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White conservative men filing HR complaints against diversity talk

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posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: aethertek
a reply to: introvert

Pretty much what this whole kerfuffle is about, total a-holes offended that they get called out for being dicks.


Wait, how do you know they are total a-holes??

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Dwoodward85
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I hope this comment isn't removed because I know it's not going to be everyones cup of tea but here goes:

Currently there is a clear idea of hating on any white guy whether he is old or young. Women blame all men (yes even those who want to stand on their side) Black people want to blame white people for slave labour and institutionalised racism. Gay people are blaming straight white men for pretty much anything they find offensive. Trans people are blaming mostly white men for their issues and you be damn sure not to dare question any of it because you'll be torn to bits by the appeasing media. We, yes WE are clearly now going to be the thing that's blamed for the worlds ailments whether you had a hand in it or not it's your fault.


The white men who are going to HR have a damn right to go and they should. If it happened where I worked, where I felt I was being pushed out of something because I was a white guy or a guy or straight then I'd be P-Oed and demanding that it stops. I'm tired of people who aren't white or straight etc. shouting about people not having a right to be offended unless you're not a white male and again this needs to stop.

Yes you can put some of it down to being aged. Okay I'll give you that but we are moving closer and closer to a point where it'll be white men through one door and the rest of the world the other. Remember when black people and women were against being treated differently for their gender or skin colour? How comes it's okay to do it if it's a white person. And before we hear the same tired excuse of "it's the white persons turn" then don't bother replying it's a pointless debate with someone who goes there.

I could not agree more. Its only wrong if a white guy does it. Its not about equality or opportunity. Its revenge, plain and simple.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
My GF, a verry attractive, volupous woman, has a very small voice and video recorder, in her office, that is voice activated. She is going to lower the boom on some very important corporate executives. We have already retained an attorney.... You old horn dogs better watch your P & Qs

The Future in now!

It's a brave new world.

When you have to add that your GF is "very attractive and voluptuous" to add to your point, something ain't right.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: aethertek
a reply to: SR1TX

Nope not entrapment, the only lawful concerns need be the actual recording.

That shouldn't be a concern if the recording is done at a place of employment as I did many covert surveillance jobs at business places & since it was ruled you have no expectation of privacy in the workplace anything is fair game except locker/changing areas & restrooms.


But how can you tell what the GF is doing in an audio recording? She could be wearing a low cut blouse letting it all hang out, being very suggestive during the whole encounter, and later just edit certain bits out.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Wait...Usually when we read a news story like this, we are told the people complaining need to man-up and stop being a bunch of entitled snowflakes.

Now that it is white conservative males in this position, people are concerned and we need to stand up against these injustices?

I think we need to find some consistency in our thinking before we can ever come to reasonable solutions.

I would agree with that except that there is a difference between some whiny entitlement seeker complaining about feeling threatened by masculinity or the world not kissing his butt just for showing up and a man who has worked hard his whole life only to find out that because he is white, male, and conservative he is whats wrong with America.

Feeling threatened and being threatened are two different things. Snowflakes feel threatened by everything and the greater majority of it is imagined. Older white conservative males are being threatened and it is not imaginary.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: SlowNail
Soo... What are they expecting?

For white men to hold themselves back, so that underachievers can catch up?

No wonder they've made a point of it. Done it in a fairly intelligent and peaceful way, too.

That is exactly what is supposed to happen. We keep dumbing down the civil service exams because not enough minorities are passing them. Instead of hiring the highest score or most qualified, we lower the requirements and cherrypick the candidates based on race and gender.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Snowflakes feel threatened by everything and the greater majority of it is imagined. Older white conservative males are being threatened and it is not imaginary.

It's quite imaginary.

Greater and more widespread acceptance of those who have normally not been accepted as equal by society (but who have been marginalized, such as blacks, gays, women, TG, etc) does not automatically mean the once majority (white) is threatened or discriminated against.

That's the BS narrative being pushed by those who don't want the once marginalized peoples and groups to be as equal as the once majority, in an attempt to keep the marginalized groups as marginalized as possible.

They feel threatened by the marginalized groups becoming as equal, hence the reaction.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Vroomfondel

It's not racism when you are intolerant..........Hitler style...

Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people. Tech giant foregrounds idea that white people cannot be victims of racism in search results

Interesting. According to your clip, reverse racism does not exist. Further, racism only comes from a position of power. In other words, an individual is not capable of racism. It is only possible within a structure of authority. This is clearly not the case. Individuals are capable of racism and show it on a daily basis. Individuals of all colors. This is the one area where we are truly equal.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:51 PM
“Diversity” is a euphemism for less white people. It is meant to obfuscate the truth rather than describe it. The word does most of the heavy lifting in the thinking department. Refuse to play the game on their suspicious terms.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: aethertek
Well every "diversity or leadership" conference I had to attend could be distilled down to "Don't be a complete A-hole".
Repetitive, boring sure but I never felt singled out as a "white male", so maybe the real problem is conservative males should just stop acting like complete a-holes.


You count yourself among their numbers?

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: RomeByFire
So conservative males is now considered a race, a race that's supposedly being discriminated against.

Couldn't make this up. It must suck to live life in perpetual outrage and offended mode

Yeah, it sounds crazy...especially when you leave the "white" part out. But that is exactly what is happening in the work place too so it doesn't surprise me.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: Vroomfondel

lol, pooor white conservative men! Bout time someone stood up for them!


Look at the workplace demographics. White older conservative men are disappearing. And the chances of getting hired again are slim. We are being forced into retirement, one way or another.

Ah, so "the system has the white man down," now, does it?

"The mans got me down, forcing me into retirement."

Lol, keep on whining about how "white men are being forced to lose their masculinity," then complain about how somehow white conservative males are being held down by the man. Lol.

I'm a white male, registered Republican, and aside from job offers I've refused after the fact, I've never once been turned down after an interview.

You people are so paranoid and delusional, I bask in your tears

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: pteridine
I had to put up with years of required presentations that were directed at white males who were guilty of everything merely because of their race and gender. I tried to avoid them but was trapped on many occasions. When the subject of 'diversity' came up I asked how would one know when such an outcome was achieved? Usually there was mumbling and hand waving about equality [misconstrued] and how things would be better if all races and genders were part of the structure. Invariably, I asked if this applied to all workplaces or just some workplaces. I was usually told all workplaces should enjoy this concept. I would then ask about the NBA and NFL. With 12% of the population, blacks should only represent 12% of the players and coaches. Half of all players should be women. There are about 50 players on a football team, so 6 should be blacks of which 3 should be women. Ah, I was told, sports are entertainment and that doesn't count. What about the Oscar awards having too many white actors winning? Doesn't that include entertainment?

The subject was immediately changed and the SJW presenters went on about "feeeelllings" and who identified as what. They were so open minded that their brains had fallen out years ago....and they hadn't yet noticed.

Well said.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: okrian

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
I have mentioned a few times in passing that the farther you stretch a rubber band, the more it hurts when it snaps back. This one is going to leave a mark.

You're right about this part anyway... subjugated minorities have been stretched since the dawn of this country (and beyond, women included) and the rubber band is finally snapping back. It's not a surprise that those who reaped all the benefits in the past are feeling a little bit threatened now (hence we have Trump in office). It's been a long time coming.

Gimme a break with this conservative white man whining. Sad!

Minorities are denied a job or fired because they are minorities and we, as a nation, have to do something about it because it is wrong. Now older white conservative males are being denied jobs or fired for being who they are and its ok? This is what is wrong with the liberal ideology. It only applies to the chosen recipient. Everyone else is SOL.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: aethertek
a reply to: introvert

Pretty much what this whole kerfuffle is about, total a-holes offended that they get called out for being dicks.


And pretty much this entire perspective - denial and childish name calling.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Vroomfondel


There was a story some years ago about schools in Florida removing the word "camel" because some minorities didn't know what it was because they were from backgrounds that didn't have the "social capital" to be exposed to the concept of a camel, so it was obviously racist and the test was biased to include questions that assumed they would know what a camel was.

My thoughts were that if they were that ignorant coming in, instead of coddling them, they should have been taught what a camel was and that is part of having them read things outside their cultural frame of reference. Obviously, the point of knowing what a camel is being "racist" was directed at wealthier whites knowing, but it isn't a cultural thing for whites to know what a camel is either.

Where on earth do whites come into common contact with camels for it to be a cultural thing for any of us to know what one is?

The basic assumption then is that it is racist for whites to come into school knowing more, and that's just plain stupid. If some kids don't know as much, I thought that was the mission of schools to correct it through education, not to ignore and coddle by claiming if some know what a camel is, then they must be racist for it.
edit on 28-1-2018 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: introvert
a reply to: ketsuko

So you like attending seminars where you are told that no matter who you are or how you personally behave, you are still ultimately racist just because you have white skin and you claim the male gender?

No i do not like attending those conferences. As another member stated, they are boring.

Also, that is not what they discuss at those conferences.

Perhaps you should not believe everything you are told, just because it fits your confirmation bias and persecution complex.

You can stop preaching now. If you have been to as many of these seminars as you claim then you know the list of offenses and offended rarely if ever includes older white male conservatives. In fact, I challenge you to name one which did specifically list older white male conservatives as anything other than the offending role. All these seminars have names and are presented by professionals. You should be able to name at least one...

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: RomeByFire

"You people" ... that's so racist.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Turnabout is fair play.

Someone who comes to work shouldn't expect to be running the joint right away. That is earned through years of hard work. There is a reason why the people in management are there, and it often has next to nothing to do with what they are beyond the fact they've been there, done that for years and have experience, something no one fresh out of college actually has yet.

If they happen to be "old, white males," then happen to be old, white males. It is not a sign of the oppressive patriarchy, but sign they got hired years before you did and understand what they're doing a lot better than you.

There is no real reason to complain to HR over that. It's not a lack of diversity, unless you're complaining about lack of inexperience at the top.
I'm also noticing that a lot of the younger folks are really entitled with such things and often not respecting older people's expertise or longer work experience.

posted on Jan, 28 2018 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

Yes, one common thing in yearly planning meetings with younger employees that my husband and others in his level have noticed are that when they work to try to set out yearly goals (the things that performance evaluation and the next year's raises are based on), the younger employees will sometimes get impatient and simply ask, "But why bother if this isn't going to get me more pay tomorrow?"

So they get it will get them more pay, but they think they are negotiating added responsibility for more money right now instead of you show us how you can grow and then we reward you with more pay once you've achieved it.

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