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Children assaulted at Whataburger for wearing maga hat Civility abandoned....

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posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: neo96
You can have my MAGA hat when you pry it from my cold dead hands!

Molon Labe hat nazi's!

The 28'th amendment?

"The right to wear hats shall not be infringed from your fringe."

When "MAGA Hat free zone" signs popping up, then we're stuffed.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Still no false attribution?


As far as the rest of your post, I decline to comment further. You're too far gone for my liking.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: SummerRain

You wanna say your piece, then say it. Talk. Discuss.

I did.

It was a generic you, as in, if you want to talk, then talk. We don't see that, we see acts of violence and intimidation in order to shut the opposition down, and no discourse.

Something we don't ever see from the left. All we get is screaming histrionics.

Perhaps it's because you are others are not interested in listening.

From the very start of this insurgence of radical ideology, it has been the left wing that has refused to listen. Every attempt to try discussion has been met with screaming, yelling and violence. Tell me more about me are others not being interested in listening. To What?

But you target innocent kids, half your size and you bet your ass you're going to get an equal amount of anger vented towards you.

I agree. It seems natural that people vent their anger in many forms.

We are not all that much different in that aspect. That is why I find it funny that people want to claim this sort of act is "typical" of any political ideology.

It's typical of being human.

Trying to pin it on a political ideology for the sake of perpetuating narratives is not only dishonest, but completey wrong.

Imagine had this been a maga hat wearing guy walking up to a group of young democrats, and swiping their pussy hats off their heads, swearing at them and throwing their food at them. It would have broken the MSM with how much air time it got, and caused the left to protest nation wide. You'd see even more inane violent protests. You lot don't even understand half the things you protest. "Ooooh a sign, can I has one?" And you know it.

I cannot agree with such a dramatic statement. People need to stop being drama queens and come back to reality.

The drama queens are the ones with bike locks, violence, intimidation, threats, and who congregate in secrecy to plot ways to dismantle any discussion. Ask one of them what it is they really want, they don't have an answer.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: ker2010

You wouldn't defend your child? You wouldn't defend a old lady if she were getting beat up or her purse stolen?

Of course I would. Can you quote where I said otherwise?

Stop projecting your WEAK COWARDLINESS on others bro!!!

Perhaps you are not understanding. I am actually calling people out for being little bitches about this issue.

On one hand they clutch pearls about some "Leftist" throwing ice in a kids face, then acting macho about how they would have shown that guy a thing or two if that were their kid.

Please. Spare me the ignorant machismo nonsense.

I've been in those situations. I've seen in many times. Most people talk a good game, but cannot get off their asses long enough to properly exercise, let alone actually exert the energy it takes to defend themselves or their loved ones.

Like I said just because you are a spineless coward doesn't mean others are.

Not sure how you come to these conclusions based on things I never actually said.

Perhaps you are projecting?

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: introvert
What's embarrassing is how macho many of you talk, yet you fold like little bitches at the idea of a leftist throwing a tantrum.

The left are starting infernos that burn down everything they care about, red hen knows this, now kino too. No one has said those they oppose are petite little flowers who want hugs and puppies for all. On the contrary, the left are running around throwing lit matches everywhere they go and people are getting rightly sick of it.

It will eventuate that people will not sit back and watch these things occur, and then we will really see all hell break loose.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:21 PM

Ahh we finally get to see the average liberal.

What's truly sad is some people like you actually believe that. And Trump winning has emboldened the right to the point where they feel they can treat anyone who doesn't share their worldview like trash. This site is now rife with "liberal bashing," there are anti-left threads started daily, where the right thump their chests and heap praise on one another for their beliefs and how they treat those on the left.

Makes this site barely worth visiting any more - the first page is just a giant mass of hate-spewing crap on a daily basis.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: SummerRain

It was a generic you, as in, if you want to talk, then talk. We don't see that, we see acts of violence and intimidation in order to shut the opposition down, and no discourse.

Violence is actually quite rare.

You are being a drama queen.

From the very start of this insurgence of radical ideology, it has been the left wing that has refused to listen. Every attempt to try discussion has been met with screaming, yelling and violence. Tell me more about me are others not being interested in listening. To What?

I completely agree. People such as yourself and the ignorant Left have much in common. You cannot listen. You cannot understand.

Hell, apparently many of you have problems with basic reading comprehension. No wonder # doesn't get done.

The drama queens are the ones with bike locks, violence, intimidation, threats, and who congregate in secrecy to plot ways to dismantle any discussion. Ask one of them what it is they really want, they don't have an answer.

See. You're so dramatic.

How can you expect a reasonable, logical discussion when you say such things?

I suspect you do not want a discussion either.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: fleabit

Ahh, so the right talk with words, saying how liberals are fuarking everything up, and that's a terrible thing to do.
While the left run around attacking kids and bashing people at gatherings, which is OK because it's for the good cause.

jesus christ...

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: SummerRain

originally posted by: introvert
What's embarrassing is how macho many of you talk, yet you fold like little bitches at the idea of a leftist throwing a tantrum.

The left are starting infernos that burn down everything they care about, red hen knows this, now kino too. No one has said those they oppose are petite little flowers who want hugs and puppies for all. On the contrary, the left are running around throwing lit matches everywhere they go and people are getting rightly sick of it.

It will eventuate that people will not sit back and watch these things occur, and then we will really see all hell break loose.

You and everyone else will go about your business as usual and you will do nothing more than complain about # from the comfort of your well-worn office chair.

You are doing nothing more than proving my point by using dramatic language and such.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: introvert


posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: introvert

On top of that, it is hypocritical to clutch pearls about some idiot throwing ice in someone's face, claiming it is typical violence from the Left, then go on to fantasize about how they would commit violence in kind in order to defend one's self or family in a hypothetical situation.

You wouldn’t defend a child from getting bullied? There is nothing hypocritical about defending others from bullying and persecution. What an embarrassing and stupid remark.

I said no such thing. I would defend a child.

But on the other hand, I don't get my panties twisted when someone throws a cup of ice in someone's face.

What's embarrassing is how macho many of you talk, yet you fold like little bitches at the idea of a leftist throwing a tantrum.

You said it was hypocritical to denounce violence (in this case political persecution) on the one hand, and to say we would be violent if we were defending our family on the other. Now here you are saying you would defend the child, immediately after denouncing those who have done the same thing. Hypocrisy.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: SummerRain

originally posted by: introvert
What's embarrassing is how macho many of you talk, yet you fold like little bitches at the idea of a leftist throwing a tantrum.

The left are starting infernos that burn down everything they care about, red hen knows this, now kino too. No one has said those they oppose are petite little flowers who want hugs and puppies for all. On the contrary, the left are running around throwing lit matches everywhere they go and people are getting rightly sick of it.

It will eventuate that people will not sit back and watch these things occur, and then we will really see all hell break loose.

You and everyone else will go about your business as usual and you will do nothing more than complain about # from the comfort of your well-worn office chair.

You are doing nothing more than proving my point by using dramatic language and such.

At least I see the problems, and don't whittle them away, justifying them.

Office chair huh? Haven't worked in an office for 15 years. Don't let facts get in your way though, something about generalising, someone said it.. huh.. wonder who.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: introvert

Take what she's saying, though...

You say this is overdramatic

originally posted by: SummerRain
The drama queens are the ones with bike locks, violence, intimidation, threats, and who congregate in secrecy to plot ways to dismantle any discussion. Ask one of them what it is they really want, they don't have an answer.

But it's not, it's actually fairly reasoned and factual. The people starting the violence, using intimidation, threats, and covers of masks while doing so are a massive problem and I don't think it's entirely wrong to say they don't even know anymore what they want, they've simply been blinded by their rage.

Look, I've no idea what it feels like to be in that 16 year old kid's shoes. When I was 16 I was already 6' tall, weighed 235 and had anger issues. I'd have been goading Jimenez into a fight, not the other way around. I do know, however, that there's simply no defense for pestering anyone simply because they're wearing a hat that you politically disagree with.

You're sounding a little like some accused Trump of being in the aftermath of Charlottesville... defending the indefensible by rejecting direct and solitary criticism of them and leaning heavily on accusations against the other side.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:38 PM
You guys are listening to too much Alex Jones or the downstream flotsam and jetsam from his feculance.

The recent trends in "political violence" started around 2010 in the Tea Party rallys, and then Trump encouraged it in his campaign rallys.

Pretending like this is a left-political aspect only is absurd.

All of this is a symptom of a very, very sick political system.

I say this in full awareness that:

BLM marches and rallys do regularly get out of hand, and further, have left their roots of non-violence and equality for all.

ANTIFA in this country is mostly (not entirely) rambunctious young people and the crisis actors/plants that get them all riled up.

ANYTIME that BLM or ANTIFA actions become violent, or threatening (like blocking roadways) etc. these actions are vile and repugnant.

However, do not forget all the patriot groups and "militias" that are supposedly very ready for action and have been training FOR YEARS. Whens the last time any of you criticized the militias???

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
You guys are listening to too much Alex Jones or the downstream flotsam and jetsam from his feculance.

The recent trends in "political violence" started around 2010 in the Tea Party rallys, and then Trump encouraged it in his campaign rallys.

Pretending like this is a left-political aspect only is absurd.

All of this is a symptom of a very, very sick political system.

I say this in full awareness that:

BLM marches and rallys do regularly get out of hand, and further, have left their roots of non-violence and equality for all.

ANTIFA in this country is mostly (not entirely) rambunctious young people and the crisis actors/plants that get them all riled up.

ANYTIME that BLM or ANTIFA actions become violent, or threatening (like blocking roadways) etc. these actions are vile and repugnant.

However, do not forget all the patriot groups and "militias" that are supposedly very ready for action and have been training FOR YEARS. Whens the last time any of you criticized the militias???

The difference is this wasn’t a rally or counter-protest, but some kid trying to eat a burger.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Had you or I been sitting there, nothing would have happened.

Bit of a coward he is, really.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter

Why do people politicize their own children and make or let them wear clothes with a political statement?
Because the kid is political very interested and educated and this is the opinion of the child?
Yeah, for sure, MAGA-Mommy and MAGA-Pops...

The guy said he is wearing it to support his President, the other guys said you can support Sh!t N! with the drink. You don't think the guy wearing the hat can think for himself? Somehow you think his parents were involved, like no right minded kid would do

The guy was all bad ass against some teens lol...don't think he would have pull that on a guy like me...Well at least if he did he would have shown some level of credibility as I kicked his ass.

edit on 5-7-2018 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Oh, bull(snipped).

That's no more the average liberal, than I am.

...and we wonder why political discourse is as it is.

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: TheJesuit
This is going viral right now a grown man attacks a group of kids in a burger joint and throws a drink in the face of a kid and steals his hat stating it'll look good in his fire place.

All I can say is if I see this where I'm at There Will be blood shed. Civil war.... ok bring it # heads attacking kids because of a hat? what happened to talking, discussion, agree to disagree, debate?

uhhhh...Aren't we missing a good chunk of what came before that edited clip??

And from what we do have, the "boy" (why boy? do you see him?) calls the mana nig***???

Show me the whole encounter

posted on Jul, 5 2018 @ 12:49 PM

All I can say is if I see this where I'm at There Will be blood shed. Civil war.... ok bring it # heads attacking kids because of a hat? what happened to talking, discussion, agree to disagree, debate?

Wow.. and the right talks about the left being easily triggered. : )

You are seriously willing to kill other humans because some dumbass throws ice in someone's face? Amazing how easily some people are goaded into actually wanting WAR.. over something so trivial. Dude is an outlier.. and idiot.. and will probably regret his actions for years. But the overreaction by people over stuff like this is mind-blowing.

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