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Nibiru's 'First Phase' Due Fall 2009!

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posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 12:37 PM
Just google; "Earth asteroid hit overdue", you will find a lot of links about that issue. (I couldn't find a thorrough scientific report on the fly, so look into it if you like)

And yes, I do understand the frustation of some people regarding these type of threads, I understand they want proof, we all do. It's just ignorant to think that when something isn't proven, it doesn't exist, at least until it's disproven.

Who says that Nibiru can be seen by (amateur) astronomers right now, maybe it can't. I do know a telescope is built on Antartica, a place where no amateur astronomer will be. But like I said, I think soon enough things will be seen by amateur astronomers that can't be denied as well as with the naked eye.

Where do I get this hunch? Well, I look at this as part of a bigger picture. I don't know if you are familiar with stories about, the Summerians, the Nephilim, the Annunaki, the real origins of Mankind, the Mayans and their prophecies, Illuminati and NWO?
I bet you are, since you're a ATS-member.
All these stories are unproven, and, taken seperately, seem like a fairy-tale. Yet, when put together, and looked at as a whole, that story makes more sense to me, than the stories that we are fed with since the day we are born.
All my life I knew something was wrong, and I had a lot of questions that couldn't be answered by any official source.
Until, 2 or 3 years ago, I started to discover all this alternative information, and things just started to make sense.
Like I said, there is no proof for all of this, and I don't know if it's true for sure.
What I do know for sure, is that the history we were tought and the stories we grew up with, are not true for sure.
Just look at Egyptology for instance, they want us to believe that they pushed giant stone blocks, so heavy that we, today, couldn't lift them to such heights, on wooden rollers, up ramps, and placed them using wooden levers, in such a precise way that you can't fit a razorblade between the seams.
Or they built the corners of the Pyramids with less degrees deviation, than we could today with our fancy equipment. I just don't buy that.
So in the end, I don't know for sure what is truth, I just know that most of the official stories are not, and that's why I think some prophecies may hold a lot of truth.

A very happy new year to you, and yours, to!


[edit on 31/12/07 by enigmania]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Brother Stormhammer

A few questions, if I might be so bold?
1) How is it that something is simultaneously 'hiding behind our sun' (even though it occasionally peeks out enough to masquerade as a sun dog), and approaching Earth at such an angle as to be only visible from Antarctica?

2) How is it possible that this approaching object is only visible from Antarctica, regardless of its ability to 'hide behind the sun'? Why can't observatories located well south of the equator see this thing?

3) Even if we can't see this approaching Brown Dwarf (something I find hard to believe, given that it would be one of the fastest moving objects in the local sky), why aren't we seeing the effect of its gravity on things like communications satellites and GPSS constellations? Speaking of constellations, how are we missing the 'gravitational lens' effect of a stellar mass in our immediate neighborhood?

I apologize, sun dogs differ from that of planet x; they aren't the same. Sun Dogs are just 'sun mirages'(what I call them). X's effect on Earth and everyone involves a purging; a cleansing of Earth's electromagnetic fields, and also increased DNA strands within every human body. All of this is already occuring. Planet X ALREADY has an affect on us.

[edit on 30-12-2007 by xnibirux]

"A cleansing of Earth's electromagnetic fields" ? What, exactly does this mean? Do you have any evidence for it, whatever it is?

"Increased DNA strands in every human body" ? Again, do you have some evidence for this? Do you have an explanation for how creatures with markedly different DNA can produce offspring? I'm asking this because if your hypothetical 'extra' DNA is actually there, then the people who have it aren't going to be able to breed with the rest of us, and the human race is in real trouble.

The effects that we *should* be seeing aren't metaphysical, nor are they genetic. If there's a stellar mass entering our neighborhood, then we should see changes in the orbits of satellites (including geosynchronous communications satellites and GPS birds), and minor but measurable shifts in the position of known stars (it's called a gravitational lens). We should also be able to see the bloody fact, it should stick out like Andre the Giant at a munchkin convention...radiating in the IR and radio bands, in addition to the visual.

So...where's the actual evidence? Given the wide-ranging nature of the effects (across most of the EM spectrum, and impacting everything from astronomy to long-distance navigation), I'd expect there to be something visible.

Brother Stormhammer, I advise you read my DNA threads closer, to get a better understanding of all of this.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 05:09 PM
wow if you don't even accept that there is a planet X there is no hope and I should stop trying

2012 is wrong!

Zeta Talk

6 Steps

Just as gravity is a dominant force affecting our planet Earth, magnetism, during pole shifts, dominates.
As Planet X twists and turns during its passage past the Sun, it tosses our Earth around like a rag doll, the lesser magnet.
At first, when Planet X is not directly between the Earth and Sun, this is a secondary influence.
The pole shift happening only when Planet X stands between the Earth and Sun, negating the Sun's influence temporarily.
But prior to that point, the pole shift point, several steps in the magnetic dance occur.
I will detail them, one at a time.
They are:
1. daily tugging on the magnetized Atlantic Rift
2. an Earth wobble caused by pushing and pulling on the N and S poles
3. a lean to the left as the N Pole of Planet X hoses toward Earth
4. 3 days of darkness and 6 days of sunrise West when this becomes extreme
5. a grip on the Atlantic Rift causing rotation stoppage
6. the pole shift itself.

The reason for this complexity is the twisting and turning Planet X itself does as it rounds the Sun.
At first, coming into the inner solar system from outer space, it aligns with the Sun's magnetic field, as do all the planets in the solar system in one manner or another.
Earth and Mercury, for instance, align perfectly with the Sun's magnetic field.
But as Planet X gets close to the Sun, coming in at a 32 degree angle from the South of the Sun, it must nose its N Pole into the Sun's S Pole.
This was the case in 2003, when Planet X zoomed into the inner solar system.
It's N Pole not only pointed toward the Sun's S Pole, it was pointing toward Earth too, as Earth was on the opposite side of the Sun at that time.
Thus the charged tail, which hoses out from the N Pole of Planet X, blew past the Sun and toward Earth, causing outages galore in Augusts-September of 2003.
Remember New York City being black, with a million commuters walking home in the dark across the bridges?

Planet X then had to align along the magnetic flow lines surrounding the Sun, along its magnetic field.
Going into the S Pole of a magnet, these lines are tight, close to the Sun, and not looping far out into space.
As Planet X passed the S Pole of the Sun and moved on its trajectory toward the Sun's middle, it temporarily assumed a neutral position, N Pole pointing toward the Sun, S Pole toward the Earth.
These were the magnetic quiet times of 2004 and 2005.

The trajectory of Planet X is at a 32 degree angle going from S to N, cutting across the Ecliptic, and passing over the Earth's head as it zooms on out.
So at some point, it must adjust to the magnetic flow lines surrounding the Sun, the Sun's magnetic field, on the top side.
In this case, in that the top of the Sun has it's N Pole, Planet X will try to point it's S Pole toward the Sun, the complete reverse of what it had been doing as it passed the S Pole of the Sun.
It does this in what the Zetas call the 270 roll, turning in place to turn its N Pole from pointing toward the Sun to pointing away from the Sun, and thus, toward Earth.
This has started, as of 2006, and ultimately results in the 3 days of darkness for the Northern Hemisphere.

Daily Tugging

In the 6 steps in the magnetic dance, the first is the daily tug caused by the magnetized Atlantic Rift.
The Atlantic Rift is a surface magnet caused in part by larva hardened when continental drift occurs.
This happened during past pole shifts, when the Atlantic was ripped apart.
The iron in this hardening lava polarizes in a general N/S direction as it hardens, making the Atlantic Rift a type of magnet.
But this recently magnetized hardened lava also attracts iron elements in the magma, which attach and also line up with the Earth's magnetic field, thus strengthening the Atlantic Rift as a magnet even more.

[edit on 31-12-2007 by CanadianVandal]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

Does 'X' mean as in Roman Numeral 10? Again, Pluto isn't a 'planet' anymore, it used to be 'IX', in Roman Numerals.

Or, is 'X' the same as in the TV show, the X Files?

Waiting in anticipation for your Xplanation....

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

please post evidence of past pole shifts. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by harddrive21

#1 Sign that someone has no idea what they are talking about: When they get an honorary doctorate, and use the title "Dr." (its bad taste, people who actually deserve them never use that title).

#2 Sign that someone has no idea what they are talking about: When they don't even get an honorary doctorate from a real university, but a literally made up think tank that is trying to act like its a university.

Next expert, please? Perhaps one with at least a real PhD would be a good start...

LightinDarkness, Ph.D.*, M.P.A., B.A.

*Ph.D. from the International Institute of Skeptics, a Non-Profit and Non-Existent Institution. Please wait 5 years, and I will then have a real one for you

[edit on 31-12-2007 by LightinDarkness]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
please post evidence of past pole shifts. Thanks.

Yeah, like that's going to happen.

I just saw him post the same thing on another thread, about NASA admitting there is a Planet X in the 80s. Something that has been completelly prooven wrong, for gawds sake!

All the wannabelievers do, is post claims as evidence, call people who want facts ignorant and narrow minded and end their statements with a "LOL", because that makes it all way more real.

Anyway, it's good there's people like you around, who are after all this time still open minded enough, to be willing to accept evidence of these claims, if there were any and willing to analyze ALL of the claims logically, no matter where the conclusion leads.

This way, if anything ever is true, it will be in fact you guys, who are going to proove it, and not the wannabelievers, who just like spreading fear.

Great job! If it wasn't for you guys, i would not be visiting ATS at all.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

Are you the owner of the site Zeta Talk? You seem to be basing your only "facts" based on that site. Which I find odd. The site just seems like a bad joke

The person running the site doesnt even appear to be believable.

According to Bad Astronomy, she is a sham.

[edit on 31-12-2007 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by deezee

Well thank you very much and HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by deezee

Well thank you very much and HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!

No, thank YOU!


posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by LightinDarkness

LOL Yeah I know...I pulled that snippet from xnibirux's link. You didn't think I bought this crap did you? Thanks for the New Year's laugh LightinDarkness!

But on a serious note - It's amazing that so many want to believe in Nibiru or Planet X...(and yes its Planet X - I will never accept the demotion of Pluto)...but do not have the evidence required for the claim. I accept a certain element of faith involved. I believe in ET's without proof, but there is a difference in life off this planet compared to a brown dwarf or planet in Earth's orbit at the exact opposite side of the sun that can only be seen from Antarctica.

HardDrive PhD in DE* (*Donut Eating)

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by harddrive21

Oh yeah I know. I was just building off your remarks. I'm in complete agreement with you. I have never taken honorary PhDs seriously when they use the "Dr" title without a REAL PhD - and the academic community looks down upon people who do it. In this case its even worse because even the honorary PhD is made up from a "institution" that is really just a private think tank and does not even confer degrees.

Planet X as a concept has always amazed me. The faithful of Planet X do not even seem to stop and think about what they are saying. And they have yet to find anyone who actually works as an astronomer or who has a even a legitimate degree in astronomy who backs up their theory. Coincidence? I think not...

[edit on 31-12-2007 by LightinDarkness]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by CanadianVandal

Does 'X' mean as in Roman Numeral 10? Again, Pluto isn't a 'planet' anymore, it used to be 'IX', in Roman Numerals.

Or, is 'X' the same as in the TV show, the X Files?

Waiting in anticipation for your Xplanation....

I didn't name it planet X but I assume thats where they got the X from since it is considered the 10th planet

For those who still don't accept that planet x exist
NASA- "10th planet discovered"
Get over it!

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by CanadianVandal

please post evidence of past pole shifts. Thanks.

Read the bible, also look up the Minoan eruption- which was the largest eruption in recorded history. Also the previous poll shifts were not really complete shifts

Zeta Talk: Jewish Exodus
The last passage of the 12th Planet is best remembered as the time of the Jewish exodus from Egypt, but what is not well known is the reason for the exodus. Slaves do not just walk away from their masters, and in particular a large group of slaves, old women and children among them, do not get miles away from their masters in a desert area where lookouts can see for miles. The institution of slavery is maintained by cruelty and punishment, and slaves attempting to escape are punished in a manner that will serve as a lesson to others contemplating such an escape attempt. Hands and feet are chopped off when the slave wanders or reaches where they are not to go, eyes poked out when the slave looks when they were supposed to drop their eyes, and tongues cut out when the speech of the slave is considered too bold.

Thus, the Jewish exodus did not occur because this large group just decided to take a stroll one day, anticipating nothing worse than a whipping as the comeuppance should they be discovered. The exodus occurred because their masters were devastated and distracted by problems so severe as to take their minds entirely off their slaves. Would this have been a flooded Nile or a plague of locusts or even celebration where all got drunk? Nothing in the normal course of Egyptian society would have created a situation where the Jews could have left, en mass, or even a situation where they all would have had the courage to leave. They left because the passage of the 12th Planet imposed first a long night and then horrendous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in nearby volcanoes.

Chaos reigned, the very type of chaos that governments throughout the world fear lies in their near future. Guards left their posts, and household servants stole from their masters and crept away in the seemingly never-ending night. The rulers held their heads in worry and discussed among themselves how they might placate the gods. The military elite, used to utter control and tolerating no challenges to their orders, react to chaos by trying to re-establish order. Hysterical troops, unable to comprehend what was happening to them, were in no mood to placate their superiors, and thus the military was engaged with internal battles for some time. It was not until the rotation of the Earth was re-established that the Egyptian rulers and their military leaders were able to regain control of the troops. By that time, as history well tells, the Jewish exodus was a success!

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
For those who still don't accept that planet x exist
NASA- "10th planet discovered"
Get over it!

WOW, if that is your evidence I would suggest in the future you actually read these articles before ascribing to theories like planet X. We are constantly told we cannot see Planet X by it's position - only the south pole observatory MAY be able to see it, but they are covering it up.


Backyard astronomers with large telescopes can see the new planet.

At it's closest point, the orbit of this planet is in line with Jupiter's orbit. The problem is Earth - and Jupiter - won't be nearby when this happens. Even if they were, pity, to far out to be planet X and impact Earth.

Debunked. Next?

[edit on 31-12-2007 by LightinDarkness]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:06 PM
Sling Orbit

The sling orbit of Planet X brings it in an almost straight line past the Sun, in a 3,657 periodic passage.
This sling orbit is caused by the orbit of Planet X going round two Suns, our Sun and a dark, unlit, binary twin.
Most Sun's are part of a binary pair, and scientists have recently acknowledged that the discovery of Sedna and Zena, two planetoid far out beyond Pluto, indicate our Sun is likely part of a binary pairing.
Planet X zooms toward the Sun in its sling orbit, then puts on the brakes due to the gravity repulsion force, which is a back wash of gravity particle.
This occurred in 2003, when Planet X arrives in the inner solar system.
Coming in from the direction of Orion, it was seen as a dramatic Second Sun as sunlight reflected off the dust cloud shrouding Planet X, bouncing this reflected light back toward Earth.
The Zetas describe why the sling orbit is both composed of great speed as Planet X approaches one of its suns, then a slow creep past the sun.

ZetaTalk: Conflict, written Nov 15, 2001.
As in many approach/repulsion dynamics in nature, the passage of [Planet X] through the solar system has many factors at play, at once. In psychology, there are approach/approach conflicts, where an individual is pulled in two directions at once, both equally attractive, and becomes paralyzed. There are likewise avoidance/avoidance conflicts, where an individual is caught between two situations he would like to avoid, and likewise becomes paralyzed. A third conflict is approach/avoidance, where an individual is both attracted to approach and trying to avoid a situation, and thus dithers or moves slowly in a direction. [Planet X] is caught, not because of psychology but because of gravitational and magnetic aspects, in an approach/avoidance conflict with the Sun. Thus: when [Planet X] rides mid-way between its two foci, the Sun and its dead twin some 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away, it is in an approach/approach situation, and barely moves during the majority of its 3,657 year cycle.

When it is within a few years of a passage of one of its foci, breaking from its mid-point position and picking up speed in an approach of one of these two suns, it increasingly becomes a non-conflict situation, approach only, as [Planet X] is pulled by the gravity of the sun it is closest to, yet far enough away from that sun that a repulsion force has not yet come into play. It picks up speed, this speed adding momentum, in a virtual straight line approach. When [Planet X] nears one of its foci, the repulsion force comes into play. There are other factors that influence close contact between large bodies, but the repulsion force is dominant. [Planet X] slows, increasingly, as what we have described as a fire-hose of gravity particles from both the Sun and [Planet X] are pointed at each other, butting into each other and pushing the gravity giants away from each other. This is a minor factor at first, reducing the increasing speed of approach. Then it reaches the point where the approach is actually diminishing, losing momentum. Its angle of approach is from south to north, the dictates of inertia and momentum stating it would continue in this direction. It seems, almost, to hover in the sky as it crosses between the Earth and Sun, moving slowly as the horrified populace watches.

Where Planet X used to sling through in the Asteroid Belt, accounting for all the broken pieces there, it now passes close to the Sun, closer to the Sun than the planet Venus.
Planet X approached the solar system from a point 11° below the Ecliptic, the line going through the Sun's middle like the brim of a hat, where all the planets in our solar system line up in a manner similar to the rings around Saturn.
But due to the heavy particle flow in the Ecliptic, particles going into the Sun as well as outbound, like the solar wind, Planet X drops below the Ecliptic to approach passage of the Sun at a 32° angle.
It is thus only the Point of Passage where Planet X actually is at the Ecliptic, where the orbits of Venus and the Earth reside.
This Point of Passage is neither in the orbit of Venus or the Earth.

But even though below the Eclipic and out of the lanes Earth and Venus use during their orbits, its gravitational influence creates a repulsion force that stopped both Earth and Venus in their tracks, stopped them in their orbits.
For the Earth, this happened on Dec 25, 2003, and for Venus the following Summer.
In that Planet X has a retrograde orbit, moving clockwise around the Sun, this is in opposition to the direction all the other planets take, which is counterclockwise.

Zeta Talk

LOL theres nothing YOU can do to debunk this. Next!

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

See this is why you should actually look at the links and the maps they show you, instead of copying and pasting everything from the marketers of Planet X as the gospel truth. The orbit of the "planet X" link you gave by NASA at no time interferes with Earth - or any of the other planet.

Shucks, doesn't science suck?

I'm still awaiting any actual evidence.

As I said - debunked! NEXT!

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:17 PM

you still believe what NASA says, thats funny.
Like I said I'm most likely wasting my time here.

Happy New Year!!!!

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

Don't look now but you contradicted yourself - again. You trust NASA to tell us that planet X exists (the link you provided was from NASA) - but DONT trust it to tell us about the orbit?

By the way, that orbit map was from an astronomer not affiliated with NASA. Try again.


[edit on 1-1-2008 by LightinDarkness]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by LightinDarkness

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
For those who still don't accept that planet x exist
NASA- "10th planet discovered"
Get over it!

[edit on 31-12-2007 by LightinDarkness]

from the NASA site:
""Even if it reflected 100 percent of the light reaching it, it would still be as big as Pluto," says Brown. Pluto is 1400 miles (2300 km) wide. "I'd say it's probably [about] one and a half times the size of Pluto, but we're not sure."

The planet's temporary name is 2003 UB313. A permanent name has been proposed by the discoverers to the International Astronomical Union, and they are awaiting the decision of this body before announcing the name. Stay tuned!"

Edit: I've read that Planet X is about the size of Jupiter or Saturn, if its only the size of Pluto it should not affect earths gravity/magnetic field as much as some claim (poleshift etc), right ?

[edit on 1-1-2008 by tangent45]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by CanadianVandal

For those who still don't accept that planet x exist
NASA- "10th planet discovered"
Get over it!

Obviously by this statement you are claiming 2003 UB313 (Eris) is planet x. I have posted several times that this cannot be planet x as you are claiming. This means one of 2 things:
1) You are not reading posts.
2) You are deliberately posting false information.

which is it ?

And once again, from your own link, here is information to DISPROVE NASA has found planet x:

the new planet more or less in the Kuiper Belt, a dark realm beyond Neptune where thousands of small icy bodies orbit the sun.

Backyard astronomers with large telescopes can see the new planet.

visual magnitude 19, moving very slowly against the starry background. "It is currently almost directly overhead in the early-morning eastern sky in the constellation Cetus," notes Brown.

"Even if it reflected 100 percent of the light reaching it, it would still be as big as Pluto," says Brown. Pluto is 1400 miles (2300 km) wide. "I'd say it's probably [about] one and a half times the size of Pluto, but we're not sure."

Please don't use the "we're not sure" line to say it could be much bigger. It cannot. The more important part of paragraph is "even if it reflected 100 perecent of the light reaching it"... Of course it would not reflect 100% of the light reaching it.

This is the planet Eris we have debunked as planet x, pages ago. It has a stable orbit and never come close to earth and does not orbit a brown dwarf.

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by CanadianVandal

please post evidence of past pole shifts. Thanks.
Read the bible, also look up the Minoan eruption- which was the largest eruption in recorded history. Also the previous poll shifts were not really complete shifts

The bible is NOT, I repeat NOT a geologic reference guide and a volcanic eruption is NOT, by default an indication of a pole shift. I have posted evidence that the last pole shift occurred 800 million years ago and no sooner. If you can use scientific data to disprove my pole shift posts, please do so, if you cannot, then you must agree I am correct by default until such time as you can disprove it.

[edit on 1-1-2008 by jfj123]

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