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Electronic Brain Implants, Mind Control and other Gov Conspiracys (fact or Fiction)?

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posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Thank you Kilgore,
I am really looking forward to that.
I was afraid that maybe my postings was going a little too fast, so I decided to slow down a bit and read some other threads for a while. Thanks.

[edit on 22-3-2008 by sizzle]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:30 PM
Link to a Case in Point

I ran across this web page some few years ago. Here is the link to the page:

It is titled "Remote Control Electronic Brain Punishment?" and is a letter dated 1988 by an inmate of a prison in Utah. It would be interesting if the individual who wrote
that letter would come post to this thread and tell us first hand of his experiences while in the capacity of prisoner at Draper, Utah.



posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by Xodus

Thank you for that contribution Xodus, I will take a look at that and report back.
Btw, not many ppl here know this, but you are the friend who put me on to most of my research here. I'll never be able to thank you enough.

[edit on 22-3-2008 by sizzle]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Xodus

Here is an excerpt from your link, Thank you, it is very interesting indeed.

Dear Sir:

I am currently involved in a crisis of a bizarre nature which I'm sure will be of utmost interest, providing you can find credence in what I relate and not summarily dismiss me as being a fantasy-stricken space case.

I'm being subjected to some type of remote control electronic brain punishment, in severity nothing less than outright torture, and the technology being utilized to execute this questionable action is not only highly specialized and sophisticated, but causes me to wonder whether knowledgeable authorities are even aware that a device of this nature exists. The credentials I can offer as to the veracity of these allegations are slim and none. I'm standing in a bad light to begin with, as I am a 38 year old inmate serving a 1 to 15 year sentence for 2nd degree burglary at the Utah State Prison, and the information contained within is in regard to my substantial problems with prison officials who would gladly have it believed that my word merits no credibility whatsoever. They have, in fact, gone to extreme lengths to insure that such is the case, and you will presently understand why. I have never been afflicted with psychological disorders of any kind, and am not given to fabricating stories with which to bother busy people or cause unnecessary commotion. I'm a convicted thief, not a liar.

It is a difficult story to tell--and though a bit long winded as presented, I feel it important to explain these events in their entirety so as to give the reader a proper picture. Although not well educated, I am reasonably intelligent and able to recount the sequences and details to incidents with a great deal of accuracy, and I swear to you that what is written on these pages is unembellished and 100% true. I ask you to please read and evaluate my letter and hope you will see fit to assist me with any pertinent information you might possess. Should it prove to be that you cannot offer an explanation as to what is happening here, then I'm afraid there is much more amiss than what I had suspected and would make my position appear most precarious.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:02 PM
I will quote from the quotation as posted in this thread. Please notice the following:

"I ask you to please read and evaluate my letter. . . ."

Maybe we could invite appropriate discussion?


[edit on 22-3-2008 by Xodus]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Xodus
I will quote from the quotation as posted in this thread. Please notice the following:

"I ask you to please read and evaluate my letter. . . ."

Maybe we could invite appropriate discussion?


[edit on 22-3-2008 by Xodus]

I will be very happy to discuss this with you as much as is possible.
ATS has a policy against one-line responses, so if I cannot respond with more info than a one-liner, I might have to refrain. Okay?

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:25 PM

Eleven months ago I unfortunately ran afoul of prison officials as a result of a minor altercation with other inmates and what was then deemed to be a poor attitude on my part. It has since been a battle of wills, and what they have done to me for my failure kow tow to them is incomprehensible. The hostilities commenced with guards being ordered to launch an intensive campaign of harassments against me. Day after day they tampered with my food, smashing and removing items from my tray, and threatened to poison me with carcinogens and diseases. My mail received similar treatment, I was constantly verbally badgered as well as physically assaulted, and was told my parents would be murdered should I fail to maintain silence. These methods were employed to provoke me into losing my temper and acting out, giving them sufficient cause to impose disciplinary measures and isolate me in the maximum security unit where I could be dealt with without their having to be concerned about witnesses. I have since discovered that these set-up tactics are standard operating procedure at this prison, and believe me, no one could undergo the systematic and intense harassment routine I was subjected to and not lose their temper.



posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Xodus

I don't know if you caught my first post in this thread, but there was mention made that these brain implants were being done to prison inmates, Therefore, I do not doubt this man's story.
Sounds like a real nightmare that he is going through.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:46 PM
Some Comments:
1.) PhilipK. Dick was a Heroin adict. I think it ai quite clear that he was rather paranoid.

2.) When you look at the Salem Witch Trials, take a good close look at the geneaologies of the accused and the accusers. All of the accused were related members of one clan, while all of the accusers were members of another clan. Finally, trace the land and property of the executed in the old land title and tax records and you will see the land flow from the accused to the accusers. This was told to me by a member of my HAM radio club who is a decendant of Rebecca Nurse.

3.) The biggest mind control opperation is the break up the family opperation run by the marriage councilers, divorce lawyers and social workers who manage to wreck mariages for profit. In my case, as a 10 year old, I was dragged to councilers to be asked what was bugging me? I said my parrents constantly fighting, about nothing that I could understand, but when it happened Mom sounded like a hurt little girl. For years they ignored what I said. (Finally my parents went to a good counciler and had a fight. (Which I had recomended.) He heard the "little girl" and found out that her father had nearly beaten her to death when she was 12. That was the source of all the fights and misery.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by sizzle

At first glance, it could be surmised that he's a victim of poor circumstance. Given the benefit of the doubt, the brain implants of which he speaks, I wonder what level of sophistication that operate at. Do they track blood pressure, nerve impulses, body temperature, sweat? Do they go a step furthur and monitor cerebral thought patterns, and which parts of the brain are activated as a result of external stimulus? What makes a man angry, what makes a man sad, what puts a man deep in thought in attempt at mental stability, perhaps at what point will a man's mind reach a breaking point?

As difficult as it seems, the inmate would need to train his mind to control the reaction of the amygdalas, a section of the brain responsible for mood, emotions and memory.
For more information.. visit

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by John, Sartell, MN, USA

Hi and welcome,
I suppose everyone is free to their own interpretations here. I have supplied a mega-load of resources.
The info on the Salem Witch Trials did not only come from John Todd, it also came from a segment that I watched on the History channel, about a week ago.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Kinesis

Kinesis! That is very thought provoking! Thank you. I will hop over and check that link. Thank you so much.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 11:13 AM
I had a chat window open up in my head the other day. Just like a computer screen. Anyone know of something that could do that? Also send pictures and so forth. Some sort of computer chip went like fizzle really really loudly in my room after a short while. So they need something in the room I guess. Maybe I was allowed to know though I don't really know anything. A thing of the future is chat windows in your head and rather clear but still little grainy pictures. Er right now not future. My number is 12. About the only other word I can make out from the pictures they sent not the chat was FARMFU one word.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 02:25 PM

You have compiled an amazing body of sources and while I do not doubt the veracity of some, there is some necessity in applying a more critical eye to some of the information these links contain. Leaving MK Ultra and other US government operations aside for now I would like to just comment on a few of the points raised in the links.

Controlling brain functions actually requires access to the parts of the brain that control those functions. You cannot simply place an implant in the back of the neck and gain control of that person. Where implants are located in this position it can be assumed that they are for the purpose of monitoring movement (ie tracking) not for controlling behaviour. In the case of the first link that you posted which regards the case of Robert Naeslund and victims of a Swedish programme of implantation, the implication is that the implants were inserted via the nasal passages. The implant would therefore be placed, most probably in the frontal lobes and would aim to modify behaviour as opposed to control it, much in the same way as a lobotomy would. I have little doubt that the Swedes would engage in such covert research without the victims consent as they have a history of violating their citizens rights (they were conducting forced and covert sterilisations as late as 1974).

In terms of Delgado, the following links to an article that appeared in Scientific America in 2005 - I think as good a source as you can get.

The article not only addresses the more controversial aspects of his work but also the successful clinical applications in 'curing' certain forms of neurological paralysis. The road that led to this breakthrough though was paved by the exploitation of unsuspecting victims, and raises certain moral questions, which leads me to another point.

Many of the links refer to a Nazi connection, this is in some ways a false flag and though the Nazis were responsible for many medically inspired atrocities we should not allow them to be used as a blanket excuse for all medical malpractices. Though Operation Paperclip did bring a number of influencial scientists to the US, they were in the most part related to the fields of Rocket and Weapons research, as well as intelligence operatives who were deployed overseas. What did occur and what is more pertinent here, is that the US undertook debriefings of those who had engaged in unethical medical research using human test subjects from the concentration camp system. These 'doctors' were paid by the US government to write up their research and these reports, were then used to form the basis of further research. The impact was that the US was able to short cut legislation that banned the use of human test subjects and thus place themselves at the cutting edge of medical and scientific exploration.

Much of the research conducted was I presume, worthless, founded in a deviant mind set, but certainly in the case of the work of Dr Rasch for example, and its application for avaition and the space programme able to give the US an unrivalled edge. Similarly, it can be assumed that Big Pharm are indebted to the Nazis for allowing camp inmates to be used as test subjects.

The influence of the Nazis on mind control though is far subtler and it is more in the field of consumerism that this impact has been felt. The brilliant but deadly Dr Goebbels understood that the human mind is incredibly mallable and developed Neitzche theory into an effective means of swaying the masses. It is this application that has most impacted upon our modern lives. In very basic terms, Neitzche theorised that the human mind is most vunerable at twilight, at the end of the working day, just after the evening meal. The design and delivery of the Nazi rallies and meetings was entirely structured around this premise, and though we are mindful of Hitler's speeches, it was Goebbels who was most effective at 'influencing' his audience. His voice is often described as atonal, he could literally 'hypnotise' his audience and when he put his mind to it the results, as Kristallnacht evidences, could be devastating. Goebbels realised that there was actually no limitations to this 'power' in a state where the media could be controlled, therefore, he set up a programme and subsidies, to ensure that every home in Germany had a radio set.

There is an excellent series of documentaries by the BBC that deal, in part, with these ideas and how they have found modern application. They used to be available of Youtube but unfortunately they seem to have been removed. The following link though provides a synopsis.

I've run out of time, so I'll leave it there for now, there are other points I would like to raise in relation to the material you have submitted and the comments made by other posters. I think that there is definately some suggestion that brain implants can be used to control behaviour, but I think that it is important that we realise that implants are not necessary needed to control behaviour and I hope that I have been able to communicate that.

All the best

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted KilgoreTrout
but I think that it is important that we realise that implants are not necessary needed to control behaviour and I hope that I have been able to communicate that.

Fabulous distinction. I can appreciate that because when we consider the motivations behind the intellectual reasoning for implantation, we tend to resort on the moral and subjective interpretation, rather than focus on the scientific inquiry implied by such a surrepitious action.

I suppose there is credence to the fact that implantation could be primarily concerned with gauging the physiological response to a collective external experience. Or even personal experience, with attenuation to how behavioural expression is measured and recorded. To find a pattern. To understand how the brain 'lights up' in specified experience.

Then I suppose, we could make a Prozac that works. Generally. And we can call it Soma.

I am, apparently, at odds with the practice. But I do comprehend that if someone doesn't do it, then someone else will. It's information that should be acquired.

But if it remains shrouded in secrecy, then the only conclusion to be reached is that the information gained is intended for malignant use.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted KilgoreTrout
but I think that it is important that we realise that implants are not necessary needed to control behaviour and I hope that I have been able to communicate that.

Fabulous distinction. I can appreciate that because when we consider the motivations behind the intellectual reasoning for implantation, we tend to resort on the moral and subjective interpretation, rather than focus on the scientific inquiry implied by such a surrepitious action.

I suppose there is credence to the fact that implantation could be primarily concerned with gauging the physiological response to a collective external experience. Or even personal experience, with attenuation to how behavioural expression is measured and recorded. To find a pattern. To understand how the brain 'lights up' in specified experience.

Then I suppose, we could make a Prozac that works. Generally. And we can call it Soma.

I am, apparently, at odds with the practice. But I do comprehend that if someone doesn't do it, then someone else will. It's information that should be acquired.

But if it remains shrouded in secrecy, then the only conclusion to be reached is that the information gained is intended for malignant use.

Great Post KilgoreTrout, and I thank you for it. Negative connotation aside, it is important to see what type of information is being gathered and why it would be useful....

[edit on 23-3-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Thankyou for catching the reply to KilgoreTrout. And you have done so quite eloquently. Thanks. I'm afraid I have slept the day away. I was up all night writing a story to aid in the plight of the elephants. I know this part is off-topic a bit, but if you are an animal lover, please read:

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:00 PM
Well I vote the lot of it all true! Can people have their minds controlled without an implant, heck yes, you see it everyday on TV. Let's face it, we are electrical beings and thus electrical signals implanted or not can affect the way we react. Some are more sensitive than others, but if you turn up the juice enough and park the dial on the right frequency, well then you can control another.

By implanting a device in someone, can only enhance the affects that you desire to bring upon the control over another whatever that means to an end might be, diabolical or not.

It's all a violation of our free will really. But then, most might not see it that way, cause most do not believe in real free will of choice to begin with. Most have been abused by those who would have us be slaves and that is where many walk around with the unfortunate label of sheeple.

There are all sorts of means to manipulate the mind and if one was to research a bit, you would come across a whole ton of documentation that upon open inspection, can be very real and very true.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by sizzle

when i clicked on the link the first thing isaw said this was science fiction .
just wondering if any one else noticed that?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:37 AM
Anyone heard of Electronic Controls (ECS) saphire crystal psionic
mind control of the brain?

Apparently; at the back of the scalp (head) right behind
the aural/visual cortex them embed these crystals.

They can use this to read the aural cortex (reading voice);
and also telepathically insert their own voices into the head.

For instance; when you read a book, do you sort of talk within your mind voice? I do; well do you ever HEAR other voices not of your own; which most might think it is the subconscious; infact this might be from some telepathic remote operator trying to influence you to make certain decisions.

What I do is filter or analyze all mind voices and try to control my mind myself in order to get out of this TRANCE.

The way this implants are inserted is to put these saphire crystals at 5 th physical density; align and place these implants into the scalp then SET them.. put them at 3rd physical density.

Some of you might now believe this; the GREY (Orion Empire) aliens
have done it to a large segment of our human race; especially the world leaders.

I bet those RAELians have them; who knows they might be clones or puppets for this Orion Empire.

If anyone can pass this information; perhaps we could get a some XRAY scans and figure out how to remove these implants. I'm not sure how to get a free XRAY scan from the doctor; they might think I'm nuts.

But if anyone has any further information or figure out a remove these saphire crystal implants please let me know ASAP.

I wish our darn government would do something about this; maybe they will figure it out soon; I hope.

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