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ISRAEL launches offensive on Gaza!

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posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 01:47 PM
Just a personal perspective

These are the texts I've exchanged with my daughter today,
Please forgive the spelling English not her first language.

8 Jul - Tony D: How you doing ? What was that? 85 rockets yesterday ? Looks like it's going to get worse princess. I know you're safe on Lahav. But news looks bad from here.
Can't wait to see you 😀

09:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: We are good, but its very bad.. there are boom every were.. we are fine but its gating closer

10:15, 8 Jul - Tony D: Ok Lianne stay safe princess. I hear the bedouin are playing up as well now ? 1500 reserves have been called up.
You guys can't get here soon enough for my liking xx

12:41, 8 Jul - Tony D: Looks like a ground offensive will be on soon.
Is therevanything special I can get for you when you come over ?

13:05, 8 Jul - Tony D: I need to learn to type on my phone  anything special I meant

13:06, 8 Jul - Lianne: No.. i have some questions becuase i need to complete army papaers for tommorw

13:07, 8 Jul - Lianne: You have israely citizenship rghit?

13:09, 8 Jul - Lianne: And my Brithish citizenship is still good right? Like my passport is no good but the citizenship is good?

13:14, 8 Jul - Tony D: Yep you're both as British as me  No need to worry about that 😀

13:15, 8 Jul - Tony D: Yes I do mispar eeshe ********* if you need it (ID Number)

13:17, 8 Jul - Tony D: Ah ok fire away army number was ******* I think but I'll check later

13:17, 8 Jul - Lianne: I need it for an army intervu tommorw so thank you

13:17, 8 Jul - Lianne: Haha no need for that yet

13:19, 8 Jul - Tony D: No problem I'll double check later when I get home and let you know just ask anything you need to know 😀
13:20, 8 Jul - Tony D: LOL some numbers you never forget !!!

13:28, 8 Jul - Lianne: Hahaha so true

16:41, 8 Jul - Tony D: Those numbers are correct Lianne if you need them 😀

16:44, 8 Jul - Lianne: Hahah you wont belive it.. a rockt fell on the intrnet staff so that we dont have t.v or internet now.. so i cant gat this papers done for the next few hours

16:46, 8 Jul - Tony D: Holy crap is eveyone ok ?

16:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: Yes only no internet or t.v

16:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: And some rockts

16:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: No pool no kidengarden.. fun

16:52, 8 Jul - Tony D: No internet 😮 no TV 😮

I'd be in in tears, or the pub !Definately the pub LOL

I'm just catching up with the news now. So are you guys at home ? I can call if you like 😀

Just think about that for a minute guys
I had very similar exchanges with my son

So Before you call for all out war, or the annihilation of Israel.

Read that again

My thanks for your time if you read it


posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

There is nothing that ties any of the people who came from europe to land in the middle east. Care to try again? Because their holy book said so? Because their ancient holy books said so? History says israel was destroyed thousands of years ago. The palestinians were in possession of the land and the major powers of the world took it away from them and gave it to the current owners. This is all history my friend. They will never know peace. Not because the bible or any holy book says so, but because of their actions. If it was about religion there wouldn't be Jewish communities in Iran. The fact of the matter is nobody in the middle east wanted the Jews out of the area until they founded Israel. There had been jews living there with the palestinians for centuries.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: rustyclutch
There is nothing that ties any of the people who came from europe to land in the middle east.

The Jews from Europe .. from all over the world .. claim the Jewish heritage. They claim David as their ancient King. They claim Abraham and his promise as well as Moses and the promise of the Promised Land given through him. Their 'tie to the land' is no less and no more strong than any other Jew. It is their 'ancestral homeland'. (and dont' go pulling up DNA to try to prove they aren't real jews ... that doesn't fly)

That being said I already said that neither the Muslims nor the Jews can point to religion as a reason for owning the land. They can't prove Abraham even existed let alone that there was a promise from God through Him.

This is 2014 AD. Whoever is there, is there. Learn to get along or die. End of story.
edit on 7/8/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:30 PM
with everywhere else flaring up in and around the middle east, I was wondering when this was going to start, not surprised actually.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Whatsreal

Israel did NOT start attacking anyone first.

Yes they did. Israel started ethnic cleansing the land even before Israel was made a state.

This goes all the way back to 1951.... do a little homework and read up on the history of the situation instead of making stupid comments about a government engaging in mass murder.

Actually this goes back further than 1951 it goes back to 1947. So you need to brush up on your own history studies. And the Israeli government has mass murdered people like when they herded people into buildings and then shelled it with artillery. Also it wouldn't hurt to check out some of the comments the leaders of Israel has made in no way do they want peace with Palestine.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:41 PM
Where is your proof of that? I want your proof!

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I understand and respect peoples rights to hold religion in any way they please, however using religion to claim property in my ignorant view is non valid. However how can it be that if two groups with two different Gods come to an agreement if one claims their God gave them land, however to many this God is a creation of man. It merely comes down to who has the most powerful followers of their God. Neither God is more tvalid than the other as they are one in the same thing, a creation of man.

Basically in a more blunt and uneducated manner, how can one person make up a god with no evidence which would be accepted in todays courts and claim he gave him land. So bring in a mediator, but make sure you pick someone who wont use the situation to arm both sides to the teeth and poke both sides with stick to cause a horrifying situation in order to push your own military in to make everyone safe.

F*ck all these man made Governments pushing war, f*ck all these man made religions who instead of creating love and peace, divide the world into a paranoid, frightened and disjointed communities with no power or strength to hold those to account.

Theres no point im just gonna watch the world cup, nothing better then watching some multimillionaire assholes kicking a ball around in order to distract from similar assholes bombing and kicking women and children around.

edit on 8-7-2014 by liteonit6969 because: uneducated

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

This is 2014 AD. Whoever is there, is there. Learn to get along or die. End of story.

Let's hope for the former and not the latter Flyers


posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:52 PM
Who said that crime doesn't pay.
These terrorists have been making it pay for a very long time.
I just hope the US will cut funding and force them to fight their own battles by their own merit.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: buster2010

Maybe you missed this ?

Or do you want my kids murdered keyboard hero ?

These are the texts I've exchanged with my daughter today,
Please forgive the spelling English not her first language.

8 Jul - Tony D: How you doing ? What was that? 85 rockets yesterday ? Looks like it's going to get worse princess. I know you're safe on Lahav. But news looks bad from here.
Can't wait to see you 😀

09:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: We are good, but its very bad.. there are boom every were.. we are fine but its gating closer

10:15, 8 Jul - Tony D: Ok Lianne stay safe princess. I hear the bedouin are playing up as well now ? 1500 reserves have been called up.
You guys can't get here soon enough for my liking xx

12:41, 8 Jul - Tony D: Looks like a ground offensive will be on soon.
Is therevanything special I can get for you when you come over ?

13:05, 8 Jul - Tony D: I need to learn to type on my phone  anything special I meant

13:06, 8 Jul - Lianne: No.. i have some questions becuase i need to complete army papaers for tommorw

13:07, 8 Jul - Lianne: You have israely citizenship rghit?

13:09, 8 Jul - Lianne: And my Brithish citizenship is still good right? Like my passport is no good but the citizenship is good?

13:14, 8 Jul - Tony D: Yep you're both as British as me  No need to worry about that 😀

13:15, 8 Jul - Tony D: Yes I do mispar eeshe ********* if you need it (ID Number)

13:17, 8 Jul - Tony D: Ah ok fire away army number was ******* I think but I'll check later

13:17, 8 Jul - Lianne: I need it for an army intervu tommorw so thank you

13:17, 8 Jul - Lianne: Haha no need for that yet

13:19, 8 Jul - Tony D: No problem I'll double check later when I get home and let you know just ask anything you need to know 😀
13:20, 8 Jul - Tony D: LOL some numbers you never forget !!!

13:28, 8 Jul - Lianne: Hahaha so true

16:41, 8 Jul - Tony D: Those numbers are correct Lianne if you need them 😀

16:44, 8 Jul - Lianne: Hahah you wont belive it.. a rockt fell on the intrnet staff so that we dont have t.v or internet now.. so i cant gat this papers done for the next few hours

16:46, 8 Jul - Tony D: Holy crap is eveyone ok ?

16:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: Yes only no internet or t.v

16:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: And some rockts

16:47, 8 Jul - Lianne: No pool no kidengarden.. fun

16:52, 8 Jul - Tony D: No internet 😮 no TV 😮

I'd be in in tears, or the pub !Definately the pub LOL

I'm just catching up with the news now. So are you guys at home ? I can call if you like 😀

Just think about that for a minute guys
I had very similar exchanges with my son

So Before you call for all out war, or the annihilation of Israel.

Read that again

My thanks for your time if you read it


Let your ego take a back seat for a change


posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: cody599
a reply to: FlyersFan

This is 2014 AD. Whoever is there, is there. Learn to get along or die. End of story.

This is 2014 AD. Whoever is there, is there. Learn to get along or die. End of story.

Let's hope for the former and not the latter Flyers


edit on 033131p://bTuesday2014 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

If they want to live in peace they should stop stealing land and blockading other countries from coming to help them. They are content to keep taking land and killing people and pretending these people have no reason for attacking them. If you kept taking things from me why should I keep trying to get along with you. That sounds silly..."everyone should just all get along". All while one side keeps stealing from the other.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: cody599 Mr.Buster is a known Jew hater and holocaust denier. He may indeed want your children to die. He has engaged in holocaust denial here on ATS and I thought that was a severe violation of t&c. I don't understand why he wasn't banned.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: g146541
Who said that crime doesn't pay.
These terrorists have been making it pay for a very long time.
I just hope the US will cut funding and force them to fight their own battles by their own merit.

I agree as long as you mean the terrorists on both sides.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: cody599
Do your kids support the murder of innocents?
If joining the army I'd say so.
The easiest solution would be to get out of there, are your kids citizens in the UK?
Maybe they are where they should not be.
I have a right to go to the ghettos in Los Angeles, but I know better.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: rustyclutch

Jesus H Christ !!!!

Are you all so detached ? People are DIEING does this mean nothing more than an ego trade off ?

I'm saddened

Deny ego for a change

Just a thought


posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: g146541
a reply to: cody599
Do your kids support the murder of innocents?
If joining the army I'd say so.
The easiest solution would be to get out of there, are your kids citizens in the UK?
Maybe they are where they should not be.
I have a right to go to the ghettos in Los Angeles, but I know better.

Why don't you take that logic and apply it to the Palestinians?

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: abe froman

originally posted by: g146541
Who said that crime doesn't pay.
These terrorists have been making it pay for a very long time.
I just hope the US will cut funding and force them to fight their own battles by their own merit.

I agree as long as you mean the terrorists on both sides.

Sure both sides have terrorists.
So what is the big difference?
One side uses rocks (also classified as missiles) and Estes homemade rockets, The other uses the finest military grade modern weaponry that 3 billion US dollars can buy.
The death toll is also way out of balance, apparently one side excels at terrorism.

posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: g146541

Do your kids support the murder of innocents?
If joining the army I'd say so.

You are so ignorant I lament

It isn't a choice

If they want to continue to study they have to serve

You should try it


posted on Jul, 8 2014 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: abe froman

originally posted by: g146541
a reply to: cody599
Do your kids support the murder of innocents?
If joining the army I'd say so.
The easiest solution would be to get out of there, are your kids citizens in the UK?
Maybe they are where they should not be.
I have a right to go to the ghettos in Los Angeles, but I know better.

Why don't you take that logic and apply it to the Palestinians?


My thanks


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