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Wake Up People, We Are Being Decieved

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posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 03:48 AM
If you'll read My posts, & read some of the replies I've done on here, you'll see that what the "Elite" are trying to take away, is "free will" & by taking away privacy, that's exactly what they're doing.

If you can't have privacy, you can't plan to stop them, you can't hide plans for revolution, you can't hide weapons, which they will come knocking on your door for & take them away by force. As for Me & My house, they will have to take away My guns, bullets first.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 09:33 PM
To all the naysayers, how blind are we. It has come out recently how the NSA has been spying on people that have nothing to do with terrorism.

I am sure the part that was leaked is only the tip of the iceburg, they operate "Above The Law"

Then you have Bush and his cronnies trying to sell us the Patriot Act, saying it is for our good, what a joke, all it has done is allow them to violate our rights without getting a proper warrant.

Now they are taking peoples property wherever they want," KEEP ON SLEEPING" You will wake up sleeping outdoors.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:58 PM
I dont mean to point out the ignorance of most of the responders,but what Last Day Phrophet states here is pretty much accurate.I think most people have become much too confortable with this way of life these "ELITE" have set up for us.People are so quick to dismiss such claims,as the ones brought up here,without doing a minute of research into the topic.Those who still refuse to accept that the government was involved in 9/11,simply havnt seen the mountains of hard evidence which PROVE that they were.People say they wouldnt dare try something like that,theyd get caught.....THEY HAVE BEEN CAUGHT! Their official story has been disproven at all levels,and each exposé can easily be found through a Google search.The evidence is available for anyone willing to look for it.And i think that is where we have a problem.

People are not willing to look for it.Some,because they refuse,others because they do not have the concentration capacity to do it.Neither of which is a legitimate excuse.In fact there is NO legitimate excuse,other than not caring whatsoever for your country,for your family,for your future, or yourself.Its okay not to believe all of these conspiracy theories,but if your gonna publicly state that they are lies,and call people liars,I STRONGLY suggest you do in-depth research beforehand.If you are not willing than you have no right to come on here and say its not true.(Might i add,to suggest that someone is a liar because he makes a spelling mistake is a very overt sign of ignorance of the highest degree....)

As i stated earlier,people have become much too comfortable with this way of life that has been set up for us.We are very protective of it,and some so much so,that they reject any notions that our way of life might be threatented.Their attachment blinds them.They refuse to accept that these conspiracy theories have any legitimacy to them,and they refuse to do the suggested research for fear of discovering that all of it may very well be true...We are more dependant on these "ELITE" now than ever before in the long history of their control over us.We need to break away from that,and the only way to do that is to get informed and to inform others.That should be the quest of all freedom-loving people,especially as we progress into the 21st century.If we fail to do so,we will deserve the horrors that will follow.....but our children wont.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 12:38 AM
I have one question for all of you out there who believe this crap. Why would the "elite" as you say, take the time and resources to set up all of this 24/7 surveillance(which is impossible by the way, in both funding and man power to do so.) A very very large majority of the planet just live their lives as you and I do. Theres nothing intersting about my every day life, I go to class, go to work, I eat, I sh*t, I sleep, go party every now and then, repeat as follows. Why would the "elite" resort to taking(wasting in my opinion) these resources to set up all of this for everyone else in the world when it just doesnt make sense? Because in the end, they do just the same things we do, but while wasting much more money and resources. These so called "elites", are people like you and I, they just have more money. They can loose their money, or continue to prosper. It is all based on their own decisions. How do you explain the fact that one can go to school, educate yourself for a good job, and go on to prosper yourself if you so choose? If you choose, you can join the military. If you choose, you dont join the military. If you choose, you can get educated in any subject you want. If you choose, you can quit education and work a dead end job the rest of your life. If youre getting my pattern here, my emphasis is on choice, and it is something we all have.

As for those of you who think youre rights are being taken away, please!!!
Name me the exact right that you have lost. Privacy doesnt count because there is no possible way that the US govt can monitor every single citizen in this nation, not to mention those that are here illegal. They are simply doing their jobs just like you and I when we go to work. What are the odds the Government is watching you unless there is something you are doing that you arent supposed to be(ie. criminal acts that have been around for the entire life of the US)? Does the govt. have a reason to be watching those of you who cry youre rights are being taken away? If you feel your rights are being so infringed why do you feel free to come on this board and spout your dissent about the govt if youre so afraid youll be whisked away to a concetration camp of some kind? Dont you think the Govt could easily monitor this board and find out who you are through your user name? If any of you can answer these questions, I'll drop my issues with any of your conspiracies about your rights being taken away.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 02:38 AM
The originator of this thread seems to forget that his ELITE have not been in a consistant position of power over the time period that has elapsed.

I find it hard to believe that the first WTC bombing was part of plan initiated by the ELITE, i.e. Clinton administration. Then after letting the "ELITE'S": successor loose the election; the new ELITE, i.e. Bush administration, would neatly continue their grand conspiracy plans by having the WTC attacked again.

Administrations come and go, heads of banking come and go, heads of industry come and go, and military leaders come and go. The major reason they leave is because the citizens, the shareholders, the board of directors also change and they no longer want the current leader to remain in power.

Knowing all this, how can there be a consistent, purposeful, single minded ELITE that transcends all?

Come on

[edit on 6-1-2006 by Weston]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 01:41 PM
To clear some things up, firstly it is not the intention of the ELITE to monitor everyone 24/7. They are looking for those that would be considered threats to them, people that have enough accurate information that would expose them. If you are not aware, they have a system called ECHELON, this system currently monitors over 2 Million communications per hour, whether it be cell phones, telephones, e-mails, text messages ect.
It is triggered by keywords such as Terror, Murder, Kill, Assassinate. When these and like words appear they are flagged and assigned for further investigation.

I experienced this technology several years ago while visiting a website, it was William coopers website, a man that has exposed a lot of the deceptions perpetrated upon us and was murdered for it. I know bill was on point because I had read in some of his documents prior to 911 that there would be an attack in NY in which he said they would blame it on terrorist. He also said that they might possibly use anthrax, which they did.

When I left the website a pop-up window appeared which said "WE SAW WHAT YOU DID, WE KNOW WHERE YOU WENT(and listed the other websites I visited) WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE"

Their plan goes back to 1776 and maybe further back than that. If you look on the back of the dollar bill, the Latin words translated mean A NEW ORDER OF AGES, or a new world order. You will also find a series of 13's, 13 fig leaves, 13 stripes, 13 arrows, 13 levels in the pyramid,13 stars,13 Letters in annuit coeptis and 6 Ones. If you notice, the pyramid was not capped for it would be capped when the plan came to completion sometime in the future.
The capping pyramid with the all-seeing eye is symbolic of the all-seeing eye of the Anti-Christ. This is where the cameras come in. The Anti-Christ will be satan in the flesh like Jesus was GOD in the flesh. Satan has always tried to duplicate GOD, the difference being GOD is everywhere all the time.

Satan is limited to being one place at any given time. Although being a Spirit creature he has the capability of assimilating a vast amount of information in a moment of time, he has to do it from one location. An illustration would be how satan took Jesus to the mountain top and showed him all the Kingdoms of the world in a "Moment Of Time" The cameras, which I call "The Eyes Of The Anti-Christ" will allow him to monitor all that is going on throughout the Earth. This is why we see all information being "Centralized" You must remember that the Anti-Christ is a Spirit and can see thousands of things in the same moment. This is why the whole world will believe him to be GOD, his knowledge and wisdom will far surpass that of common men, for it will be satan himself working through him.

So now let us go back to 911, the plan of the ELITE was to cause fear in the people that would make it easier to monitor all communications without restrictions(which the Patriot Act does) To further the installations of cameras everywhere under guise that it is protecting us from terrorist when in reality creating a police state where there will be nowhere to hide.

Think about this for a moment, why do you need a camera in a cell phone ?
Do we take that many photo's daily ?
This shows some of the power and cunningness of the ELITE, they merely suggested that it is needful and millions of people bought their deception.

And think about this, how easy is it to install a hidden camera in a gps system of you car that would allow the ELITE to not only hear what you say, but also see who's in the car.

Same goes with the cable box and satellite receivers, how hard is it to hide a camera in them? With cable it's the best, not only will they be able to see into the rooms of your house, watching you while you are watching TV. Not only that but again it centralizes your information, they can read you e-mails, see where you go on the internet, hear you telephone conversations and monitor what you watch.

911 served to "Globalize" all information, bringing us closer to the "One World Government" which has been their agenda since 1776 or earlier.

Certainly here in America all information has become "Centralized" and the effort to positively identify everyone has escalated.

Currently we have the "Digital Angel" Chip which allows the ELITE to track you anywhere in the world within 3 feet. They first perfected this in the pets, it is called a pet locator.
Already in Europe it is being used to allow "ELITE" members to enter certain clubs. It is used to "BUY" but just as easily can be used to "SELL" when the time comes. You will not be allowed in these clubs without this "CHIP"

When the Anti-Christ appears this Chip will become the "MARK OF THE BEAST" and without it you will not be able to buy or sell.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by Lastday Prophet]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 01:57 PM
great thread...we have to wake up and come together here thats the bottom line!!!!

Exodus: Movement of Jah people! Oh-oh-oh, yea-eah!
Men and people will fight ya down (Tell me why!)
When ya see Jah light. (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!)
Let me tell you if you're not wrong; (Then, why?)
Everything is all right.
So we gonna walk - all right! - through de roads of creation:
We the generation (Tell me why!)
(Trod through great tribulation) trod through great tribulation.

Exodus, all right! Movement of Jah people!
Oh, yeah! O-oo, yeah! All right!
Exodus: Movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!

Yeah-yeah-yeah, well!
Uh! Open your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied (with the life you're living)? Uh!
We know where we're going, uh!
We know where we're from.
We're leaving Babylon,
We're going to our Father land.

2, 3, 4: Exodus: movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
(Movement of Jah people!) Send us another brother Moses!
(Movement of Jah people!) From across the Red Sea!
(Movement of Jah people!) Send us another brother Moses!
(Movement of Jah people!) From across the Red Sea!
Movement of Jah people!
/Instrumental break/
Exodus, all right! Oo-oo-ooh! Oo-ooh!
Movement of Jah people! Oh, yeah!
Exodus! All right!
Exodus! Now, now, now, now!
Exodus! Oh, yea-ea-ea-ea-ea-ea-eah!
Exodus! All right!
Exodus! Uh-uh-uh-uh!

Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 02:13 PM
You dont understand. Presidents are NOT the Elite. The Elite do not get elected, we do not see the Elite in the public display. Why would they put themselves on public display, where they can be targeted and scrutinized. They dont. The Elite are all the people who own the international Banks, own all the media, own all the oil companies, own all the mega-corporations, they own anything that generates humoungous amounts of money. That is howthey are able to get control of governments, cuz they own all the money. They put their puppets, the presidents, prime ministers, etc. to interact with the public, and introduce their Agenda. People ask why dont politicians listen, because theyre not there to listen, they are there to introduce the Agenda of the centralization of global power. They are not answering to us, that is why they do whatever their masters tell them and act in unision, no matter what the people intheir countries are saying. Because they are not answering to us.

Both political parties are controlled by this Elite, the Illuminati. It is used to give us the illusion of choice. While the parties bicker and squabble, the people who control the parties are partners. It is used to divide and rule us.

Elections are not neccesary (see last election?) but, they let us have a vote, even though no matter who we vote for, they win cuz they own both parties, and by letting us vote, they pretend to follow the constitution, which Bush said was a ''goddamned piece of paper.''

We live in a hidden-hand dictatorship. There are two types of dictatorships: Theres the overt dictatorship. The one you can see, touch, feel. The one where you know its a dictatorship, and people around the world know its a dictatorship. i.e. Communist Russia, Apartheid, etc.

The second dictatorship is what is called the hidden-hand dictatorship, or covert dictatorship. The ones that people dont see. The one that makes you believe you are free when you actually are not. Because people dont rebel against not being free when they believe they are. Hitler learned this. This is the kind of dictatorship we live in, the hidden-hand dictatorship that gives us the illusion of choice.

The Apartheid is a great example of this. During Apartheid, you had mass violations of human rights around South Africa, you had a wide disparity of wealth, you had the same familes that own the diamond mines over there also owned 80% of the South African stock market. These families owned the government, and ruled with an iron fist. There were riots. There was mass protests all around the world, because everyone could see it, dictatorship! Oppresion! Those people are not free! Because of all the pressure, these families who had control were forced to change some policies. They gave blacks more rights and power, they turned down their oppresion, and they pretended to be all righteous and good. But they still controlled the government, still owned the diamond mines, still owned 80% of the stock market, and still ruled with a dictatorship. But what happened to all the protests, and the riots, and the petitions? All gone! No more! ''Those people are free now''....yea right.

Because, way back, when the colonial powers supposedly pulled out of Africa, pulled out of Asia, pulled out of North and South America, they left behind their minions that would still retain control over the country. But instead of being overt about it, they would be covert. And people would think that they have ''independance'', yet the same colonial powers would retain control. This has happened all over the world!

These Elite are pure evil, which would explain howthey can go and kill 30,000 innocent civilians in Iraq alone, and feel no remorse and no empathy, in such a way that they think ''Okay, thats done, now who's next?''

These Elite have their symbols EVERYWHERE. Just look at a US dollar bill, its full of them!

The Illuminati also control the terrorist organizations. They control all the highest levels. Who do you think is stimulating these muslim extremists?

Why would they control both sides of a war? Simple. Because then they can control the outcome. Thats just common sense.

They've already admitted to a New World Order, and yes, they've admitted to wanting us in labour camps. Go read the founding documents of FEMA. Go call the white house, and the newspapers, and verify that yes these quotes are a fact. They reported on it, it should be in their archives.

They want the centralization of global power, which would be run by them.They are installing a military dictatorship in America (you can see this happening everyday), and have stated publically that they will CARRY OUT the terror, they will engineer the crisis, so they can offer their solution to it.

And they can care less whether you believe any of this or not. In fact, they want you to not believe it. Thats the whole point.

And i think Alex Jones and David Icke would have something to say about this subject.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 03:01 PM
I am not quite sure what you meant, no the President is not the ELITE per say, but he is a member of the ELITE.

Bush(both) John Kerry and Bill Clinton all went to Yale. All are part of the Satanic Brotherhood called "Skull And Bones" All are of The ELITE.

The members of the ELITE run the major banks, newspapers, TV networks, TV studios, major corporations, auto manufacturer's, food supply, fast food chains and everything else "MAJOR"
Of course many Senators and Congressmen are members.

Here is a breakdown of the power structure:

At The Top working behind the scene is "The Dragon"(satan), "The Beast/Anti-Christ", "The False Prophet" The Satanic Trinity 3

The "TEN KINGS" or ten wise men which would be like unto the Apostles Of Christ. These men control world affairs and the finance of the world and social policy.

The ELITE which is composed of the Illuminate, certain masonic fraternities, business men, teachers, politicians and the like.

They are in the places of authority so that they can control and manipulate the shepeople.

When you add the 3 (symbolic of the satanic trinity)
With the 10 (symbolic of the ten kings)

Bingo You Get 13, the number we see appearing everywhere

America Online has 13 letters and it's logo is the pyramid

Delta Airline, 13 letters and the logo is the pyramid.

Citgo, the pyramid

JP Morgan Chase(a recent merger) 13 letters

Bank Of America 13 letters

There are many more that follow this pattern, the same pattern on the back of the dollar bill.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 03:11 PM
"When will we wake up and see what is really going on? "

I think it would be fair to say that many of us ARE awake, and we do see what is going on.

Now, what do you suggest we do?

If we are to 'unite' and DO something, where do you suggest this group to join together and what do you recommend would be 'our' first move?

I would be glad to open my home to people if they needed a place to organize and execute an effective strike, but that would get me and the everybody else who showed up thrown in jail... IF our intention was to do something 'harmfull' to this government's process.
I live in the valley of the sun, the perfect place to stage an event to get the 'outside' worlds attention. It just can't be something illegal.
If any of you are willing to do something that will test our rights as human beings, I'm all in.

Is there a message, or a series of messages that you believe would set this nation on their asses if they all had a chance to understand what is happening all at once? It's not as easy as doing something perfect, for a perfectly good reason. 'We' would have to do something that the press couldn't ignore, and we would have to be effective and accurate enough in whatever we chose to expose to the people, that they wouldn't let the subject be changed by typical media hype.

I don't know either, I'm looking for something too.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 04:41 PM
I’m afraid to say it would have to be through the mainstream media who unfortunately are a part of the ELITE.

Because you see not only would one have the unenviable task of having to deprogram the sheeple which has taken years to achieve but now the pieces and resources are in place to allow the inevitable to happen as it is written so shall it be.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:02 PM
Youre right prophet. Presidents are part of the Elite, but I was trying to emphasize that they were not THE Elite. The Bush administration is not who we are talking about when we say Elite.

I am completely open to lawful resistance against them. I believe civil disobedience is the way to go to defeat this thing. If we ALL refuse to pay taxes, refuse to be regulated, refuse to believe all the crap they tell us, if we fight back against all their tactics, we have a good chance at beating them.

But this needs to be a mass-operation. Not just a few groups, everyone on Earth has to get involved and fight against them. There are 6,000,000,000 people on planet Earth. There is no way, if we all resist them, they can achieve their evil goals.

Thats why the first step into fighting and resisting them is to wake up as many people as possible, and encourage them to wake others up. Eventually, so many people will wake up and resist, the system will crumble.

We must act now. Im here desperatly trying to get the information I know out to people, and I know alot of you out there are as well. But, first, people have gotta believe what we say, before we can all get together, organize, and resist this system.

By the way, Id listen to LastProphet. He is on target.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by LetKnowledgeDrop
You dont understand. Presidents are NOT the Elite. The Elite do not get elected, we do not see the Elite in the public display. Why would they put themselves on public display, where they can be targeted and scrutinized. They dont. The Elite are all the people who own the international Banks, own all the media, own all the oil companies, own all the mega-corporations, they own anything that generates humoungous amounts of money. That is howthey are able to get control of governments, cuz they own all the money. They put their puppets, the presidents, prime ministers, etc. to interact with the public, and introduce their Agenda. People ask why dont politicians listen, because theyre not there to listen, they are there to introduce the Agenda of the centralization of global power. They are not answering to us, that is why they do whatever their masters tell them and act in unision, no matter what the people intheir countries are saying. Because they are not answering to us.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

a big amen to that whole post. people who do not realize this is in for big t r o u b l e. its really obvious i cant belive people do not see what is going on....are they really that lost?

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:19 PM
Funkydung, look up to the right of your screen, it will say you have X# u2u's. That's private communications.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:23 PM
I do believe that people, especially in America will fight the to stop the Anti-Christ and his technology. The Beast will rule from Europe.
The Bible states that there will be a "MARK" (digital angel chip) a "NUMBER" (credit cards and debit cards) and the "NAME" which has to do with satanic worship. All the people will not want to take the MARK that is why they will be forced to take it or die. I think the warnings that are circulating today about the chip being the mark will make many reluctant to be chipped and this is why there will be a number also.

To answer you other question, I am awaiting the "RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH" when the followers of Jesus will be taken from the earth.
I don't plan on being here when the Anti-Christ is "REVEALED" (he is here now)
My belief is that the Anti-Christ will appear after the rapture of the church.
He will be able to quickly restore order with the technology now in place along with his Satanic Powers. This is why most will believe him to be GOD.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by Lastday Prophet]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 06:06 PM
Id rather die than go along with this Luciferian/Draconian system.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet

To answer you other question, I am awaiting the "RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH" when the followers of Jesus will be taken from the earth.
I don't plan on being here when the Anti-Christ is "REVEALED" (he is here now)
My belief is that the Anti-Christ will appear after the rapture of the church.
He will be able to quickly restore order with the technology now in place along with his Satanic Powers. This is why most will believe him to be GOD.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by Lastday Prophet]

Are you serious? The RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH?
Then somebody is going to step up and restore order to the world and barcode everybody to keep them in line?
c'mon dude.
Do they at least save the planet?
That's all I'm really worried about.

Originally posted by LetKnowledgeDrop
We must act now. Im here desperatly trying to get the information I know out to people, and I know alot of you out there are as well. But, first, people have gotta believe what we say, before we can all get together, organize, and resist this system.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by LetKnowledgeDrop]

I believe first we must have brief enough to share with them that gives them the opportunity to become aware of the problems, then allow them to investigate for themselves. It's not like we could come up with a set of plans to deprogram from what the government has programmed them to believe. It wouldn't be perceived well eventhough they seem more than willing to accept what they are being offered, if you tried to expose them to something in such contrast to what they are already following, it would be a waste of time. i think .
What information are you desperately trying to get out to people?
You know what I've found, it doesn't do others much good to place all of this burden on their shoulders unless you are ready to do something to change it. Trying to explain to my sisters that they are feeding their babies 'frankenfood' will not help them or my baby nieces (the most precious things in my world). They live in this country and it's not like they can escape the wall of corruption that are surrounding us.

Is there a statement we could make that would MAKE people understand what we are doing to ourselves, or make the 'masses' realize we are eliminating our own children's future?
I like this one " According to the government , WE are suffocating ourselves"

The foundation of our demonstration or protest could be based on the information provided in this thread :

I have some good ideas, most of them have been things I could do by myself but they are all just fantasies because I know deep down inside that it is very unlikely that I will do anything that will land my ass in Maricopa County's - Tent City. And one person doesn't have the ability to get the world's attention unless he does something devastating to another man's way of life. I got soul but I'm not a souljah, or a killer.

I have some other idea's that would involve staging a demonstration at ASU with a bunch of baby farm animals and a lot of fake blood, or real blood... whatever. The cruelty to animals charge would be hard to prosecute if the animals were going to be slaughtered for market to begin with... and we could just have a big BBQ afterwards. It wouldn't be a problem to get some Veterans involved either.
Good people, doing what is right.

I'm willing to risk my life for ya', but I won't sit in jail and fry for ya'.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
I think you'll have a hard time selling this to the members of this site. I mean, come on, everyone here trusts the government and knows they only have our best interests at heart. No one is going to fall for such an outlandish conspiricy such as this. We trust them because hey, we elected them. the government is representitive of the people and they always do as we tell them to do.

With that said, i'm going back to sleep now.


Well, i hate to say something. I Dont trust the gov't myself.... I didnt elect him, i dont vote....what he says is Probably true, dont know, dont really care, but i dont trst the Gov't as said before. they suck....

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 01:20 PM
Everybody is quick to jump up and point out all the problems in the world, you get all excited when you find something that will bother the crap out of other people...
but when it comes to doing something to change it,
or even DISCUSSING with others the possibility of doing something to change it,
you get all lock jawwed.

turn on, tune in , drop out.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 01:36 PM
[edit on 7-1-2006 by mIsTeR BonEs]

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