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Weird California sighting

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posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Crap they're on to it Zaph.

OK guys truth time. The green lady is NOT green it's really bright pink and has pixie dust and sparkles that flutter behind it everywhere it goes. We've been trying to fool you all the whole time so that you wouldn't know they really hired tinker bell to fly around the world scaring despots. What a disaster.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yep, it's all a psyop. There are a LOT of people involved, since I have had multiple people telling me about it, and that it exists, but it's all just a psyop to screw with a few people on an anonymous internet site.

I'm not saying there are not classified aircraft. I've probably seen some myself
from my stint in the military.

But when classified aircraft are woven into a tale that gets a huge amount of
attention (top site of this type on the entire Internet) and perpetuates this
mythology -- then whether it was planned or not --- it is a defacto

Conspiracy theorists in particular, constantly 'psyop themselves'; as others have
posted about before; there is scarcely any need for paid government shills anymore..
the tiniest non-fact can create a HUGE tidal wave of auto-psyop hysteria.

You'll note I rarely post in the aircraft forums.. as yah sure there are experimental
aircraft out there.. and the cultural impact of that fact is close to zero.. there will
always be the next generation of killing devices.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:15 PM
The clear and present naysayers or potentially blatant forum shills would be wise to consider what a few members are NOT SAYING.

I'm certain that the credability of some could be nailed down with no room left for doubt. I'm also certain I don't want to hear about any one getting an all expense trip paid vacation to the sunny side of the caribbean.

Ignore, deflect, ignore some more. Makes no difference to this ATSer. There's more importance in between the lines than some of you are willing to admit/pay attention to.

Well done on the cross threading, too. Should just compile all this into one thread and take the gloves off.
edit on 6-11-2014 by AnonyMason because: sp

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: AnonyMason
The clear and present naysayers or potentially blatant forum shills would be wise to consider what a few members are NOT SAYING.

I'm certain that the credability of some could be nailed down with no room left for doubt. I'm also certain I don't want to hear about any one getting an all expense trip paid vacation to the sunny side of the caribean.

Ignore, deflect, ignore some more. Makes no difference to this ATSer. There's more importance in between the lines than some of you are willing to admit/pay attention to.

Well done on the cross threading, too. Should just compile all this into one thread and take the gloves off.

If I went on about some green light that can't be distinguished from a meteorite
and attributed a vast technological infrastructure to it, a lot of people would
scratch their heads and wonder what in heck I was going on about.

But somehow, using the technology mythology is 'cool' and if other possibilities
are mentioned as possibly being the actual explanation, why that is then
considered 'hostile', 'unreasonable', 'woo' or what not.

All these 'sightings' are extremely questionable as to what they are;

if someone says "these are demons!" and won't consider ANY other
explanation, then that person won't get a lot of respect.

I don't see the difference if the mythology in question is not religious
in nature, but is in fact the 'super black tech 50 years ahead exists and
can do almost anything' mythology.

Nobody, not one single one of us, can absolutely say what these
sightings are... but when the passion goes all wacky and causes
people to become unhinged, then no matter what the 'sighting'
actually is/was (if it was anything of note at all), then THAT
is the phenomenon that interests me...

I'm saying 'none of us know for certain'. I fail to see how that
position is so controversial.

There can be ZERO doubt about the 'hysteria'. It's in full force
with the last few replies.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Except that maybe you should actually read the thread, instead of going on about how this is a giant psyop. Maybe then you'd realize that this aircraft has nothing to do with the other thread and is a completely separate thing.

But nah, why do that, when you can just jump in and tell people all about how they were fooled by a giant psyop, right? I mean that's SO much easier than actually READING.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yes, and people know exactly when meteorites are going to hit the atmosphere, along with exactly where, so they can give exact times to be looking for it. Or are they deliberately dropping meteorites into the atmosphere now to hide this one?

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Except that maybe you should actually read the thread, instead of going on about how this is a giant psyop. Maybe then you'd realize that this aircraft has nothing to do with the other thread and is a completely separate thing.

But nah, why do that, when you can just jump in and tell people all about how they were fooled by a giant psyop, right? I mean that's SO much easier than actually READING.

Naw. I've read the entire thread. i do love science.

But I certainly do not wish to cause discord for no reason.
Just in case I'm actually being inappropriate in this thread,
I'll happily unsubscribe from it.

Thanks for possibly providing me with genuine feedback.
I don't see it, but who knows, maybe there IS some
unconscious carry-over between threads in my mind.

I try really hard to be honest and fair.



posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Thanks Pretty Bear. We were doing pretty good convincing everybody green was the new thing, that "go Green" was more than just a social meme for reducing ones carbon footprint. Now they know to look for anything but green. Thanks for ruining what could have been the greatest psyop of all time!!! Now we'll never get our paychecks we were working so hard for. Thanks.

Personally I recommend looking for pink and sparkles if you want to know what really up.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yes, and people know exactly when meteorites are going to hit the atmosphere, along with exactly where, so they can give exact times to be looking for it. Or are they deliberately dropping meteorites into the atmosphere now to hide this one?

There are DOZENS of known meteor showers throughout the year, every year, during certain times.
It's really easy to play with someone's mind with things like this, with satellites, the ISS, etc.
But as I said, I'm unsubscribing from this thread.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Hysteria. LMFAO

Hardly hysterical when you consider the sheer volume dedicated to this topic, the multiple confirmed sightings and times of alleged black projects, the vast technical knowlege displayed by several members who have contributed...

Hysteria, no. Strong interest in learning about some really cool technology, sure. Strong interest in seeing them, sure. Whats more concerning, imo, is the rapid descent upon anyone in this thread who's been willing to speculat, share ideas, or even entertain the idea that if 1% of the stories are true this is worth researching and talking about.

And again, with the cross threading. While these threads are related to the overall string, it's not ok to bounce back and forth between them spouting off the same bull. Having opposing views is no big deal, but trying to crap on any post that entertains an idea that you disagree with is no cool. In ATS land we agreed to disagree when we signed up. Denying Ignorance goes both ways. In many instances sharing speculations and outside the box thoughts can lead to some very constructive conversations, especially where black projects are involved.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

One meteor, at a time when there was no meteor shower, at an exact point, at an almost exact time.

If they were able to randomly predict that, then I need to get them to predict lottery numbers for me.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 11:26 PM
So this green trail that BASS saw that may have been spotted over a newsreaders shoulder and maybe in Japan and elsewhere, concensus is it is not:

The triangle in whichita which may be the LRS B
Is not a super massive lighter than air triangle which ASTO claimed to exist
Is not a massive transporter or in flight refueller
Its not a rabbit or goblin
Is not a flying dsk based on recovered alien technology anti gravity thing

What could it be:

Airborne missile defence
Testbed/Technology Demonstrator

Or could it be just a meteor which has been mistaken for a craft with green propulsion?

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: TheCrowMan

It's a meteor. Definitely a meteor.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Man that guy's a buzzkill. Of course it's a meteor. He doesn't understand that we at the Aircraft Forum like to discuss and postulize rather outlandish ideas than be *holes to each other like the rest of this dammed website.

I will correct you in saying that IF an aircraft like this exists [which it in fact it does] it would look like what we are seeing in these videos. Someone correct me....

PrettyBear, are you an astronomer? Because there are a lot of engineers in this forum that you probably don't want to mess with.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 10:40 AM
I'd like to add that I am not the only one whos seen the green light. Don't give me any credit for being someone who saw it. Many members have. Many members know what it literally is. There's no woo with the green light, just Whoooo!!!!

All one has to do is look up from time to time. And many more people will be seeing the green light all over as time goes on and they use her more often.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 02:58 PM
I've been contemplating joining for awhile. I have been lurking for far too long.

I have relevent information to share with some of the topics in this thread and others, but I am really struggling with knowing what I should/can share and what I shouldn't/cant. This has largely been what has stopped me from joining in the past

I'm open to ideas for how to safely share.

I was planning to send a message directly to zaphod, but it would seem I cant pm yet.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: zerogee14

You can message me, since I'm a member of staff. You can message any staff member until you have 20 posts. Feel free to message me, and I'll give you tips on what's safe and not safe to share.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: zerogee14

a reply to: Zaphod58

If it is not safe to share then it NEEDS to be shared!

But yeah basically don't breach western powers Opsec or national security issues because ATS is beholden to US authority.

Anything else is free range.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: ForeverMan

So, not much then?

If you say something and I nod affirmative, have I given the information to you? If I smile, is it the same? Does it matter if the powers that be think that I did by doing so?
edit on 7-11-2014 by zerogee14 because: An additional thought

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: zerogee14



But there is always the Grey Area and Skunk Works forums in which one can post almost anything in an ambiguous obfuscated manner and the risk is far less than in here, the Aircraft Projects forum, where the focus is on facts rather than speculation.

If you really must post anything of a truly secretive nature then I recommend you wait until you have enough posts to post in the Really Above Top Secret forum, which neither you or I have current access to [clicking the link will take one to a 404 page instead of the forum due to not being 'special' enough]. That forum has more protective measures in place for paranoid members safety.

I am looking forward to viewing what you have to share with us! Thanks for joining!

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