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Both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network downed by (supposed) DDOS attacks

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posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:01 PM

"Oh boy, golly gee, mother and father! Thanks so much for getting me this new [Insert Console]. I can't wait to play all day!" And then little Timmy plugged in his brand new games machine and found out that it's basically useless today because both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network have been taken down in some capacity.

See, little Timmy forgot about the group known as Lizard Squad, saddled with a heart three sizes too small and living up in a cave above Whoville. Lizard Squad is claiming responsibility for the deed on Twitter, which would mean this is an actual targeted DDOS attack instead of the usual "down for Christmas" woes.

Both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network downed by (supposed) DDOS attacks

Gee thanks, Lizard Squad or whoever you are....parents are not happy at all and neither are the kids.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: AreUKiddingMe

Strange my connection is working just fine for xbox live

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: threeeyesopen

IDK but I got 2 nephews that got gaming systems for Christmas who can't get on.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:13 PM
I believe these are sorted from the Most-to-Least Problematic-Internet-Vendors/Suppliers.

Currently-(as of this post), PlayStation is at the top of the list.

DownDetector - PlayStation

OPINION: Common-Hack'n-Denominator ... SONY.

( however just moments ago, I've noticed my Internet-Connection ... has slowed but recovering )

edit on 25-12-2014 by FarleyWayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: AreUKiddingMe

Well, I heard about this a little earlier from a friend, and so I elected not to try and redeem my Playstation vouchers, and go shopping on the network.

All I have to say, is that the person or persons responsible for this nonsense are not doing themselves any favours. Yes, mission accomplished, but now everyone wants to break thier knees!

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: threeeyesopen

I would say don't count on that connection being there steady.

Or you might just be one of the lucky ones.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: AreUKiddingMe

I hate that Lizard squad.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:23 PM
Xbox Live is down in the Cleveland, Ohio area.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:32 PM
Hit us right where it hurts, LOL! They need to come up with a cheeseburger hack ;p

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:33 PM
Down in Australia. (PS)

I had planned for this though, we were talking about it a few weeks (days maybe.. i forget.. long month) back.
Whilst my PS4 is crippled.. I still have my PS3 and it barley get's online anyway.

It's a ugly thing to do though, it's the 2014 equivalent to a lump of coal for Christmas. I can only hope these abhorrent trolls get a visit from the "lawyers of xmas past"... or harsher.. but it's xmas so i'll leave my angry retort at that.

I am seeing the meme "it was so family's spent more time together" flying around in the past 2 hours on SM... and to that i say this.

Christmas was yesterday for half the world, we did that.. and it was good.
Now i'd like to play with my other family.. the folks i follow into a firefight, travel strange new lands with, those i chose to share my imagination with.. and you have cut us off from those adventures.

May Krampus visit each and every one of them

edit on 25-12-2014 by Xarian6 because: .

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:36 PM
Pretty harsh to do this to people/kids at Christmas.
What political or serious point or purpose is there for doing this? Frankly it's just mean.
Pick a real target - politicians, corporations or something - you know, a cause.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:41 PM
No Playstation here (Atlanta) since yesterday. Lots of attacks on their servers today when we were watching IPViking. Lots of attacks against Sony and Cox Entertainment too.

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:41 PM
Lizard Squad = Guardians of Peace = Lena = Sony Hacker = Bizarre worldwide reaction = massive Cyberwar = Hollywood basically giving away the movie that supposedly started the problem = private Corporations openly engaging in DDoS attacks on private websites worldwide to curb piracy = North Korea being blamed whether implicated or not = Kids on Christmas crying because they can't play online games = Congress rolling over and giving the Internet, in toto, to private corporations under the guise of security = pay to play tiered and controlled access ( think PPV and Cable only with websites ) = death of the net as we know it and the end of all but Corporate sanctioned and provided web content. Oh and content with ZERO chance of infringing upon Copyright and intellectual property.

False flag turned real Cyberwar - all caused supposedly because a former Sony employee sought to blackmail Sony over "embarrassing information" that was leaked anyway - but really the work of Hollywood ( collectively ) to create a popular demand and smokescreen for buying a few new laws that will change everything. Corporations running Governments instead of the other way around.

Figuring out the magic bullet in the Kennedy assassination is going to be a piece of cake compared to putting this puzzle together.

+19 more 
posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:42 PM
I work in the industry as a phone tech support agent. Today has been the worst day of my entire career.

I have been yelled at and cussed out more in the half day I worked than I have been over the last 5 years. Nearly every person I spoke with has been ruthless, demanding, entitled, and irrational. They are calling in just to scream and yell at whichever sorry sap that happens to answer their call. They want impossible resolutions and have unrealistic expectation.

I only made it through half my shift before i reached a point where i could not take it anymore and I walked away. I probably won't job tomorrow. I have no idea what I am going to do without the income, but there is only so much abuse a person can take, and on Christmas no less.

I have no idea what I am going to do moving forward, but whatever happens at least I won't have to deal with the abuse of working tech support for entitled irrational customers, or the stress of working for a company that does not care for their employees and only cares for statistics in a spreadsheet at the end of the month.

If anyone is considering calling Xbox or Playstation support in regards to the current service issues, please don't. They can not solve a system wide problem caused by outside factors. They can not and will not shower you with free stuff over a temporary outage and they do not deserve your wrath because they are not responsible, nor are they able to magically fix the problem.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:45 PM
Maybe the U.S needs to raise some money for some better protection. stupid am I? The very people they hire are probably the same ones doing this. What a freaking joke this all is.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:45 PM
This Lizard Squad hacking has been ridiculous the past few months. Here's what I put in another thread about video games of 2014 review.

Lizard Squad is one of the most well-known online hacker groups and has a history of attacking popular video game services. In August, Lizard Squad claimed to have caused disruption to the PlayStation Network , as well as servers run by Blizzard, the company behind World of Warcraft.

In the same month, the group took their campaign one step further by tweeting a bomb threat against Sony executive John Smedley, which forced his flight to be diverted. As Smedley's flight was grounded, the group shared messages discussing 9/11, comparing themselves to ISIS.

But Lizard Squad's hacking campaign against video games didn't end there. They returned in September to wreak havoc against popular games such as Call of Duty, FIFA, Destiny, Madden, and The Sims 4. Yet again, the group (which has claimed to have a handful of members) had proven that they could successfully shut down the online services that video game fans rely on to play their favourite titles.

They also took down some services last night, and they're still doing it today.

As a gamer, I'm used to having gaming stuff hacked every now and then. But what has been happening the past couple months is a whole other level. It's been a constant barrage of DDos attacks on pretty much all of the popular gaming services.

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: xDeadcowx

So people don't have the right to be angry because it hurts your feelings? You're acting entitled and irrational, you're a tech support person and don't expect to deal with angry customers?

People who are paying for a service don't deserve to be compensated for not getting said service they pay for? Especially on a day when A LOT of people just opened up their consoles today and can't even use it! Nope no reason to be angry at all! Geez...

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:55 PM
Does this "Lizard Squad" have some sort of motive or point to make by doing what they're doing (that they've admitted to)? Or just trolls that have nothing better to do and get a kick out of making the news (online equivalent of a pyromaniac)?

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: jheated5

No they just need to be angry at the right people.
What good does it do to yell at the person that can't do anything about it?

They are also not the ones that get to decide if they can compensate or not.
Be angry sure, but realize who you are angry at and don't take it out on some poor bloke that was just the lucky one to ask how he or she could help you.
edit on thThu, 25 Dec 2014 19:00:39 -0600America/Chicago1220143980 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2014 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: xDeadcowx

That stinks man, but I applaud you for standing up for your self.
I can't stand when people berate those that had nothing to do with the problem.

Hope you still have a job tomorrow

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