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Conspiracy to Surpress the Truth & Homosexuality

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Just for that, I'm sure I could come up with at least ten more posts to contribute to this thread. Out of the goodness of my heart and all.

On second thought... Nah.

Happy Thanksgiving. This tick has to get stuff ready for tomorrow. You all enjoy your enlightening opinions that I am sure will overflow this thread with all sorts of awesomeness. You and Cruz will show us how it's done.

You still interested in your 'tattoo all the Christians' idea you introduced into that other thread?
Enjoy your tolerance.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 04:36 PM
I realize you are fascinated by history, but can you show me anywhere in the last 50 years that Christians have murdered thousands for no other reason than a conflict of religious beliefs? reply to post by TheRedneck

Apparently the USA is 80% christian, so should we begin with Iraq ?

Here's an intersting story - Canadas' Genocide - Starring Jeeeeeesus Christ ! Keep the kleenex handy, and the title ouny last a few second so have saint like patients,

Oops , Ive linked part 2 of the vid not to worry, it's a good taster

[edit on 26-11-2008 by moocowman]

[edit on 26-11-2008 by moocowman]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
reply to post by melatonin

I can actually see most of the changes you have made, mel. A few I might take exception to, but those are more differences in opinion than religious beliefs. Others I could argue that the number of extremists in the Christian religion would be much smaller than the number of extremists in the Muslim faith. But I think you summed up my point right here:

But it's fair to say that islam, taken as a whole, is a tad more extreme than christianity. Wasn't always that way, of course.
which is what I was trying to point out. I might myself consider the difference more than a 'tad', but then again, how much is a 'tad'?

Heh, it was ambiguous for a reason, pretty subjective to quantify. Perhaps we could express it like this, a 95%CI of

Islam: 10-19th century thinking (mean = 14th)
Christianity: 14-19th century thinking (mean = 17th)

And of course, I have to agree wholeheartedly that in certain times in the past things were reversed. The Muslim faith has given the world fascinating art, poetry, and architecture. Too bad it is now more interested in destroying.

Oops, off topic. Sorry all.


They desperately need a eurostyle enlightenment. One way to foment change would be to empower their women - Johann Hari made a similar suggestion. But they have certainly been running backwards. However, I would also suggest that christianity has been slowly regressing as well.

I have a biased viewpoint, though. Christians in the UK tend to be pretty moderate and cool (although, again, a wacky fringe is raising its acne-ridden mug). So the extremist islam undercurrent sticks out like a big stinking boil here. However, I meet fantastic intelligent moderate 2nd generation british muslims all the time - but it might be the fact I have a rather educated sample.

Anyway, yeah, off-topic. Back to the scheduled 'teh gay are teh sUx0rz' thread...

[edit on 26-11-2008 by melatonin]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:00 PM
You still interested in your 'tattoo all the Christians' idea you introduced into that other thread? Enjoy your tolerance. reply to post by AshleyD

Nope changed my mind twice since, thought about a barcode but am now willing to settle for an implant. Never know though someone will probably come up with a thought scanner making the implant obsolete.
Darn, the jesusgod has got the patent on that one hasn't he ?

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Apparently the USA is 80% christian, so should we begin with Iraq ?

OK.... let me see if I get this tight.

Your contention is that the US is a Christian nation because a majority of the citizens claim Christianity. But it seems every time I even allude to the fact that the country is mostly Christians, I am besieged with the old 'separation of church/state' and 'it's a secular nation' cries. So someone wanna make up their minds? Which is it? You can't complain that it's secular when that approach pleases you and then complain that it's Christian when it doesn't.

Also, I don't remember anyone stating that the Iraqi War was a religious war. Maybe it is to the Muslims (Al-Quaida), but then again wasn't Pakistan helping us? Aren't they Muslim? How about the Turks? I assume Australia is a Christian theocracy as well? Oh, and don't forget our biggest ally in the Iraqi War: The UK! Oh, wait, I see you're from Wales... so that must make you a Christian, since you are apparently from a Christian country!

As to the video, I watched a bit of it. Sounds like some Catholic school (I am assuming; a bit hard to hear between the sobs) violated the law. At least I assume so, since George Brown of the RCMP was speaking about the atrocities. Imagine that, illegal activities, carrying (again I assume) prison time as a result, whereas I know of no Muslim country that cared to prosecute anyone for the Trade Towers bombing. Actually, I can remember Palestinians dancing in the streets over it.

And where was Jesus in the film? I didn't see Him.

I guess an apology is in order here. I actually thought I was debating an issue with someone who was capable of coherent thought. Forgive me. Please, proceed with your fine example of how compassionate and understanding we all should be.



posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by toochaos4u
reply to post by Good2Go

I do not condone men cheating on their spouse in this manner because it is a lie. That is why I have shrugged off married men for my entire life "out" because this does in fact hurt others. At the same time society encourages this hiding though.

Thanks for replying! I highlighted this part because this is the situation I find myself in with my friend-(that I've had since kindergarten. We go back a long time.) I can't condone her behavior because that would just be enabling it. Biblically, I'm not to associate with her until she turns around. And I think that is why society has to uphold these statutes or else it would be a free for all. Not upholding God's laws is rebellion. The reason why we can't accept it is because it goes against God's will.
And that's the standard we as christians try to uphold, His will. You'll find we often do a poor job at that ourselves. And we also try to snatch others from the fire-I think you can find that in Jude. I hope you see that intent here.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

There were no references to homosexuality in the Bible until a bunch of clerics sitting around a table in a smoke-filled room decided to add it back in 1946.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by moocowman

No I mean earn, Faith yes is something you believe in without knowledge of a truth but most people think faith is as easy as following rules out of a book. My vision on Faith is not only being a believer in something else afterlife but being a believer in how you live your life will mean a better life in the future. That type of Faith is only earned, it is not taught, and no matter how many hail mary's you say it won't make a difference. My point is that absolute faith in your creator means absolute faith in your fellow man.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Lokey13]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Absolute Bunkum!!!

It's well known, or at least should be by now, that Biblical scripture has been doctored over time to suit the whims, fancies and political agendas of the Church, Individuals and elite or clandestine groups throughout history. Most noteably the council of Nicea whereby Constantine gave the crumbling Roman empire a new lease of life by deciding what, out of the vast array of doctrines followed by a multitude of contemporary Christian sects were deemed acceptible to further the Churches political agenda etc, etc.

This kind of attitude just reiterates the blind acceptance and frenzied belief system of many modern day pro-theocratic "Christians", In fact, I cant really see a difference between this attitude and that of Muslim fundamentalists who stone people to death, the modern term "Christianity" bares little resemblance to the original belief system....One Just has to read the history, and theology books that are easily obtainable nowadays to get an open minded view of Biblical scripture and the integrity (or lack of) of the Church.

Many people are Homosexual....get over it! How ignorant to impose homophobic statements like this. I'm not gay myself, but if same sex partners want to love each other, it's sure as hell better than the hate and intolerance prevelent in modern "Christian" circles. Im confident that any "Real" creator would accept people as they are, at least those that do no hurt to others.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

Funny how you keep stating the world trade center buildings if that wasn't the biggest scape goat for war in the past 10 years what else could be? Our government let that happen.

I will point you to a definition of Catholicism which if your a christian, catholic, protestant, whatever this is where your religion spawned from so there for sorry to tell you but whatever denomination your all Catholic.Def. of Catholicism

I think since GW can be placed in to your categories of religion I would put Iraq on the list of Christian attrocities in the past 10 years nevermind 50. The Iraqi civilain death toll far out weighs our World Trade Center incident about 1000 to 1 and like I said our goverment let that happen. But you believe whats your pastors and ex-commander and cheif spit at you, you seem to be progressing quite well. O and by the way if you didn't notice Iraq wasn't responsible for that little plane attack; so what would you call them a victim of circumstance?

Also about schools I haven't heard a single case on american television about Muslims needing to have prayer in school and I'd say thats in about the last 8 months, I've heard more "Hang Obama" chants, from christian supporters of McCain. This would lead me to think these people need education really really bad and prayer should be no where near school to confuse them, actually thats a good question are you confused Redneck? Sounds like it, cause you have everything backwards. Worldwide Christianity has the most numbers, Islam being second, I think the Christians are just scared they have some compitition. And how better to flex there multi-zillion dollar wealth but to constantly slander muslims.

No matter what you say from the last comments you've made, I have put you in to a certain category of people in my mind. Your not the type I would find any need to take a single snipet of credible information from. Good day my friend, read a book.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Lokey13]

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Lokey13]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:38 PM
Wow, a ton of posts since I've checked last. I feel the need to separate Myself from this hatefulness. I cant stand it anymore. What is it with people who feel it's their right to judge others on personal preferences . Why do people put so much attention on things that can never be changed as opposed to the things that can? A local church had a 'sit-in' and prayed all wknd over the 'gays' and what they're doing to Our country. Give me an effing break. So much negative energy and attention payed to things that are really none of their business to begin with. Can you imagine the power of that energy if it were channeled in a positive, loving fashion towards peace/love. When will You/they learn that Your beliefs aren't right for everyone, no matter how much You'd like to force it down Our throats. More often than not it's those people who are the most hateful and judgmental of all. Oppression is still wrong even under the guise of Your religion. Quit trying to save everyone else, concentrate on what You can change, which is Yourself. Accept the fact that Your God would look poorly upon You and Yours for judging others and how they choose to live, it's not Your job, get over it. You are no better, in My eyes than a racist or a sexist. I will say, that without question, that some of the most wonderful, loving and honest friends I have are gay and I wouldn't want them any other way. They are who they are and I adore them for it. I fail to grasp this mindset of bigotry and ignorance. You promote the same hate and fear that has ruled Our world for too long. We are meant to love and embrace one another and Our differences, despite Our differences. Life is about experience and We can never experience all there is on Our own, we need to rely on others to help us. Fortunately,there are fewer and fewer people who believe the way You do, You are a dying breed. I'd like to quote something someone way to wise for their age said when asked about homosexuality- 'I don't understand it, but everyone deserves to be happy, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.' That my ats friends was My 11 yr old son. if he can get it why can't You? That day I smiled to Myself and realized that we as a people just might have a chance.

Peace. K*

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by LittlePinky82

Rules are clearly out the window since this entire thread is a clear abuse of the terms of use.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

The majority of the USA is christian and America is somewhat of a democracy. If the people have power then USA is a Christian nation. I don't agree with that, it was born secular and should stay that way, but that's just how things go.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:11 PM


posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by DrumsRfun
If the wrath of God is to be poured down upon the earth it will be because we have not followed the teachings of Jesus as recorded in the book of Matthew: feeding, clothing, sheltering the poor; protecting the most vulnerable among us. And, while you're in the book of Matthew, consult chapter 19 and recognize that Gay people ARE the EUNUCHS mentioned therein. "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

Pittsburgh Joe

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:25 PM
you sir are an idiot. Nothing has changed in the world since the beginning. The only thing that has changed is that we have cell phones and computers, human nature has remained the same. This God you speak of does not need type setting and to be leather bound. In other words God is so powerful that if he wanted everyone to know his words he would just simply put it in everyone's mind and still give men the power to decide wither or not he or she will live by it. Have you not seen the power and the magnificent glory of the sun. That is power. Now you want me to believe that he needs you to speak or to spread his word. Before real. Gods does not need you. The bible is mans words and mans laws. If God did not stop homosexuality after Sodom and Gomorrah what makes you think that you can. How arrogant!

Gods laws are that a man and man cannot make a baby. A woman and a woman cannot make a baby. A horse and a monkey can not make a baby. The law of gravity. Those are examples of Gods law. God doesn't care if people of the same gender have sex with each other. Get real. You are full of yourself. God does not need you. You need God. He does not need you speak for him or defend his word. After all he is the one who created the sun, the moon, and the heavenly structures. Now that is power which you don't have. You are arrogant and full of yourself. Get off your high horse.

The same bible that you read says that we are all sinners which means you too. Are you perfect? And if not why are you concerned about other peoples so called sins, you should be working on your own. Are your sins less warranted of going to hell?

Get off your high horse. You are not perfect. See you in hell.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Lokey13

I will point you to a definition of Catholicism which if your a christian, catholic, protestant, whatever this is where your religion spawned from so there for sorry to tell you but whatever denomination your all Catholic.

Pure ignorance. You know what I am more than I do. Very well, enough said. Well almost. I like your words, they seem apt to end this ridiculous discussion on:

Good day my friend, read a book.


posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Sorry I can't remember chapter and verse, but anyone who's read the books these passages came from should have remembered them, I suppose.
Jesus said; "I tell you solemnly it will go better for Sodom on that day, because if the word had been preached in their time, they would have repented." and, I think it was St.Paul who preached "They will hate you in those times, because of the way religion is practiced.
As far as prayer, Jesus said '....when you pray, go to that place only you and your Father know (described the Lords' Prayer)." There are passages stating open and ostetatious prayer are inappropriate. St. Paul preached that anyone who teaches that Religion is infinately greater than athletics will be doing good, and one of the complaints about removing public prayer from sports has been claimed to be godless. The translation I remember, of St. Paul also, states that '...there is to be no competition, controversy or argument among you', and public ( and possibly ostentatious) prayer at competitions sounds like a mixture of religion, maybe a little naive hypocracy and nationalism to me. You can pray anytime. No-one is stopping you. (If memory serves correctly, I looked in Strongs Exhaustive Concordance for the words 'competition', 'argument' and 'controversy', and couldn't find them.
I don't know if common Biblical resources can be depended upon if words in an ostensibly correct translation cannot be found in a reference.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 09:38 PM

There is a conspiracy to suppress the truth in unrighteousness and for this reason the wrath of God is being visited upon the earth - quite noticeably in the United States as we have exchanged the truth for a lie beginning with the banning of school prayer in the 1960s and currently with the ACLU's efforts to have wild atheistic speculations exchanged for science.

There is never and there has never been a ban on school prayer. You are allowed to pray at public school when ever and where ever you want, you can pray as a group in athletic games, you can form a prayer club. You can read the bible, the quran, the Torah – what ever things you want to where ever you want, in your public school.

Hell go to you public school library, there’s probably a bible there! It is a lying propagandas piece of BS that says there has ever been a ban on school prayer.

What there is a ‘ban’ on is mandatory prayer. Public school which are a branch of the government right, funded by the government are not allowed to lead or force prayer in school but anybody can pray anytime they want to.

This is sort of like if I went to your house and forced you to watch pornography day after day after day, I forced you to watch pornography for years and then one day I said you, know what I’m not going to force you to watch pornography – you can watch it or you can not watch it, it’s up to you and then you come up to me and complain why did you ban pornography.

I’m curious as to why this myth that there is a school ban on school prayer was propaganded, because a lot of Christians believe that you can not pray at school – I mean this is a real belief of there’s. And it’s perpetuated by the Christian leaders and the Christian community.

You would think that if they really thought there true motivation were to get people to pray, they would let the Christians know they’re allowed to pray. If more prayer equals good they would tell people the truth that there’s no ban on school prayer, you can pray at school whenever you want. But it’s not there goal, there goal is to have an extra foothold with the youth. Because what happens in school – no bodies praying right, no body prays because the youth would much rather go and play grab ass and smoke weed behind the bleaches then pray and Christians do not want to face this fact.

So they have to, they have to get back mandatory school prayer, because right now half of everybody under 25 is not a Christian in America and it’s going to get so much better in the years to come!

And the toper, the toper to all of it is that Christians can then go and act like they are being persecuted by the evil atheist minority, when no such thing has happened.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 10:49 PM
You Christians lost on the issue of slavery. You lost on the issue of women's rights. You lost on the issue of torturing heretics and unbelievers. You will lose on the issue of homosexuality, too. You will simply have to get used to the fact that people aren't scared of you anymore, and we don't fear your nonexistent sky-god. The Bible is being seen for what it is--an outdated collection of myths, fables, barbaric laws, and insanity masquerading as enlightenment. Also, we don't feel the need to govern what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Maybe you should worry about your own personal life and let others live how they want to, especially since they aren't interfering with you in any way.


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