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Violent encounter with an alien being

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 02:02 PM
this freaks me out. I remember seeing something on the discovery channel about a teenage girl who was with her friend in her bedroom when they were attacked by something similar. Ugh, if this is true, then its absolutely terrifying.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:27 AM
i believe you. you are a brave, brave man and a prior poster was right (i am so sorry prior poster i forgot your name. i am terribly sorry about that) this is a story that needs to be read and paid attention to. i think if more people read this and seen what you went through they would stop overtly going looking for such beings, seeing how dangerous it truly is.
i thank you for sharing this with us and give you a high five for calling attention to the severity of this matter.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Dan Tanna

It seems to me that the only person being violent was you. Maybe he just wanted to say hi and have a midnight snack. I can understand though that it would be terrifying to have some strange creature in your room, but at the same time it doesn't mean that it wanted to hurt anyone.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by mateandbucky06
reply to post by Dan Tanna

It seems to me that the only person being violent was you. Maybe he just wanted to say hi and have a midnight snack. I can understand though that it would be terrifying to have some strange creature in your room, but at the same time it doesn't mean that it wanted to hurt anyone.

You obviously wouldn't rush to physically defend a perceived invasion and assault on your wife and kids?

From my research into scores of other cases involving contact with non-humans - the instant murderous rage exhibited by Dan merely tells me that they have abducted him many times before, and that he has felt anger and humiliation and powerlessness whilst being restrained. He has likely watched them examine and interract with his wife and daughter before - while being physically restrained from being able to help them.

Noone else on this list has been in the position to have interviewed or researched cases like Dan's - so in isolation like this - it is natural that they, and the majority of readers are skeptical of Dan's story. And why wouldn't they be given what they believe about reality?

But for those of us who HAVE knowledge and some understanding of what happens - it is clear that Dan is not making this up.


posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 10:44 AM
This fiction is still going on? Has Dan bothered to answer any of the more pressing questions in regards to the finer points of his story? Why do you folks believe him? What facts in the story lend credence to his account? Why hasn't he answered the many issues with the story? Because perhaps he can't? hmm.. how surprising.

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by nexusmagazine

"But for those of us who HAVE knowledge and some understanding of what happens - it is clear that Dan is not making this up. "

I'm not saying he made it up. In fact I want to believe him and no I have never had my own alien encounter and would never want (or wish upon anyone else) an encounter like this. I just wish he had asked a few questions first maybe its because I not very violent and when I have had my own encounters (of a supernatural ) kind I was always scared but asked questions before I completely freaked out, but I also do not have children ( i do have a husband) and I am sure if 'someone' was in our house he would do anything he could to protect. So I am not judging anyone, I just really really want to know who and what this thing was (as I am sure everyone else does)

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 10:18 AM

But for those of us who HAVE knowledge and some understanding of what happens - it is clear that Dan is not making this up.

That's ludicrous. You can't possibly know that Dan is not making this up. Even if I knew nothing about aliens or UFOs, and came here for a month or so reading up on threads, I could make a logon and post an incredible story, that I guarantee around 50% of the people in my thread will claim it has to be true, even though it's an utter fabrication.

He wrote a STORY. With all the appropriate violence of a Rambo movie to keep your attention. He sensationalized the entire thing. He added items he thought would strike chords with everyone (abduction, mysterious gestures that create power effects, sightings, wife drawing weird symbols afterwards, and so on). There was NO proof worth noting, and the entire thing was full of holes he could never explain away. He didn't even bother trying. Then he went off to chat about clouds that are obviously UFOs in disguise flying around while he is fishing and whatnot, because clearly, Dan is an interesting dude, and they are tailing him!

I swear, I could probably make the most outrageous story I could think of, and tell it in such a way, that a large % of people on these boards would buy it, hook, line and sinker.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 11:36 AM
Hey Flea maybe your onto something there, you just need to work out a way to get them to pay for it

As ridiculous as this thread is, it has had one use.

It's helped me in working out who the level headed, logical people are, the people that need something more than a pic of cat scratch as evidence of extra terrestrial combat. The people who really really do want the truth regardless of how crazy or mundane that may be.

Good luck to the rest of ya :p

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 05:30 PM
Hello Dan,

I've never felt compelled to respond to any type of thread like this or even related to martial arts or food or anything....

Though after reading your experience I signed up...I have had a similar experience.... I should go into great detail like you...but this experience has taken much from me...that I will not go into.....I would love to tell the world about my experience but any intelligent person would be able to find out my true identity easily...since you have been so brave as to share with the world...I will share my experience with you......even now as I type this my palms are increasingly sweaty...pulse rate heightened....please Dan Email me at [email protected]

on one side must be at least somewhat trained in defense...the way you described your movements tells me either you've been trained extensively or you have been very interested ( much the same in my eyes )

oh...and yes my experience was with a somewhat identical being...and I have a rather large scar on my face from this....

Stay vigilant...

Hope to get ahold of you Dan

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Hi Dan,

Its gonna be so funny if the creature you killed was a innocent faerie,

Or a protective guardian.

I also think when you're daughter grows up she will confront you
of killing her guardian or at least she would feel have an eeir feeling
aginst you *A scary thought*

Anyway I dont believe a word you said,

It's also a low quality movie if it was ever produced

Hum m...The name of the movie would go like

*The reason faeries doesn't exist*

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by Chongun

He didnt kill anything, this whole thing is bulls***. I think this guy is just overcompensating for the things he lacks. Like courage, strength and a wife...

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:44 PM
I might have found something of extreme interest of Dantanna

-“Ashen skin, possible with a protective membrane.
-Large eyes with a wraparound appearance (a drawing is shown with cat-like pupils).
-Nose indefinite save for two, small breathing holes.
-A slit mouth, opening or no mouth at all.
-Behaviour cautious, curious, firm.
-Ability to paralyse on touch.
-Sounds emitted –mmm – humming.
-Oohs in a foreign language or some accent.
-Buzzing as if electronic from their head and chest.[MonkeyBus note:could this be the electrical defence system, that they used on you?]
-Wearing head protection or overall body protection.”

I do think that these could be reptillian type andriods, it is just a possability, but more likly they just live in marshlands, and the sea. and are kept a secret as we are not supposed to know about E.T's

scource is from : [scroll till you find the picture]

If the OP/wife is still here give me a holla at my profile page/U2U so i know that you guys are ok

[edit on 10-9-2008 by monkeybus]

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 05:16 PM
Let me spell it out for you.

The 'dolphin creature' is a Draco, otherwise known as a Reptilian or Annunkai. They pop up as the Nagas of India, the Dragon Gods of China..the Winged Serpent..and even as the Serpent from the Bible.

The world has been a battleground.

If the creature had wings, or a tail, i'd recommend leaving the area ASAP, because you would have attacked royalty, and these things tend to hold grudges. You can hold one off, yeah..but how many CAN you hold off?

There is likely a 'nest' cavern somewhere in the vicinity, but if you plan on taking it on, be armed, and be thorough. Any retaliation will be swift and brutal.

Bronzes or "Reds" are generally scientists, with the blues being more priest-caste, lower tier scientists. They were likely looking for experimental fodder. Its odd that he was alone, they usually travel with at least 2 greens or one black. (Greens = base caste,workers. If you see a Black, as in coal RUN or you -die-. Got it? Good.)

They usually use a winged serpent emblem or a 7 pointed star. It is also possible this one farked up somehow, and is an 'exile" which case you may likely have no further problems. If you do venture out into the woods again, have at least 4-7 people to back you up, armed with ranged and upclose weapons. They should be IN HAND. You won't have time to draw a weapon if all breaks out.

Oh, and he didn't disappear. He just cloaked and got the hell out of there. Think light bending, but more advanced. Durable? Yes. Stupid? No.

If you can locate and clear out the nest, you might find advanced gear to be used in further excursions. These things have no shame, or guilt. They are a warrior species, and they don't like you.

The lady? Likely a slave. An assistant maybe (if an exile)..or part of a cleanup crew as you suggested. The knife blade won't be returned, or if it is you'll find it strangely lacking in DNA. You are undoubtedly being watched, at least..for now.

My advice? Rig up a hidden camera. Nightvision, three tier filter. Also, if you can detect anything by sound, utilize that. Have the frequency set to where any sound made is basically hit by a frequency of the same, and if something is there, it will show.

Good luck, you'll need it.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 10:34 PM
i have a theory, and because i only made it to page 8 before realizing i have to post my theory right now or i'd explode I have no idea if this subject was breached before.

I've heard tales of babies being kidnapped, but i'm not sure how old your child is so I'm not sure if this is applicable. Seeing as your wife saw a woman, it makes the most sense to me that they were going to kidnapp your child and place their own in its place. It's a far-out theory, but it seems plausable considering the situation. Although, i'm 100% sure if they did you would know a difference.

Just think about it, it makes sense.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:10 PM
he really should take up writing as a side job

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:51 PM
It sounds like it was a reptilian. Evil scum aliens that are plotting to take over our world and enslave us. Good thing you made it out ok, those guys are nasrty.

Although your drawing does look a bit like Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I can see he looks pretty ferocious.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
All views are valid and appreciated.

In my defence.

This was never going to get onto the main board for people at all. Not the pictures, not the event, not the aftermath, none of it.

I have no need for a 'mega thread' as i was happy making my own 100 + post thread on research aircraft and hypersonic airframes.

Also, you'll find me deep inside the survival thread doing the wilderness advice bit.

Why would i A) want to destroy myself on the boards and B) give others the chance to flame me into the ground ?

I don't wnat or need either. BUT... some members really either had not enough points to go into RATS or too mean to purchase the access fee.

hence..... for those too point s poor it was placed here.

Very Interesting read... I have a few questions:

1. The first thing that came to mind (and I know it was mentioned) was that there still had to be some DNA or material left from the struggle somewhere in your room. Maybe its too many nights watching CSI but even the cleanest attempted killing of an alien is bound to leave its mark on something. Perhaps you could take some of your carpet or wood floor and have it tested for anything out of the ordinary, compare it to another in your house. Have you looked for such evidence?

2. Your image reminded me of a ancient carved stone I saw a long time ago. Luckily for us google is amazing and people keep pictures online. Check it out! Carved Fish Human Rock

3. I can only imagine how you must have felt during your encounter and I also sleep with a knife under my bed as an insurance policy. What exactly happened to you in the woods? Did you or have you experienced any missing time...for example during the night of your you remember when it began and ended? Always curious about potential time irregularity.

Good luck and I look forward to reading your answers soon. I'd really like to join RATS when my time comes, unfortunately it looks as if I have a long long way to go.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
google earth co-ordinates.

57'.294.41 N

4'.10.35 W

Culloden woods.

I continued my research on the local area after reading your posts and looking at the google earth coordinates...

I found something really interesting on wikipedia

the interesting part is "Apart from the battlefield, the most notable site in the surrounding area is the "clootie well", in Culloden Woods, where brightly coloured rags are hung as offerings from people wishing to be cured of ailments. A similar, and better known, well is near Munlochy. This tradition may be based on Celtic ceremonies, involving votive offerings to water spirits."

Think this could be one of those "spirits?" Is anyone in your house wishing to be cured of some illness? Do you know of these rags they speak up in the article?

I looked up more on Clootie Well and found a posting on another bb that said: "A small well drops from the edge of a forest and dissapears underground. The forest itself is a sea of clothes. Imagine a whole forest covered in clothing dangling from the trees. If not clothing then pieces of cloth. The well is supposed to be maintained by fairies and has mystical properties. If a person is unwell then you dip a cloth from the person in the well and hang it on a tree and make a wish for their well-being. It has been going on for many centuries and it is said that the fairies come out at night and find out whose clothes or cloth is there and then set about the business of making the person well again. It is an awesome sight to see and a natural beauty such as a forest decked in cloth both awe inspires and terrifies at the same time. It makes you feel a presence."

And finally I found probably the most amazing coincidence on this site where it talks more about a potential "fish" connection.

Anyway definitely learned quite a bit about things I had never heard before and just wondering about the circumstances (if you'd like to share )about the health of your family. Seems as if putting out an offering may summon this type of being? Or maybe I'm waaaaay off base...either way some interesting thoughts.

Thank you for your posts.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 08:19 PM
Hahahahahahaha...i'm sorry but your story is really funny, i havent had a good lol in a very long time. How ever, IF this is true, well "you go boy, beat that alien to a pulp!". Take care dude and i wish you many of luck.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Very Interesting read... I have a few questions:

1. The first thing that came to mind (and I know it was mentioned) was that there still had to be some DNA or material left from the struggle somewhere in your room. Maybe its too many nights watching CSI but even the cleanest attempted killing of an alien is bound to leave its mark on something. Perhaps you could take some of your carpet or wood floor and have it tested for anything out of the ordinary, compare it to another in your house. Have you looked for such evidence?

2. Your image reminded me of a ancient carved stone I saw a long time ago. Luckily for us google is amazing and people keep pictures online. Check it out! Carved Fish Human Rock

3. I can only imagine how you must have felt during your encounter and I also sleep with a knife under my bed as an insurance policy. What exactly happened to you in the woods? Did you or have you experienced any missing time...for example during the night of your you remember when it began and ended? Always curious about potential time irregularity.

Good luck and I look forward to reading your answers soon. I'd really like to join RATS when my time comes, unfortunately it looks as if I have a long long way to go.

Come on man, are you messing with this guy or are you for real? Your question are as funny as his/her story here. Anyways, take care you two and good luck on a answer.

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