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Psychopathic Soldier Throws Puppy Off Cliff

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posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:50 PM
This is what war does to people. It makes them act sick and disgusting. This as every other violent act in Iraq (abu Ghraib [Sp]??,murder of a speculated 1,000,000 innocent civilians, and thousands of U.S. Soldiers deaths) should be investigated in the fullest, and those responsible should be Court Martialed immediately. I believe the news out of Vermont.[thread plug...] is a step in the right direction for prosecuting those in charge of this whole Humbug...

These soldiers just need to get home, and get some therapy if this is real. and be Court Martialed.

Even if this video is fake its sick. sick of the fakers to disgrace the soldiers... I hit me as if it were real though... (i guess my skeptic is wearing off a bit)


posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:55 PM
One dog killed for play, nine kittens buried up to their heads and then
lawn mowered into oblvion(something from my generation), do not equal one iota to strapping explosives onto unsuspecting women and remotely detonating them in a pet bazaar.
Note I do not mention mongoloid heads recovered after the incident as
that may have been caused by the explosive forces.
The women were more likely normal in all respects just unsuspecting.

People get real and focus on what is really evil.

Thank Allah the younger generations in Iraq are finally realizing this.

Saddam was our responsibility, we supported him in our overzealous attempt to counter Iran and the expansion of Islamic terrorism in the 80's
and had to reign him in after he attacked Kuwait, (Saddam put a hit out on Bush41,
what a stupid black op) also his sons were no angels.
Clinton pussyfooted around with Saddam all thru the 90's, we were likely to also follow in this same vein until 911, When the Iragi informants
Chalabi etc. informed us that Saddam had WMD's (even Saddam's generals thought Saddam had WMD's) it didn;t take much convincing that
we should take out Saddam as he was our responsibility. Anyone disagreeing with this must be from the latest generations that take no responsibility for anything.

That said , it is intertesting the markets have sagged since the Dems have come into power in both the House and Senate. Once Hillary Wins in Nov
and the Dems win both the house and a 65 vote majority in the Senate
Hell will come not in a handbasket but in a Tsunami.

[edit on 4-3-2008 by Eagle1229]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by DisabledVet

He is correct. We have no right to be there, and we never will. The true enemy is the inner-fear we created called terrorism. One thing i did learn while i was over there for my two tours was that no matter how hard you try to force a country to accept your ideas, be them good or bad, they will never ever give up their patriotism, a word that has been has been long misunderstood. You see, the people of iraq and Afg. are well aware of our agenda of the soldiers, and they do respect us as Soldiers, with that, they have a need to be respected them selves, something we do not do. We use smart bombs they use IED. America NEEDS to see the silver lineing of these men, they are true patriots to there country, fighting the fight they never asked for, the fight they never had a chance for. I fired my last shots in my first tour in Baghdad when a kid wearing only his flag picked up his dads gun, trying to redeem his Father Death. Untill alll of you on here realize that war crimes are Punished by the victors and not punished them selves, you will hold on to this anger to your Fallen Soldiers, Foriegn or Domestic.

If i can forgive these people than why can't you? And if not that, at least understand their choices.

[edit on 4-3-2008 by UnitedSatesofFreemasons]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
How many dogs have you actually seen thrown? I have seen my share. I can tell you this, they don't go end over end like that... By the way, prove to me that anything is fake without question.. YOU CAN'T

Its legs were tied with twist ties. Take another look, Sherlock.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by UnitedSatesofFreemasons

I also don't agree with the war in Iraq.
I don't think they were foreign enemies.
I do think that we can't pull out just yet, that would be bad for the people left behind.

What I'm trying to get at is that soldiers representing the US need to (and for the most part do) show respect for the civilians and only fight the guys shooting at us.
This war has turned into trying to liberate the country, I know thats not why we went there in the first place, but thats what it has turned into, so to suggest that soldiers need to


Is NOT something I agree with.

I know the military makes killers, and our soldiers need to be killers at times, but what is supposed to separate us is also our respect for those we are trying to help.

*Edit to add:
I'm sure your tours in Iraq were hard. And I agree with your mentality of the Iraqi people.
It was a SH*T war imo, and most everyone else's opinion.
I suppose the reason I'm joining is to fight for those soldiers over there.
No one wants to be there, so if I can help them out, then I've accomplished something.
While that means I might have to fire my weapon at targets I don't want to, I will still have the respect for what they are doing, but I want that soldier coming home too.
The war is ugly. Hopefully change comes.

[edit on 4-3-2008 by Odessy]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by DisabledVet
As usual I find myself posting the obtuse of the general consensus of the thread...

But ummm... sorry I WANT inhumanity in a soldier... A soldier's job is to HURT,DESTROY and KILL.

Now that I have your attention let me make my point perfectly reasonable:

Perhaps we shouldn't have soldiers acting as a peace keeping force...that is NOT what they are trained, and equipped to do....and you see then end result.

For any idiot whom thinks that soldiers need to be humanitarians and ambassadors... we have people for that job.

Let me say this again:


Are you really this much of an idiot? I'm not quite sure what to make of your post, other than YOU ARE AN IDIOT. What the *F* does anything you said have to do with tossing a puppy over a cliff? We're all adults, here. We're aware you don't send ballerinas into war. Dude, you need therapy.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Odessy

Bud your not sure. You can't peice together your reasons as you go, thats what i did. You will find your-self stairing at your hands for the rest of your life for you have no reason for the things they have done. Im not saying not join, the fact that you are a member to this site shows you can sift threw the bullsh*t. Just make sure before you go you know exacly why your going, other wise you will end up like This guy throwing puppies just to be heard and noticed so someone will bring him home.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by Ox

Here's a physics experiment for you, Get one of your dolls... Hold it by its neck, and throw it in the same fashion as the spineless POS in the video.. and tell me it doesn't tumble end over end.. Then you can come back and tell me I was right, I'll be here.. It's ok.. take you're time.


Yeah, a DOLL does!!!
You just proved my point.. A sentient, breathing creature does not!!By the way, I don't have dolls, a bit too old for that.

[edit on 4-3-2008 by SpeakerofTruth]

Haven't watched too many dirtbike shows, have you? Or rodeos? Those guys tend to fly ass over head pretty often. I have no idea if the video is real or fake, but I will say I've never seen a stuffed dog curled into a fetal position like that, as puppies do when grasped by hte scruff, and living critters SO go end over end.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by UnitedSatesofFreemasons

Thanks for the advise.

I understand what you are saying.

But I KNOW I wont end up like this guy torturing animals.

I know the army will be a big test of my Integrity, and hopefully I can make change.

I've been trying to discover who I am for a while now, I have a good idea, and I think this is something I can deal with.
I can't sit behind a desk somewhere when there are people out there dieing for this country.
I would look back at my life with regret.

And I'm not young and rash, I just graduated university, about to turn 23, so unlike some of these high school grads that sign up and join (nothing wrong about that), I've have a good chance to think this decision over.

I can't really comment until I've seen things first hand... but its something that will help me grow as an individual.
When you've seen the things you've seen, you learn more about who you are, who you are fighting, and what the world we live in really is...
thats something I want to know...

[edit on 4-3-2008 by Odessy]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:36 PM
People, what the hell is your problem....just because one Marine does something completely stupid even though it has been said to have been a fake as well as real you go and troll the entire U.S armed forces and such? You people view this site to find the truth yet you show so much disrespect for armed forces and other nations which you have no idea what your talking about....troll the Marine that did the wrong not all of the brave men and woman over seas and this should go for everyone not just Americans. The person who made this thread said "And these are our "heroes"...Dude yes they are our heroes and you should respect them if someone does wrong here in the states you don't hate every American do you? point is why would you disrespect the armed forces when someone screws up? At least troll the person doing the wrong. War effects the mind so keep that in your mind.

Btw, im not point any fingers and this isn't meant for everyone. And if i may point out......out of all the Nations helping the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan do you honesty...honestly think that the U.S troops may be the only ones screwing up every now and then?

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:41 PM
I'm going to get burned for this, but here it goes.

I commend that brave soldiers' act of spontaneous valor. It did something amazing for the world, really;

It brought to light how truly misguided and disgusting our species is. Let's all get up in arms over the death of one dog; but I don't exactly recall seeing this much outcry when the first US soldier was killed, or when the first Iraqi child was bombed, or when the people in Africa were hit with disease/famine/war which killed unnamed millions.

It's good to see we have our priorities in place!

[edit on 4-3-2008 by Catfish]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:52 PM
okay Finnally this thread is where it needs to be now. When i First started posting on here( please look back and see) it was F america and its soldiers. Now its F you for not Respecting you Soldiers and this video is now seen for what it is, The media's smoke to keep us caughing up bullsh*t and shy away from the truth of war. Im glad their are so many of you out there that havn't been convinced of either side. Thats the point guys. You don't win in war, there are no sides, their is just illusions and facts.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by UnitedSatesofFreemasons
reply to post by theendisnear69

Heres one soldier here, and i amoung a growing amount that seems to be having a hard time sleeping, let alone being awake. And when you hear of a soldier go off task in society, you can point twards your self.

For you say:

actually showed some courage and dignity they would not be in Iraq killing people

just shows your ignorance, i don't take you seirously nor does a majority. You need realize how greedy you are for you expect the things your given would be given to you regardless of how it got there. Well one day you Superman mentality will meets its kryptonite. Untill then, just don't bother posting anything on this topic. It is just in the way of information and true opinon, not someone elses you saw on a Youtube video, sport.

sadly the fact that you took time to write a paragraph against me shows that you do take me seriously. And just when exactly did I say that I expect things to be given to me? My superman mentality huh? Whatever thats supposed to mean hahahaha

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Catfish

Because with humans, there's always going to be someone who thinks "Well, they probably did something to deserve it" - We're so conditioned to the idea of killing other humans for whatever reason (even infant deaths are shrugged off as "future terrorists" these days!) that we really don't care.

However the same arguments cannot be made with an animal. Even the most extreme-minded of people can't look at a puppy and accuse it of having a political, racial, or religious agenda that justifies its killing. As you guys keep saying - it's just a dog. As "just a dog" there's no real justifiable reason to kill it.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:05 PM
Video banned off youtube thank god.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Black_Fox
These are our "heros"?
And people wonder why the world is starting to hate us.
Im not generalising the millitary by the example of this P.O.S,but its leaves one to wonder what else our soldiers are doing over there.
This is disgusting!

The Youtube video has been pulled down(I wonder why).
So to see the video,go here

This video was prob a fake, a bad joke. But in your rush to talk smack about the very people ready to defend your freedom you did not have all the facts. Over and over you drag soldiers through the mud. Go join AQ PLEASE.....they need people like you more than we do.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by theendisnear69

i will simply repost, maybe you didn't see it?
You have no clue what your talking about. And you insulting ignorance makes me sick.

You have no clue what your talking about. And you insulting ignorance makes me sick. I am United States Marine sent home when a IED went off next to our M998. And for you to one second question that my fellow wounded soulders that pulled me out and got me to, safety, aren't heros is slap in a face everytime you enjoy your freedom, including that computer to voice your opinion, someone like them gave you that. No, heros are not made with guns, but created with heart. So please never say there are no heros in the military, I can gather from your blinders you wear that you havn't seen war, so you wouldn't know. There is nothing wronge with that, but to say such a thing you must be well informed of the topic. So shut your lips.

[edit on 4-3-2008 by UnitedSatesofFreemasons]

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:12 PM
I also want to know how many "thrown" dogs Speaker of Truth has witnessed.

2, 5, 10? That was a weak response mate, and no question. Maybe you should rename yourself to "Watcher of Animal Cruelty" - you do seen quite the expert.

Its a LOT of work to do to disgrace US troops, when they are doing a perfectly fine job of that themselves.

I believe that when this mess is settled it will be revealed as the most savage piece of organised, sanctioned murder of civillians in recent times.

Let me be plain - Sanctioned US kids with guns indiscriminately killng anything that moves. You will pay for that, when 'lil Joe Bob comes home, all wackly and hair-triggered.

Of course, its all fake. I'll bet that video scrambled the spin doctors by default.

"Hell Jeb, the ol boys are at it again with the doggy killin - gawd I wish we never invented cameras".

"Get it OFF You Tube NOW, and call it a fake - the truth does not matter at all. We are the masters of perception".

Of course there are "good soldiers", there were plenty of them at Nuremburg as well.

I didnt ask any of you to defend me, I dont care how valuable you think you are. You are a killer.

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:14 PM
Here is another link to the Video

posted on Mar, 4 2008 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by TXMACHINEGUNDLR

Originally posted by Black_Fox
These are our "heros"?
And people wonder why the world is starting to hate us.
Im not generalising the millitary by the example of this P.O.S,but its leaves one to wonder what else our soldiers are doing over there.
This is disgusting!

The Youtube video has been pulled down(I wonder why).
So to see the video,go here

This video was prob a fake, a bad joke. But in your rush to talk smack about the very people ready to defend your freedom you did not have all the facts. Over and over you drag soldiers through the mud. Go join AQ PLEASE.....they need people like you more than we do.

Question. While the soldiers are fighting in Iraq, my freedoms here in the United States seem to be going down the toilet. Why is this? Shouldn't my freedoms be growing more secure? This War on Terror business seems to be directly counterproductive to anything we could consider "freedom".

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