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Weird California sighting

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posted on Sep, 4 2022 @ 10:33 PM

still makes me think what was seen over Tx in Amarillo was part of this family

the jet was large at dual engine and fast.

makes you wonder

posted on Oct, 1 2023 @ 07:05 AM
So around 5:35am today, a hair west of NYC, I was treated to the sight of something strange, way way up high... and I don't think it was a meteor.

It came in from 15 degrees on the compass.

The thing appeared on the horizon and went from a bright dot out there to to almost directly overhead. It semed to be glowing a flickering bright orange... as it approached, the whole thing looked to be on fire, flickering, with a slight trail... not unlike a meteor. It seemed stratospheric compared to the other air traffic for the big 3 and titorboro... way up above the typical traffic and moving much much faster.

This first leg to top dead center took maybe 8-10 seconds and was at a constant speed. Fast enough and high enough to pick it out of typical air traffic, and get distracted and follow it mid conversation.

It passed almost perfectly overhead, maybe a hair or two southwest of me. It was JUST after it passed overhead... maybe 5-10 degrees off from top dead "up" (and probably just as it reached open ocean past staten island) when things got interesting... the orange light turned off all at once like the flame was snuffed out.

Maybe 1/10th... maybe 1/5th of a second later, the green turned on. I swear there was definitly a pitch black blink sized moment in between.

The second half of the sky took MAYBE a second and a half total to traverse.

It took off like it had been standing still.

Weird thing is, It didn't really seem like the thing accelerated... Like it came in at one constant speed, then, fired up engine B and was just instantly traveling 8-10x faster than a millisecond before, but also at a constant speed.

I think its because it was overhead... and still pulling HARD on its way out that seemed constant to me as it got further and further away. A bit mindbending.

I've never seen anything like that. But ive read about it here.

If there's a pilot... I don't know how the pilots not a fine paste right now.

It headed out of sight right around 200-205 degrees on the compass.

That second half of the sky; the back had what looked like a small, kinda dim-and-transparent green exhaust flame with an even brighter, thinner, solid looking, collimated, luminous green trail protruding through it that became quite long, lingering... it didnt spread at all, but faded out gradually, becoming a dull glow before fading to black.

I don't think it's zip fuel. I don't think it's conventional at all. The exhaust is all wrong, and i swear it just doesn't accelerate 'right.'

Gonna be watching the international news the next few days carefully.
edit on 1-10-2023 by TheNothingth because: Grammar, clarity, and the like.

posted on Oct, 9 2023 @ 10:29 PM
I'm surprised none of you have commented on this:

A reddit post talking about a flightaware track over france at ridiculous height and speed: 1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1

posted on Oct, 9 2023 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: aliensporebomb

Because it’s most likely someone injecting data, not an actual track of something.

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 01:11 PM
What’s the chances of a black triangle or two flying over Israel/Middle East/anywhere else with tensions rising?

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 04:04 PM
Hey I don't mean to drag you back in here a year later but you seem really knowledgeable on this stuff. I believe I've had a possible interaction with the green lady. I had a star fly down in front of me that turned out to be a craft. it came in about 100 yards and did a very sharp 90 degree turn and immediately did a little scoot forward. At this time I noticed a green/turquoise trail that followed it and the trail also seemed to bend when the craft made the sharp turn. The trail itself wasn't superlong but probably longer than the craft which is I would guess SUV size or a little bigger. It was too dark to tell the exact shape plus I was freaking out but it looked like a sleek design. What I've been reading is that green lady is a high altitude aircraft that focuses on its speed right? But the craft I saw was moving slowly and moved more like it was swimming in water than flying.

I talked to a woman recently online and she said that a craft with a green trail was chasing/following close behind her car and she said it freaked her out. Also had a friend that said while camping he saw a craft sitting still in the sky. As soon as he got out to look at it, it flew away and it had a green trail. Do these sound like characteristics of the green lady? They wouldn't be using the green lady to interact with civilians right? These were both in NC by the way a reply to: Zaphod58

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