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These people don't want peace.

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posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by steve99
When was the last time christians or jews blew themselves up in the name of their god.

Christianity and Judaism have Apache Attack Helicopters.

And Carpet Bombing.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Umbra Sideralis
yes you are right, please ignore my last post. need to read better and slowly

No problem there. glad you are ok with what i posted

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by steve99
When was the last time christians or jews blew themselves up in the name of their god.

Christianity and Judaism have Apache Attack Helicopters.

And Carpet Bombing.

and cruise missles, nukes, howitzers...etc

we don't need to ram someone else's planes into buildings, our planes have missles for us to use.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 07:04 PM
Great site steve99!

I put it in my favorites.

I know your getting alot of grief over it, but you know what...the truth hurts!

You got a Way Above Vote from me!

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 07:09 PM
ugh...I hate when someone points out how brutal and wrong islam is they compare islam of TODAY to christianity of 500-1000 years ago!

the fact is islam is the number one breeder of fanantics than any other ideology on the face of the planet!

This isnt a who's religion is better argument that some people are trying to turn this into...

the fact is ISLAM is not tolerant, or the people who enforce/believe it are not....

ISLAM TODAY still believes in conversion by the sword, stoning adulterous women,treat women like garbage, believes in chopping hands off for stealing, pyligamy, the list goes on and on.....

IF they did not want their religion attacked, they shouldnt of hid behind it to defend their attacks on "infidels" I believe was the word used by osama bin laden and others to justify there "jihad".

islam today spreads by war....christianity spreads by missionaries. quite a bit of difference in how the two groups think.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 07:59 PM
When someone post something negative about Islam, them someone else comes back and says something bad about Christianity, isn't that the same as someone bashing Bush then someone coming back and bashes Clinton for the same thing?

I was wondering because I know liberals hate when you interrupt their hatefest against Bush, saying how Clinton was worse.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 08:27 PM
Religon of Peace is a well known Anti-Muslim site that basically does nothing but spew an endless stream of anti-Muslim sentiment. And only half of it has any basis in reality.

Hell, they can't even call their enemies by their proper name.

They call them "Islamists" instead of Muslims. What the hell an islamist I dunno.

But I find the site to be little more than a promote of braindead knee jerk anti Muslim sentiment to those people too lazy or drunk on beer to bother doing actual research.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:01 PM
I can think of few if any religions that have not been used as justification for genocide, or at least war and death on a large scale, in the past as well as the present. Neither Islam nor Christianity are exceptions. What matters is the interpretation of religion. Furthermore, these justifications share something in common with secular justifications for conflict and death: they are galvanized and fed by the wealthy and influential, who rarely suffer the results themselves. This is not about religion. It is an affliction common to humanity in general.

Still, religion has been used throughout the ages as one of the justifications for such acts. It doesn't matter whether these acts happened hundreds or thousands of years ago, or are happening today. The fact remains that at certain points in history, large numbers of people deem it acceptable to utilize religion as the justification for violence on a broad scale.

I've seen no evidence that the majority of Muslims preach or support violence or hatred. That said, let's assume for the sake of discussion that this is indeed the case. Even then, the most that could be said would be that the majority of Muslims interpret Islam in such a way that they see it as justification or reason for violence (I'm not saying that is the case, but simply that if the majority of Muslims were violent, it still wouldn't mean the religion of Islam is inherently violent) or that Islam is doing what Christianity and Judaism already did ages ago.

I know that isn't a popular sentiment. I ask that people consider this point though, remembering that if history judges that this is indeed a period of violence incited primarily by Muslims - which remains to be seen, and isn't something I personally believe - it too will one day be considered a period in the distant past, as we now consider the crusades and other similar scenarios. If one's argument is that this doesn't diminish the connection between Islam and violence today, then they must also accept that other religions are equally capable of being interpreted that way, since they also happened "in the distant past." There can be no double standard, here.

I don't believe any religion is inherently violent. I don't believe any person is inherently violent, either. No one - save perhaps for a neurologically sociopathic individual - is born violent and hateful. Likewise, no religion is universally violent and hateful. It is the interpretation, and perhaps the times and situations, that determine that.

Lastly, I seriously doubt a person killed by either "side" of this tragic and heartbreaking conflict cares whether they are beheaded, shot, or bombed to pieces by Muslims, or whether it be by others. They just want to live, rather than die. Neither "side" is being very conducive to that at the moment, in my opinion.

With all this said, I want to go on record as saying that I respect everyone's opinion, and do not seek an argument with those who differ. I respect that these are the experiences and views forged by perception and living in this world that lead people to the conclusions they reach, and ultimately, that's all we have to go on, and that goes for me as well. I won't say "I'm right and you're wrong!" All I'll ever say is that I don't concur. It is hypocritical to believe in peace, and then get angry and start a fight with someone who disagrees with that.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by IrvingTheExplainer
I've, found to be a pretty good source of info I would normally no nothing about or get a biased version of.

(Hope it's OK to post the link that way.)

Hope it's okay for me to offtrack this thread, but I just wanted to say that that is a very nice find, it's very middle-of-the-road reporting, or rather, middle-of-their-road reporting. Oh yeah, it's up in my favorites bar right now. A question, though, do you have any idea regarding the meaning of the Arabic next to the American Flag in the upper right corner?

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:34 PM
First off that webpage was a laugh....such crap. I wanna know the math behind the "Iraq survival count" hahaha

Anyway someone befor said that islam is the largest breader of extremists in todays society. Which is ture if you use co-realation data, but co-realtion data can be misrepresented. Now i dont believe Islam spreads terroism, Poverty spreads terroism. This is the major factor i think people forget, these "extreme muslims" blowing themselves up are dead broke anyway. I think most Westerners sitting behind their nice comfy computer with a fat hamburger and a glass of coca cola forget what it must be like growing up in some of these "terror states" like palestine, afganistan, etc. These people feel helpless, and the grow up their whole lives in such low standards of living, and they look over at countries like israel who has a higher standard of living, and think to themselves why cant we have that? We'll they cant have that becuase most of the worlds resources are own by a small few of western entuerpaners.

Please befor you judge these "extremists" so harshly, put yourself in their shoes, try to live the life of a palestinian in your mind. Cut out the muslim bit, and just put christianity their. If christians were living in poor thrid world countries, and muslims held citites like New york, London, Berlin, Paris etc I promise "extremist" evangalical groups would rise as "terroists" groups saying that muslims are the worshippers of the anti-christ and they all have the mark of the beast etc etc..... Now take away their finalcial means and what would the christians be left with? Small primitive bombs, gurallia tactics etc. Now do you not think that a young poor chritian would not blow himself up to destroy the "anti-christ" and if he does the rest of his family will live better off.

Remember extremists aint "un-human" they have been raised in extreme situations that they see calls for extreme action. They are human just like you or me. Now we can take the easy way out of this and have a "war on terroism" and try to blow the crap with anyone who dissents agaignt western powers, or have the hard way "war on poverty" which would defeat the underlining intention for terroism, this would stop terroism, save people's lives insted of taking them, and raise the standrard of livings for these people. Dont you think our standards of living aint high enough? That we take some time and invest in the rest of the world for once insted of ourselves? Dam i think i will be called a commie now.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 09:53 PM
The site this thread is about was new to me. It is clearly overboard but the cited attacks appear to be accurate. It’s the first time I've seen the numbers put together. If I were of the Muslim faith I'd probably throw a fit. The fact remains that these extremists are very lethal and for some reason seem to be killing other Muslims without regard. With this much factual ammunition available these hate sites are to be expected. It is no worse than the Christian bashing that goes on here daily though.

A good question might be; why don't the Muslims themselves do something about this??????????????????? Why don't the Muslim governments put a stop to this????????????? There must be some reason. What is it do you suppose?????? The only people who can stop this are the Muslims themselves. So what’s the hold up? When exactly are you going to do something? After a few hundred more deaths? A few thousand? A few million? Are you going to let these nut cases kill a whole generation of your children before you respond? Are you waiting for someone else to fight your battles for you?

The Arab news source was also new to me. Interesting reading. It's the antithesis of the other site. Clearly anti-American/Christian and mostly opinion mixed with an occasional fact. I'd say neither source should be trusted. They are both biased. Unless you are blinded by your own prejudices.

This board is a bigot magnet, so let the chips fall where they may.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 10:14 PM

(Does anyone else think that Pat Robertson should be put up against a wall and shot for every moronic statement that oozes from his brain?)

How many follow Robertson?? And how many have killed anyone on his behalf? Did I miss something? Did he command his followers to wear bombs and board busses? He's just an idiot the neolib uses often to force their will on the weak minded.

Why is it that with all the Christian pastors in this country the neolib media CENTERS ON HIM????

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
ugh...I hate when someone points out how brutal and wrong islam is they compare islam of TODAY to christianity of 500-1000 years ago!

The fact is islam is the number one breeder of fanantics, oppressors, on the face of the planet!

Hey, wait! That's not PC! You call it like you see it! So what if progressives,
, the whole name is ridiculous, want to point out things a thousand years old

It's about now! Not with them ofcourse becuase their still talking about crap a thousand years ago. WHy then, does the media refere to them as progressives??????

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 10:35 PM
At least THEY don't hide their crimes like the US military. And stop saying Islam is full of extremists and they want death to us, this is plain stupid.


posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 11:07 PM
Is there a parallel in Christianity and Judaism to do the same as what's written in the Qur'an?

The Qur'an is considered by Muslims to be the most important authority in all of Islam. The Qur'an clearly teaches and encourages Holy War, or Jihad.

Don't believe the Religion of Peace website then how about the Qur'an itself.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

oh wait, remember how children were used by christianity?
it's called the child's crusade

it's probably one of the worst uses of children by ANY religion ever

Not to sidetrack the origional thread but If you read down to the bottom of that link you provided, it says that the story is fiction. Interesting story though.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 12:01 AM

why don't the Muslims themselves do something about this??????????????????? Why don't the Muslim governments put a stop to this????????????? There must be some reason. What is it do you suppose?????? The only people who can stop this are the Muslims themselves. So what’s the hold up? When exactly are you going to do something? After a few hundred more deaths? A few thousand? A few million? Are you going to let these nut cases kill a whole generation of your children before you respond? Are you waiting for someone else to fight your battles for you?

Why dont we just stop all crime in the U.S.? People are being robbed, rapped and murdered so what are we waiting for? are we gonna wait for a million more murder victims?

the fact is that we, like peaceful muslim people, dont condone the killing of innocent people. and we, like peaceful muslim people, have no control over those who do kill innocent people. If Osama came out and said terrorism is wrong and he would no longer contribute to the killing of innocents there would still be terrorism. it is a widepread idea, an intangible weapon that is impossible to stop or stomp out. we learned just how impossible it is to stop an idea from spreading in vietnam.

terrorist are emphasizing only the most violent parts of the Qur'an. If christians formed a terrosist group that followed the old testament they would be targeting a wider spectrum of "infidels" than the muslim extremeists.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Darkmind
Somewhat inflammatory. Personally speaking you could make up a website that claimed similar things for any religion on Earth. Christianity would be a pretty nasty one.

I dont know you would be hard pressed to make a website that could paint buddhist in such a light.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 02:01 AM
Holy crap, I'm almost ashamed to say I'm a part of the ATS community... I cant believe a lot of you buy into this anti-islamic rhetoric that this website spews out. Seriously think of what you're saying. You're all blaming this SOLEY on MUSLIMS. Keep in mind that the people that attacked our country were RADICALISTS, they dont speak for every single muslim on the entire planet. This is all being blown waaaaay out of proportion. You people on your goddamn high horses dont even consider that what your saying actually fuels the fire that's hot enough as it is. Words like that make it seem to the muslims like there really is a religious war. And you know what if you were in their position i guarantee you would be saying there is a religious war as well. It doesnt matter if WE dont think its a religious war or not, but when you say all this crap like that website does then the other side will percieve it as exactly that. Think about what you say before you quickly place the blame on them.

Also, I think this topic is in the wrong forum, there is no conspriacy angle whatsoever in the topic, just political ranting and raving.

posted on Jun, 6 2006 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by fookerboy69
Holy crap, I'm almost ashamed to say I'm a part of the ATS community... I cant believe a lot of you buy into this anti-islamic rhetoric that this website spews out. Seriously think of what you're saying. You're all blaming this SOLEY on MUSLIMS. Keep in mind that the people that attacked our country were RADICALISTS, they dont speak for every single muslim on the entire planet. This is all being blown waaaaay out of proportion. You people on your goddamn high horses dont even consider that what your saying actually fuels the fire that's hot enough as it is. Words like that make it seem to the muslims like there really is a religious war. And you know what if you were in their position i guarantee you would be saying there is a religious war as well. It doesnt matter if WE dont think its a religious war or not, but when you say all this crap like that website does then the other side will percieve it as exactly that. Think about what you say before you quickly place the blame on them.

Also, I think this topic is in the wrong forum, there is no conspriacy angle whatsoever in the topic, just political ranting and raving.

I totally agree!! This is propaganda crap to make all of you war-mongerer against Iran and muslims countries! Muslims are people like us, they want peace. They SEEMS more extremists because of the medias but they're not as they appear to be.

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