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Why are Americans siding with terrorists?

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posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: Arnie123
This is a foolish thread. I actually spent precious energy commenting on this silly used for better staring at a wall....or wondering of crap was conscience or not......


I'm with you. I came here hoping to get some insight and understanding about both sides of the situation, and I am leaving here just as confused.

The pro-Israeli's seem to think ALL Muslims are bad, and Israel is right to bomb women and children indiscriminately. This I can't comprehend.
The anti-Israeli group says it's only a few radical Muslims that are putting the Palestinians in harms way.
Both sides argue with such bias that I can't even begin to understand the basics.

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

How about you interpret those Quranic verses properly before you go using them... Are you saying Muslims should just sit back and do nothing when they are attacked? What makes you think that Muslims started this mess not only in Israel but all over the Middle East?

Maybe your country should keep it's blood stained hands out of other peoples business... You seem scared of Islam, It's really not that scary if you believe in God.

All your verses do is justify Palestinians attacking an entity who attacked them 60 years ago....
edit on 20-7-2014 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: stirling
You are sadly misinformed..................peace bro....

Yep, poor guy drank the kool aid and bought the shirt.
I don't understand why people would think of us supporters of peace, "jew haters" though.
I guess the misinformed did not know there is sometimes a difference between Zionists and jews.
The thing that makes me giggle a bit is they cannot call you an anti semite if you are speaking that you don't want semitic (Palestinian) deaths.
Some poor people just believe every word the nice man in the suit says on the "news".

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: g146541

When ever I am referring to something like this issue it is always "Zionist". I have been accused of being an Anti-Semite, A Jew hater and I guess a couple of other things in peoples minds because I rubbish Zionism. It makes me laugh, Zionism is not Judaism, Joe Biden is a Zionist, I guess we shouldn't rubbish him because it would be Anti-Semitic even though he isn't a Jew?

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: DarknStormy
a reply to: g146541

When ever I am referring to something like this issue it is always "Zionist". I have been accused of being an Anti-Semite, A Jew hater and I guess a couple of other things in peoples minds because I rubbish Zionism. It makes me laugh, Zionism is not Judaism, Joe Biden is a Zionist, I guess we shouldn't rubbish him because it would be Anti-Semitic even though he isn't a Jew?

I did a double take last night when fox was playing in the background and Geraldo Rivera said he was a Zionist through and through.

Zionism is political policy.
Israeli is a citizen of Israel
Judaism is a religion

I don't know why but it is often confused. If the things Biden says are any indication, he has not a clue what a zionist is, and thinks a menorah is clever because it holds more candles for better light.

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: MarlinGrace

I have seen these Zion creeps sneaking there way on to the Aussie MSM also. Not the reporters or nothing, just Zionists chiming in for expert opinions about Israel etc. Obviously they are always good opinions.

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: smithjustinb

originally posted by: minkmouse
If you took over my house and forced me to live in the cellar because a book of fairy tales you showed me said the house was promised to you by someone on page five hundred and twelve, I'd be miffed! I'd probably burn the whole house down!

The thing is. In 1200 BCE, Israel was established by the Jewish people due to a peaceful social transformation of the Canaanites. The only time Israel was peacefully inhabited were by the people who evolved there from Neanderthals and by the Jews. Everything after that was back and forth conquering.

How do you think Jews gained the land back then? They got through war. Where were you fed this delusion that Jews were so peaceful? When they took over an area the only people left alive were the ones the kept as slaves everyone else was dead. You clearly don't know as much about the Jews as you think they were as Louis Black says two hairs away from being baboons.

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Don't forget the livestock. Nothing lived after Joshua went tear-assing around after Moses passed.

How anyone can say Joshua and those that followed him were peaceful during those days is beyond me. It says it right there in Joshua for all to read.

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: smithjustinb
a reply to: minkmouse

Its not about the land. Its about which religion is the right religion. There are plenty of Muslim lands. There is only one Jewish land. And the Middle East will not allow it.


Did you ever stop to think the reason why they don't want it is because it was created through acts of theft and terrorism? Historically Jews and Muslims got along very well it wasn't until the antisemitism started by Zionism that problems started to arise.
edit on 20-7-2014 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

Its not Israels fault that crazy people want to and have always wanted to kill them because they aren't the same brand of crazy.

It's not the Palestinians fault that the US and UK gave their homes and country to the Jews in 1940s because some book written 3000 years ago said so.

edit on 20.7.2014 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: smithjustinb

The Palestinians could live in peace in Israel if they stopped wanting to kill them because they're not Muslim.

So I think this answers your question, there is disagreement about WHAT the fighting is about.

Personally I just can't stand to see a big well funded rich society that has wanted to take more and more land (do you disagree with this part also) push around a bunch of Families who are poor and have very little to respond with. It is bullying on a huge scale and I hate bullies!

It is complete and utter nonsense to then say people HATE Jews because of how they see the war. The hate poor Jews line is so old and pretty well worn out in the world.
edit on 20-7-2014 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: smithjustinb
The Palestine-Israeli conflict is not about land. Its about a group of people who think anyone who doesn't believe what they believe should die. Why are so many people ignorant to this? The Palestinians could live in peace in Israel if they stopped wanting to kill them because they're not Muslim. Why is Israel to blame? Israel's core belief doesn't demand that the Jews kill everyone that isn't Jewish. But there are 164 verses of Jihad in the Quran. So Palestinians wage war. How are so many people ignorant of this? How are you?

Its not Israels fault that crazy people want to and have always wanted to kill them because they aren't the same brand of crazy.

"Death to America. Death to Israel. Alahu Akbar"

How can you support people who have the same beliefs that caused 3000 people to die on 9/11 and 15000 soldiers to die defending you from them since then?

Why do criminals side with criminals? That's seems the simplest question to answer your question.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: smithjustinb

I think Israel and it's agents(Mossad, Larry Silverstein, etc., etc.) committed 911. Not some boogey-man Muslim in cave in Afghanistan.

Secondly, jews have said the same things and worse that Islam says. One side is as bad as the other in their views of non-jews or non-muslims. I won't waste my time posting what leaders in Israel have said openly. I won't post quotes from the Talmud. I won't post what many jews have said on video about goyim.

Again, one side is as bad as the other. They're all insane psychos.

But the problem lies with terrorist Israel, how they formed and what they've done and continue doing. It's genocide what Israel is doing, plain and simple. Many people have opened their eyes to Zionism. It is a real and problematic thing that plagues almost every country in the world(Ukraine as example). People don't like it when they are viewed as animals by another group of people, and they are imposing their will upon the world. What we are seeing now is a revolt against Zionism and I think it will intensify to nasty levels.

Just because someone disagrees with Israel does NOT make them a "jew-hater". That's absurd and propaganda. People have a right to choose what they want, to believe what they want, and if they side with terrorists like Israel, then that's their choice. Good always beats evil in the end and Israel will be isolated because of their racist actions towards others. Zionists are the very definition of evil.

American taxpayers have a say, as far as I'm concerned. If Israel didn't have America helping them they would've lost long ago. I do not want any more taxpayer money funding a terror group that is Israel any longer. Americans are starting to question that billions of dollars each year and military equipment that Israel receives. It will stop. Wait & see. No more wars for Israel.

"Why are Americans siding with terrorists?"

Why are Americans waking up to what is real?

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:31 PM
The Jewish religion demands that Jews kill off or enslave all gentiles.They look at us as nothing but animals.

We all know that Jews want a greater Israel and they have been trying to get an excuse to justify it...............and here it is.

What the hell are the Jews(Edomites) doing in Palestine anyway?

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:31 PM
Americans cannot make up their mind who terrorists are, it changes frequently.

One day Al Quaida is bad, next day it is good and funds them.

One universal constant in life, one can never trust a yank.

One day we are their allies, next day they threaten us economically if we do not support their vote at the UN et al.

They can't aim for shat either.

Sooner we pivot all our trade to BRICS away from America, the better.

If i ever get the option of using BRICS version of SWIFT, I shall.

edit on 20-7-2014 by moobie because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-7-2014 by moobie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: smithjustinb

The ignorance of your post is staggering.

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Viking9019
The Jewish religion demands that Jews kill off or enslave all gentiles.They look at us as nothing but animals.

We all know that Jews want a greater Israel and they have been trying to get an excuse to justify it...............and here it is.

What the hell are the Jews(Edomites) doing in Palestine anyway?

You're full of sh-t. Educate yourself.

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: smithjustinb

Palestinians are not Hamas Jihad or Taliban for that matter! They are innocent women and kids! There has been a huge media blackout and disinformation campaign. WAR IS A RACQUET!!! all wars are banker wars!! All wars all started with a false flag. They play both sides. Yes Muslim's that practice sharia law are bad, they even kill other Muslim's. They have no where to go when rockets are fired at their homes. Israel is a spoiled brat and needs a good spanking! Egypt will not lose of hair off an eyebrow for Hamas or Jihad!! They need to settle this more efficiently. Many innocent lives have been lost. Last night they fired 40 rockets into Gaza. Someone should do something soon. Ukraine is far from the only other place with tension right now. When are Humans going to grow up?

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: moobie

Israel = Rothschild's 25% jewish Obama The US is waking up, we just have a mainstream blackout/censorship and disimformation campaign, some of us do know the truth. Burn all your monopoly games!!! burn wall street burn!! BRICS

posted on Jul, 20 2014 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: ImpeachNero
a reply to: moobie

Israel = Rothschild's 25% jewish Obama The US is waking up, we just have a mainstream blackout/censorship and disimformation campaign, some of us do know the truth. Burn all your monopoly games!!! burn wall street burn!! BRICS

Waking up eh, well, take your time, must be hard getting out of bed.

I am sure it will be as fast as America entering WW2 to save us all.

edit on 20-7-2014 by moobie because: (no reason given)

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