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Nibiru's 'First Phase' Due Fall 2009!

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posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by xnibirux

You do know those photos are showing Sun-dogs. Very common when you get near the poles. I see them here all the time. Since that part is a lie its fairly certain the rest is untrue.

Yeah, I think that makes you the thirtieth or so person to say that, me included in that thirty.

Eveytime he (xnibirux) posts something like this he contradicts his whole argument on nibiru. So I say, let him keep doing it

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Now that is interesting about the sundogs. You see when sundogs happen normally something bad happens within a week after it happened. Even Indians tell about this and its also told about in ancient Greece. I have seen 4 sundogs in my 40 years, and every time something bad happened within a week of seeing it. Yet you see it almost daily. Makes me wonder how many bad things are happening where you live. And no, it doesnt just happen near the poles, anyone can see them, but they are not common.


Just thought I would add this, if you have seen any lately, then it may have been warnings of the earth quakes that Alaska has been having lately. Also to the person above from Australia the same thing.

[edit on 13-1-2008 by hildar]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
How have you become familiar with the 8th and 12th dimensions?

I have much knowledge about different dimensions, vibrations, and frequencies, some good information can be found here.

[edit on 13-1-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 08:42 PM
Those who choose not to believe, it is fine; many will get what is coming to them.

[edit on 13-1-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by xnibirux
Those who choose not to believe, it is fine; many will get what is coming to them.

[edit on 13-1-2008 by xnibirux]

That sounds rather malevolent. But some people like to have evidence before blindly believing something. For instance, I'll believe this Planet X thing when I can see it in the sky. At that point, I'll ask for your forgiveness.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by hildar
reply to post by Blaine91555

Now that is interesting about the sundogs. You see when sundogs happen normally something bad happens within a week after it happened. Even Indians tell about this and its also told about in ancient Greece. I have seen 4 sundogs in my 40 years, and every time something bad happened within a week of seeing it.

Where is your evidence for this?

So you are pretty much saying that when light passes through ice crystals inclined at 60 degrees high up in the atmosphere consequently forming a sundog.....then something bad will happen in that area for a week. That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Since when does a sundog cause/ predict an earthquake.

I know I am only a meteorolgist but I didnt know that the presence of ice in atmopshere causes the shifting of tectonic plates hundreds of kilometres below the crust of the earth.

And you also said that sundogs are uncommon. Thats incorrect. Sundogs are the most common of all the ice related atmospheric phenomenen. So I dont know where you got that from.

Why dont you try posting a source or reference for once

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by mattguy404

That sounds rather malevolent. But some people like to have evidence before blindly believing something. For instance, I'll believe this Planet X thing when I can see it in the sky. At that point, I'll ask for your forgiveness.

It is easy to see that if you do not believe the wing of a butterfly can cause a tornado thousands of miles away, then you would not believe anything you couldn't see.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by xnibirux

Originally posted by mattguy404

That sounds rather malevolent. But some people like to have evidence before blindly believing something. For instance, I'll believe this Planet X thing when I can see it in the sky. At that point, I'll ask for your forgiveness.

It is easy to see that if you do not believe the wing of a butterfly can cause a tornado thousands of miles away, then you would not believe anything you couldn't see.

I've never been a subscriber to chaos theory. However, I believe the Earth is round, even though I can't see it from my current vantage point. I believe Kevin Rudd is the current PM of Australia, even though I'm not currently watching him at his desk...

Evidence doesn't mean seeing things. But the best evidence you could have for a giant planet headed our way is to see it the sky, wouldn't you agree?

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by mattguy404
But the best evidence you could have for a giant planet headed our way is to see it the sky, wouldn't you agree?

I disagree on that note; Although we may see stars at night that are very far in distance from Earth, Nibiru's unique eliptical orbit allows it to be free from sight until it reaches above the ecliptic of our inner solar system.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by xnibirux

That doesn't make sense. Pluto has an eliptical orbit and thats visible using a telescope, plus it is extremely small and an extremely long way out. Yet for some reason you claim that something the size of "Nibiru" an alleged brown dwarf giant wont be seen by us until it reaches the inner solar system. That doesn't make any sense at all

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by xnibirux

That makes absolutely no sense, sorry. 'Above' or 'below' the plane of the Solar System's ecliptic are just conventions we use since deciding that North on our planet was 'up'. If this alleged planet were on a very eccentric orbit it would be visible for a very long time on its approach.

Didn't you read my earlier post using Jupiter's obvious visibility combined with its distance from us? "Nibiru" is one third the size of the Sun, you say. That is one giant gas giant!! Lot of reflectivity there...

BTW, 'brown' dwarf is a bit of a misnomer...a failed star is just a super massive gas giant, after all.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:53 AM
OK. Been away from this thread a few days, so apologies for that. Normal service is now resumed....

Originally posted by xnibirux
The answer to your question on whether or not the Brown Dwarf traverses our inner solar system is yes, traveling above the ecliptic of our solar system 2009, and then below the ecliptic 3 years later in 2012, or quite possibly toward the end of this year.

OK. Nice precise dates there.

The answer to your question on the effects on the planets in our inner solar system would be as follows: Tectonic plate shifting(causing major volcanic eruptions worldwide-all of this for informing not scaring), intensified natural disasters(twisters,hurricanes, etc.)magnetic field = bye bye(major electrical power grid shut down) in other words, no electricity(the hand of god smacks the hand of man nad his greatest accomplishment to teach us a lesson- like a father smacks his child's hand to prevent him from sticking a knife in a light socket.) pole shift(tilting of the earth's axis) and an alteration of Earth's orbit.

Lets look at this in order...

Planetary scale volcanic activity...yep. I can see that one, I mean, this things massive. The Moon affects the tides as it orbits so a brown dwarf in close proximity is going to cause some shake rattle and roll...

Magnetic field shut down - Hmm. You say this happens every 3600 years right? There would be records in geology to confirm that - especially as the planet would be practically turning itself inside out. Also, life on earth would never have got past the primordial phase because the magnetic field deflects a whole load of harmful radiation. Turn it off and its bye bye primitive life and hello barren planet - and thats just from the Sun. Unless this Brown Dwarf emits no radiation of its own - which lets face it is highly unlikely as it is, in effect a failed nuclear reactor, I'd say we would get toasted well and good.

An alteration of Earths Orbit - I suggest you look up "temperate zone" then think about it in relation to the above, because not only would the planet be irradiated, it would also be shifted away from the orbit that allows the animal and plant life here to exist.

This Brown Dwarf will most likely carry along many objects within the asteroid belt from its massive gravitational pull(could this mean another comet impact as Nibiru passes us by? possibility-think about this: when is the last time a very large sized comet impacted Earth when its inhabitants ruled the very face of this planet? millions of years ago right? WELL WAKE UP PEOPLE, IT'S BEEN MILLIONS OF YEARS SINCE A COMET HIT EARTH)

Look up the Tunguska Event - it occurred in 1908.

This does not mean it is a 100% chance of comet impact, this brown dwarf passes us every 3600 yers and a large comet hasn't made impact for millions of years, i'm only saying there is a 'possibility', but "BTBSTS" Better to be safe than sorry is what I always say. All of the above is a purging of Earth(part of the process of the purification of ourplanet and every other in our solar system.

I'll say. So far we've been irradiated, probably had our atmosphere stripped and been bombarded with large chunks of rock.

As for your next question on its effect on the Sun: No effects on the Sun other than a magnetic field flip(not its pole like ours) causing intense solar flares(the ozone layer is penetrated and broken from the flares). The reason this Brown Dwarf has no major affect on our Sun is because Nibiru is only a third the size of our Sun.

Only a third the size of the sun huh? You realise that gives it a diameter 36 times greater than that of Earths right? Let me put it another way, Jupiters Diameter is only 11 times greater than Earths, which means that your "Brown Dwarf" is over 3 times the size of Jupiter. So you are suggesting that an object 3 times the size of Jupiter passes through the inner solar system every 3600 years and yet everything remains stable and normal?

You see, this is where things start to fall down. The fact that we are here precludes any spurious evidence at all that people concoct about "Planet X". If "Planet X" exists, we wouldn't be here to talk about it.

[edit on 14/0108/08 by neformore]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 03:14 AM
I didn't read all of those previous posts about this planet/dwarf star. This new information certainly has enlightened me. Three times the size of Jupiter
, I should definitely be able to see it!

If something that massive was going to be here in the inner solar system by next year, we wouldn't be having this discussion. How many asteroids would be hurled our way by something that massive. You can use words like elliptic and ecliptic, but that adds no weight at all to the argument. I think any schmuck on the street would be able to see something that big from at least one part of the world.

This 2012 business is one of my pet peeves, it fuels the conspiracy people that have stuff to sell, without a shred of evidence.

I've been told by other 2012ers that we can't see Planet X because it's behind the Sun, and/or covered up by chemtrails. How very, very convenient, they can make a claim like that without needing to show any evidence whatsoever.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by hildar
Now that is interesting about the sundogs. You see when sundogs happen normally something bad happens within a week after it happened. Even Indians tell about this and its also told about in ancient Greece. I have seen 4 sundogs in my 40 years, and every time something bad happened within a week of seeing it.

Have you ever heard of selective memory?

When you believe something bad is going to happen so firm, as you seem to, you will inevitably be able to find something somewhere, if nowhere else in the news.

Then you atribute it to the sundog and think "OMG, it is true!" Next time you see it, you will be searching even harder for confirmation, and again, the belief will make itself stronger.

That's what happens, when you believe something... Your brain tries to confirm it, as best it can.

And since we now know sun dogs happen all the time, why not simply attribute everything that is wrong on this planet to them?

Maybe we should scramble some jets, to shoot down those pesky crystalls in our atmosphere and end wars and world hunger once and for all!

What the hell is the Pentagon waiting for?!?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:33 AM
There are other believers on this thread who may answer your questions, however I will not continue to answer questions for those who remain so very skeptical and cynical of all this. I shall only observe and answer questions for those who actually care and aren't just trying to come to a conclusion for themselves that Nibiru 'does not exist'.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by xnibirux]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by mattguy404
I've been told by other 2012ers that we can't see Planet X because it's behind the Sun, and/or covered up by chemtrails. How very, very convenient, they can make a claim like that without needing to show any evidence whatsoever.

No, no... Chemtrails are created with the purpose of covering up Nibirus approach.

Isn't the level of technology involved amazing? I mean, just imagine.. They can now spread chemtrails so precisely, they just cover up one planet / brown dwarf, while still allowing astronomers to see all the other planets and continue business as usual.

Chemtrails must consist of flying nanobots that cleverly position themselves in front of PX and nowhere else, projecting an image of the sky back to us, while taking into account where the observer might be looking from.

The only thing i still can't figure out, is what they do, when there are multiple observers in multiple locations.. Unless of course the entire atmosphere contains a layer of these nanobots, projecting an accurate image of the sky, only editing out this massive brown dwarf.

I wonder... If i published this "theory".. How many would believe it?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by xnibirux
There are other believers on this thread who may answer your questions, however I will not continue to answer questions for those who remain so very skeptical and cynical of all this. I shall only observe and answer questions for those who actually care and aren't just trying to come to a conclusion for themselves that Nibiru 'does not exist'.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by xnibirux]

I don't think you're really being fair. When you make an incredible statement, you shouldn't expect everyone to simply take you on your word. Let's be honest, nobody knows who you are or what qualifies you to speak on this subject.

Although you have stated that this is your opinion, people do and should expect some type of supportive evidence.

I know most of the people here whom you call "skeptics" are only looking for the truth and do not have an agenda to disprove you.

As for me, if I could find any supportive evidence, I would post it. And yes, I have actually looked for evidence on both sides. So far, I have only found opinion on the pro planet x side and scientific evidence against planet x on the other side. If this changes, I will gladly post what I have come across.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by xnibirux
There are other believers on this thread who may answer your questions, however I will not continue to answer questions for those who remain so very skeptical and cynical of all this. I shall only observe and answer questions for those who actually care and aren't just trying to come to a conclusion for themselves that Nibiru 'does not exist'.

What you still fail to understand is, that we don't WANT to come to the conclusion it doesn't exist.. We are not believers of the opposite.

We just want to come to a conclusion based on FACTS, instead of wishfull thinking, or what some channeled aliens have to say, who for some strange reason can only communicate through dellusional minds.

All i've seen those, whom you call "narrow minded unenlightened skeptics", do here, is ask you for a REASON to believe.

A reason, based on logic facts, as opposed to what feels good.

You are the one, who wants to believe, we are the ones, who want to KNOW.

Otherwise, we wouldn't even be here.

BTW.. Another indication of this, is that believers get offended, when facts are proposed, while people who trust logic are not hurt, when beliefs are proposed.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by xnibirux
There are other believers on this thread who may answer your questions, however I will not continue to answer questions for those who remain so very skeptical and cynical of all this. I shall only observe and answer questions for those who actually care and aren't just trying to come to a conclusion for themselves that Nibiru 'does not exist'.

Thanks for confirming with this post that this is a load of bunk, and is about book sales/playing on irrational fears and duping people who are slightly more gullible.

I say that because you have decided that we *don't care*, which is a surefire sign of saying "I'm losing this argument so I'm going to try and discredit these people"

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by xnibirux
There are other believers on this thread who may answer your questions, however I will not continue to answer questions for those who remain so very skeptical and cynical of all this. I shall only observe and answer questions for those who actually care and aren't just trying to come to a conclusion for themselves that Nibiru 'does not exist'.
[edit on 14-1-2008 by xnibirux]

Believers. Hm. You'll only answer questions who aren't skeptical or cynical. Hm. Answering questions for people... let's say... sold or willing to be sold. On an idea.

In other words, this thread is a sales pitch.

An... advertisement, if you will.

And I thought advertisements were against the T&C.


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