that when your a proffessional soldier and you are ordered to do something you do it without question! The individuals in control may be wrong, they may be corrupt but this is not something that the average soldier in the field either questions or queries.
Those brave soldiers are there to do a job and they are the best at doing that said job.

I'm saying that it is a culture to follow orders, because of the saying "professional pride". Yes following orders wins wars but at a cost, to give an example would be the 'atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki'.

The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945

The bombers merely followed orders, now we are complaining about terrorists killing civilians. Hey those terrorists are also following orders, get my point? Hopefully I have clarified it enough.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Hey those terrorists are also following orders, get my point? Hopefully I have clarified it enough.

Then maybe these terrorists should put on a uniform and stand and fight rather then hide behind civilian clothes and fight like cowards.

I am Ex British Army and I have seen the forces take a beating in this forum, the whole oath and orders thing is being blown way out of proportion, as a soldier you follow orders, its pretty obvious to say that those orders have limits, but its not a soldiers job to question what wars are right and what wars are wrong, they do there job its what they have been trained to do.

If force has been authorised then there is no reason why soldiers would not use it, I would like to point out that the policy of the British Army on patrol is to be shot at first before shooting back.

Was we right to go into Iraq - Yes Saddam was a tyrant and needed to be ousted, was we right to go into Afghanistan, yes I think the decision was a good one the Taliban needed to be removed from power.

But I think that there are times when we do not go far enough, we turn a blind eye to some conflicts and I think this is a double standard. I'm thinking of some of the African atrocities that have been going on and are still going on that we are not doing enough to stop.

But they do a very good job around the world, the base in Cyprus has prevented a civil war, they carry out humanitarian missions all over the world, the Royal Navy routinely work to combat drug trafficking and more recently pirating.

The solider's home coming parade was not a political event no good could come out of protesting there so it should have not been allowed, the only goal I can see from the protesters was to incite hatred, the police do have powers to stop these protests that incite hatred and they should have used them.

As I said before if they have a problem they should take this to there local MP or go protest outside 10 Downing street.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 05:56 AM
Yeah you're right,we in the UK need to put an end to this crap,shootings to good for the f***er.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 06:28 AM
I've just finished a debate where the very issue (right to protest) was discussed.

Back to the topic at hand - why give these people credence by reacting to what they say?

It is much more effective just to NOT discuss their inane and provocative ramblings.

By getting all hot under the collar about it, we are giving them exactly what they want.

Treat them with the contempt they deserve.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

Funny how Americans claim to live by a notion of 'free speech' and yet want to SHOOT anyone who opposes what they say!

You know, we don't agree with it either, but it's that pathetically aggressive and violent-natured attitude of YOURS that spawns and perpetuates this crap.

Get rid of your guns before you all go crazy(ier?) and kill each other!

On second thoughts... Keep them.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by TheAmused

What is going on over there in UK?
If this happen here in America we would have shot em on the spot..

So from now on all Uk need not talk about how cowardly Americans are.
(visit the link for the full news article)

No we'll just relate you to violent psychopaths who have no way of dealing with any challenge apart from shooting them.

-- In regards to the issue at hand: These hate preachers although i disgree with what they have to say, they DO have the right so say it....

But i'm glad the crowd reacted the way they did... Show them that we disagree with their opinions.

Your response is a classic 'straddle the fence' response which is to try to see both sides. There is only ONE side with these zealots. Until you see that and have the COURAGE to call them your enemy you will be their victims. We as Americans NO LONGER try to just 'get along' . We know their agenda. If you are not with them, you are against them. They are short sighted, and the product of the dark ages. So choose. It is a FOR or AGAINST. There is no in between with these people. Get used to the fact that you HAVE to make such choices in life. This is one of those times.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by IAF101

Shooting people we disagree with is the American way. Obviously, any rational people with even an iota of self respect would see this an not only a point of "contention" but more an affront on their country that cannot be tolerated and left unanswered.

Britain and the world would be wise to learn to learn from our example.

Sooo what you're saying is, human life means less to an American and you have no way to vent your anger apart from murdering people?

Quite the opposite.
Human life means more to Americans than to Europeans. That is why we emphasize greatly on the quality and harmony of human life. Any abuse on our country or those who work in service of our country is an offense against all of us. Anybody who doesnt subscribe to those ideals has no place here and their ideologies will find no quarter amongst Americans. Our deeds merely convey this unequivocally.

[edit on 16-3-2009 by IAF101]

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 10:22 PM
Is it really a good idea to provoke people when they are hurting for lost family members ???

if anything its only going to end up in more pain and more people getting hurt.....

They should of been arrested for 'insighting possible racial violence'.....

but nooooo.... because they are muslim it would cause major hassles for the goverment....

In all honesty they should of let the crowd deal with it....

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Ownification

You haven't clarified squat.

You mention the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima with some lame comparison.

Just before those bombings, we had fought for 81 days on Okinawa. There were more killed during those 81 days on Okinawa than both atomic bombs together killed.

The invasion of Japan was estimated, based on the previous three years of combat, to cost a minimum of a million American casualties, and untold millions of Japanese.

Now, let's see. A couple hundred thousand and the war is over, or do we continue to slug it out and have millions of casualties.

Which is more humane? 200,000, or 3,000,000?

I know you Brits are much more civilized than we American cousins, and it's your business. Your Muslims, your country.

Personally speaking, I'm just waiting, as are hundreds of thousands more here in the States for our Muslims to start some crap. Just a hint of violence.

And on that day, we'll show you how it's done.

posted on Mar, 16 2009 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by IAF101

What a load of tripe. You have people protesting at the actual funerals of soldiers for crying out loud!

As for your "Human life means more to Americans than to Europeans." comment, can't say I am surprised at this coming from you IAF, but do you honestly believe it? You seem to post deliberately inflammatory stuff that has no basis in reality in an effort to make the US look grand, but instead makes you look ignorant.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
Quite the opposite.
Human life means more to Americans than to Europeans. That is why we emphasize greatly on the quality and harmony of human life. Any abuse on our country or those who work in service of our country is an offense against all of us. Anybody who doesnt subscribe to those ideals has no place here and their ideologies will find no quarter amongst Americans. Our deeds merely convey this unequivocally.

[edit on 16-3-2009 by IAF101]

If human life meant anything to Americans, you would have free healthcare, less guns and a more tolerant foreign policy.

I think what you mean is: "Rich white people's lives mean more to Americans than to Europeans".

I'm sure the people of Iraq are thinking "hey, those Yanks, y'can't beat 'em for not torturing prisoners and really treating the country they invade with respect and honour"...

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth

I don't know how much free health care has to do with respecting life, is it really good for world population to keep doubling at its current rate? While us Yanks go through good cycles and bad cycles, from my perspective, Europeans are setting themselves up for the perfect storm. Yo keep feeding, clothing, housing, and providing free medical care including maternity care to a people whose goal is to take over your countries, and pretty soon they will succeed.

Our guns in the U.S. keep our rich and powerful at bay, and help us to hang on to what freedoms we can. I would say that here in the U.S. we have been losing ground for the last thirty years, but the elites of late have screwed themselves by going too far, and the change is coming. What the rich have gained here in the U.S. through their long hard fight they will lose very quickly.

A great many Europeans might think that us Yanks are too harsh in our judgments, but compared to the way things are conducted in Middle Eastern countries, us yanks are all a bunch of catholic nuns. Waterboarding is like getting a massage at the parlor compared to the things that are done in the Middle East, especially under Saddam Hussain. Can you imagine yourself getting lowered into a meat grinder?

If your daughter or sister gets caught out in public without a proper escort, and gets gang raped by the local boys, who are most likely associated with the local powers that be, you can count on her getting beaten for her carelessness. Let's say you are escorting your daughter or sister, and the local authorities decided to detain you for any excuse they can make, leaving your daughter or sister without escort, they can do whatever they want with her then.

Is this the world you want to live in? Is this the world you want your grandchildren to live in?

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I don't know how much free health care has to do with respecting life, is it really good for world population to keep doubling at its current rate? While us Yanks go through good cycles and bad cycles, from my perspective, Europeans are setting themselves up for the perfect storm. Yo keep feeding, clothing, housing, and providing free medical care including maternity care to a people whose goal is to take over your countries, and pretty soon they will succeed.

Free health care available to all is a human right. At least it is in this country! In America only the rich white middle and upper classes who are insured can expect to be treated. As for the rest of what you say. . . It pains me to say it but I think you're right. Hitler must be kicking himself for not thinking of it. If only he had sent his German soldiers over to claim benefits and free housing while setting up special meetings to spread the nazi ideology, he would have certainly won the war.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Mintwithahole.

Well, in our Constitution here in the States, free healtcare is not a right. Nor is public education, as far as that goes.

I don't know what healthcare has to do with the Muslims mocking British Soldiers who were returning home. Any general worth his salt would have then issued full magazines, and let the games begin.

It's alright. You guys keep giving inches, and soon, you'll be called to mandatory prayers about five times a day.

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by dooper

It's quite telling that every post is about bloodshed.

Issue full magazines and let the games begin?

No wonder the world is in the state it is - that bull is straight out of the Dubya handbook on foreign relations.

And before you start gobbing off about inches and miles, I suggest you look up the word "tolerance" and the phrase "freedom of expression"

It might not be right, but they are within their rights to protest in any way they choose.

[edit on 17/3/2009 by budski]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by budski

Before you start spouting "tolerance" and "freedom of expression," you might want to look up those terms in Muslim countries, and find out what it means to them, especially since most of Europe is headed in that direction.

And while you have the Dictionary out, look up "weakness," "gutless uncertainty," "social creep," "defeat," and "compulsion."

"So they go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent." Winston Churchill

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by dooper

I don't need to - I live in the UK, where we practice REAL tolerance and REAL freedom of speech.

FYI - out of 20,000 leaflets distributed to call muslims to protest against a march in Luton for the Royal Anglians, 16 turned up - that says a lot about how muslims integrate into British society, that they wanted no part of it.

I may not like what these so-called muslims had to say, but I will defend their right to say it.

Sounds to me like you don't have the first notion of what you profess to be expert in.

[edit on 17/3/2009 by budski]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by budski

Real tolerance and real freedom of speech? Really? You'll have to explain the difference someday.

I recall seeing in some old newspapers from 1940, where the British Government was advertising in US newspapers, begging for US citizens to send their personal guns - any gun, any caliber - rifles, pistols, and shotguns to the UK as the population was unarmed, and the German Army was just across the Channel.

The Japanese, when suggested to Nagumo that they could invade the US West Coast, told them that there would be a gun behind every blade of grass. Nagumo had lived and studied here in the US for an extended period of time. He knew the deal.

In the Twentieth Century, Turkey, Germany, the Soviet Union, China, Guatemala, Uganda, and Cambodia first outlawed guns, and then were able to slaughter 54 million of their people who now had nothing to fight back with.

Since Australia forced gun owners to surrender 640,381 guns for destruction, costing Australian taxpayers in excess of $500 million, homocides are reported up 3.2%, assaults up by 8.6%, and armed robberies are up by 44%!

In Victoria alone, homocides were reported to be up by 300%. It seems that the law abiding citizens turned in their guns, while the criminals didn't. Now, the criminal element has little to fear from the unarmed population.


I'm a citizen. Not a subject.

So sixteen showed up? That's sixteen too many.

And I don't recall professing my expertise in anything.

I'm just a bit better at some things than other things.

[edit on 17-3-2009 by dooper]

posted on Mar, 17 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by budski

I'm just a bit better at some things than other things.

[edit on 17-3-2009 by dooper]

Like avoiding issues and derailing threads?

Big news drooper - it's the 21st century

Time to leave those tired old attitudes behind.

Like it or not, multi cultural society is here to stay.

Personally, I like it, and so do my friends of every race, colour and creed, as we move with the times and treat misinformed bigots like the alleged preacher in the OP article (and others) with the contempt they deserve and leave them alone to sit around telling war stories and trying to stir up hatred against their fellow humans.

[edit on 17/3/2009 by budski]

[edit on 17/3/2009 by budski]

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