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The Quickening: accelerated Karma to 2012

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Wehali
I've learned that untill 1985 or so, our planet was circling around the sun
in the 3rd dimension. In this dimension, karma is very slow, and it can
take many years to manifest in your life, most karma will only manifest
in one of your future incarnations.

But when we reached the year 1985, our planet has entered the 4th
dimension, and the higher the dimension, the faster karma accelerates.
Now when you hurt someone, the consequences will manifest before you
only a few years later.

[edit on (15/2/09) by Wehali]

Oh you've learned this have you mate? Well now i know the meaning of it all...[ill-mannered comment removed]

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[edit on 16-2-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by brengizzle

Oh you've learned this have you mate? Well now i know the meaning of it all...idiot.

LOL chill out, no need to call anyone an idiot.

Haven't you been reading? Stay positive!...

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Ignore the negative and stay inspired by the positive. Phoenix you have made good contributions to the thread and there is bound to be some that do not understand to the point that they will lash out. Its probably not very fun for someone with that mindset to see others rise above.

Remember your namesake and rise above those ashes.

P.S. I wanted to add: Lets all of us ignore any negative comments and let any trolls just stay Hungry.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
Do we as an entire people pull ourselves closer to the source (God) or push ourselves further away?
Or do you raise your conscience? All our choices effect the others like boats creating wakes on the water. Each ripple effects the entire conscienceless grid

Your comments reminded me of this:
"God is the Ocean – Infinite, Shoreless Ocean. Every drop in the Ocean is the Ocean Itself, for there are no drops at all – it is all an Indivisible Shoreless Ocean."

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:08 PM
yes i have noticed this beyond much of a shadow of a doubt. Ive always been ultra sensitive, felt others pain, etc. to the point where it's embarrassing being a man in this sad, sad society because wrong doing, especially when i witness it in person, affects me incredibly deeply.

Last year a lot of 'stuff' happened. One of my best friends died, tried to contact him, noticed some really weird 'coincedences' happening with lights (100 pound chandelier above me at a funeral moving and no one else noticed, would stop when i would look at it/ Would get a phone call from my Mom telling me i should study psychologly and i would log onto my email to find 3 fresh duplicates of a 'Apply for a Psychology degree today' sent right during the conversation.) ...

New to college and experimentation with drugs, as well as open mindedness lead to some do i put this, earth changing experiences.

Imagine bringing a marijuana plant that has a never before seen mutation (exponential growth, branches were confused and thought they were main stems) to a forest to plant it and let it be, and find yourself staring at an orange orb watching you in the sky.

Feeling extremely at peace with nature, and then pushing everyone that loves you away because your feet come completely unglued from the earth because of a certain video...

Excitement of everything that was happening to me (feeling and emotions i was having seemed to be mirrored by people, Kathy Griffith on Larry King last June) as well as news casts mimicking and almost mocking my thoughts (fear that i may have had a brain tumor and i was becoming delusional and then a news cast talking about teens getting tumors...)

Well a lot of other stuff happened, including a boy dieing in my building, and a very strange reality alteration that myself and two others perceived in my room, as if something had passed in front of or through us, we all felt very cold too.

Either way, lots of other extremely, extremely strange things happened (power outages in my room only when i would be thinking the hardest, a shirt i had with the illuminati eye on it was in the middle of my floor perfectly folded one morning that i woke up, probably slept walked). I also discovered that i can, and i think anyone can, see straight through aluminum foil...i mean at i least i could when i randomly thought to do it. I also stared into a halogen light for a few seconds, close up, and i could see the electricity pulsing through the fixture in clear detail, that was very neat to see.

Irregardless. my creative thoughts were essentially carried into over drive by that film Esoteric Agenda and by reading other fear mongering stuff you often see here, i ended up freaking the hell out and admitted myself to the hospital where i spent 9 days in a behavioral clinic...

Of course...having the other people randomly gravitate towards you, personnel mentioning things like having brain tumors or AIDS...after a very very VERY strange girl told you you had AIDS...after a schizophrenic tells you that you are in his dreams and that you demonize him....yes i experience some pretty insanely aging stuff at the age of 19...Oh and the whole trying to medicate me but the medication at maximum dosage barely absorbing into my blood stream, and being accused by psych's that you are lying about taking it...ya that sucked. Oh and the video was also pulled off the internet during my stay so they accused me of hallucinating.

Needless to say Im happy as a hound nowadays, have learned some incredibly powerful mental techniques to fend off fear or anxiety, and im just ready to help as much as i can for anyone, any time, no matter apocalypse or mundane. Ive had a few dreams lately, one of which was saving my ex-girlfriends Mom who was soon after diagnosed with colon cancer which she is recovering from now cancer free, as well as a dream about co piloting a plane that crashed into water...i think you can do the math lol.

Peace to all of you

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:10 PM
2012? Take some time to watch this presentation. This is from Mayanmajix, and explains the calendar better than anything I have seen, but be warned, it may upset your 2012 notion...A thief in the night may be coming in Oct of 2011!

For Real:

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:24 PM
I've begun to notice that people are becoming smarter. The people I use to talk to a few years ago that seemed so "stupid" have now all changed and got smarter.

When I'm talking about smarter, I'm referring to being more "aware".

The curtains are beginning to unfold, and the evil wizard is becoming exposed. People are starting to see that the world doesn't have be this way, and that it can and will change to become better.

War is not the answer. Compassion for human kind is.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by corusso

"God is the Ocean – Infinite, Shoreless Ocean. Every drop in the Ocean is the Ocean Itself, for there are no drops at all – it is all an Indivisible Shoreless Ocean."

We are like drops of water from that ocean. Even though we are separated from the source we will always go back to the source and be one, once again.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Part of me still wants to curl up into the fetal position and stroke and covet my regrets...they are mine! I am a Cancer born on a full moon on a Monday long ago and we do love to stroke our pain.

I too am a Cancer born on a full moon on a Monday long ago, my friend. I too like to stroke and covet my regrets and pain. It's what we have to learn from. It is the origin of the need for change. It is the experience we have to use as reason and desire to stop and prevent others from feeling, if we truly care.

It is what we use as the basis of fear. It is what stops us from connecting completely and honestly with others. The raw truth of ourselves, that we must accept, and then covet and stroke, and then actually love. (even whist wearing a meatsuit...omg)

My experiences with falling in the same psychological and spiritual holes is what keeps me learning every facet of the situation. Like lessons we have tests and don't pass, take the test over and learn a little bit more. How many and how much pain there is to learn is hard to say. Getting it completely takes time and we aren't always as "smart" as we think we are. We know something intellectually, but don't know it in our heart yet. Don't know it in our soul yet. Then once we do, we can teach.

People who seem odd in many ways have much to teach, those quiet souls who look damaged, have much to teach. Don't look past them, reach out and ask them questions. The ones with the most wisdom aren't always writing books or on the lecture tour. Some are right here on ATS, hidden from view, but have a voice all the same.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by seagrass]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

I would like to ask some questions. For isn't questioning the basis of learning?

Does not everything happen for a reason?

If this is so then trolls or people of lower mind set have came here for a reason something bigger than any of us have sent them here.

Are they sent to us so that maybe something we say to them might somewhere down the road lead them on their own spiritual journey?

Or are they here to help us check ourselves in our personal spiritual journey?

Why in answering a post by one would you have to come back negitive?

Why would you let name calling and not understanding you make you angry?

Should you if you are spiritually evolved not feel sympathy for them and want to help them?

Do any of you remember what you were like at one time or have you always been enlightened? In other words do you remember your roots? When you forget where you have started from and how you got to be where you are today in your journey how can you help someone else even start off on theirs?

If you have does this make you a deterent to others spiritual plight?

I take it the comment on posting back to people that don't agree with things in this thread is probably directed to me.

This will be my last post in this thread. But I will speak my mind. I do not consider spirituality an elitest thing. It is for everyone.

If I can say one thing in a compassionate way to one troll or one unbeliever that maybe 3 years down the road makes something click and starts them in their journey than I have done well.

If I set on my elite throne and refuse to confront anyone with compassion that disagrees with my views than I have done nothing and am not as spiritually developed as I hope I am. Instead I become someone that just pays lip service to progression of the spirit and does not do the actions of the spirit that it should in helping others.

Have you ever heard the term kill them with kindness? Ignoring something does not make it go away. Trying to control does make people go away.

I've seen so many spiritual threads on this site where people say how evolved they are. Yet when a nay sayer comes in I see them turn ugly and proud they chased them off or want to shut them up so they go a way.

How can you be a ripple in the pond that helps everything connect if you don't let the other ripples touch you? You become a ripple that slowly dies out.

No one really has to answer these questions for I will not be checking for the answer..but maybe it will help some people think.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:16 PM
The clouds at sunset today were the most radiant and brilliant shade of bright pink I think I had ever seen. It was just one of the best of all possible moments to be alive and on this earth looking their beauty.

I might have missed them though. The draw bridge was up over the inter-coastal waterway. That was 12 minutes I hadn’t counted on loosing. Then two miles further there had been an accident at the railroad crossing. That was 15 more minutes I hadn’t counted on being in traffic. I ended up having to detour miles to the north taking me another 20 minutes out of my way. Then at last I had my perfect due west course to my destination with the splendor of the setting sun and the luminance hues of Mother Nature’s made color.

Yeah Karma it sucks! Its fun to be alive.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by seagrass

Yes, and some of them even hide in plain sight all the while talking of the others hiding about

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by seagrass

A kindred soul indeed.
I have not had a chat with you in ages it seems.

That post really touched me.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:28 PM
I starred you Nap-57 even though you say you wont come back to the thread.
I agree with you very much. The student is the teacher... I learned that one a long time ago.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
reply to post by seagrass

A kindred soul indeed.
I have not had a chat with you in ages it seems.

That post really touched me.
I have missed you too. Where have you been? You must have fell in one of those holes? Glad you climbed out and joined us again.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by napayshni57

Oh I didnt think I was angry. I just did not want to feed the negativity here. The world has enough negativity we do not need it to balance this thread. I am one that believes in the darkness for it does bring me the light.

I have never claimed to be enlightened. I am but a drifter as we all are. I was not angry I may sometimes seem to be if I do its because of the moon.

Love is the law love is the bond.

Edit to add: I just re-read your post and I am a bit confused. I know you said you wont read this but what the heck. Sure none of us were born to understand the subtleties in life, it is why we are here to learn these things. Now if that person that we are talking about had a constructive criticism or valid point that is a student looking for knowledge. This person did not do that though and was just here to bait. That is what I would prefer not to have. That is but a game and not a stroll to the path of learning.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by seagrass

I have missed you too. Where have you been? You must have fell in one of those holes? Glad you climbed out and joined us again.

I fall in, fall out and then back in again. Damn moon phases and all!

I have been around, our paths just have not crossed lately. I spend most time my in u2u with a few close friends. Some are really close.

I like most cancers keep my opinion to myself and let others speak.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Originally posted by seagrass

I have missed you too. Where have you been? You must have fell in one of those holes? Glad you climbed out and joined us again.

I fall in, fall out and then back in again. Damn moon phases and all!

I have been around, our paths just have not crossed lately. I spend most time my in u2u with a few close friends. Some are really close.

I like most cancers keep my opinion to myself and let others speak.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by LoneGunMan]
Bet it's not the moon and most likely Pluto or Saturn you should blame(and give credit as well) The moon seems to be trustworthy like the tides. The others are the sneaky ones!!

You must have been in financial and political threads....places I do not tread...

I also spend time in "u2u" with CLOSE friends... Really close... Kindred friend.. hee hee.

I keep my opinions to myself as well, unless someone says something I think I know something about. Speak up more often LoneGunman, you have much to teach.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by seagrass

I also spend time in "u2u" with CLOSE friends... Really close... Kindred friend.. hee hee.

Hey that didnt work for me when I met you! Damn I must be losing my touch.

Edit so I dont end up in hot water

Thank you for the compliment I keep having people tell me to share more.

[edit on 17-2-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 01:52 AM
Yeah, I totally understand this rapid polarization thought. In my last three years it seams like my whole.... everyday life has been threaded by a steady negative. I was feeling like the only thing I could do was either, curl up in the fetal position, or just lay down and die. When I think back now though, I can see the instances where I created that genitive, and where it quite literally is a ripple effect drawn in from the universe. It was as recently as November that I noticed things have started turning around for me. I feel like I can do more now, I feel connected to myself more (I can even feel/sense my third eye more these says), and I feel like the sun is just slipping over the mountains.

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