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HIDDEN CAMERA: Gay Wedding Cake At Muslim Bakeries

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posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

So the question still remains. If it's not ok for these Muslims to do it, then it must not be ok for the Christians to do it, right???

Because if it's not wrong for the Muslims then it's not wrong for the Christians. But if it's wrong for one then it's wrong for the other.

Or is it only ok when Christians do it??? They are the ones passing this new law. They are the ones who say it's about Religious Freedom. But they are also against Islam. But you can't have it both ways.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

You're welcome. Have a blessed evening.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

while he hits on several good points, it sounds a bit too good to be true (like he makes us sound like good little wall flowers lol, where that may true for many, it's not true in the halls of power. the "christians" at the top of the food chain, are freakin' dangerous)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

precisely. if christians can, muslims can. if christians can't, muslims can. hehe.

you know what they are saying. don't play coy with me or i'll start ignoring your posts.
edit on 3-4-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: undo
i don't think christians who don't want to provide catering services to gay weddings are homophobics, strictly speaking, but rather are adhering to what they believe to be sound christian doctrine but which in my view, is misinterpretation.

When we have these conversations, sensible posters know we're talking about Fundamental Christians.

Of course we are not referring to all Christians. And do people really think gays who grew up Christian just automatically shut that belief off because they've accepted themselves as gay? Christians come from all walks of life.

Anyway, back to Fundies.

Are they homophobic? Considering the Fundies still believe it's a choice, and believe the bible prophesizes a time when homosexuality will become "normal" and accepted by many ---- is a sign of the End Times ----- yeah, there is real fear there.

They really believe a vengeful God will destroy the world if homosexuality is allowed.

So, yes ---- I would say they are truly homophobic.

And I don't care. Because this is my world too.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: undo

Thank you!! See I said earlier that you someone who so far seemed Reasonable to me.

I know a lot of members here keep labeling me a Christian Hater and BS like that, but it's not true. I know....Actually, let's say I hope the majority of Christians out there are good people like I think they are. But the leaders and some members of the Faith have hijacked your organization and besides dragging your Christian name through the mud, they are out creating a narrative of War that is going to involve all of you if you don't put a stop to it.

I don't say that because I want you destroyed. Far from it. It's difficult to talk about however because the label of Christian gets used for both groups. The good and the bad. None of us want the Bad ones. We like the good ones though, just like everyone else does. But some in your organization are up to some serious sh*t and the only ones who can stop it are you other Christians. None of us on the outside can do it. Nor do we want to have to deal with it. The best way to get these psycho's is from the inside by Good Christians who need to take back their Faith for themselves for everyone's safety.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: undo

I see what you mean about it being too good to be true. Good observation.
There are Good little well as poison ivy on all sides.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Annee

it's not because of homosexuality that the world is in danger, but the increase in it is a sign of over population (people running to and fro, etc) which is a sign of the end times. if the teachings about the ages of precession are true, this is leading up to a planetary reboot, and everyone is just being manipulated into their own destruction. anybody that says god is going to destroy the world because of gays, is not reading jesus, they are reading the old testament (who i think was mostly the sumerian enlil, whereas i think jesus was the sumerian enki, and even though enki shows up in the old testament as well, it's mostly enlil, who didn't like humans, so i'm not convinced the creator enki was ever mad about gays. the idea a loving god would create us and then punish us for being exactly how he created us, is just darn silly)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: mOjOm

precisely. if christians can, muslims can. if christians can't, muslims can. hehe.

you know what they are saying. don't play coy with me or i'll start ignoring your posts.

Easy now buddy.

You know my stance. I don't think anyone should be denying anyone services based on who they are. Not Muslims, Christians, Gays, etc. We should all be treated the same.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Come to think of it, the alleged non-outrage about Muslim bakery refusing to make cake for same-sex wedding could be because the Muslims don't overplay it. It's probably ironic that it's Rush Limbaugh is the one who is overplaying it. Things like Christian baker refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding get attention drawn to it because of people like Rush and other Fundies.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

i is a buddy-ette.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:25 PM

originally posted by: undo

if christians can't, muslims can. hehe.

This is what some Conservatives and Fundementalist Radicals want you to think is being said. I've never said anything like that.

That is how this is being spun which doesn't even makes sense. That is a false narrative being used to try and convince people that Christians are under attack and that I guess Gays and Muslims have teamed up or something. I don't even understand the rationale behind such an argument so I don't know how their reasoning for it is supposed to work. But I know it's BS.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: undo

Oh I'm so sorry......Did you tell me that before now??? I don't always have a good memory. Sorry, Ms. Undo I'll try and not make that mistake in the future.....

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: Annee

it's not because of homosexuality that the world is in danger, but the increase in it is a sign of over population (people running to and fro, etc) which is a sign of the end times.

I do not agree with that and find it to just be another excuse.

Over population is from over breeding. Can hardly blame the gays for that.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: mOjOm

i is a buddy-ette.

You know what, this may sound bad or sexist or whatever but you may have just pinpointed the reason why you're the Rational One.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: undo
. . . anybody that says god is going to destroy the world because of gays, is not reading jesus, they are reading the old testament . . .

I don't know what they are reading or interpreting, but that is what they believe.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: undo
a reply to: Annee

it's not because of homosexuality that the world is in danger, but the increase in it is a sign of over population (people running to and fro, etc) which is a sign of the end times.

I do not agree with that and find it to just be another excuse.

Over population is from over breeding. Can hardly blame the gays for that.

You know that is ironic as hell too. Because if anyone wants to blame someone for too many Gays you have to blame the straight folks giving birth to them. Not only that but research shows the more kids someone has the more likely the child will be gay. The odds increase with each child. I don't know exactly how accurate that stat is but that is what "they" say.

Which means the Religious Ideal of having Large Families with lots of kids would also be the biggest producer of Gay Children.

Tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor. Twisted, but maybe that's funny when you are eternal...

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

oh i have years of evidence that christians are being singled out and targeted. but that doesn't mean i am willing to be unreasonable about it. i just refuse to pretend like it's not happening. you can convince me of many finer points of this topic, but not that one.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Annee

i don't blame gays for that. what i'm saying is more gays are born into high population areas.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: Annee

I don't know what they are reading or interpreting, but that is what they believe.

They are probably listening to Brian Fischer. That guy blames Gays for everything from Bad hair days to the end of mankind and everything in between.

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