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The World Should Be Turned Into a Giant Police State

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posted on May, 27 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by The Soldier Of Darkness
reply to post by _Phoenix_

No cameras, people will be implanted with a "brain" chip, that sends signals directly to the AI, and it can pick up any thoughts or actions that you do, but will only archive and report any misconduct on your part...

[edit on 27-5-2008 by The Soldier Of Darkness]

woooooooooooooooooooooaaa? No thanks lol, I would probably get arrested in an instant! if just by thoughts? Misconduct with thoughts or just actions? If a thought, like "man I hate these rules!" Would that be bad?

By the way have you played half life 2? That future is like nothing compared to yours lol, I thought that place was bad, now it seems like heaven.

But even so, I'm wondering if you got a little inspired by that or other similar things like, demolition man, running man etc?

[edit on 27-5-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:02 PM
Banning money will do no good. Points are basically the same thing.

What we need to do is ban profits. Getting paid for expending labor or thought is not profit for the record. Spending your life doing research and getting a big fat reward upon success, would not be profit. Your pay would still coincide with the worth you provide to society.

This would eliminate most of the problems we have in society while still preserving our freedoms. People wouldn't hesitate to do the right things because they would no longe rhave to worry about making less money because of it.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:08 PM
A lot of you don't agree with the OP like me, but he does bring up one good point, we do need to change things for the better, we need good ideas for a better future, not for just one country, but the entire world, no more hunger etc.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:27 PM
Anything can be done correctly and for the good of all.

Unfortunately - "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

Let me know when you figure out how to Watch the Watchers.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by The Soldier Of Darkness

Do you realize that much of this violence is created by the NWO themselves? Which in turn use it to further limit our "freedoms" looks like you fell for the trap the NWO has created.. Problem, solution, action is the name of the game... they create the problem, then create the "solution" to the very problem they created.. this is where people fall for it.. then institute "action" which people like you would also fall for... thinking that it will solve our problems when the problems were created by the very people presenting your solutions.. and the cause of the problem is really under the control of the very people who make themselves to be our protectors and saviors Looks like you fell for it Don't get me wrong I am all for a 1 world goverment... but a democratic one not a republic or definetly not a dictatorship... Hint the U.S.A is a republic not a democracy and if you find another example of a powerfull republic that has been succesful in the past please let me know... As we all know all republics are doomed to fail due to corruption from inside... the politicians no longer care about the citizens nor the country... Just look at what happened to ROME? and currently happening to us?I would like to have a one world goverment that has a real democracratic goverment but it sounds like you want something out of 1984! some sort of orwelian dicatorship... which is crazy Just keep drinking your flouride its good for you
You can also purchase some sodium flouride at your local Home Depot it will be labeled "rat poison" pay no mind to it. the ADA says its good for your teeth so the more the better your teeth will be!
People are so gullible and fall for everything that I think they actually deserve whats coming...

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

What violence have the NWO caused?

How can you say it was them?

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
Banning money will do no good. Points are basically the same thing.

Similar, but you won't have people making disproportional amounts of points, for shoddy or illegal work. You won't have CEO's of corporations, or of charities (ever see the wages charity CEO's or executives make?) making far more than they are worth. With a little luck, business degree, and friends in high places, you can be a moronic billionaire in our current system.

With this type of government, it wouldn't matter who you knew, everyone would be equal, and your points would be based on your dedication and hard work. Exactly how our current system is supposed to work, but never has and never will.

You wouldn't be able to steal points, or steal system bonuses, like you can now. There would be no profit for the sake of profit.

I really don't understand people saying, "I rather my freedom" Just what freedom do you think you really have right now?

I can only see 2 freedoms, in any type of society. Freedom to struggle within a society, or not to struggle. Everything falls into those 2 types, but, you are still only having these freedoms within a society, within a box.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by Cybereality]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:47 PM
Remember Amanda from the scifi movie Serenity, bad things can happen to a society that is so controlled. The problem becomes when the people are in charge think you don't even deserve to live. The originator of this thread welcomes the NWO, but don't you know they want to kill off all but 1 billion people from the earth, that will most likely include you. It becomes a scary world when certain evil men decide who will live and who will die and what criteria would be applied.

The NWO can never happen because no matter what there is always that rag tag element that will oppose such a change in world government. Those in Iraq are always fighting evading armies, per the bible, that every man has their hand against them and they in turn have their hands against every man.

Remember the great battles ripping America from England, England never thought it would happen but the rag tag element turned the course of the battle.

I don't know what would happen to the NWO with todays technology, obviously it is still not good enough to prevent attacks on our soliders in IRAQ, perhaps it is the unwinable war and the NWO hopefully an impractical dream. I for one would rather die fighting then be carted away into slavery and chains.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Kobe Bryant

History has proven that war is created by the elite.. just look at the war documentery on ATS.... every war is fabricated.... 911 is looking more and more to be an inside job, way too many holes... look at the product of that problem? PATRIOT ACT, IRAQI WAR, AFGHANISTAN WAR, ... who benefited from more from 911? Islamic terrorists with there jihad war, or the U.S goverment with more powers then every before? spying on Americans, warrantless searches(which is now being widely used by the police) and more executive power to the president then ever EVER in the history of the U.S .. then we get to money... how much has Haliburton profited from this whole fiasco which Cheny happenens to be a large shareholder and ex Ceo... and how about that natural gas pipeline deal that was signed the DAY after the U.S invaded afghanistan... I can go on and on on all the benefits... strategically off coarse the U.S is better positioned to invade other countries... we now have a powerfull Middle eastern presence.. In any crime always look at who benefits the most... those are the true suspects.. coupled with the 100s of inconsitincies with the official story..... I suggest you look at the war documentery available on ATS hopefully it will open you to the possibility that goverment manufacture war and terror (most of it)... You dont have to take my word for it just do the research... Just look at Prescott Bush... while we were losing Americans the bastard was funding hitler and his 3rd reich... Don't believe me? check it out!

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:14 PM

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:14 PM

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Kobe Bryant

Not trying to make a citizen's arrest or anything, but can you prove that you are Kobe Bryant? Unless your name happens to be the same as the famous Los Angeles Lakers basketball star, I doubt you are him. That would be a violation of the ATS T&C.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:38 PM
No offense OP but this is the most dumb thing ever. You want to be in shackles working in a farm for some rich folks? I know I don't. I would rather be sitting here talking about it then it rather happen. I would rather die semi-free then die of old age and shackled.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:06 PM
What differance would it make if the nwo took over, change would be welcomed. I mean now i have to work my butt off and pay taxes so i can pay for every lazy person to sit back and make babies, do drugs, drink them selfs stupid. and on and on. NWO you are welcome in my life.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:07 PM
some human would still have power at the top with every freedom they desire.
who says they deserve that power?
this is the worst idea ive ever heard.
If this were to happen then we would have no control to stop whatever that person at the top is doing.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:11 PM
Oh yes, this sounds so Utopian. A supreme paradise, NOT.

Sounds an awful lot like this book series, which outlines that exact type of world you are describing, where anyone who is not chipped with an ID, is an outsider, or Outlander

Exile To Hell (Outlanders , No 1) is the first book in the series where society has been taught to feel guilty for the Nuclear Strike that has ended normal life as we know it.

Being that it is a conspiracy, in that the Pentagon and Nuclear Arms race is in actuality the culprit, and in the book series, Aliens are behind the scenes pulling all the wrong ones, which end America as everyone knows it, calling it the Deathlands, in a previous book series.

Oh yeah, sounds like a great place, be chipped or do not be known as human, but as scum.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by The Soldier Of Darkness

The terminally i'll, those who carry diseases that cannot be cured, or is able to spread to others will be terminated in a humane way.

This is why before every birth, the child will be genetically enhanced, "weak" DNA strands will be removed, only the strong will live in this world.

The mentally challenged will fade out eventually, and those that remain will also be terminated in a humane way.

Oh ok i gotcha, hey we all have a dream and your's just happens to be that you want to be the next hitler.

Who would control this new world order, you and your friends ? Oh yeah that's right the massive computer that you speak of with AI. And just who would progam and run this computer, you?

So you and your friends live how you want, do whatever you want, and the rest of humanity does whatever you tell us to ? Do you really think that people are just going to sit back and accept this new world order that you speak of ?

What would give you the right to decide who lives and who dies ? Who becomes a doctor, teacher, farmer, or janitor ? The world that you speak of can never exist. It isn't the people that you see as "undesireables" that pose the threat to this world, it's the people that are corrupted by power and greed that pose the biggest threat. You might wanna take a look in the mirror.

Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it !

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:53 PM
If our freedom is an illusion. Then why would we need to be controlled more than we already need. I'd be better off without the government in control and then I'll live off the grid. Thing that I hope, is not to get caught and thrown in jail or a detention camp.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:09 PM
I made it all the way until the 6th page. The OP is an idiot.

SOD is an occultist. Anyone bright enough not to mess around with things like that instantly knows not to take the opinions and ideas of these people seriously. Granted SODs are dangerous but they are still fools.

Read 1984, Brave New World, learn about the history of totalitarian states such as Nazi Germany etc. Absolute totalitarianism always fails eventually. I find it interesting that SOD thinks there will be 1000 years of peace. Why not eternal peace? This shows me that some part of SOD, conscious or unconscious, knows that that type of world system cannot last.

To begin with I honestly thought that he was joking. Luckily there are so few people who think like this guy that I don't think we need to worry about his distopia totally coming into effect any time soon. Your thoughts create your reality. If everyone thought like SOD then thats what would happen. Aslong as people rebel firstly in their thought processes then humanity wont be totally controlled. There are often periods of immense darkness and it is possible that we could be facing one... but day always follows night.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by The Soldier Of Darkness

Keep dreamin' !

[edit on 27-5-2008 by pak88]

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