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for neo-nazi holocaust deniers

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posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (8-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.

quote from KT -

BTW I am a big fan of Mae Brussell's work, here's a link to her site for those who have not read any of her work.

Dave was a friend of Mae’s and her daughter. Dave was a protégé of Mae. Mae’s initial claim to fame, as I’m sure you know but other ATS folks may not … was that she (as an independent researcher) created an index for all the Warren Commission material. What’s a bit ironic is that Mae started the premise showing how Bormann and Gehlen and DeMohrenshieldt etc survived WWII and carried on “Nazi/CIA/Bank of England/ Fed/ MI-6/ petroleum”-related fascism through the 50s and 60s up into the 80s re: von Bolschwing. Then, Dave Emory continued her premise and today documents how the Bormann conspiracy players and theses contributed to wtc/911…

…and their influence I term as 2012 co-conspirators.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (8-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.

quote from KT -

BTW I am a big fan of Mae Brussell's work, here's a link to her site for those who have not read any of her work.

Dave was a friend of Mae’s and her daughter. Dave was a protégé of Mae. Mae’s initial claim to fame, as I’m sure you know but other ATS folks may not … was that she (as an independent researcher) created an index for all the Warren Commission material. What’s a bit ironic is that Mae started the premise showing how Bormann and Gehlen and DeMohrenshieldt etc survived WWII and carried on “Nazi/CIA/Bank of England/ Fed/ MI-6/ petroleum”-related fascism through the 50s and 60s up into the 80s re: von Bolschwing. Then, Dave Emory continued her premise and today documents how the Bormann conspiracy players and theses contributed to wtc/911…

…and their influence I term as 2012 co-conspirators.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist
response to KilgoreTrout (9-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.
quote from KT -

For information on the involvement of the British in the Opium trade, I recommend that you look at the origins and history of the City of London Corporation and most particularly the Honourable East India Company.

I thought ‘City of London’ refers to the international banking houses. Any info about City of London you can provide I’d be most grateful for. Is City of London Corp, what is refered to as ‘City of London’ …or, is it the international banking houses?

quote from KT -

I hope you don't mind but i think it would be useful to fill out some of the history of British involvement in the middle-east and the opium trade in general.

That’s great, because Peter Dale Scott’s premise is that the petroleum industry and opium (heroin) trade are so intertwined, they can’t be separated.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (10-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.

The idea soon crystallized in the offices of Whitehall that the best solution to the problem would be to remove the Ottomans from the Near East by empowering the arabs . Lawrence was instrumental in creating the insurgency against the Ottomans that led to the Arab Revolt. In Guerilla operations Lawrence fought alongside the Arabs and formed a close friendship with Emir Faisal, Sherif Hussein of Mecca’s son. Together they were able to convince all the Arab groups to unite in a co-ordinated attack against the Ottoman’s. In the vacumn that followed the British were awarded the Mandate to govern “until such a time as they can stand alone”. However the Sykes-Picot-Eisner between France, Britain and with Russian agreement outlined plans to carve up Palestine.

…great info. Can you fill in on Sykes-Picot-Eisner a little bit?

quote from KT -

The Arabs however still felt that the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence stood and they would be allowed to develop independence and appoint their own leaders.

As soon as the British had taken charge of the mandate they were petitioned on the prospect of allowing Jewish settlement in Palestine.

I realise that this is somewhat off-topic but I do feel it is important in understanding the role that Britain played in creating disharmony and Muslim extremism and it is so often overlooked. Lawrence of course worked alongside St John 'jack' Philby, whose fealties lay elsewhere.

And that brings us back to Himmler via [Jack Philby’s] his son, Stanley 'Kim' Philby - nicknamed after the boy-spy of Kipling's story of the same name.

…very interesting, I now can appreciate Himmler’s contribution much more clearly. Can you expand on Himmler and Philby a little bit?

-- This would be because Bormann created 750 companies, many dummies, and sank much money into pharmaceuticals (today’s biological warfare, genetic warfare corporations) and chemical companies (today’s chemical warfare, explosives) – Can you work on this premise for a moment, pro or con?

This would help account for the conflict between the two men, and their different “Christ West Concepts” both pursued. BECAUSE the folks that financially supported each of the might have been competing, you think? Just a thought. Any insights would be appreciated.

It might also explain how Bormann conspiracy focused on Gehlen, von Bolshwing, Sergei DeMohrenshieldt (although Sergie was more involved with Bush’s dynasty and Herbert Walker in eastern European Baku-ish? oil)

I’m going to have to go over all the emory tapes and transcripts and go over the Mann book on Bormann as well and especially listen to the emory tapes on the dispersal of the Eva Peron (or, should I say, Madonna) fortune front in 1952, and try to follow the money trail and the corporate trail, at least, get more familiar with it. (Hopefully by this time next month I’ll have done that, then will report back on those aspects.)

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (11-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.

here’s some add’l misc. documentation documenting the Nazis for several years prior to losing the military battle had planned to win the post-war economic battle.

These sources are Lou Wolf’s Covert Action Quarterly Covert Action –you’ll have to search these, yourself, I’m out of time,, plus Sean Gervasy and Carl Ogilvy, plus Loftus, plus Mullins, plus Emory, plus Manning: I quote me and my book for which I own the copyright and give myself permission to do so, [url=][/ur]

Sept. 29 1944, British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden told House of Commons, Allied Intelligence Services had evidence Nazis were organizing a new Black Reichswehr. Anthony Eden spoke to the House of Commons. ‘The Gestapo, together with SS and high army officers, has created a secret organization of young Nazis and Reichswehr officers to continue resistance in Germany after Allied occupation, to wait and prepare for the opportunity of starting another war.’

In Washington DC, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt worried. She spent her career campaigning for the women’s movement, labor movement, and against racism. She and her husband were sexually distant. President Roosevelt had a mistress. And, he spend time yachting with his mistress on the Astor ruling family’s yacht. Still, Eleanor felt, she had to warn her husband about Allen Dulles ...that Dulles was too closely involved with underground Nazi business. Eleanor sent a memo to her husband, the President. ‘Allen Welch Dulles is part of Bill Donovan’s outfit. He’s directly tied with Schroder Bank. Schroder Bank is going to represent underground Nazi business interests after the war.’

… okay, this suggests the Dulles – Bormann – Gehlen –CIA – FED connections were financed by the Schroder bank economic interests, right?

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (12-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.

here’s some add’l misc. documentation documenting the Nazis for several years prior to losing the military battle had planned to win the post-war economic battle.

These sources are Lou Wolf’s Covert Action Quarterly Covert Action –you’ll have to search these, yourself, I’m out of time,, plus Sean Gervasy and Carl Ogilvy, plus Loftus, plus Mullins, plus Emory, plus Manning: I quote me and my book for which I own the copyright and give myself permission to do so,

Jan. 1945, President Roosevelt gave his annual, ‘Message to Congress’ speech. Roosevelt warned America, Germany wanted to create postwar division ...split the Allies against one another …German General Staff could make an opportunity to rise again after World War II, the way they had after World War I ...and attack the world again, in this century, in a World War III.[/url]
The above shows it was common knowledge Nazi’s were not at all down and out and had extensive post-war planning, ergo Bormann and Odessa.

These sources are Lou Wolf’s Covert Action Quarterly Covert Action –you’ll have to search these, yourself, I’m out of time,, plus Sean Gervasy and Carl Ogilvy, plus Loftus, plus Mullins, plus Emory, plus Manning: I quote me and my book for which I own the copyright and give myself permission to do so, [url=][/ur]

Jan. 18, 1945, American CBS correspondent, Charles Shaw, in Europe reported by shortwave ... an underground Nazi Officer terrorist death-squad movement was murdering people in American-occupied Germany. The name of the terrorist death-squad was, the ‘Fehme’ …directed by SS Officer Horst von Pflugk-Hartung.

Above shows that the Nazis were going about starting doing exactly what they were doing immediately after military defeat in WWI, in order (in only twenty years) to bring about WWII.

HOWEVER, remember in 1913 one Warburg brother founded the Fed while his brother managed the Bundesbank (there were Rothschilds agents) … AND by 1931 had bankrupted the U.S.A., and it was then taken over by the IMF and UN, in which receivership it remains, today. See one of my postings today:

[edit on 24-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (13-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.
These sources are Lou Wolf’s Covert Action Quarterly , plus Sean Gervasy and Carl Ogilvy, plus Loftus, plus Mullins, plus Emory, plus Manning: I quote me and my book for which I own the copyright and give myself permission to do so,
For ref: see Covert Action –you’ll have to search these, yourself, I’m out of time, ‘The Secret Treat of Fort Hunt” by Olgesby or Gervasy, I forget who at the moment. It was in the late 80s or early 90s. AND I quote me and my book for which I own the copyright and give myself permission to do so,

During last days of the Third Reich, Admiral Karl Doenitz was designated by Hitler, to be Hitler’s successor. Admiral Doenitz was also held in VIP prison camp, in Wiesbaden. Reinhard and Admiral Doenitz met frequently. Karl Doenitz looked at Reinhard, “Major Hermann Bound described you, ruthless in your determination to re-create the German Reich, after our defeat. At one time, Major Bound was the best expert on Russia we had in German Military Intelligence. I understand you had him tortured to death. Why?” Reinhard Gehlen answered quickly, “Major Bound was cooperating too closely with British Secret Service, to threaten my work here ...with the Americans. He informed the British ...about Odessa ...Martin Bormann ...Otto Skorzeny ...and, me.” “I see. You did the right thing.”

Reinhard remembered when he’d been in Flemsberg, the last holdout of Nazi Germany ...before the catastrophe, listening to Admiral Doenitz deliver a farewell address to Nazi Officers Corps. Admiral Doenitz addressed the Nazi Officers Corps. “Comrades, It must be clear to all of us, we are now in the enemy’s hands. Our fate is dark. What they will do with us, we don’t know ...but, what we have to do ... we know very well. We’ve been set back for a thousand years, in our history. Land that was German for a thousand years has fallen into Russian hands. Therefore, the political line we must follow is plain ...we must go along with Western powers with them in occupied territories in the West ...for, it is only by working through them we can have hope of later retrieving our land from the Russians,” Karl said. He turned to Reinhard Gehlen. “Reinhard, you’re guardian of Germany’s tradition …responsible to rescue Nazi Officers Corps …to maintain continuity of Nazi Officers Corps through the rest of this century …into the next. I have faith in you. Are your plans on schedule?”
Reinhard updated his progress to Karl Doenitz, since Hitler’s death April 30, the new leader of Third Reich, and the other Third Reich leader, Deputy Fuehrer Martin Bormann. Third Reich chain-of-command was still in effect! Third Reich, in the person of Admiral Karl Doenitz, officially approved Reinhard’s plan.

Jun. 29 1945, the Pentagon informed Eisenhower’s European Command, War Department wanted Reinhard brought to Washington D.C. Aug. 22 1945, Hermann Baun, Reinhard’s aide, start re-organizing Reinhard’s intelligence and counter-intelligence groups. General Smith flew Reinhard to Washington D.C., in his private DC-3. Reinhard was going to talk with the highest ranking American military, and intelligence, people. Before he boarded the plane, Reinhard handed a message for Hermann Baun to Gerhard Wessel …who would one day be Reinhard’s successor. Gerhard Wessel relayed the message to Herman Baun. “Reinhard said, he discussed his plans before leaving for Washington, with Admiral Doenitz, and, with Nazi Chief of Staff General Franz Halder. Both agreed with Reinhard, to continue his work with the Americans,” Wessel said. Yes! ...Nazi chain-of-command was in effect!

[edit on 24-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (14-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.

These sources are Lou Wolf’s Covert Action Quarterly Covert Action –you’ll have to search these, yourself, I’m out of time,, plus Sean Gervasy and Carl Ogilvy, plus Loftus, plus Mullins, plus Emory, plus Manning: I quote me and my book for which I own the copyright and give myself permission to do so, [url=][/ur]
Misc add’l info:

In Germany, the Gehlen Organization, then a staff of fifty, was housed in Oberursel ...then, settled permanently in a walled-in, self-contained village at Pullach, near Munich. Reinhard set up headquarters in an estate, originally built by Martin Bormann, leader of the Odessa Organization of Veterans of the SS. Reinhard immediately began recruiting a staff of intelligence evaluators, couriers, and informers from the ranks of Odessa. Two such men were Franz Six, and Emil Augsburg. Both had worked in the Nazi think-tank, the Wannsee Institute. It was at the Wannsee Institute, where ‘The Law For The Purification Of The Germany Blood’ was thought up, leading to, ‘The Final Solution To The Jewish Question’, genocidal extermination of Jews. Franz Six and Emil Augsburg had both commanded death-squads, roaming through Eastern Europe hunting Jews, and communists. Reinhard located Emil Augsburg in Italy. Franz Six had been found guilty of being a war criminal, at the Nuremberg trials. Reinhard had him set free join the Gehlen Organization. Reinhard had finessed his way from total defeat by the Allies ...into a position of total power …now, working under a United States budget ...from taxpayers whose fathers, husbands, and sons he’d helped maim, torture, and murder. Now, on U.S. taxpayer payroll, the Gehlen Organization would grow stronger, more influential …than when Gehlen was head intelligencer commanding Foreign Armies East.

These sources are same as above, me, plus Lou Wolf’s Covert Action Quarterly, plus Sean Gervasy and Carl Ogilvy, plus Loftus, plus Mullins, plus Emory, plus Manning:

“At the same time, the last Brown Brothers Harriman client assets were seized ...and, Prescott Bush announced his Senate campaign ...that led to election in 1952. Records also show, Bush and the Harrimans conducted business after the war with related concerns doing business in …or moving assets into …Switzerland ...Panama ...Argentina ...and, Brazil ... all critical outposts for flight of Nazi capital after Germany’s surrender in 1945. Fritz Thyssen died in Argentina in 1951.”

Dave Emory sounded just like sounded as a radio announcer, “Just as the Bush-Dulles-Harriman-Thyssen connection was used to help undermine Operation Safehaven after World War II going after Nazi money being smuggled out of Europe, the international financial conduits associated with Al Taqwa network frustrated Operation Green Quest. Green Quest, and Safehaven, were Treasury Department intelligence operations ...directed at elements associated with finances of the Third Reich, Safehaven in the late World War II period ...and, Green Quest after the Underground Reich’s 9/11 attack on the U.S.”

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

response to KilgoreTrout (15-of-15)
Dave Emory is a protégé of Mae Brussells.

These sources are Lou Wolf’s Covert Action Quarterly Covert Action –you’ll have to search these, yourself, I’m out of time,, plus Sean Gervasy and Carl Ogilvy, plus Loftus, plus Mullins, plus Emory, plus Manning: I quote me and my book for which I own the copyright and give myself permission to do so, [url=][/ur]
plus Paul Manning’s, Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile.

“Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza runs his private, Dutch-based investment group from Lugano Switzerland, his cousin Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen, grandson of Fritz Thyssen, exercised control over Thyssen A.G., from his base in Buenos Aires,” Manning said.
This is an Emory description from his broadcast.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 10:58 PM
I forgot to mention to you in the last series of replies that I found this information you put forth fascinating -- Kilgore Trout said:

At the turn of the 19th century India was a rich and multi-cultural nation, where white, Christian moguls lived in harmony with their Hindu and Muslim counterparts. The British who lived and worked alongside the native Moguls adopted the Indian lifestyle, wearing Indian dress and in some cases taking multiple wives. Intermarriage was commonplace between the employees of the Company and local women. However as the Company and India came under greater control and influence from Britain, so Britain sought to impose “Britishness” upon India.

At this time Sufism was the prominent form of the Muslim faith in India. Sufism which had spread out from Baghdad in the 13th to 16th centuries combined mysticism with the propagation of education in the sciences and notions of unity and brotherhood. This belief system, actualizing and spiritual in nature had merged into Indian culture and Muslims and Hindus lived side by side in relative harmony. However just as Christianity was taking a more conservative turn in Europe and particularly Britain, so was the Muslim faith in Arabia.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:06 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (1-of-11)

Castlevania’s, Final Fantasy XI’s, Shadow Hearts’ demon Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet worshipped by the German Knights Templar – the German Knights Templar were Middle Age deathsquads to destroy normal everyday folks who were rebellious against tyranny, Knights Templar became the Freikorps deathsquads immediately after WWI and destroyed everyone who believed in democracy in Germany. Also, immediately after WWII the Freikorps killed people believing in democracy to prepare for the Nazis filling all the political offices and major civil offices in ‘The New Germany” under Hans Globke & Adenhaur

Who was the God, 'Janus'? Pronunciation: jayn'-uhs. Also known as:
Bifrons -- In demonology, Bifrons was a demon, Earl of Hell, with six legions of demons ... The origin of the name is the Roman god Bifrons (Janus).

video: Occult Symbols of Nazi Germany
http ://www .youtube . co m/watch?v=

Bifrons was also one the names given to the baphomet allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar, and which description was as a statue with two heads surely inspired in the Roman god Bifrons, one looking towards the left to tell the past, and the other looking towards the right to tell the future, all this by means of the power of a demon (there were other suppositions on the figure of the baphomet).

He appears as a monster, but then changes his shape into that of a man -- HE IS A SHAPE-SHIFTER.

video: Hitler & the Occult, part 1
http ://www .youtube . com/watch?v=QKBv0L-h2mA

Bifrons was also one the names given to the baphomet allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar, and which description was as a statue with two heads surely inspired in the Roman god Bifrons, one looking towards the left to tell the past, and the other looking towards the right to tell the future, all this by means of the power of a demon (there were other suppositions on the figure of the baphomet).

The god 'Janus' is the pre-Christian pagan Roman god of gates and doors (ianua), beginnings and endings, and hence represented with a double-faced head, each looking in opposite directions.
In demonology, Bifrons was a demon, Earl of Hell, with six legions of demons (twenty-six for other authors) under his command. He teaches sciences and arts, the virtues of the gems and woods, herbs, and changes corpses from their original grave into other places, sometimes putting magic lights on the graves that seem candles. He appears as a monster, but then changes his shape into that of a man.

video: The Occult Conspiracy
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=Ia8E20gFchQ

Castlevania’s, Final Fantasy XI’s, Shadow Hearts’ demon Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet worshipped by Knights Templar

The origin of the name is the Roman god Bifrons (Janus).

Other spellings: Bifrovs, Bifröus

In Popular Culture
Bifrons appears in several Castlevania games including Symphony of the Night, Aria of Sorrow, and Portrait of Ruin. He's depicted as a hunch-backed, gray-haired man in a green coat and carrying a lantern that shoots fire.

In the online PC game Final Fantasy XI, Count Bifrons appears as a demon Notorious Monster in Castle Zvahl.

In the PS2 title Shadow Hearts, Bifrons (misspelled as Bifronze) appears as a monster in Rouen, France. It is shown as a cloaked demon carrying a large, bloody scythe.

video: Hitler & The Occult, part 2
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=Z5Quq6lZuFc&feature=related

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:08 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (2-of-11)

video: Hitler & the Occult, part 3
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=uTydyqByeQg&feature=related

Hitler’s occult roots:

According to Tracy R. Twyman,

Peter Levenda’s quest for the truth began in 1979 while reading Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Forth Reich, by Ladislas Farago. This book revealed how Hitler’s former Reichsleiter had escaped to South America after the war pretending to be a priest, protected by the “underground railroad” of Nazi sympathizers that operated and still operate all over that continent, including many if not most of the police and military. Levenda came across a description of one of Bormann’s many hideouts, a Branch Davidian-like cult compound called “Colonia Dignidad” (Colony of Righteousness), which was, as Farago described, “the weirdest encampment of the postwar world, housing a sect that combines Nazism and vodooism.”

video: Hitler & the Occult, part 4
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=WriiQ7goMMs&feature=related


Intrigued as he was by such an odd combination, Mr. Levenda decided to check the place out for himself, and actually flew down to Chile to conduct the investigation. He did manage to penetrate the compound, but only briefly, and this lead to his being chased out of Chile by a series of unidentified agents, then later fired from his job at “a large, multinational corporation that did a lot of business with the Chilean military.” It also lead to the research that eventually culminated in Levenda’s terrifying, spellbinding book, Unholy Alliance: A History of the Nazi Involvement With the Occult .

Note: Covert Action back-issues & Mae Brussels document ‘Colonial Dignidad’.

video: Hitler & the Occult, part 5
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=5rO2NN_-zD0&feature=related

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:09 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (3-of-11)

Twyman, continued ~ The History:

video: The Power of the Black Sun
http ://www .youtube. com/watch?v=qukzYFW1uww&feature=related



It all started with the Thule Gesellschaft, a pagan, anti-Semitic, right-wing aristocratic society founded by a Freemason and Eastern mystic named Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff. They met every Saturday in Munich’s Four Season’s Hotel to discuss things like runes, racial evolution, Nordic mythology and German nationalism. Registered under the name “Thule Gesellschaft” as a “literary-cultural society”, in order to fool the communist Red Army now controlling Munich, this group had originally been known as the Germanenorden, or the German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail. According to Levenda, “The Germanenorden had an impressive series of initiatory rituals, replete with knights in shining armor, wise kings, mystical bards and forest nymphs”, including a Masonic-style program of secrecy, initiation and mutual cooperation.” But they were not copying the ideological aspects of Freemasonry. As Levenda writes, “What the Germanenorden became was, essentially, an anti-Masonry: a Masonic-style society dedicated to the eradication of Freemasonry itself.” Their symbol was a long dagger on top of a swastika, and their beliefs had been influenced largely by the writings of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels, two men who will feature prominently in our story.

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:11 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (4-of-11))


Liebenfels had founded the neo-pagan, swastika-waving “Order of the New Templars” on Christmas Day, 1907, along similar ideological lines. In that same year, occult researcher Guido von List began The List Society part of a then-developing “völkish” (folkish) movement extolling the virtues of Norse heritage - heritage which could be traced by reading the Edda, a compilation of Icelandic legends which Hitler would later take great interest in. The völkish movement itself was based in part on the ideas of Madam Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society famous for her books Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine . She wrote that humanity was descended from a series of imperfect races which had once ruled the earth, and which all had a common Atlantean origin dating back millions of years, culminating in the Aryan race - which had at one point possessed supernatural powers but had since lost them.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:12 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (5-of-11)


She also romanticized about the occult significance of the swastika, of Lucifer, “The Light-Bearer”, and of a cabal of spiritual “Hidden Masters” called the Great White Brotherhood, who guided human evolution from their abode in the Himalayas and who Blavatsky herself purported to channel during her many self-induced trances. And the philosophy of List and Liebenfels took this a bit further, to the extent that the Aryan race was the only “true” humanity, and that the Jews, along with a host of other undesirables, or “minderwertigen” (“beings of inferior value”) were sapping the race of its strength and purity through the evil machination of Christianity, Freemasonry, capitalism and Communism. They believed that the Aryan race had come from a place called Thule, located at the North Pole, where there was an entrance to a vast underground area populated by giants. “Among the völkish cults”, writes Levenda, “it was believed that - as soon as the Germans had purified the planet of the pollution of the inferior races - these Hidden Masters, these Supermen from Thule, would make themselves known, and the link which had been lost between Man and God would be forged anew.”

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:13 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (6-of-11)

Twyman, continued ~ The History:


These were the beliefs of the members of the Thule Gesellschaft when they met on November 9, 1918 to discuss something of immediate concern; the Communist control of Munich. After a rousing speech by Sebottendorf, the Thule Society began to prepare for a counter-revolution, stockpiling weapons and forming alliances with other like-minded groups, such and the Pan-Germans, the German School Bund and the Hammerbund. The following year, on April 7, a Bavarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed in Munich, causing the Prime Minister of Bavaria to run off to Bamburg in order to prevent a total Communist take-over of the government. Six days later the Thule-organized Palm Sunday Putsch failed to overcome the Communists in Munich, and now the Thule members were on the Red Army’s “most wanted” list. Sebottendorf got busy organizing an army of Freikorps (Freecorps) to counter-attack. (One of the units of the Freikorps, the Ehrhardt Brigade, later became part of the German Army, and eventually, part of the S.S.) On April 26, the Red Army raided Thule headquarters and began making arrests, including the arrest of the well-connected Prince von Thurn und Taxis. On April 30, Walpurgisnacht, they were executed in the Luitpold High School courtyard. The following day, their obituaries were published in Sebottendorff’s newspaper Münchener Beobachter (which would evolve one year later in to the official Nazi publication, Völkischer Beobachter.) The citizens of Munich became outraged. The Thule Society organized a citizen rebellion, which was joined by the 20,000-member Freikorps, and together they marched, “beneath a swastika flag, with swastikas painted on their helmets, singing a swastika hymn.” By May 3, after much bloodshed and destruction, the Communists in Munich were defeated. But there was much work to be done. The Soviet threat was still very real. With the help of the local police and military, the Thule Gesellschaft began organizing a more full-scale national revolt, using connections with society’s wealthy intellectuals. They also began recruiting among Germany’s working class by forming a group called the German Worker’s Party, which met regularly in beer halls to discuss the threat of Jews, Communists, and Freemasons. This group would later become the National Socialist German Workers’ Party - The Nazi Party - and in November 1923, they would make their first attempt at national takeover, the failed Beer Hall Putsch, lead by a man who had originally been sent by the German Army to spy on them - Adolf Hitler.

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:13 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (7-of-11)

Twyman, continued ~ The History:


We all know what the Nazi party went on too accomplish. What most people do not know is the extent to which those actions were inspired by the occult beliefs of their perpetrators. As Levenda writes, “The most extreme aims of the Thule Society would all eventually become official policy of the Third Reich, while its purely metaphysical and occult characteristics were adopted wholeheartedly by the S.S.” Hitler himself was fascinated by the occult. While he was a college student he began reading Von Liebenfels’ magazine, Ostara. Later in 1909, while he was living in poverty in a men’s dormitory and selling his paintings on the street, Hitler actually met Liebenfels in his office. He is said to have arrived looking “so distraught and so impoverished that the New Templar himself gave Hitler free copies of Ostara and bus fare back home.” Hitler’s friend Josef Greiner recalls in his memoirs how obsessed young Adolf was with astrology, religion, occultism, magic and yoga. Hitler loved Wagner, as we know, especially The Ring Cycle, Parsifal, Lohengrin, and Rienzi. It was from Wagner that Hitler gained his affinity for knighthood, chivalry, and the Quest for the Holy Grail - a pagan, Teutonic Grail. In 1915, Hitler was at war, and while in the trenches, wrote a poem, one which “sings the praises of Wotan, the Teutonic Father God, and of runic letters, magic spells, and magic formulas.” So there is no doubt that Hitler’s interest in occultism and paganism ran deep. There is doubt, however, as to whether or not Hitler actually performed any magical operations himself. According to Levenda, this was not in his nature, a nature inclined more towards accomplishing things here on Earth, in the 3rd dimension. He did not have the time and the patience necessary for real spiritual endeavors.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:14 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (8-of-11)

Twyman, continued ~ The History:

According to In fact, a number of people deeply involved in the occult would have great influence on him and play essential roles in the development of the Third Reich. It would do us well to examine them one by one.

Dietrich Eckart

Hitler, while working as the leader of the German Worker’s Party, became friends with Thulist Deitrich Eckast, who published a newspaper called Auf Gut Deutsch (In Good German), which “ranks with the Völkischer Beobachter as a racist sheer with intellectual pretensions.” Eckart had a tremendous effect on Hitler, and it was he who first introduced Hitler to all the wealthy and powerful people he needed make his crusade possible, including Henry Ford, who would later contribute “vital financial support” to the Nazi party. From Eckart, Hitler learned a great deal about the esoteric sciences, and it is said that they occasionally attended séances together and talked to ghosts. Eckart, who died after the Beer Hall Putsch, is quoted as saying, “Hitler will dance, but it is I who plays the tune.”
Alfred Rosenburg
Eckart’s protégé, and soon Hitler’s as well, was Alfred Rosenburg, a man who would later become “one of the architects of official Nazi policies.” One of these policies was that all of the Masonic temples in all of the Nazis’ occupied territories were to be raided, and the goods shipped back to Rosenberg himself. This was done by Franz Six and Otto Ohlendorf, both occultists. Rosenberg was also friends with another occultist named Walther Darré, who became agricultural minister of the Third Reich. “Together”, writes Levenda, “they ran around the nation drumming up support for an official state religion based on the worship of the Old Gods, a religion that included purifying the Aryan race of elements that were in the process of polluting it and diluting the strength of its blood.”

Wilhelm Gutberlet
Gutberlet was an astrologer, a shareholder in the Völkischer Beobachter who had been Hitler’s close friend since the days of the German Worker’s Party in 1919. In the memoirs of Walter Schellenberg he is described as “a Munich physician who belonged to the intimate circle around Hitler.” Gutberlet believed in the sidereal pendulum, an astrological device which he claimed gave him the power to sense at once the presence of any Jews or persons of partial Jewish ancestry, and to pick them out in any group of people. Hitler availed himself of Gutberlet’s mystical powers and had many discussions with him on racial questions.
Rudolf Hess
A friend of Hitler’s from way back, he had been arrested at the Beer Hall Putsch with him in 1923, and had transcribed Hitler’s Mein Kampf (originally titled Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice) while they were both in prison. He later became Hitler’s Deputy Führer. He was an “intimate” of the Thule Society, and was way into the occult. Hess introduced Hitler to one of his professors, Karl Haushofter, a man with an interest in astrology who claimed clairvoyance. Haushofter later came to wield considerable power in Germany by founding the Deutsche Akadamie, and by heading the University of Munich’s Institute Geopolitik, “A kind of think tank-cum-intelligence agency”, according to Levenda. He was vital in forming the Nazi alliances with Japan and South America, and was responsible for the adoption of the Lebensraum (“Living Room”) policy, which stated that, “a sovereign nation, to ensure the survival of its people, had a right to annex the territory of other sovereign nations to feed and house itself.”

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:17 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (9-of-11)

Twyman, continued ~ The History:


Himmler and the S.S.

The S.S. (Schuzstafel) was originally formed as a personal bodyguard to Hitler, and numbered around 300 when Heinrich Himmler joined. But when he rose to its leadership in 1929, things changed a bit. Four years later, membership had soared to 52,000. He established headquarters at a medieval castle called Wewelsburg, where his secret inner order met once a year.. According to Walther Schellenberg’s memoirs, “Each member had his own armchair with an engraved silver nameplate, and each had to devote himself to a ritual of spiritual exercises aimed mainly at mental concentration…. The focal point of Wewelsburg, evidently owing much to the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, was a great dining hall with an oaken table to seat twelve picked from the senior Gruppenführers. The walls were to be adorned with their coats of arms.” Underneath this dining hall there was kept a so-called “realm of the dead”, a circular well in which these coats of arms would be burnt and the ashes worshipped after the “knight” had died. (There are tales of Himmler using the severed heads of deceased S.S. officers to communicate with ascended masters.) In addition to this, each knight had his own room, “decorated in accordance with one of the great ancestors of Aryan majesty.” Himmler’s own room was dedicated to a Saxon King Henry the Fowler, whose ghost Himmler sometimes conversed with.
Outside of the inner order, SS officers were discouraged from participating in Christian ceremonies, including weddings and christenings, and celebrated the Winter Solstice instead of Christmas. The traditional day of gift exchange was switched to the day of the summer solstice celebration. Writes Levenda, “These ceremonies were replete with sacred fires, torchlit processions, and invocations of Teutonic deities, all performed by files of young blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan supermen.” Although Himmler admired the ceremonial nature of Catholicism and modeled the S.S. partially on the Order of the Jesuits, he also despised Christianity for what he considered its weak, masochistic nature. He held further resentment because of the persecution of German witches during the Inquisition.


Himmler, along with Richard Darré, was responsible for absorbing The Ahnenerbe Society “a kind of seminary and teaching college for the future leaders of the Thousand Year Reich”, into the S.S. The Ahnenerbe was devoted to some odd völkish studies, each of which had a subdivision dedicated to it: “Celtic Studies”; Externsteine (near Wewelsburg), where the world-tree Yggdrasil was supposed to reside; Icelandic research; Tibetan research; runic studies; a strange new twist on physics called the “World Ice Theory”; and an archeological research in an effort to find evidence of past Aryan presence in remote locations all over the world, such as South America, giving rise to “Aryans discovered America” stories. Another theory propounded by Himmler was that babies that had been conceived in cemeteries would inherit the spirits of whoever was buried there, and actually published lists of cemeteries that were good for breeding because of the Teutonic heroes resting therein. Himmler was infatuated with the concept of the Holy Grail, and hired researchers to try and prove that the Grail was actually a Nordic pagan artifact.

[edit on 25-4-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:18 AM
demon shape-shifter Janus-Bifrons-Baphomet & Hitler’s occult roots & Martin Bormann & the Fourth Reich (10-of-11)

Twyman, continued ~ The History:

The Allied Occult Offensive

According to Levenda, “Himmler was obsessed by the idea that British Intelligence was being run by the Rosicrucian order, and that occult adepts were in charge of MI5.” Whether or not that was true, the Germans were certainly not the only participants in the war using the power of magic to their advantage. Levenda provides the details of a “Cult Counterstrike” organized by the intelligence agencies of the U.S. and Britain, an effort centering around the “most evil man in the world”, the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.
Crowley had gone to live in New York during WWI after being rejected for military service by the British government, and began writing “pro-German propaganda” for a magazine called The Fatherland, published by George Viereck. Crowley took over as editor. He later claimed that he had really been working for British Intelligence, because, “his articles were so outlandish that the journal was reduced to absurdity, a caricature of serious political discussion, which would help the British cause more than harm it.” There is some evidence to suggest that Crowley was working for MI5 during this time, spying on his fellow OTO initiate Karl Germer, a German intelligence agent, so perhaps his excuse for working for The Fatherland is sound. Whatever the case, he was definitely hired by MI5 during WWII. Crowley had become friends with author Dennis Wheatley, well-known for a number of fiction and non-fiction books based on the occult, who had once worked for Winston Churchill’s Joint Planning Staff. He had been introduced to Crowley by a journalist named Tom Driberg, who would later become a spy for MI5 as well, and who would come into possession of Crowley’s diaries shortly after his death in 1947. Wheatley also introduced Crowley to yet another MI5 agent, Maxwell Knight. Knight was the real historical figure behind the fictional character “M” in all the James Bond novels, written by Knight’s friend in the Department of Naval Intelligence, Ian Fleming. Crowley met Knight for dinner at Wheatley’s house, and it was there that Crowley agreed to take them both on as magic students. Later, Ian Fleming dreamed up a way to use Crowley’s expertise in a scheme against the Germans. The scheme involved an Anglo-German organization known as “The Link”, a supposed “cultural society” which had once been under the leadership of Sir Barry Domville, Director of Naval Intelligence from 1927 to 1930. The Link had been investigated by Maxwell Knight in the 1930s because of its involvement in German spy operations, and was soon dissolved after much incriminating evidence was found. As Levenda describes it, Fleming, “thought that if the Nazis could be made to believe that The Link was still in existence, they could use it as bait for the Nazi leadership. The point was to convince the Nazis that The Link had sufficient influence to overthrow the Churchill government and thereby to install a more pliable British government, one which would gladly negotiate a separate peace with Hitler.” The suggestion came in the form of fake astrological advice passed on to the gullible Rudolf Hess, who was already under the delusion that only he could talk the British into peace with Germany, and that it was his destiny to do so. One of his staff astrologers, Dr. Ernst Schulte-Strathaus, under British employ, encouraged Hess to make his mission to England on May 10, 1941 a significant date because of a rare conjunction of six planets in the sign of Taurus. The Duke of Hamilton was also enlisted to let Hess know that he would be happy to entertain him should he plan to go through with such an endeavor. So Hess, a trained pilot, embarked on a rather dangerous solo flight to the British Isles, parachuting into Scotland decked out in various occult symbols, where he was immediately arrested by the waiting Brits. According to Levenda, “Fleming tried to obtain permission for Crowley to debrief Hess in order to develop intelligence on the occult scene in the Third Reich and particularly the Nazi leadership.” But this permission was denied, and Hess spent the rest of his days in prison not being much use to anybody. Levenda finds this suspicious, for, “What could have been a major propaganda coup against the Nazis went utterly wasted, as if by tacit agreement on both sides.”
After Hess’ arrest, Hitler denounced him as a crazed madman, and began persecuting astrologers and occultists in his own domains more so than ever before. Crowley continued trying to help the Allied cause, but most of his ideas were rejected. One, however, while initially dismissed, was later implemented. This involved dropping occult pamphlets on the German countryside that predicted a dire outcome for the war and depicted the Nazi leadership as Satanic. A forgery of a popular German astrological magazine called Zenit was created and dropped onto enemy battlefields. It was set for full-scale distribution, but the delivery was intercepted by the Gestapo before it could be completed.

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