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Are Atheist just a cover for Satanists?

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posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:02 PM
Christianity is a platform for bigotry, oppression, and totalitarian control. You are an ignorant ass.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Gallowglaich
Atheism is just a platform for argumentative, pretentious, arrogant cretins to disparage other people's beliefs and get pleasure from doing it.
the irony and hypocrisy of this statement cannot go unnoticed.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: V22tech
Christianity is a platform for bigotry, oppression, and totalitarian control. You are an ignorant ass.

Haha, I'm not a Christian, ironically enough. I just see Atheists for what they are (in most cases): insolent children, usually young adults between 18 and 30, who think they know everything and enjoy criticizing and belittling others based on their beliefs, because it makes them feel better about themselves.

Anyone who has a shred of wisdom knows to let people believe what they want without mocking them, you can agree with their beliefs or not, but being rude and disrespectful is not the way to go about it.

I also find that most atheists are less intelligent than the average person, but this could just be my experience.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: Gallowglaich
Atheism is just a platform for argumentative, pretentious, arrogant cretins to disparage other people's beliefs and get pleasure from doing it.
the irony and hypocrisy of this statement cannot go unnoticed.

Really? Please do point out the hypocrisy. For all the thousands of Youtube videos and smug university students that mock and deride Christians, I see a Christian behave this way only rarely.
edit on 24-4-2014 by Gallowglaich because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 08:33 PM
Like the pissing contest it is, this thread has gone straight down the toilet. Anyway, my respects to all the participants and my apologies to any I may have offended. This was an...experience. Adieu and good night, everyone! I have a satanic festival to attend, lots of nude dancing and drunken frolicking in the bodily fluid of hapless livestock or whatever.

edit on 24-4-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: maxzen2004
You should have born in the crusade's era, you are relly really really late my friend

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: rickynews

Well I havent been using ATS much lately, but that is the first time I have ever seen someone use conservapedia as a source. What the actual F**k?

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: Gallowglaich

originally posted by: captaintyinknots

originally posted by: Gallowglaich
Atheism is just a platform for argumentative, pretentious, arrogant cretins to disparage other people's beliefs and get pleasure from doing it.
the irony and hypocrisy of this statement cannot go unnoticed.

Really? Please do point out the hypocrisy. For all the thousands of Youtube videos and smug university students that mock and deride Christians, I see a Christian behave this way only rarely.

You made a sweeping generalization of atheists, and did it in an argumentative, pretensious, and arrogant way. Also, you would see many Christians behaving that way if you read the posts. that is the hypocrisy.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 11:00 PM
Your ignorant assumptions about atheists is making you look like a real idiot. Studies show atheists are actually more intelligent than your run of the mill bible thumper. Christians are also more rude, hateful, and pretty much unpleasant when in the company of an atheist. Try walking around in the south here in America with an atheist shirt on and see you dont get accosted, trust me ive tried it. wear a christian shirt around a group of atheists and they wont even respond.

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: V22tech
Your ignorant assumptions about atheists is making you look like a real idiot. Studies show atheists are actually more intelligent than your run of the mill bible thumper. Christians are also more rude, hateful, and pretty much unpleasant when in the company of an atheist. Try walking around in the south here in America with an atheist shirt on and see you dont get accosted, trust me ive tried it. wear a christian shirt around a group of atheists and they wont even respond.

The fact that you'd wear an "atheist shirt" in a region known for having many devout Christians, with the intention of causing controversy is exactly the type of behiavior I'd expect from an atheist.

I'm sorry my opinion is so stinging and honest, but don't insult someone that's wiser and more intelligent than you. It makes you look like an idiot.
edit on 24-4-2014 by Gallowglaich because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by Gallowglaich because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 11:32 PM
I didnt realize I wasnt allowed to wear whatever I wanted, wherever I wanted. I guess I have to conform to the dress code set forth by zealot church goers huh? Good thing your opinion on that means absolutely jack sh*t to me.

You are nowhere near intelligent pal, and you definitley aren't smarter than anyone here. You're a condescending prick with an inferiority complex using fallacy arguments to make your "points." Usually when people have a need to constantly remind someone how a particular skill is so advanced, in this case your supposed intellect, means they are over compensating. In laymens terms, you're a mental midget and internet troll.
edit on 24-4-2014 by V22tech because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2014 by V22tech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2014 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: Gallowglaich

originally posted by: V22tech
Your ignorant assumptions about atheists is making you look like a real idiot. Studies show atheists are actually more intelligent than your run of the mill bible thumper. Christians are also more rude, hateful, and pretty much unpleasant when in the company of an atheist. Try walking around in the south here in America with an atheist shirt on and see you dont get accosted, trust me ive tried it. wear a christian shirt around a group of atheists and they wont even respond.

The fact that you'd wear an "atheist shirt" in a region known for having many devout Christians, with the intention of causing controversy is exactly the type of behiavior I'd expect from an atheist.

I'm sorry my opinion is so stinging and honest, but don't insult someone that's wiser and more intelligent than you. It makes you look like an idiot.

And likewise, proclamations of ones own superior intellect make you look equally, if not more so foolish than those you seek to taunt. You're no better than an atheist showing up at a Mormon wedding in the nude. It's self aggrandizing, gaudy and a tad vulgar.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: naftaland
a reply to: maxzen2004
After studying Idiot Militant Atheists for years, and suffering under them, I can positively confirm it is Vice Versa. Satanism is a cover for Atheism. It is an elaborate framework they have created, especially for Mind Control projects. They see their creation of Satanism as another way to make fools out of anyone who believes in a Higher Power, which is similar to the creators of the Roswell/Alien mythology, and how much they laugh at whomever believes in it as a False Religion. The reality is that there are actually very, very few Atheists. Far fewer than claim to be. A core trait of humanity is a need for religion and a divine being to worship. These people have actually declared themselves to be God, which really means they are not really true Atheists. They also can never actually reveal their religion because they would be justifiably ridiculed. They, themselves, believe they are the basis of worship and when a Theist mentions God, they get deeply offended like a jealous child, and feel compelled to take revenge. Their creation of Satanism is part of their strategy of revenge.

And After living w/ and in turn suffering under them I can positively confirm that "Idiot" militant christians are indeed "idiot" militant christians. And their need to believe in a higher power and in the elaborate framework of organized religion thereof is nothing more than a grand attempt at deflecting how they feel, act and think from themselves to another being because they can not and in most cases will not accept responsibility for their own actions and feelings.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 12:34 AM
Arguing religion will get you nowhere unless your intention is to recruit the other person to your side. Otherwise, no one will win until you understand that we all believe in what we believe because we choose to do so. After that you then have to somehow manage to get along rationally and peacefully with those that don't share your opinion. Because in the end that's all it is, your opinion.

Your way of religious thinking is manifested in the mind as a means of explanation for many of life's mysteries. Science tries to prove these things through reasoning and laws but as we know, science is always in a constant state of change. So in the end it is impossible to truly know which way is correct.

edit on ku19124America/Chicago1919 by kushness because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 05:04 AM
I haven't bothered reading this entire train wreck. I will simply say: atheists aren't "repulsed by God" as one of the opening posts claims. Baffled? Yes? Bemused? Yes. Amused? Sometimes. Mostly, though, we just don't give "God" any thought whatsoever. Being an atheist isn't a religion, it just means you don't waste your life thinking about God.

I'm an atheist because I see no reason to be otherwise. Quite simply:

1) There's no evidence for God.

2) Religion is an overwhelmingly harmful force. A large proportion of the pain and suffering on this planet can be blamed squarely on religion.

Does this mean I "hate Christians"? Hardly. My wife is a Christian. Our daughter was baptised. Yes I felt a bit foolish and a bit of a hypocrite going to church for the baptism, but hey - my wife and her family wanted to do it, and looked at rationally it is just a dab of oil and water and lighting a candle, so it doesn't bother me.

By all means believe in God. Just don't expect special treatment for it, and don't discriminate, mistreat or kill people because of your beliefs. How hard is that?
edit on 25-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: Jesuslives4u

originally posted by: Shminkee Pinkee
Or it could simply be that more and more people are choosing not to believe because they've developed an opinion from thinking critically about the subject and coming to the conclusion that there is no God. I know this is a conspiracy site, but not everything has to be a conspiracy, Church numbers are falling because more and more people don't, believe, that doesn't make them all atheists, though, some may be agnostic, indifferent, some may believe in God but detest religion as it is a human construct, created to enslave.
a reply to: Jesuslives4u


I understand your thought process but when has man ......."when doing critical thinking" ever been wrong? One day scientists tell us, "Don't do this because it is dangerous, six months later scientists change their minds and say it is healthy to do this." This is almost an everyday occurance.

Hello to you too, Science is always changing, that's the differences with science and religion. Religion is a belief based on faith with no evidence to prove the existence of God, science bases it's findings on study, facts, experimentation then conclusion, followed by review from other scientists. We learn new things all the time, centuries ago scholars believed the Earth to be flat, but have since been proven wrong, through critical thinking. If science knew everything, there would be no science. I draw my Atheism from looking at the evidence of God's existence and I see no evidence of that.

You are 100% correct, people are running out of the churches like they are on fire. Clearly the blame is on that SINGLE church and possibly the pastor, preacher or Catholic father and rightly so. I don't think we should judge a religion based upon church attendance or how many people have walked away from attending church.

BUT I can also show you many churches that are full....sometimes standing room only! People needing to recharge their spirit. Christians who need to be with other Christians with the same mind set needing comfort, support and/or advice.

I think there are many reasons why people don't attend church, some of those reasons could be the ones you have mentioned, but there are also other factors to consider, 100s of years ago we did not have access to the information we have now, we have learned and evolved ideas, and the idea that a benevolent but vengeful all knowing being, who is omnipresent and has a plan for all of us, simply doesn't appeal the way it used to, as more and more people look at the facts and decide for themselves what to think instead of being fearful of something that may or may not exist, life is too short to worry about whether you are going to Hell or not.

I am a Christian who does not attend church that often but it has not made my faith weaker. There are many Christian teachers out there teaching lies and living a life that is not Christian. The churches are full of them. Then there are those "loud mouths" who look for attention ...... just like all the other religions, screaming and judging one another. Next thing you know we have a religious war! BUT who started the war? The ENTIRE religion, with its churches and followers or was it a few people who started the war? are told to go to war, what happens to you when you reject the command and refuse to fight the war? Death or prison. Meanwhile these religious wars which were started from a few sick individuals and now people have blamed the entire religion and not those individuals who were responsible.

Religion is a man made construct, and by that we can say that it is flawed as mankind is flawed also. Individuals who warp or twist religious teachings for their own agenda are part of the problem, but also, the people who follow these people and the ones who do nothing to stop this are equally to blame. If one claims to be religious, then one should know about the teachings and scripture within their chosen belief system, so that when someone comes along and twists it all, you can be armed with the real teachings and guide the susceptible people away from these idiots. So no the entire religion is not to blame for Fundamentalism but it does nothing to stop it, so it's followers should take the responsibility for that. People who believe are generally on the look out for a Messiah everyday, to quote the line from Monty Pythons Life Of Brian "He is the Messiah! I should know I've followed a few".

So if we use those same guidelines ...... that all wars were religious wars and religion is to blame then I can use the same guidelines about families. So if your mother was a thief than you whole family are thieves. Your father was a drunk so the whole family are drunks and lushes. Maybe your aunt was a prostitute so now the whole family is nothing but a family of whores? Again basing this on the same guidelines we use when judging religions as a whole.

Not all wars are religious wars, but the ones that are, religion and it's followers, have to take some of the blame, as well as mankinds interpretation of religion, I'd say it's 50/50, if you are truly religious you would believe the ten commandments, so killing is completely off the agenda. I think the idea of saying a drunk produces a drunk and a thief produces a thief, is simplistic and anecdotal at best. A good role model is always good for a child growing up, but a good role model does not necessarily have to be one of your parents. I lost my dad when I was 8, and to be honest, his heart was in the right place but he was an impulsive idiot at times, My role models were my Uncles and friends, and I turned out OK. On the flip side we see people who come from 'Good stock', well educated, and well placed families and they turn out to be bad people. This is the whole nature vs nurture argument, and that debate still rumbles on :-).

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: brandiwine14

The problem with Atheists is that they have nothing and nothing is plenty for them.

Methinks the lady doth assume too much, I have plenty going on in my life, I simply reject the idea of God Satan etc.

An Atheist is an empty glass, the reason others say the glass is half empty or half full is because there is something in it. An empty glass, is an empty vessel...what do you do with an empty glass? you wait for someone/thing to come and fill it, that is an Atheist.

usually if you say the glass is half empty you are pessimist, if you say the glass is half full you are an optimist, and if you say the glass is half full, but I know soon that it will be empty, that's a realist, if you said that there was no evidence to suggest the the glass is neither half full nor empty and that there is no reason, if proven to be empty or full, that it will soon be empty as it could just be easily filled, you're probably on the Autistic Spectrum.

An atheist is not an empty vessel and it's a very arrogant assumption on your part to say so, an atheist simply does not belive in god or gods, that does not make us empty or devoid of feelings and aspirations, we simply do not believe in God.

If all these Atheists believe in nothing then why the Atheist churches? why the arguing, fighting to remove god, why blatant defacement of religion? Why do they have to fight so hard to prove there is nothing? It is because they are not Atheists, they have now been filled up with something...hate.
They don't understand it, they don't want to. they just want to be right.

I don't believe in nothing, I simply don't believe in the existence of god or gods, and even if I was a nihilist, and did believe in nothing, it would be my nothing and no-one else's. There are many atheist movements, most are there for like minded people to get together and discuss science religion, existence of god etc, I'm not part of any btw, I know Dawkings takes the best parts of science and compares them to the worst parts of religion, but you are actually doing the same. "Why the arguing?" because it is Human nature to questions ones existence. I am not filled with hate for religion or religious people, I do grow tired of the constant judgemental accusations of Satanism, however if you read your rule book you should know only God is allowed to judge, epic fail methinks. I do not fight hard to prove that god doesn't exist, I looked at the facts and drew a conclusion that he is not there, it's up to you if you wish to believe, this thread was started by a religious fundamentalist who asked if Athesist were Satanists, and the simple answer to it is, is no, we are not, as Satan doesn't exist to us, why worship something that doesn't exist when you've already chose not to believe in another fictional diety?

as for you last statement "They don't understand it, they don't want to. they just want to be right." We do understand that religion is a flawed manmade construct, in a early attempt to explain our existence in the universe, we simply choose not to believe in it, and rely on scientific data, if you proved without doubt, through the scientific process, of God's existence, I would believe in him. It is religious people who generally do not wish to understand as it conflicts directly with their faith and everything they've chosen or been told to believe.

Satan embodies all the qualities that Atheists love, selfishness, they believe in themselves only, they are the only thing that matters to them. What makes a someone who is against all things un-selfish. The reason I see and agree with your post is because all of the Atheists I know who are against god embody all the things Satanists/Satan stand for...Dogmatic, pride, selfishness and instinct.

I am not selfish, I believe in the individual right to believe or not believe in my case, and would wholeheartedly defend that right. I do believe in myself, what is wrong with that? I also believe one day mankind will stop all this bickering, stop believing in fairy stories and grow up. Satan does not exist, therefore atheist are not Satanists, why worship a fictional character, by that sentiment I may as well worship Xenu or Donald Duck.

The word Satan means Adversary in Hebrew...Atheists are Adversaries of God, makes them Satanists in my mind.

Again How can I be an adversary to something that in eyes, does not exist, we simply have no belief in God, that includes, old Nick himself.

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 06:34 AM
Actually, I'd be more inclined to consider religious people to be agents of satan - if satan existed. What is your major problem with people that don't believe a stupid old fairytale? Don't like logic or reason? I guess not.

You probably also think that those who are agnostic are satanic, also. I guess anyone that doesn't believe your version of the bull puckey is the devil.

Here I was thinking the dark ages were 1500 years ago...

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: rickynews

You just prove my point, you can't comprehend atheism. You won't allow yourself to consider the possibility no probability that there is no god.

Look into the history of religion and you will find yours is not special, it's just yet another control mechanism for the sheep.

First there was polytheism then there was and unfortunately still is monotheism but hopefully soon the human race will make the next logical step to the truth which is atheism.

edit on 25-4-2014 by GafferUK1981 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2014 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: GafferUK1981

I'm not so sure, though. I think it would be nice for us all to get to the point where we can all agree that it's impossible to know. Without religion to distract us we could accomplish amazing, magnificent things. We could possibly, finally allow ourselves to try to reach our potential!

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