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Obama Born In Kenya? His Grandmother Says Yes

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Sublime620

It comes from the Berg lawsuit. Here is the original article that the cites as their source:

Berg's suit claims the senator's grandmother, brother and sister, who live in Kenya, believe they were present during Obama's birth in the African country.

The Times Herald, a Philadelphia Newspaper.

On the top of page ten of filing 18, which was filed on October 9,2008, Berg claims that Obama was born at Coast Provincial General Hospital, Mombasa, Kenya. Source. There is an unverified report that certified copies of a Kenyan Birth Certificate for Obama were sent from Kenya, and have been received by three separate individuals. Berg may be one of those individuals.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 02:58 PM
Maybe this is why Obama is being pushed so hard by the Media and friends. Here we have someone, who if he wins can be thrown out of office and George Bush can continue on until a new election can be setup. Then again what about Louis Farakahn and his waiting army that will no doubt revolt and cause riots nation wide. Then comes martial law and years more of Bush/Cheney. Create a problem, see the action, offer a solution.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Sublime620


"Someone is lying. .....His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room. -This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg "

* I have googled myself dizzy and can find none of the "several news sites", just copies of this blog post by Tamar Yonah.

Tamar Yonah interviewed Corsi in an Obama slam piece and if anyone followed the fact checking on Corsi book...even the republicans were calling him a liar.

I call flat out BS until I see it genuinely sourced.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

It's like a giant circular argument. One sources one, that sources another, that sources another, and none of them contain the original quote.

It doesn't discuss who it was said to, have an original article that discusses it, or a sound byte.

Can you tell me when, where, and who she said it to?

And I do understand it is discussed in the court case, but much like you won't believe Obama until he this court case is over, I won't believe that quote until someone sources it (including the plaintiff).

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:25 PM
i know why you can't find proof obamas grandma said he was born in kenya

she does not speak english,
so you need a translator

she lives in kenya.
so you have to go to kenya

the only people who have gone to kenya are news journalists
we all know the media is LOVING obama, if you catch my drift

what i'm trying to say is, even if you watch the interview with her on youtube, you can see she's talking at a couple points but they've stopped translating

and also, when the translator is controled by the media, and you know the media has been loving and cutting so much slack for obama , why is it surprising that you can't find and interview showing her say that?

now, where the man sueing and saying that she did say that got his information i do not know.

but do not be ignorant, it is totaly acceptable to think her statement was covered and suppressed by the media and or obama campaign themselves

alot of you will disagree, this is my opinion on what's possible and what's not.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:28 PM

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Sublime620

I agree, however it will not come out until the case is tried. Without a source, this thread should be closed and redirected to the thread dealing with the case. I also cannot find any 'source' of the alleged quote other than the court document.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:32 PM
This is a load of crap. Instead of trying to convince the population of why McCain should be POTUS, Republicans are wasting their time with silly innuendo. This is why Hillary lost. As opposed to telling us why she was a viable candidate she spent 3/4 of her campaign trying to prove that Obama wasn't, employing these same silly tactics. Republicans should have selected a better candidate.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by indigothefish

I always wondered why Hillary Clinton did"nt send people or go herself to all of these countries connected to Obama.
It would have been to her advantage if she had.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Glad we finally came to agreement. All details, including this alleged statement, need to be discussed on the thread about the upcoming trial.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by ORIPEIA

Hate to poke a hole in your post, but this whole thing is being brought up by a lifelong Democrat. The Republicans have had nothing to do with this. They haven't even mentioned it. Remember, when you, you make an... You get the point.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

Democrat he may be, but its being proliferated by Republicans who are hoping beyond hope that something will derail Obama. This is no different than the silly "whitey tape" nonsense that came out a few months back. Save your adages for someone who cares and provide real proof of your suppositions.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 03:51 PM
Bottom line is this..
Obama says he did not know about Ayers past.
Obama says he did not know about ACORNS past.
Obama says he did not know about Pastor Wrights beliefs.
Obama says he did not know..(I could go on..)
That is what has been said by Obama, in all the newspapers.
Anyone can look up Ayers and see the facts of his past.
Anyone can look up complaints filed against ACORN.
Anyone can go to youtube and watch/hear Pastor Wrights beliefs.

If he is an honest man in saying he knew nothing about the above, then I will try and believe him.
Aside from that, do you want someone as Commander In Chief, of the United States Of America, and our President, who will make decisions that will directly effect our lives, to be that sheltered and removed from
society and the facts? I for one do not.
People said weeks ago that McCain dosent know how to use the internet..
Are you sure Obama can? Because he could have made himself more informed concerning the above people and programs..Think about it..

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by MissysWorld
People said weeks ago that McCain dosent know how to use the internet..

although this is offtopic to this thread,

as you know mccain had most of his bones broken as a prisoner of war, and in fact can't raise his arms over his head...

he also does not have the dexterity anymore because of his bones being broken over and over to use a computer, his body simply cannot do it, but he does use other people when he needs to use a computer, so he is definitely not limited from using a computer.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by MissysWorld

You made a long list of things...all of which have been thoroughly addressed to most peoples satisfaction.

If you want to be specific on any one topic...I will respond with specifics.
But a list like that is impossible to repond to without ranting, like you did yourself.

You mentioned the internet. Might I suggest using it. Fact check the Ayers story or any of the others yourself. For example..the annenberg fund...the board that Ayers and Obama sat on...Annenberg (the wealthy founder) supports John McCain, knows him and is one of his top contributors. So the woman who appointed ayers to the board is friends with John McCain. Many republicans in Chicago know and work with Ayers. Mayor Daily works with Ayers....All of them terrorists? McCain included? It's that thing between your ears. Use it....or if you have up on it rather than get spoon fed.

I could easily make a long list about John McCain....From the Keating 5 to his gambling addiction, his temper etc and then go off about poor judegment. It's not really debate, its rhetoric and ranting.

I am so tired of this kind of nonsense.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:38 PM

[edit on 15-10-2008 by BcnDiamond]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:38 PM
This is what CNN had to say:

But if you have spent any time browsing the Internet this year, you may have read rumors to the contrary. All these stories -- and more -- are being e-mailed to friends and family and posted on blogs. And they are all false. Heard that Obama was really born in Kenya and thus not eligible to be president? Wrong.
The only thing I could find.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by BcnDiamond

With an active court case, I will reserve judgement until the case is resolved and the facts are released. As of now, I still plan on voting for him. The last thing I want to see is a McCain/Palin Administration! I also hope that this is resolved in favor of Obama due to the chaos that would ensue if it does not! However, I still believe that the Constitution comes before any candidate. It is the cornerstone of this country and Dubya has already done enough to throw it in the crapper, i.e. the Patriot Act, etc.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by MissysWorld

Yes that is quite unsettling. What is more upsetting is that all of the major political candidates this year had such association. McCain for example had the bigoted pastors who endorsed him, is associated with a woman who shot an abortion clinic doctor (the woman’s judge called her a “terrorist”, rightly so), and McCain is aligned with the people who run the charity Ayers and Obama served on a board for, and those people are also friendly with Ayers, however I don’t see McCain or Palin saying his own endorsers are “paling around with terrorist” because they know Ayers.

I think when you get down to it, it appears Biden, Palin, Obama, and McCain don’t always choose their friends or the organizations they align themselves with wisely. And all of them lie through their teeth or make up excuses instead of admitting what they’ve done and apologizing for their poor judgment.

The reason this thread bothers me is because I doubt this thread would exist if it was not about Obama. In fact I doubt anyone would go to the lengths of defending a fake quote as some have in this thread if the fake quote did not involve Obama. Every time the media favors Obama or McCain people get stuck on things that are either not proven or are useless accusations of wrong doing that each candidate is guilty of when there are valid things we can discuss that relate to their platforms .

Like Obama for instance, while I agree with his policies more than McCain’s, he has voted with his own party on every major issue. However he has the nerve to call McCain out for not being a “maverick” or not crossing party lines. If you dislike Obama or his platform I think a thread detailing Obama’s voting record and how it conflicts with his bipartisan platform would be a far better topic to discuss than a fake quote.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 05:31 PM
I don't mean to short circuit this thread but McCain is not a natural born citizen either... McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone if what I am reading is correct...

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