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HIDDEN CAMERA: Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

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posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

sorry. hehe. are you catholic or a former catholic, btw?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:22 PM
No never been a catholic. Been a fundie for a long time tho.
edit on 4/3/2015 by Deaf Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: undo
p.s. the statistics on male to female population in ancient greece was like 2 females to every 100 or so males. female infanticide was rampant.

Oh man that would have sucked so bad!!!! No wonder they were so confused, pissed off all the time and at war with everyone. What the hell were they thinking???

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:26 AM
God.. the posters here have become self righteous, right wing, predictable, angry, small minded bores.

Who cares? The free market will ruin both their businesses. Christians get a hard time while a muslim bakery doing the same thing doesnt? Who cares? If the christian baker you knew wouldnt make a gay cake isnt going to.. make a gay cake then the muslim bakery definitely isnt.

Do you guys really care that one story got xoverage and the other didnt? You do realize its more about the race to be first than who is involved? Shouldve gotten at the muslim bakery first.

This is just bull#. The free market will correct until there is only one hateful cake franchise that thrives catering ti fundamentalists. Ill own it and it will be called 'Hates Cakes and Fudge You."

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:47 AM

originally posted by: GogoVicMorrow
Christians get a hard time while a muslim bakery doing the same thing doesnt?

Did you actually read what is going on?

1. an anti-gay guy tried to get a baker to write anti-gay stuff on a cake. She refused. Perfectly legal. She did not refuse to bake a cake.

2. somebody tried to get the Muslim baker to do something they don't do. They did not refuse to bake a cake.

The Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding - - just a standard cake - - lost his case because of State Law.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 06:07 AM
So they don't want to bake a cake, and you feel they should be forced to? Okay, whatever you say, Hitler. You need to remember that most people living on this planet will believe in different things to you. If they don't want to bake a cake, it's up to them. They have every right to refuse to do anything that they don't feel comfortable doing. You can voice disagreement but demonising them is the height of stupidity. It's not as if it's illegal to not bake a cake for homosexuals. Hate crimes are a completely different matter but, for gods sake, put things in perspective.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 06:14 AM
a reply to: EloquentThinker

would you think the same thing if they refused to bake a cake for a black person or if a gay bakery refused to bake a cake for a straight person? what would you think if a bakery refused to bake a cake for you?

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: Annee

Did you actually read what is going on?

1. an anti-gay guy tried to get a baker to write anti-gay stuff on a cake. She refused. Perfectly legal. She did not refuse to bake a cake.

2. somebody tried to get the Muslim baker to do something they don't do. They did not refuse to bake a cake.

The Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding - - just a standard cake - - lost his case because of State Law.

Thank you for clarifying ... It all makes sense

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 07:27 AM
They have the right to refuse service to anyone, if a particular service, against their religious beliefs.

It's not like they were refusing to serve gay people, in fact, I'm quite sure that many gay people are served just like any other person, but if they blatantly ask for something custom that points to a gay lifestyle, then it is against the Islamic religion, and they will most likely get refused.

They didn't refuse to bake a cake, just put writing on the cake that was against their religion and beliefs.

edit on 4-4-2015 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I'm not a sympathizer but why would you want to take the most special of special cakes to a person you may know is not interested in your cake? I know it was to prove a point but even if they said yes and you knew deep down inside that they did not want to would you risk having your cake made at that bakery??? Man if I was gay I would open up a gay would have not only a huge community going to your place but all the people with guilt shopping

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: chrismarco
a reply to: IAMTAT

I'm not a sympathizer but why would you want to take the most special of special cakes to a person you may know is not interested in your cake? I know it was to prove a point but even if they said yes and you knew deep down inside that they did not want to would you risk having your cake made at that bakery??? Man if I was gay I would open up a gay would have not only a huge community going to your place but all the people with guilt shopping

Actually, I completely agree.
MOST of these incidents(including this one , by a guy secretly filming and the Indiana Pizza story) were 'shopped' activists and media looking to make a story naturally happen.
Most people tend to shop where they feel comfortable.
Rule Number 1 in dining out...never piss off the person who makes your food (ask any restaurant cook about that).

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: undo

Maybe some do treat Christians badly today. And yes that is never justified.

But you need to remember that some Christians (read Fundies) treat gay people badly. So that's where the hatred comes from.

A gay person shouldn't be refused to have cake made for wedding for example. This is mistreatment.

SO many of you have this thing confused I hope you can accept this thought in the most sincere spirit of love and truth.

Just how do you define mistreatment? Not serving them as caterers, notice they did not refuse to let them in the door nor kick them out for being gay?

However, in the TRULY mistreatment area, I would say throwing them off buildings and beheading them is much more like what i defined as mistreating them. Being against a lifestyle and not wishing to participate is not the same thing as mistreatment at all when you step back logically and view the situation for what it is.

KKK like Death and dismembering of body parts = bad (need i say which groups do this to gays really. The KKK can find no where Jesus was condoning any thing but forgiveness by the rest of us and Repenting from the sin so they are false religion oriented, right?).

Wanting nothing to do with them = no death or dismembering of body parts.

For me, I love my gay niece and yet I do NOT condone her marriage to her significant other but both are welcome in my home and likewise for me. I DO have tolerance yet did not want to participate in that wedding for one second and I didn't.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 09:08 AM
Here is what I predict will happen. At some point in the future - I don't know how long it will take - maybe in the next 10 years, or maybe in the next 70 years, Christians will start to come to terms with homosexuality not being the "evil abomination" that they claim it is today. They will start to ignore those parts of the Bible just like they ignore the other parts that just don't apply to this society anymore.

We are going through some growing pains while we evolve as a society. But overall, we ARE evolving. I will be glad when we get to the stage where the only judgement we make against another is whether they harm others.

My 13-year-old was watching the news about the Indiana religious freedom law, and she was confused about why someone would use the law to refuse to work with a gay couple getting married. She just didn't get it. What's the big deal about gay people getting married? I told her that people were judging the gay people as sinners and some would refuse to be a part of the marriage. She just looked at me and said, "You know how I judge someone? I look to see if they are nice to people and animals. That's it. If they are nice, then they are okay with me." I asked her to please never change, because that's the way I want ALL Americans to judge others.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Here is what I predict will happen. At some point in the future - I don't know how long it will take - maybe in the next 10 years, or maybe in the next 70 years, Christians will start to come to terms with homosexuality not being the "evil abomination"

I agree ... Many Christians are open minded in this way already ... A close friend of mine ... a woman was a Christian and also a Lesbian ...

Again the example of your daughter is a shining beacon of hope for the future

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Most all Christians already have come to grips with it. Except for the very few like those KKK types and extreme fundies of several religions who still hate on skin color and others not like themselves. Many people in the Indiana case for example and some here, misinterpret non participation as being hate. Many also Misinterpret how sincere that those of a fascist/leftist spin feel those on the right of them (whoa that is a lot of people) are somehow, some way going to be forced to like it as it appears at this point in time.

We must all, believers and non believer alike, push back and point out this flaw in logic or suffer an Orwellian "Animal Farm" like reality. Can we not agree that dismemberment and murder does harm but not wanting to participate in what is felt to be wrong is way different? And also that some are making a small disagreement about serving willingly verses against ones will, into a scenario with overkill logic that defeats the nature of what Freedom itself means?
edit on 4-4-2015 by Justoneman because: needed tweaking

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

OK I am calling BullS#t on the video.

From your link

Actually, I taped this video a long time ago but due to audio corruption issues, was never able to upload it. Now that my in-house whizz kid, Jared was able to salvage the footage, I am passing it onto you.

Read more:

As admitted it is a heavily edited video. In every instance of the baker saying no it was to a request to decorate the cake in a certain way. I bet the request for a simple wedding cake was not refused and by "coincidence" no video of such a request has been shown.

Now if you can show a case where a Christian baker was taken to court for refusing to decorate a wedding cake in a certain way then you will have shown hypocrisy, but until then all you have shown is propaganda.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 10:17 AM
So ... although I know how much we all love repeating the arguments over and over ... I think we have an obligation to stay on topic with the OP.

Let me say that I am amazed that it is Day Two of the Michigan Muslim Prejudice story and ...

The Blaze is doing nothing to promote this story. No lottery-sized GOFUNDME for these poor Muslim believers it seems.

The Blaze front page ... *crickets*

and ...

Using 'The Blaze's Search Function to look for Muslim Bakeries ... *louder crickets*

Wow, that's depressing isn't it? Why isn't The Blaze standing up for religious rights in Michigan the same way as in Indiana?

How about Fox News?

Search 'Muslim Bakers' at Fox News ... *crickets*

and ...

Search 'Muslim Bakers' at ... *crickets*

WOW! That's really depressing!

The OP is absolutely right, the media is COMPLETELY IGNORING the travesty in Michigan.

Incredible. Maybe Michigan will get themselves one of these RFRA laws in place as well!

I mean, you know, what kind of country is this becoming where you can't have a totally fabricated situation with a guy pretending to be gay with a film crew accompanying him while he spouts over the top nonsense that has nothing to do with actual discrimination against anyone ... AND NO ONE EVEN CARES!

I thought we could depend on The Blaze to cover religious freedom issues.

I thought we could depend on Fox News for a fair and balanced view of religious freedom issues.

I thought we could depend on the independent Breitbart when those mainstream media outlets were silent ...

Guess I was wrong.


edit on 10Sat, 04 Apr 2015 10:30:52 -050015p102015466 by Gryphon66 because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: kaylaluv

Can we not agree that dismemberment and murder does harm but not wanting to participate in what is felt to be wrong is way different? And also that some are making a small disagreement about serving willingly verses against ones will, into a scenario with overkill logic that defeats the nature of what Freedom itself means?

But that's my point. Why is it felt to be wrong? What is wrong? Why is it wrong for two people to want to commit to each other? It just doesn't make any sense. And yes, it hurts to have someone say to you that who you are and what you do is so bad that they can't even have anything to do with it. It's crazy, because it isn't even bad! Let me repeat: it's not bad to want to commit to another consenting adult human who wants to commit to you as well. It harms no one - in fact, it helps everyone. Committed couples help society to remain stable. This is a fact. All Christians should be encouraging everyone - gay or straight - to be in a loving, committed relationship. And they should be happy to participate in the celebration of a loving, committed relationship. To judge them just because of their gender just make zero sense.

I can understand judging those who engage in rampant, unprotected sex. Diseases are spread this way, and that harms others. But I cannot understand why someone would judge a person who wants to settle down and commit to another. Seriously. We need to get past this.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Of course, this is why there is no outrage. It was a fake situation that was misrepresented as something it was not. The only outrage would be why someone would fake such an event.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

You know, I can't figure this out ... what is the difference between the situation in IN and in MI?

I mean ... yeah sure, in Michigan it's Muslims and in Indiana it's Christians ... but that shouldn't make a difference, right?

I mean, religious freedom is religious freedom.


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