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British hacker says aliens exist

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posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 01:47 AM


posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
what is amazing is how insecure the system was to start with.

i was kind of thinking along these lines. you have heard the concept "the best way to convince somebody, is to convince them they thought it all on their own." so take a guy who has a solid hacking background, known for his endeavors etc, then give him a dummy site. think about it, just because the treasure is in the center of the room, and contained within a treasure chest, doesnt mean its the treasure. it could be the chest thats the treasure, or the something off in a corner.

maybe they set it up for this hacker to get that far, and think he found the source, the big secret, and all it is is the same old junk, only so people buy it up. maybe we need a new bob lazar who knows? we all know deep down whats really going on, we all do, why do we seek confirmation when our hearts know whats really going on. and the government keeps it from us to deceive us, to DECEIVE us, so why not keep the deception going and give this hacker what he thinks is legit, but is no more than more deception. just my thought

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by CallYourBluff
reply to post by RMFX1

He was using dial-up at the time in his girlfriends house while under investigation.

And how does this contradict anything that I posted exactly? Slow internet or not, he still had to download everything that he ever viewed. My post still stands.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Originally posted by Unidentified_Objective

Originally posted by CallYourBluff
reply to post by RMFX1

He was using dial-up at the time in his girlfriends house while under investigation.

You don't need a fast internet connection to take screen shots and save them as image files.

He was on a 56k connection and the images were really big. Big images on slow connections didn't mix well back in the day.

This is absolute nonsense. If his internet connection was too slow to handle the images, then that means that he didn't see anything. It isn't difficult to understand. I'm not sure of why you are having such a hard time with processing this.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Joneselius
He claims that the military has files with photographs of the craft these 'off world security forces' have been using and their names

Where are the photographs then? Certainly if he hacked in and downloaded photos, he would be able to share the photos. And after all he wants people to believe him, doesn't he?

As the old saying goes, "pics or it didn't happen".
edit on 20-10-2012 by SilentKoala because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 03:17 AM
While I'd like to believe him and if he was telling the truth it would be very cool. I just can't accept it as factual until more evidence comes forth which likely will never happen. There are just too many people out there that want to make millions writing books about aliens which are totally bogus or at least extreme dramatizations of what really happened (Whitley Strieber), this guy may be preparing to make big bucks in the Mufon circuit, would be cool though, but from everything I've heard of this guy, and I have seen numerous shows mentioning what he found, he claimed, back in the day, to have found vague information on secret space-programs, I don't believe he ever mentioned previously anything about photos of aliens, if only he could hack back into it and show us all heheh

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 03:36 AM
Are the govm'nts controlled by ETs? It's a possibility... I would tend to go with Nephilim... but to each their own (the subject of ETs, and who controls the guberm'nts of this world, in my mind, are two different subjects).

As far as disclosure goes... Everybody needs to take a chill-pill. They can now relax and peruse the official files.... It's already out there... both the UK and the US have disclosed their info already:

UK Nat'l UFO Archive record site
...maybe this is the site the hacker accessed? If not, he should have.

US official UFO disclosure site:
.gov site

edit on 20/10/2012 by MarkJS because: added decorations

edit on 20/10/2012 by MarkJS because: "in my mind" from my perspective clause added

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by MarkJS
UK Nat'l UFO Archive record site
...maybe this is the site the hacker accessed?

No. UFO documents were not put on that website until years after Gary McKinnon's efforts to access UFO material.

Originally posted by MarkJS
US official UFO disclosure site:
.gov site

The NSA website at that link has only a VERY small proportion of the UFO documents disclosed in the USA.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

So maybe Gary McKinnon's efforts were the spur that drove the necessity for official disclosure. The sites mentioned are not discounted or their value diminished by his efforts then, are they?

The main part of the title of this thread is:

Aliens exist

...and the sites mentioned basically say the same... Thus everything jibes, AFAIK.
edit on 20/10/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 04:33 AM
It just belongs in the unsubstantiated claim pile, along with other uncorroborated accounts.

Maybe he saw something, maybe not. I tend to think he didn't, or he misinterpreted what he did see. As previously mentioned, if looking for UFO proof (and finding it) why not copy it? Certainly if he stumbled on to information related to the NRO it would explain the non terrestrial terminology without being anything to do with spaceships or UFOs. It would also explain the magnitude of embarrassment caused.

The US government is not after this guy because he has dangerous knowledge its after him because he's a living reminder that US military IT infrastructure was incompetent before and after 2001.

He actually did them a favour in the long run but its never wise to underestimate the ability of a bureaucracy to maintain a vendetta. If they just dropped the case it and him would be long forgotten.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 07:02 AM
I for one believe Gary, if you watch all the interviews he's as open as you can be and where there's a thing pointed out he holds his hands up and says I didn't do that because x y z. They were saying why didn't he download a picture but if you listen to him he explains its perfectly well, yes he's on a 56K dial up AND he's using Remote Anywhere to control the other machine ie when he looks at the photo its actually being displayed on the other machine and he gets a frame by frame update, the only pace it might have some data would have been in the Temporary Internet folder but it would have been debatable whether he would have been able to spot it easily.

The point being is he was not downloading directly to his machine, he was displaying it in a crude format on the remote PC and he was getting the equivalent of screen grabs updated on his end to see it.

He explained that he had to adjust the image quality at the remote end to make it display faster on his 56K connection.

The level of detail that he explains is totally credible, he does not claim to be a mega hacker, he explains he wrote a simple PERL script that he used in conjunction with other commonly available PERL applications to do the hacking. This wasn't Spooks stuff, it was simply finding a remote machine to hack, installing Remote Anywhere and taking control of the machine, you can get the same style of software for free now with the only security that the other computer has to confirm a password BEFORE the remote control is allowed.

As said, Gary could have said he was only doing this a little bit but if you listen to the BBC interview he's very open which to be honest wasn't really in his best interest as he was telling them how much he had been on there before they caught him, ie giving evidence. Personally he comes across as an honest and reasonably intelligent guy with the know how to do what he did and clearly it p*ssed off the Americans enough to want to make an example of him.

Now we know he did it because they confirm he did it, what they won't show is what he saw, the lies that he caused $5000 to each machine he controlled is total nonsense and simply the lie needed to conviction him of a crime worthy of extradition.

The one thing Gary did wrong was not fear the deadly forces he was playing with, this could have ended numerous other not so well ways for the man, his luck was that it was on a subject that the US is already an expert in disinfo and ridicule so it was easier to just destroy him legally.

For the US it was a disaster, huge numbers of very important computers left open to hacking by anyone for the world to see, the most powerful nation in the world being infiltrated by a computer nerd on a regular basis and even chatting to one of their operatives live...Dear oh dear...

Was he brave or stupid, you decide but I truly believe he saw what he did, what IT was I don't know but there's a large part of me that actually thinks he saw the real deal.

Lucky man...I've seen two things I can't explain but he saw it up close....Lucky lucky man and for once the UK did the right thing by blocking the extradition.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Joneselius

Bear in mind it's incredibly hard for people with Aspbergers syndrome to lie!

caught my aspergers brother looking at porn once, he said it was hackers. i suppose he was telling the truth. now days he pretends to be a girl in online games and rakes in the gold from gullible men.

edit on 20-10-2012 by killerworm51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by honested3

He had no "solid hacking background", in fact there is no such think in the hacking world to have a solid background you need to be a very poor hacker since the objective in not being detected at all...

I take his claims as one more data point nothing, what makes it interesting is that he does not have anything to gain from them. If I was ever in his position I would simply stated that I had seen nothing and keep as lowest a profile as possible. If the intention was to call attention to the extradition he could have taken many other avenues that would not involve focusing in the action that had caused him the trouble.

Honey pots do exist and disinformation is common place in today's world but here we can mostly put it all to incompetence of the system admins and someone taking a chance at an unprotected system and getting caught.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Joneselius
Gary Mckinnon the British citizen who hacked into NASA and secure military files has come out and accused the agencies of covering up aliens existence. He claims that the military has files with photographs of the craft these 'off world security forces' have been using and their names. Bear in mind it's incredibly hard for people with Aspbergers syndrome to lie!

Lets not forget he also said he was smoking weed (or pot).
So we know those type of people "see/claim a lot of things."

Bear in mind it's incredibly hard for people with Aspbergers syndrome to lie!

ROFL you people will believe anything.....
edit on 20-10-2012 by Logicalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by MadhatterTheGreat

Originally posted by The Shrike

Originally posted by DarthFazer


The above photo does not show UFOs, it shows the pattern of the street lamps which are visible in an uncropped photo. What is cropped out are the lamp posts in front of the Capitol. When you see the full, uncropped photo which is sort-of difficult to find you'll see that the lamp posts are reproduced as lens flares above the Capitol building and this image is sold as containing the reported UFOs.



Well that's the first time i have seen MOVING lamp posts.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Joneselius
I'm not saying it's 100% at all, no, no, no.

But people with Aspbergers do find it hard to lie..... Or they're pathological liars... So it could go either way, either way it's interesting.

Not sure I quite get the thing about people with Aspergers finding it hard to lie, but from what I've seen on ATS he didn't actually say he thought he had found ET evidence, just that he says he found an image of a craft he didn't recognise - he then said he wasn't able to actually save the image due to the quality of his internet connection (so how did he see it?) and appears to have conveniently forgotten about the PrtScn key which would have given him a screengrab.

I think someone is just trying to grab something to support their own agenda.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by VoidHawk

Originally posted by RMFX1
The thing that get's me most about his story is that, he's able to hack into NASA, he's able to open images of crafts from other planets and documents that talk about them. But..he's unable to hit print screen. And not only that, whenever I view something on the internet, I have to actually download it first. But in his case, he's unable to recover any of this from his temp files that would be stored locally on his own machine being that he's already downloaded and viewed them. It's BS!

You clearly have no understanding of how he achieved the hack or why he has no evidence.

First the hack was as SIMPLE as you logging onto your own PC, why? because most of the computers he hacked into still had the DEFAULT username/password logins. That alone should embarrass the hell out of the people responsible for there security. Also it meant he did NOT have to damage the computers software meaning he didnt create millions of dollars worth of damage.

He was on a dialup modem and he was looking at images and documents that were 100's of megabytes in size so he was unable to download them, instead he made them display on the screen of the PC he'd hacked into, then he told that pc to send him a (low res) screen shot, and because he was on a dialup even that took ages to download.

For all we know he may have had the proof you say you require, but it would have been taken when they arrested him!

Doing a screenshot does not take ages to download. If he saw a picture on his screen it would take the time it takes to press PrtScn to take a screenshot. Either he saw something or he didn't. If he did then a screengrab would have taken a fraction of a second.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
Every single time I try to believe, I get burned.

Is it worth it in the long run?

Belief in what?
Aliens existing is a near mathmatical certainty...
Now, are they visiting here...that is a good question.

I tend to believe that they could be...(fairly safe belief). Now, finding proof that would turn that could be to are, well, that is interesting, but I have nothing invested in justification towards my, if something is awesome, but then flops in the end, meh, it wasn't part of my belief to begin with..interest, sure, but belief? well, nothing should be believed until qualified scientists weigh in with proof.

Also why I don't believe in a soul, but I do believe there could be more than just life going on here...its all the same thing really.

What I don't understand personally is how people can believe in a religion, yet find the belief in aliens nonsense..when in the material universe, the alien thing makes far, far more sense to being almost obvious, and the other is supernatural magic that makes no logical sense.

So time your feeling the burn, note that the flamethrower holders are probably more crazy than you to begin with

Yet people who believe in ET life in a number of examples on ATS find religion nonsense - but there is a big difference. Religion, by its very nature calls upon belief, not proof. Should the same be true of ET visitation - ie proof is not required? Personally I think not.

Also to add, not all people who follow a faith are sure ET life doesn't and couldn't exist, that is to me really just one of those fallacies people like to put about without any clear evidence of it being the case. I have asked in many threads for quotes from anyone in a position to give them (some sort of status as a spokesperson) from any major religion who has said that their faith categorically rejects the notion of life existing anywhere but Earth either currently or in the past....... and I haven't seen any response to date.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by PvtHudson

Originally posted by Unidentified_Objective

Originally posted by CallYourBluff
reply to post by RMFX1

He was using dial-up at the time in his girlfriends house while under investigation.

You don't need a fast internet connection to take screen shots and save them as image files.

He was on a 56k connection and the images were really big. Big images on slow connections didn't mix well back in the day.

You are missing the point. If he saw an image it was viewable on his screen. If it's viewable on his screen then you can take a screengrab in a fraction of a second. Now, I've seen some of your other posts so I know that facts may not always match to want you want to see/hear, but he either saw it and didn't take a screengrab for reasons only he knows, or he saw nothing - it's that simple.

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by something wicked
You are missing the point. If he saw an image it was viewable on his screen. If it's viewable on his screen then you can take a screengrab in a fraction of a second.

Do know know anything about the capabilities of his computer?

Was it capable of a screen grab?

Windows XP was released worldwide for retail sale on October 25, 2001 and McKinnon was busted 2002 so its very likely he was using Win 98 or Win ME. Niether of those OS's have screen grab software and as far as I know XP doesnt either. They MAY have had the Print Screen command but that requires a printer.
Also, back then hackers would turn OFF all services they didn't require, print services would likely be one of them.

Also, if YOU were the hacker, would YOU have kept evidence of YOUR crime on YOUR computer?

Sorry but I think its YOU who is missing the point.

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