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Man fined $600 for "body slamming" an Orca

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posted on May, 27 2024 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
It's a total pisstake, and explains why sooo so many people simply ain't scared of the UK justice system these days!

I know this whale guy was NZ, but FFS the fine is only £290 GBP, that's pocket money prices, cost way more than that just to pay for the prosecution!!🤬

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: SprocketUK

I could have been a Judge. But I didn't have the Latin. You need Latin for the judging.

Carpe DIem.....Fish of the day

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Seize the carp. Told you my Latin was rubbish. It's use is discouraged in the Law these days.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I can't take credit for that one, it was Willie Rushden on "I'm sorry I haven't a Clue" years and years ago.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Loved ISIHAC. New meanings for old words: "#zhu - one with no penguins" etc.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

My favourite was always the singing song A's lyrics to song B's tune

I think Jack Dee is awesome on it.

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: AdultMaleHumanUK
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

I'm confused, both the subtitles on the movie, and the text in the link story says "adult MALE orca' so where did you get mother and baby from???

The guy was a prick for doing it though, although 'body slam' was a bull# click bait description for what he actually did...dived into the sea close to a wild and potentially dangerous, large mammal.

The fine seems reasonable now, for being stupid, not harming any Pierce Brosnan got a $500 fine for straying off a designated path in Yellowstone, just as stupid if you don't know the environment!🤣

I didnt even notice it saying male orca I just assumed it was the mother Orca since it was just the 1 orca and their calf. Whoever wrote the article was likely made a mistake because male Orcas never stay and raise their young so it's a very high probability it's the calfs mother
edit on 27-5-2024 by TheMisguidedAngel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2024 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: burritocat

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: burritocat

While orcas don't generally attack humans that's not the same thing as saying orcas are 'friendly' with humans. In my experience, orcas pretty much ignore humans altogether. Short of an aquarium type environment, I've never heard of wild orcas socializing with humans and/or accepting food from humans.

A person's best bet is to steer well clear of a pod of orcas. They are powerful animals easily capable of disabling and/or destroying small craft without even realizing it. We're talking about an animal which weighs upwards of 5 to 6 tons, is 8 to 9 meters in length, and is capable of swimming in excess of 70kph. Additionally, they are capable of propelling their entire body out of the water up to 5 meters into the air. That's a lot of power to be messing around with.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, on the Puget Sound, and we have our own resident pod of orcas that attract alot of whale watchers. Ive been out on the water and have seen them up close. I know how big they get. They swim up to boats alot here. My uncle once had a couple swim up to his boat, and he gave them salmon. One of them returned with an old buoy in his mouth, like he was giving my uncle a present thanking him for the fish. Like the way crows give people little bits they find as presents. My uncle kept it until he died.

Orca pods have their own cultures and different attitudes. Each one is pretty different.

Wow that is really neat that the Orca brought your uncle back a gift for the Salmon

Edit- I thought the story with the otter you were gonna say the otter jumped up on the boat to escape an attack from an Orca lol, I saw a video once were an Orca was chasing an otter through this small bay and the otter would have been fish food if not for the boat as he jumped into in the nick of time. The next several minutes were pretty intense for the Otter and the guy on the boat (wasn't a very big boat) as the Orca kept popping up on either side of the boat trying to find the otter. He knew the otter was on the boat and was trying to get an eye on it I thought he was gonna try to flip the boat. After a few minutes the boats owner started the boat up and drove the otter near shore and dropped him off far enough away from the Orca.

Your Uncles story is very cool as well, otter went and ate and got drunk with a human lol I bet his friends never believed him (the otters friends)
edit on 27-5-2024 by TheMisguidedAngel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2024 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: TheMisguidedAngel

originally posted by: burritocat

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: burritocat

While orcas don't generally attack humans that's not the same thing as saying orcas are 'friendly' with humans. In my experience, orcas pretty much ignore humans altogether. Short of an aquarium type environment, I've never heard of wild orcas socializing with humans and/or accepting food from humans.

A person's best bet is to steer well clear of a pod of orcas. They are powerful animals easily capable of disabling and/or destroying small craft without even realizing it. We're talking about an animal which weighs upwards of 5 to 6 tons, is 8 to 9 meters in length, and is capable of swimming in excess of 70kph. Additionally, they are capable of propelling their entire body out of the water up to 5 meters into the air. That's a lot of power to be messing around with.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, on the Puget Sound, and we have our own resident pod of orcas that attract alot of whale watchers. Ive been out on the water and have seen them up close. I know how big they get. They swim up to boats alot here. My uncle once had a couple swim up to his boat, and he gave them salmon. One of them returned with an old buoy in his mouth, like he was giving my uncle a present thanking him for the fish. Like the way crows give people little bits they find as presents. My uncle kept it until he died.

Orca pods have their own cultures and different attitudes. Each one is pretty different.

Wow that is really neat that the Orca brought your uncle back a gift for the Salmon

Edit- I thought the story with the otter you were gonna say the otter jumped up on the boat to escape an attack from an Orca lol, I saw a video once were an Orca was chasing an otter through this small bay and the otter would have been fish food if not for the boat as he jumped into in the nick of time. The next several minutes were pretty intense for the Otter and the guy on the boat (wasn't a very big boat) as the Orca kept popping up on either side of the boat trying to find the otter. He knew the otter was on the boat and was trying to get an eye on it I thought he was gonna try to flip the boat. After a few minutes the boats owner started the boat up and drove the otter near shore and dropped him off far enough away from the Orca.

Your Uncles story is very cool as well, otter went and ate and got drunk with a human lol I bet his friends never believed him (the otters friends)

Wow, that otter you were talking about was a lucky little dude. I'm glad he was safe! I do not believe otters are a normal part of the diet of our local resident orca pod. From what I understand they are really big on eating just fish like salmon. Orca pods have different cultures to include different food cultures. Transient orca pods, i.e. orca pods that dont have a home territory but travel wherever the food goes also tend to have more varied diets and are the ones most likely to eat sea mammals and larger fish like sharks that tend to migrate. Resident orca pods tend to focus on a type of food that is plentiful in their home territory, and ignore other types of food that other orcas will happily eat. Its just like the differences in human foods in different cultures.

Here's a link to a site discussing our local orca pods. Apparently, they feed almost exclusively on chinook salmon.

In the case of my uncle and his otter, the otter wasnt in danger, I think he just smelled the shellfish in my uncle's cooler and thought "yum yum". They both enjoyed a relaxing afternoon together. Yeah, I bet when the otter went back to his otter buddies and told them what happened, he got treated the same was people do when they talk about getting abducted by aliens or seen a ufo. Probably thought he was nuts, and told him to stop eating the funny colored fish or stop smoking sea urchins or whatever.

My cousin kept the buoy-gift when my uncle died, and its become a family heirloom. My cousin was a kid and remembered when my uncle brought the buoy home, and he thought it was the coolest thing. And looking at it, its nothing special on its own. Bright red and yellow plastic standard buoy you see everywhere, but some 50 years ago, an orca thought it would be a nice gift to a kind human who shared his fish. So it became something more.

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