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Cops manhandle teens at Dallas pool party after complaints from neighbors

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posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Legman neither did these kids act like hoodlums or a mob. Just a bunch of excitable kids, no threat to anyone apart from big tough guy police men. This was a situation for a more peaceful measured response, like in any other normal country

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: Greathouse

If you are shocked as a US citizen then you can understand how I look at it.
Here in my part of the UK we have 1 cop per 1000 citizens in the Winter and 1 cop per 5000 citizens in the Summer when the tourists are here. They are vastly outnumbered, and 1 in 10 carry a tazer at most, the rest just extendable batons, they have to be friendly and reasonable as they know brutality just won't wash here.
Hell, they even gladly take assistance from us civilian blokes from time to time when they are losing the battle and doing the right thing in violent confrontation.

I know the US population is six times that of the UK but come on, the killings by cops, brutality during arrest and all the rest of it is completely disproportional to the differences in population. It seems horrible and scary over your side of the Atlantic.

I have never ever been scared of the police. I have never been worried when I've been arrested.
They use diplomacy and reason here every time if they can. In any reasonable sized town they are completely outnumbered so they have to win the crowd over, and in my opinion they do it well here, because they have to.
Do US cops even get taught anything about crowd psychology and negotiation, or is it all about control and compliance?

This ain't no pissing match here, I am genuinely saddened every time I click on a US police brutality thread, and I feel for all you guys who have to deal with it every day.

Then you would understand why I am shocked. When I grew up police interacted with the community. I have watched the rise of police aggression throughout my life . That's one of the reasons I have a better perspective on it than most I remember when cops were cool .

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: Legman neither did these kids act like hoodlums or a mob. Just a bunch of excitable kids, no threat to anyone apart from big tough guy police men. This was a situation for a more peaceful measured response, like in any other normal country

Well the neighbors that called the police didn't agree with you.

+1 more 
posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

So, a bunch of racists didn't like black kids showing up to a community pool, picked fights, and the kids end up manhandled and arrested?

Community pools in this area are for people who live in the immediate area. This looks like a neighborhood pool.

They are not all open to the public and free for anyone to come from surrounding areas to swim there. Apartment community pools are for people who live in that particular complex. Neighborhood pools are for people who pay into the HOA of that neighborhood.

Unfortunately, the racists might have made stupid remarks, but the rules of community pools are in place to avoid incidents exactly like this one. If someone is paying their HOA to enjoy their neighborhood and the amenities provided by that neighborhood, they're going to get upset when free-loaders come in and use the pool that they aren't paying to use or maintain.

If you ignore the racial aspect, those kids were doing whatever the hell they wanted because they didn't care about the rules of the community pool.
edit on 6/7/2015 by Answer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:35 PM
I don't understand why it was determined certain individuals weren't allowed. When did community pools become members only?

And as I've said before, when even the most minor of infractions is met with force there is systematic failure.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: Legman neither did these kids act like hoodlums or a mob. Just a bunch of excitable kids, no threat to anyone apart from big tough guy police men. This was a situation for a more peaceful measured response, like in any other normal country

You've seen the video and you don't know the whole story. Stop pretending to have all the facts.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: FraggleRock
I don't understand why it was determined certain individuals weren't allowed. When did community pools become members only?

And as I've said before, when even the most minor of infractions is met with force there is systematic failure.

In this area, "community pools" are more like semi-private pools for members of the particular community.

A subdivision may have one or more pools available to people who live in the neighborhood. An apartment complex will have a pool for folks who live in the complex.

These pool areas post signs explicitly stating "This pool is for residents of XYZ only. All others are considered trespassers."

These kids decided to show up at a pool where they were not allowed and the adults took issue with that leading to an altercation and the police being called.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Answer I know police over reaction tinged with racism when I see it. Don't need to be no expert

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Jaellma

Several things stand out to me watching this:

1. The one cop fell as he was running and I have a good feeling that it pissed him off. How many times do you get mad at yourself for hurting yourself when its 'inconvenient'?
2.The 14 year old girl was lipping off to the cop after him telling her several times to go on.
3.The cop pulled the gun when several others tried to intervene on the girls behalf.

Now,here is what I am seeing,they have already been given orders by the police to either move on or stay put. It depends on the group.Had they done as they were told,things would not have escalated like they did. Anytime you attempt to intervene when the police are trying to subdue someone,they WILL take that as a direct threat that they are being 'ganged up on',and will take aggressive action to stop it. I think that this one cop needs to learn anger control,but also when you are told to do something by the police,STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND OBEY. Fight it out in court with a lawyer afterwards,but use common sense and don't get into it with the cop there on the street. Both parties escalated this and could have handled it better. But I can tell you that in my dealings with the police,they do not put up with someone running their mouth at them.They are not there to listen to that. They are to first get control of a situation,then have each party involved tell their side.Then they decide who gets let go and who gets a trip to jail if anyone.

Here is what can happen if the police lets a person run their mouths off to them, in Ferguson Mo where I was living at the time,there was a girl on our street that was only 15 years old.But she was a trouble maker for sure. The issue came when she went up to this other girl's house and was threatening her. The police were called and when they got there,were trying to get all sides of the story. This girl thought she was the baddest thing on 2 feet and mouthed off to the police over and over. They warned her that if she kept it up she was going to jail. I can't even repeat on here what she responded with at them. The next thing she knew she was slammed on the ground and the cops piled on her as she insisted she was gonna 'kick their asses'. A lovely child no doubt. They hog tied her and threw her in the back of a cop car. THEN AND ONLY THEN did her mother decide to make an appearance to beg them to let her child go. They told her nope,it was out of her hands now. And off bad ass went to jail.

Now I don't really think anyone was right in what they did here. The cop needed to take a deep breathe,and gather the kids up and ask them what was going on. But that is also hard to do when they are running from you,instead of just standing there and explaining their side. And mouthing off gets you no where at all. So the parents need to go back and tell their kids,when a cop tells you something,DO IT. We will work it out in a court room later if he was wrong. But for the love of God do what he tells you so you don't get shot.Further,how sympathic do you think a judge is going to be when he sees the video and sees that people were trying to intervene against the officer? Like I said,all sides needed to calm down and deal with it rationally. And I would really like to know exactly why the neighbors called the cops to begin with? If it was over something stupid,they should be charged with inciting a riot.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:44 PM
America if you can't see this over reaction from the police, you deserve the police state that so many of you clearly desire, land of the free? Home of the brave ? Lol

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:45 PM
Is it true that Cops in the US use this Video as part of their training..
edit on 7-6-2015 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: Answer I know police over reaction tinged with racism when I see it. Don't need to be no expert

No, what you're seeing is police trying to get a handle on a group of people who didn't belong there in the first place.

This is the community where the incident occurred:
Craig Ranch North

It's a pricey area to live in and the folks pay a premium to live there between property value and HOA fees.

The pool is for residents of Craig Ranch North and pool cards are required to access the area:

Pool Season is here! Check out the following reminders about accessing the pools.

· Security Access Control- Please remember that there are security access control entry features at the main gates for all the pools in Craig Ranch. An access card with a unique identification number will be programmed into the main system with the resident's name and address. Cards will be issued to all residents in good standing who wish to take advantage of the pools this season.

So a bunch of kids who didn't live in the neighborhood showed up and literally did "crash the party." They were told to leave by adults and refused, which resulted in an altercation. The cops were called and the kids still refused to leave. Then things escalated.

This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with people who had no permission to be there but refused to leave.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Greathouse
I remember when cops were cool .

What went wrong then?
I was talking with a cop the other day about how outnumbered they are and with only sticks to hit us with how pleased they must be that most of us are chilled.
The cop laughed and agreed that they rely on us being friendly and they know that if they were aggressive they would end up having to call for help from other forces.
His exact words were "Thank # it doesn't ever really kick off here".
Different societies I guess.
We are mostly controlled with reason and negotiation but you seem to be controlled by force.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
America if you can't see this over reaction from the police, you deserve the police state that so many of you clearly desire, land of the free? Home of the brave ? Lol

I don't think I'd be pointing fingers from England, champ.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Answer

Nowadays, there IS valid reason to run. Guilty or innocent.

I'd rather keep my teeth and my life, so if I cant fight back against a known threat, then I'm going to run.

Pretty simple really.

This is the situation that they have created now. Sad but true.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Answer
There's obviously more to this story than we can see in this video.

I agree. However, not in the same way. Check my initial post here for more information. Seems the area is racist (that from the hubby, not from any article), and the kids were verbally attacked at the pool for being black. Maybe some fighting occurred, and maybe not, and so far, there isn't evidence I have seen on that part of the story.

originally posted by: Answer
Additionally, when you run from the cops, they naturally assume there's a good reason. How is this so hard to understand?

When you're dealing with a police officer, you don't stand there talking crap to the cop and you don't disobey them when they ask you stay where you are. Additionally, when an officer has to take down your belligerent friend, you don't run up to the cop like you're about to assault him in defense of your friend or you WILL get a weapon pointed at you.

Watch the video again. He told kids several times to leave, then manhandled kids and told them, "I told you to stay". The girl was in a group he told to leave, and note he dragged her back to that area. She had followed orders, as far as we can see. Several kids were trying to locate belongings as well, and not one was aggressive. Even the ones going up to protest his abusing their friend weren't aggressive. I wouldn't have felt threatened by them, as an older woman, out of shape, and probably unarmed, but this fit cop with a gun was? Bull! He has issues.

originally posted by: Answer
When I was a teenager and the cops showed up to a large gathering, the ones who ran and acted like idiots got treated like idiots. The ones who stayed put and listened to the cops were talked to and released.

The kids were leaving. They were told to leave, so they were leaving, and because of that, they were somehow wrong? Wasnt' them going elsewhere the solution they sought?

originally posted by: Answer
I'll get labeled a cop supporter/idiot/whatever for typing all this but in EVERY SINGLE ONE of these cases, foolish people get roughed up by the cops because they wouldn't listen and decided to act tough instead of listening to the officer. There are plenty of people there not being messed with by the cops because they listened.

I agree with a lot of your posts, but I can't on this one. I will be the first one to call BS if the cops were int eh right, and have one so. I'll also call them wrong when they are, and this guy was wrong. Maybe some were fighting, and some sitting waiting didn't fight, or claim innocence. Even those around the video guy said the girl did nothing, though. Why was she singled out? Is the cop racist, or does he have some thing for teenage girls, maybe, or both?
edit on 7-6-2015 by LadyGreenEyes because: typo, again. must be a day for those

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Dimithae
They told her nope,it was out of her hands now. And off bad ass went to jail.

Some kids NEED a trip to jail to teach them that idiotic actions do have serious consequences.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: grainofsand the incident would of probably only required police community service officers, maybe a couple of old ladies could of handled the situation better

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Chickensalad
a reply to: Answer

Nowadays, there IS valid reason to run. Guilty or innocent.

I'd rather keep my teeth and my life, so if I cant fight back against a known threat, then I'm going to run.

Pretty simple really.

This is the situation that they have created now. Sad but true.

What the hell are you doing so bad that every time you see a cop you want to run? I don't understand this fear mindset.

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Answer maybe in a totalitarian police state with the highest incarceration rate in the industrial world

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