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Undercover investigation exposes groups plotting criminal activity at Trump inauguration

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posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 08:55 AM
lol. this is just incredible. someone is actually infiltrating leftist groups. this is just too much. i cant believe this is actually happening.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 09:39 AM
Not read the entire thread so someone else may have already brought this up but what worries me is this O'Keefe guy associated with Veritas, isn't he the one who back in the 90's got an organisation called Acorn shut down with fake videos?

Basically ruined their reputation by faking videos, copy and pasting so they gave the impression the company was offering advice on and supporting under age prostitution? Apparently he added himself later to the videos in a pimp outfit all while forgetting to mention the people at the company called police on him after he and his accomplice left, and that while he was there he was dressed nothing like a pimp.

Not sure anyone should put their faith in someone, or any company they are associated with, who has a reputation for and seems to pride themselves on using entrapment, and making news up where there is none.
This guy was the very definition of fake news.

Even if he did expose something legitimately wrong going on, it is hard to ignore his reputation and past deeds and would be foolish to do so I feel.

You offer me a lot of money, I too may be tempted to do something I wouldn't normally do. This is why entrapment is illegal in the U.S yes? Because it's manipulating people into becoming criminals.
Honestly think if this guy and his group influenced people into saying or doing something stupid, he should be held just as accountable if not more so for being not just an accessory to a crime but the instigator of it.

Doesn't matter if a CNN journalist hands a person a bomb and offers them a million bucks to set it off at a school.
Pretty sure they would get a terror charge as much as the guy they gave it to.
There would be no "Oh but we're journalists, we were just exposing the truth so not guilty...."
Why should this group be any different?

This is what investigative journalism and whistle blowing is. Infiltrating and reporting the facts, not influencing things to get the outcome you want.

People like this are dangerous to all, essentially creating real life click bait for their own fame and ego at the cost of other peoples safety and well being.

Get people years in jail and for his 15 minutes in the limelight?

Not sure what worries me, that people like O'Keefe exist, or that so many are willing to applaud and support him without thinking.

edit on 17-1-2017 by AtomicKangaroo because: typo or two

edit on 17-1-2017 by AtomicKangaroo because: or 3 or 4

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 09:48 AM

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posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Fools

Here is a new Veritas video with Okeefe providing more evidence this was not 'coached' responses but that disruptj20 was actively seeking out the undercover guy.
This is Okeefe responding to j20's BS about the first video.

edit on 1 17 2017 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 10:41 AM
I'm sorry but anyone that believes this tool needs a good rethink.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

"Get people years in jail and for his 15 minutes in the limelight? "

You seem to think that is a bad thing?

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: stosh64


posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
I can't watch the video right now but does it include parts where they offer to pay the people half a million dollars to fund these activities in order to get them talking?

Because that's exactly what they were doing. There's a thread about it:

Counter-Sting Catches James O’Keefe Network Attempting To Sow Chaos At Trump’s Inauguration

The counter-sting, carried out by The Undercurrent and Americans Take Action, a project of a previous target of provocateur James O’Keefe, managed to surreptitiously record elements of O’Keefe’s network offering huge sums of money to progressive activists if they would disrupt the ceremony and “put a stop to the inauguration” and the related proceedings to such a degree that donors to the clandestine effort would “turn on a TV and maybe not even see Trump.” To have riots blot out coverage of Trump, the donor offered “unlimited resources,” including to shut down bridges into D.C.

There's a reason that entrapment is a valid defense. They didn't infiltrate these groups and surreptitiously catch them plotting. They sought out people and coerced them with promises of huge sums of money to disrupt the inauguration. Everyone has a price. Offer enough people enough money and it's a virtual certainty that you'll get people on camera saying they'll do pretty anything.

So if i promise you money to execute a chemical attack or murder someone or people die because of any action you execute because of it then that can be excused because you were offered money to for it? And you push that excuse right here for these people because they are lefties against trump..

That is Psychotic. Sick.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

You're response is completely bias. They BOTH engage in dirty politics and how do you know how radical conservatives would have reacted if Hillary won the election? There is enough blame to go around on both political sides! To think conservatives are much holier than liberals is ridiculous.

If I recall there was also a recount during W. Bush's election and there were some legitimate questions raised during that recount. We find ourselves in wars in the middle east based on lies from a republican administration! Many innocent Iraqi's and American men and women lost their lives because of those lies.

Conservatives have also been video recorded physically lashing out at protestors. There's enough dirty laundry from past republican administrations as there are with democratic administrations. Conservatives have their own radical and racial hate groups among them. There were conservatives who couldn't accept nor recognize a black president! You like many other conservative and liberals paint upstanding, patriotic, caring, and law abiding people with a stereotypical political broad brush. It's why race relations in this country still have not reached an acceptable level.

To claim the "right" are the "real Americans" is a blatant insult on all hard-working Americans everywhere regardless of party affiliation who made this country what it is today. We have citizens of all skin color and cultures sacrificing their lives for the right for you and I to speak our opinions in public. To say conservatives are the "real Americans" is truly a divisive and ignorant statement.

edit on 17-1-2017 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

You're response is completely bias. They BOTH engage in dirty politics and how do you know how radical conservatives would have reacted if Hillary won the election? There is enough blame to go around on both political sides! To think conservatives are much holier than liberals is ridiculous.

If I recall there was also a recount during W. Bush's election and there were some legitimate questions raised during that recount. We find ourselves in wars in the middle east based on a lies from a republican administration! Many innocent Iraqi's and American men and women lost their lives because of these lies.

Conservatives have also been video recorded physically lashing out at protestors. There's enough dirty laundry from past republican administrations as there are with democratic administrations. Conservatives have their own radical and racial hate groups among them. There were conservatives who couldn't accept nor recognize a black president! You like many other conservative and liberals paint upstanding, patriotic, caring, and law abiding people with a stereotypical political broad brush. It's why race relations in this country still have not reached an acceptable level.

To claim the "right" are the "real Americans" is a blatant insult on all hard-working Americans everywhere regardless of party affiliation who made this country what it is today. We have citizens of all skin color and cultures sacrificing their lives for the right for you and I to speak our opinions in public. To say conservatives are the "real Americans" is truly a divisive and ignorant statement.

I do think that the election was so divided that some right wing groups woul dbe acting the same way as the left now, although probably smaller scale.

That said, it's pointless to play the what if game now. All that should be done now is that everyone who has any decency should come together to condemn the antics of the left wing groups plotting violence.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: everyone

If you offer someone money to commit a chemical attack and they go out and do it you are also culpable. Do you agree that O'Keefe should be arrested for funding terrorism?

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

You're response is completely bias. They BOTH engage in dirty politics and how do you know how radical conservatives would have reacted if Hillary won the election? There is enough blame to go around on both political sides! To think conservatives are much holier than liberals is ridiculous.

If I recall there was also a recount during W. Bush's election and there were some legitimate questions raised during that recount. We find ourselves in wars in the middle east based on a lies from a republican administration! Many innocent Iraqi's and American men and women lost their lives because of these lies.

Conservatives have also been video recorded physically lashing out at protestors. There's enough dirty laundry from past republican administrations as there are with democratic administrations. Conservatives have their own radical and racial hate groups among them. There were conservatives who couldn't accept nor recognize a black president! You like many other conservative and liberals paint upstanding, patriotic, caring, and law abiding people with a stereotypical political broad brush. It's why race relations in this country still have not reached an acceptable level.

To claim the "right" are the "real Americans" is a blatant insult on all hard-working Americans everywhere regardless of party affiliation who made this country what it is today. We have citizens of all skin color and cultures sacrificing their lives for the right for you and I to speak our opinions in public. To say conservatives are the "real Americans" is truly a divisive and ignorant statement.

I believe that most of the violence that was attributed to conservatives was very minor and isolated. I think that I could provide HUNDREDS, if not thousands of video showing left wing-ish protests becoming violent and resulting in personal injury and property damage.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

You're response is completely bias. They BOTH engage in dirty politics and how do you know how radical conservatives would have reacted if Hillary won the election? There is enough blame to go around on both political sides! To think conservatives are much holier than liberals is ridiculous.

If I recall there was also a recount during W. Bush's election and there were some legitimate questions raised during that recount. We find ourselves in wars in the middle east based on a lies from a republican administration! Many innocent Iraqi's and American men and women lost their lives because of these lies.

Conservatives have also been video recorded physically lashing out at protestors. There's enough dirty laundry from past republican administrations as there are with democratic administrations. Conservatives have their own radical and racial hate groups among them. There were conservatives who couldn't accept nor recognize a black president! You like many other conservative and liberals paint upstanding, patriotic, caring, and law abiding people with a stereotypical political broad brush. It's why race relations in this country still have not reached an acceptable level.

To claim the "right" are the "real Americans" is a blatant insult on all hard-working Americans everywhere regardless of party affiliation who made this country what it is today. We have citizens of all skin color and cultures sacrificing their lives for the right for you and I to speak our opinions in public. To say conservatives are the "real Americans" is truly a divisive and ignorant statement.

I believe that most of the violence that was attributed to conservatives was very minor and isolated. I think that I could provide HUNDREDS, if not thousands of video showing left wing-ish protests becoming violent and resulting in personal injury and property damage.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

You're response is completely bias. They BOTH engage in dirty politics and how do you know how radical conservatives would have reacted if Hillary won the election? There is enough blame to go around on both political sides! To think conservatives are much holier than liberals is ridiculous.

If I recall there was also a recount during W. Bush's election and there were some legitimate questions raised during that recount. We find ourselves in wars in the middle east based on a lies from a republican administration! Many innocent Iraqi's and American men and women lost their lives because of these lies.

Conservatives have also been video recorded physically lashing out at protestors. There's enough dirty laundry from past republican administrations as there are with democratic administrations. Conservatives have their own radical and racial hate groups among them. There were conservatives who couldn't accept nor recognize a black president! You like many other conservative and liberals paint upstanding, patriotic, caring, and law abiding people with a stereotypical political broad brush. It's why race relations in this country still have not reached an acceptable level.

To claim the "right" are the "real Americans" is a blatant insult on all hard-working Americans everywhere regardless of party affiliation who made this country what it is today. We have citizens of all skin color and cultures sacrificing their lives for the right for you and I to speak our opinions in public. To say conservatives are the "real Americans" is truly a divisive and ignorant statement.

I believe that most of the violence that was attributed to conservatives was very minor and isolated. I think that I could provide HUNDREDS, if not thousands of video showing left wing-ish protests becoming violent and resulting in personal injury and property damage.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:38 AM
Typical "attack the messenger" response by our established left when once again caught with pants down.

That's right, if the actions of one of their brethren are indefensible an immediate and forceful attack is made upon the party bringing issue to light.

I think this is correct as I see no one from that angle defending the subjects of the expose.

Carry on.............

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Phoenix

The thing is there's no way to know what the actual story is. O'Keefe has a history of editing footage to show a narrative that is no where near reality. Throw in the fact that he was already busted trying to offer money to people to do this very thing. I'd say in this case looking at the history of the messenger is very relevant.

Do you disagree that O'Keefe has a history of lying?

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: burgerbuddy

originally posted by: Advantage
Stink bomb huh? I could make some nasties from the hardware store without raising any suspicion. Good thing Im just a Trump voter and not with the bad guys. Right now Im raising hundreds of neurotoxin oozing puffer fish and pissing them off daily so I can pew pew darts in a blow gun in 4 years... no really.

Don't eat the liver.

Just sayin'

No fugu Burgerbuddy
Tetrodotoxin... I sometimes wish LOTS of people would just shut up.. from paralyzed diaphragms. I wonder if it shows up in an autopsy...

In reality, anarchists these days dont have any imagination. Theyre BORING. Sarin, poo smells, paint ball attacks, blah blah. Ayers still trying to believe he is relevant. The far left and far right.. essentially the same insanity. Hell, they even behave exactly alike. Say the same crap and plan the same pipe dreams... Root them out and get rid of them. Who cares where they go. They pretend they are freedom fighters and patriots, and all they really are is a bunch of crybabies who want to squelch others' voices.. with poop smells of all things. Gee Im so impressed...

Man alive the jive and lyrics,
Radioactive, don't come near it.
Temple of Syrinx having the bake sale of the year.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Fools

Seriously this sounds like a bunch of highschool kids. Stink bombs? Really. That their play? It's kind of funny to watch but on the other hand how would such "well organized and funded" anarchist group be infiltrated so easily?(quotes are mine) I tend to doubt the veracity of PV reports at times. They're clearly very agenda driven, but then again who isn't these days.

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:51 AM
I wonder if Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn will attend the inauguration. I hear they are still "active" in "activist" issues. Just wondering.

"You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows." (shudder)

posted on Jan, 17 2017 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords
I wonder if Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn will attend the inauguration. I hear they are still "active" in "activist" issues. Just wondering.

"You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows." (shudder)

I hope they do. It would be quite entertaining seeing them in their old age.... Wait is Bill Ayers even alive still?

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