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Palestinians again show their true faces

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posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 11:39 PM
Hope I am not jumping in and ruining a conversation.

I just find it very funny that the state of Israel was only made possible by the very tactics that they are now condemming as terrorism......

Ahh, the Circle of life

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 11:43 PM
Careful mate you'll upset someone's belief system

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 11:49 PM
Oh oh could I get banned?

Yeah though peoples beliefs are usually easily offended when faced with the truth.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by CTID56092
Bliar may be Pro-Israel but he has little support for that view at home

Shame on Britain and other Western European countries that give one sided support to the palestinains, what have they given to Europe other then
suicide bombers,suicide bombers,suicide bombers and more suicide bombers.

Educating the next generation!

Cute kid, bad parents and government.

Originally posted by CTID56092
I really hope you're a child - if you're an adult with a vote I'm even more worried about the future of the US than I was before.

well, I wasn't able to vote in the last election but I'll be able in the next one (I'm seventeen).

Originally posted by CTID56092
There are 160+ counties in the UN

Originally posted by CTID56092
4The World

How about living in one of the tyranny (Iran, Saudi Arabia etc.) nations for a while, you'll be coming back pretty darn fast.Unfortunately most of the world (except Europe, North America and others (like Israel, Australia etc.)
are controlled by dictatorship, tyranny and oppression.

4USA, texas

[edit on 24-3-2005 by 4USA]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:10 AM
Israel is also a tyranical regime, it's a racist aphartied state where they keep the indeginous population sealed away in bantustans, it's much more oppresive then Saudi Arabia or Syria and the jail, toture and kill many more people than those countries do..

The Israelis get effectivly 10 billion a year from the Americans, not to mention trade benefits from the Europeans and additional $ from Germany; the Palestinians get a little bit of money just so they don't completly starve to death, even though malnutrition continues to be a problem..

An Israel was an aphartied state even before the first suicide bomber and they (P militants) have shown that they can get a bomber through anyways if they want to, just mentioning that before you say Israel is an aphartied state because of bombers, they are one in order to oppress.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:14 AM

we have a lot of exceptional students of arafat here...

they lie and manipulate just like he did...but they only spout their lies to influence the uninformed and the confused...they love bantering with helps to increase their skills of pursuasion

the truth is irrelevant to them...only the mission matters

too bad such intelligent minds are wasted for satans calling

they've chosen their side, and so have I

I enjoy reading your posts and links

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by CTID56092
Yeah you're right.

Tiny Palestine with it's massive & sophisticated intelligence / PR machine has brainwashed the entire UN into seeing Israel's last-defence strategy of reluctantly killing a few people as unjustified

There are 160+ counties in the UN, most are poor small countries who see you supporting, unequivocally, aggression and murder. They don't like it and are worried if it's not stopped in Palestine they'll be next.

The fact that Palestinians have highjacked the UN is well documented - Go to the links provided - it shows just how rediculous the UNs handling of the Palestinian issue is in comparison to other crises.

If you think the UN is composed of a group of apolitical statemen who vote according to their conscience then I certainly hope that YOU are not of a voting age because that is quite NAIVE. Like every other country, politics has EVERYTHING to do with way votes go down in the UN. And this is true even more for the poor countries that compose the majority of the UN general assembly. In general the poor countries are more prone to corruption and have worse human rights conditions. In addition, the hate the US for economic and political reasons and see Israel as its surrogate - So why not bash them.

I will respond to your other posts later on today.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by 1wintermute1
Hope I am not jumping in and ruining a conversation.

I just find it very funny that the state of Israel was only made possible by the very tactics that they are now condemming as terrorism......

Ahh, the Circle of life

Are you talking about the bombing children in school buses tactics? THe brainwash children into suicide mission tactics? I am at a loss as to what you mean?
Did you know who holds that Guinness book of worlds record for the biggest bank heist in history - Look it up. You need to really dig in since the Guinness book of world record refuses to name the culprit but its out there - OK I'll help:
Did you mean this tactic?
How about the murder to Christians in Lebanon for Political/Strategical reasons (TERRORISM)
Did you mean this tactic?

The PLO performed unmentionable attrocities in Lebanon alone - and this was a friendly country.

I suggest you learn both sides of the story before you blurt out unsupported phrases.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by xphantomx
Israel is also a tyranical regime, it's a racist aphartied state where they keep the indeginous population sealed away in bantustans, it's much more oppresive then Saudi Arabia or Syria and the jail, toture and kill many more people than those countries do..

The Israelis get effectivly 10 billion a year from the Americans, not to mention trade benefits from the Europeans and additional $ from Germany; the Palestinians get a little bit of money just so they don't completly starve to death, even though malnutrition continues to be a problem..

An Israel was an aphartied state even before the first suicide bomber and they (P militants) have shown that they can get a bomber through anyways if they want to, just mentioning that before you say Israel is an aphartied state because of bombers, they are one in order to oppress.

OK for every thing you say above support with evidence - This time I will not do the research for you. Prove what you say! Blurting our lies is easy - Prove your arguements on all issues above - I challange you!

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 04:45 AM
Well those pictures of the kids pretty much state who is to blame on the whole thing. Arabs train their kids to hate israeal as soon as their born. They start throwing rocks and bang they are shot. then paraded down the street saying "death to israel".

European's don't support the palastians, the european governments do. Do you think the EU government have the same view of public If european people had their way there would be no immgrants. No mosques being built in europe.

[edit on 24-3-2005 by TheTruth123]

[edit on 24-3-2005 by TheTruth123]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 11:28 AM

Israel has violated over 90 UN resolutions. Israel has almost all the cards when it comes to bringing about peace in the Middle East but they don't.

Like they didn't with Egypt or Jordan? Like Israel did not attempt to reach peace in Madrid? Oslo? Oslo 2? Wye Plantation? Camp David? Taba? Road Map?
Returning Jericho and Gaza? Returning much of the WB? Returning 95% of the Palestinian population to Palestinian rule? What is this peanuts? Something that proves that we do not want peace?
Have the terrorist networks been disarmed? Did terrorism stop? Did the Palestinians fulfit a single agreement with Israel?

My point is ISRAEL HAS VIOLATED OVER 90 UN RESOLUTIONS and nothing you say here denies that.

The BIGGEST obstacle to peace in the Middle East is ISRAEL. That's my other point. Anybody who's not rabidly pro-Israeli and blind to everything else would at least consider this as a viable opinion, but I expect nothing from your close-mindedness.

Wrong again! Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu, Barak and Sharon and all Prime Ministers prior to them were secular. Their political parties are secular and they all come from secular households. They may have had coalitions with the religious but what kind of democracy would it be if they weren't?

hey, did I say ALL ISRAELI PRIME MINISTERS are secular? No. Read what I say before you try to disprove it. I said the government, not the figureheads.

Are you talking about the bombing children in school buses tactics? THe brainwash children into suicide mission tactics? I am at a loss as to what you mean?
Did you know who holds that Guinness book of worlds record for the biggest bank heist in history - Look it up. You need to really dig in since the Guinness book of world record refuses to name the culprit but its out there - OK I'll help:
Did you mean this tactic?
How about the murder to Christians in Lebanon for Political/Strategical reasons (TERRORISM)
Did you mean this tactic?

The PLO performed unmentionable attrocities in Lebanon alone - and this was a friendly country.

I suggest you learn both sides of the story before you blurt out unsupported phrases.

Nice links. Daniel Pipes is well known for his blind support of all things Israel, he tries to get students from around the US to rat on any college or university professors who they perceive to be anti-Semitic.

Don't talk about brainwashing when you only link to pro-Israel sites. Try the Associated Press or Reuters or, you know, an actual news wire source.

And if you have the chutzpah to say "learn both sides of the story before you blurt out unsupported phrases", you should be ashamed of your own blindness when it comes to YOUR total 100% loyalty to Israel for apparently no actual factual reasons.


posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by CTID56092

To say "There is nothing indefensible in Israel" is extraordinary. Targeted assassinations, setting bombs off in Europe, destroying houses, killing journalists etc etc are IMO indefensible.

Targeted assassinations are very defensible. This is the killing of terrorist dirt who dispatch terrorists and prepare the bombs that kill civilians. Israel has recently stopped this policy as a good will gesture and (most probably) part of the cease-fire agreement with the Palestinians -which the Palestinians again violated). My personnal view is that targeted assassination are legit. They proved to be, in addition, quite effective.
Setting off bombs in Europe? When did this happen.
Destroying houses is only of terrorists (the last terrorist outrage did not include Israeli house demolition as a good-will gesture again), those that are used to launch attacks and where smuggling tunnels are uncovered.

Killing Journalists - are you suggesting this is Israeli policy - you so know that Palstinians shoot Journalists as well. It occurs frequently in war-time and is - most of the time - inadvertent.

"The genocidal policy they have when they SCUD residential areas of a non-combatant country" (My emphasis). Are we getting racist here? Some of the "they", well one, fired a few Scuds at Isreal - AFAIK the PLO etc haven't got Scud, neither have Palestinian schoolchildren.

I was talking about the Arab world in general. Iraq attacked Israel with scuds in 1991 without any provocation.

"When they decide to make policy of attacking civilians with suicide teams of brainwashed children" Again some of them do - IMO it's a direct reaction to years of oppression - in fact it's exactly the same situation you use to justify bombings, torturing British Soldiers etc. Your leaders have terrorist pasts too but you conveniently overlook this.

That depends how you define terrorism - fact is that when the Israeli fought off the British they fought the military and not civilians. Therefore you cannot define it as terrorism.
Using terrorism as a policy has no relation to oppression. Terrorism was used by the Arabs long before Israel obtained the WB and Gaza and even before the creation of Israel. Using oppression as an excuse is the submission of the left to Arab propaganda.

"When they high-jack the UN and its organizations to do their bidding and spread hate" - so the UN can't ever think for itself? When the majority of nation's on earth vote against Israel it couldn't possibly be down to Israel's actions being abhorent? It must be an Arab conspiracy mustn't it? This guilt trip stuff is getting boring - face up to the consequences of your actions

I really wanted the time to use examples of ridiculous examples of condemnations but it is too time consuming so I will ease off this one and give two examples.
1- Israel was condemned for destroying the the Iraq Nuclear power plant in 1981. This is clearly preposterous.
2- Israels actions that resulted in condemnations was by a great majority a reponse to Arab attrocities (such as killing children in a school in northern Israel - or entire families) but the UN had nothing to say about this. It is the UNs single sidedness that makes Israel and Israelis insensitive to their condemnations. The UN was even found to assist Hezbullah after Israel's pull-out from Lebanon in staging attacks on Israel. 3 Soldiers were kidnapped into Lebanon and killed - Hizbullah used UN equipment, the whole 'operation' was filmed by UN 'peacekeeping' soldiers and the UN denied the tapes existance. It was only after Israel exposed this lie that the UN agreed to show the bereaving parents evidence as to the where-abouts of there children. UN assistance to terrorist groups and their subsequent cover-up is an outrage and leds further evidence to the reasoning the the UN is a joke of an organization.

"I understand the Palestinians have legitimate grieviances - only thing is that so many lies are out there that some of the grieviences need to be redirected" - That's encouraging, maybe your time on here isn't entirely wasted

That was my opinion before I started with this forum.

I think you deliberately misunderstand - I call you Nazis not because I think you'll launch Barbarossa 2 - it's because you use reprisal tactics, oppress people based on their race, establish ghettos. The Germans used the Jews as an excuse to unite their country - precisely as Israel does. They unjustly oppressed the Jews just as Israel does. It's the fact that Israel uses the excesses of Nazi Germany to justify similar oppressions that bothers me.

Reprisal tactics have been abandoned long ago - The attacks isreal engages in is targeting terrorists, their infrastructure and their functioning mechanisms. These are legitimate targets in a cruel terrorist campaign - and most unsettling is that it was being waged at the time of peace negotiations when Israel took upon itself a great risk by providing a terrorist organization (PLO) with territory to reign in, an army & weapons.
You discuss oppression Israeli Arabs are best off as an Arab population in the middle east. The Palestinian Arabs have been suffering greatly since the 2nd intifadeh was initiated ny themselves. They used every opportunity to kill Jews which resulted in the shutting down of boarders, closures and finally raids into Palestinian territory all to quell the intifadeh. Eventually the intifadeh was quelled and subsequently buried with Arafat.

"Hebron which was ethnically cleansed of Jews in the late 20s/early 30s" - settler Jews who were killing Arabs in their own land. We defended people against aggression I have no problem with that.

This was a bit beyond me - I did not understand what you mean - Jews killing Arabs in 1929? No the actual story was quite different- and again because the Mufti of Jerusalem agitated violence - this same Mufti was dear friends with Adolph Hilter and assisted his war machine. His incitement caused the murder of 67 Jews in Hebron alone.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 01:47 PM

This was a bit beyond me.

This is all a bit beyond you apparently. You deny things that are facts and then offer no actual backup of your own wild assertions?

Jewish settlers never attacked Palestinians? WHAT? What planet do you live on?

Respond as you wish, if you wish, this will be my last post to you on the Palestine-Israel conflict because nobody is getting through to you, so pull that wool down farther over your eyes and try to only read and listen to things that 100% coincide with your warped sense of reality when it comes to this issue.



posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 01:49 PM
It never ceases to amaze me how people seem to disregard the facts when arguing a subject. All my posts have been backed up with facts - The FACT that the PLO is responsible for the worlds biggest bank heist is irrefutable.
The FACT that the UN has been highjacked by the Palestinians with the Arab worlds anti-Israel agenda is obvious (apparently not to everyone). The fact that the UN condemned Israel so many times while other countries whose human rights conditions are MUCH worse only provides additional basis to what I say. The link you provided gives a list of UN condemnations against Israel which was highly paraphrased and basically gives no information regarding the events that occured. Truth is that the condemnations given by the UN where not balanced and never criticised the Arabs for there aggressions against Israel.

The BIGGEST obstacle to peace in the Middle East is ISRAEL. That's my other point. Anybody who's not rabidly pro-Israeli and blind to everything else would at least consider this as a viable opinion, but I expect nothing from your close-mindedness.

There is an Israeli joke or more of a story that goes like this: someone told me my sister is a whore - now I need to prove that I don't have a sister. In other words someone is telling me things about myself who deoesn't even know me. That is what I feel here - Israel is the BIGGEST obstacle to peace I am told . . . in addition . . . I am too blind to see that or even consider it.

What have the Palestinians forfeited for peace? Answer that for me. Israel forfeited land. Israel forfeited security. The Palestinians aren't even accepting to forfeit their ambitions of the destruction of Israel and you say that Israel is the BIGGEST obstacle to peace. That is preposterous!

Have you even bothered to read my links or did you shrug them off as propaganda. You know there is a difference between propaganda and lies that is why I am posting on this forum to dispell the ignorance extracted from the Arab world's lies. Better yourselves and get aquainted with both sides of the story. I know both sides of the story and I am trying to absorb newer information on a daily basis. To be honest, it is tough to weed out the lies from the truths although possible.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Jakomo

This is all a bit beyond you apparently. You deny things that are facts and then offer no actual backup of your own wild assertions?
Jewish settlers never attacked Palestinians? WHAT? What planet do you live on?
Respond as you wish, if you wish, this will be my last post to you on the Palestine-Israel conflict because nobody is getting through to you, so pull that wool down farther over your eyes and try to only read and listen to things that 100% coincide with your warped sense of reality when it comes to this issue.

is it just me or is someone totally ignoring the information provided on this post. IN 1929 67 Jews were murdered by a gang of bloodlusting Arabs in Hebron. Not a single Arab was killed in that incident - That is what I was talking about throughout the whole time. If enyone is seems to have a warped sense of reality it is YOU.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:10 PM

It never ceases to amaze me how people seem to disregard the facts when arguing a subject. All my posts have been backed up with facts - The FACT that the PLO is responsible for the worlds biggest bank heist is irrefutable.

ROFL!!!!!! You have a total of 23 posts in this thread.

Here's the links you have for those:

6 links in a total of 23 posts. Way to "back up all your facts". And every single one of these links is actually about 50% Israeli propaganda. Do you see me getting my "facts" from Al Jazeera? Your non-defense is totally laughable.

Who cares if Palestinians engineered the biggest bank heist in history? IT WAS IN 1929!!!! How the heck is that relevant to 35 years of illegal occupation by Israel? Please please explain that one.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:47 PM
Hold your head up high Judah, you've proven your points and the ones attacking you look more desparete as the thread lengthens. The Palestineans have a long way to go before they can even get control of the monsters they may take a couple of generations.

4USA, theres a saying that 1 picture is worth a 1000 words, well the pics you posted say it all.

God Bless Israel.


posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 03:41 PM
Why doesn't Isreal go back to it's origal 1948 borders and let the West Bank be Palestine. Then pay reperations for it's stolen assessts you think that would end terrorism?

I'm all for Isreal but within its own borders and off the West Bank

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Apollyon]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by 4USA

Originally posted by CTID56092
I really hope you're a child - if you're an adult with a vote I'm even more worried about the future of the US than I was before.

well, I wasn't able to vote in the last election but I'll be able in the next one (I'm seventeen).

The expertise of youth eh?

Seventeen! well you really must have seen some things in all those years. All 1 of your adult years, must have read some books, many papers, heard lots of different points of view, met loads of people from different places, races etc.

Go away, grow up an come back when you've got an opinion of your own that you've actuall thought of eh sonny?

Edited for quotes. Let's keep this on topic as well. Thanks.

[edit on 3-24-2005 by ProudAmerican]

posted on Mar, 25 2005 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Apollyon
Why doesn't Isreal go back to it's origal 1948 borders and let the West Bank be Palestine. Then pay reperations for it's stolen assessts you think that would end terrorism?

I'm all for Isreal but within its own borders and off the West Bank

[edit on 24-3-2005 by Apollyon]

The Palestinians (not all of course - but the leadership) wishes for the annihilation of Israel - the WB and Gaza are insignificant in their view. Therefore this will not stop terrorism - Unless the moderate Palestinian leadership displays courage and takes steps againsts the militant elements in their midst, disarms them and provides a suitable atmosphere for peace.

Incidentally if you want to talk about stolen assets you may want to explore the stolen assets of Jews by Arab countries following the creation of Israel - The Iraqi, Egyptian, Syrian, Yeminite, Lybian, Morrocan, Algerian, Tunisian, Lebanese and Iranian Jews. I think that when talking about reparations this fact should be kept in mind as well.

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