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The Problem with Greer

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posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 04:45 PM

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 04:53 PM


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 03:53 AM
Greer has just announced that he has returned from Mount Shasta where "substantial footage of contact was obtained."

I'm sure his duped Sirius groupies will be wetting themselves with excitement but the video will show nothing more otherworldly than insects, stars, plants and maybe the odd invisible flying saucer and unable-to-be-seen ET.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:10 AM


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Brilliance

Your posts on Greer are very graphic and violent. I don't think that is the intent of this thread. I get it you don't like him, nor do I. But espousing violence doesn't cut it...KWIM....


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by torsion
Greer has just announced that he has returned from Mount Shasta where "substantial footage of contact was obtained.".

ell, his success rate is 100%. I just saw footage of a Mt Shasta trip he did a few years ago. Footage was taken through night vision goggles and has a green tint to it (Corso says this is ET technology salted to the corporations). Lots of blinking lights and flaring orbs. Footage is here toward the very end of the clip. There are some interesting lights in the foreground here, i.e.: In the front of trees rather than simply in the sky.

Greer's explanation for relatively tiny orbs being at all relevant is that they are actually spaceships larger than football fields, but they are capable of transforming into small orbs instantaneously. The ships normally stay out of our dimension because the Shadow Government always tries to shoot them down, This is getting very dicey because the Shadow Government has developed "neutrino life detectors" that can catch one of these spaceships before they materialize in our dimension, so ET has to be very careful.

BTW, and this is just a theory, but Greer's standup routine, his stump speech, is largely the same wherever he goes. The 22 minute mark is where he gets too hot and complains about the air conditioning. His jacket comes off and, then he says, "I'm a body builder." Frequently he will quickly tell the auduience how many pounds he can bench press.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 11:58 AM


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 12:18 PM


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 01:55 PM


posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 02:56 PM
Here’s another example of how Greer screws up. Beginning on p.179 of “Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge, Greer talks about Paul BENOWITZ and how he was abused at the hands of the military. He says:

Back in the ‘80s, there was a researcher named Benowitz. An officer in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) was involved in such a case. A military abductee was directed to Paul Benowitz for the purpose of causing him to go off track on an investigation regarding super secret projects around Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico.

A woman, late at night, was driving near one of these secret facilities where they were testing an anti-gravity vehicle. She saw something she was not supposed to see, so a military abduction sequence was initiated. They gave her a chemical, she lost consciousness, and then they implanted her. Using advanced MK-Ultra type techniques, these covert operatives then gave her screen memories of an ET abduction sequence.

She was then directed through these people, to Paul Benowitz and they started targeting him with some of these electromagnetic weapons systems. He subsequently had a serious nervous breakdown and had to be hospitalized. It was a huge tragedy.

Many will remember the original story. It has been repeated many times. Paul Bennewitz (not "Benowitz") ran a small business making electronic devices. he was also an amateur UFO investigator. He managed to pick up some coded messages from Kirtland AFB near his home. He became convinced they were alien messages. At this point Bennewitz went to the air force with his converns and meant with AFOSI and Sgt. Richard Doty. Since Bennewitz actually had tapped into a secret communications system, Doty led him to believe it really was aliens. The AFOSI bugged Bennewitz’s phone. They would enter his house and move furniture around. They recruited Ufologist William Moore into the scheme to effectively drive Bennewitz mad. They succeeded and he wound up in a mental institution for awhile.

Moore admitted his role as a double agent at the Mufon Convention in Las Vegas in 1969, after which he was shunned by most other ufologists. The story has become fairly famous in the annals of UFO history.

The woman Greer is probably talking about is Myrna Hansen. She was involved in an abduction scenario. Bennewitz and Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist who also dabbled in Ufology has Hansen regressed where she said she saw human body parts in vats. She was "abducted" with her son and saw five objects, she says. Although this incident is documented, it is really a peripheral issue with regards to the Bennewitz incident. The Air Force certainly messed with the man, but there is no evidence that "scalar" weapons were used on him. He was fed disinformation by both Doty and Moore. Greer changes the tone and emphasis of the story to fit his own ends. Once again, there are no references.

posted on Aug, 22 2012 @ 04:05 PM


posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 12:12 AM


posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by schuyler
Wow, schuyler, I salute you. I spiff you not. For caring enough about getting the truth out to suffer that horrible anti-syntax and uber-clunky writing.

Not that Greer's writing is at issue here, but if you're gonna lie to me at least make it bearable to read. You, sir, are a trooper.

Back in the ‘80s, there was a researcher named Benowitz. An officer in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) was involved in such a case. A military abductee was directed to Paul Benowitz for the purpose of causing him to go off track on an investigation regarding super secret projects around Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
Greer changes the tone and emphasis of the story to fit his own ends.

In the video you posted in your previous post Greer refers to the G8 country that has requested him to train government officials in ET contact. This is a continuation of the lie espoused here some years earlier. Back then he spoke of a G7 country.

He's probably the ultimate UFO plagiarist. He takes other people's stories, unravels them, then re-weaves them fitting himself in the tale. He even takes credit for the Phoenix lights! Yes, folks! Greer vectored in the flares!!

Go to around 7.30 on the video below to see where Greer got the ideas for his fraudulent organisation. They contacted ETs, boarded flying saucers, flew to other planets - "Oreon"/Orion is mentioned; the guy wearing the Indian headdress reflects Greer's exploitation of Puja; a circle of people look skyward and flash a light to attract the space people. There are stories that Adamski briefed the Pope so Greer pretends to brief the POTUS!

Greer has effectively stolen the contactee model and made it his own.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by TheMalefactor

Let me guess all people who go to magic shows are primed to believe magic is real? That's about what your logic amounts to.

No. What she is saying is that people who pay good money to hear from their loved ones from the Great Beyond are predisposed to believe that what happens at a séance is above board, and the experience legitimate. Greer runs séances for 21st Century believers.

So you're equating meeting aliens with reuniting with dead loved ones? Somehow I think one is just a *little* bit more emotionally charged than the other. I doubt people are crying themselves to sleep at night. Praying, "One day my sweet Aliens we'll meet again."

The thought of meeting an alien species is a novelty. A kind of wish fulfillment for a better world. Why do you think Greer's contact story always involves _benevolent_ aliens? It's a utopian vision with aliens playing the role of our savior.

Thankfully most adults are smart enough to realize the whole thing is fantasy. I'm pretty sure most people who go on Greer's weekend picnic outings, merely nod in agreement at the stage magician to keep the magic alive.

They're paying to be entertained after all. No different from going to Vegas to see David Copperfield. Hell just think about when Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear. The crowd applauded. Kids went wide-eyed. Everyone wondered, "How the hell did he do that?!" Yet that doesn't mean in the next breath the audience said, "He must be legit!"

If anything I wouldn't be surprised if Greer's patrons are more like the crowd that gathered to watch the launch of the Kitty Hawk. You know the kind of people who pay good money to watch others crash and burn.

Sound familiar?
edit on 23-8-2012 by TheMalefactor because: punchiness

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:42 PM
Though every time I read a thread like this I cannot help but think of the lonely kid who hates the prom queen for no other reason than he has no chance of plopping her. I'm sorry but it sounds like jealousy. And as a member of the forum - by no means a prolific one - it kind of embarrasses me.

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 03:58 PM

posted on Aug, 23 2012 @ 06:44 PM
In my explorations of Dr. Greer I've come across a couple of energy related web sites and have managed to confuse myself. I was wondering if anyone here had any information.

As you all know, half of Greer's activities revolve around the idea of a zero point or "free" energy device he says will eliminate poverty, save the planet, and cut our need for oil and gas. he says rather consistently that one square centimeter of space can generate enough energy to run the Earth for a day.

In the Fall of 2001 Greer started SEASPower: Space Energy Access Systems, with the same Virginia address as the publisher of his books. A couple of years later he unveiled a "Quantum Flu Generator" which could, he said, produce power from space. In 2003 he said this:

"The inventor (currently unnamed) has been working on this for 7 years. He does not have a physics degree but rather has invented this through hands-on experimentation. The device weighs about 20 pounds, is about 1 to 1.5 foot in diameter. Practical test phase of about 2-3 months is anticipated . One to about 1.5 years before product will begin selling. It ran a 300 watt light bulb, a 100 watt bulb, an oscillating fan, and a stereo sitting outside on the sidewalk all concurrently. The device is surprisingly simple. Dr. Greer states that he will take a bullet before he lets this device get suppressed and that no amount of money will allow it to be bought out and that they have a strategic plan to insure it gets out to the world."

Apparently he had some angel investors and was looking for some more money, There was a web site up from 2002 to 2007, after which it went defunct. It You can see it in the wayback machine arhives. It now belongs to someone else. So the company seems to have gone defunct and the Quantum Field generator has disappeared.

But in 2007, Greer again took the statge and announced Aero, LLC, a for profit company which was searching for $43 million in venture capital to bring an energy device to market. he talks about it here. However this website, is also down and this company, too, appears to be defunct.

If anyone has any information on this please let us know. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
In my explorations of Dr. Greer I've come across a couple of energy related web sites and have managed to confuse myself. I was wondering if anyone here had any information...

[snipped for brevity]

If anyone has any information on this please let us know. Thanks.

Back on August 5th, I posted the following:

Post Exposing Greer

Since we are limited to 5000 characters, I had to edit what I originally had written, and heavily edited my post. If you read one of the quotes I used, it is actually from SEASPower - the offer of a million dollar prize - yet he constantly begs for money donations.

Mr. Greer is an obvious charlatan; there can be no other conclusion. I have concentrated my efforts on his personal information and finances... but some of the information I've read here clearly shows him as having a mental disorder - my money is on being functionally delusional (similar to John Lear). I have tons of information on Mr. Greer - I have a computer folder devoted to him. I personally archive all interesting webpages into PDF files, so I still have the information should the website disappear (as so many of Greer's sites and shell-companies seem to do).

As I've mentioned previously, I'll have my own Disclosure Project on Greer likely within a few months. Some of my archived information is located on another computer in another state; additionally, because of the shear volume of information on Greer, it will take me some time to collate the information, and compile it into readable form which makes sense. I will be citing references where possible and/or make the PDFs available for viewing as proof.

Here is a small clip where Greer stridently claims that even he, as a "medical doctor," cannot afford solar power for one of his homes (keep in mind he quit medicine long before this video was shot - he only practiced in a medical environment for 7 years). He last worked as a physician in 1998, before moving to Virginia, which means, though he still touts his medical credentials, he has not practiced in 14 years.

However, you can see the building permits for his $12,000 new covered porch, and $20,000 for their solar panel system located:

CLICK HERE for building permit

Greer frequently uses his wife, Emily, in financial transactions.

Since it would be my belief that Greer visits this site, I will not divulge much else about Greer at this time, as I don't want him to know what I know. I'll leave him guessing until the day of reckoning.

I am open to receiving information about Greer, mostly regarding his personal information, finances, companies, and other verifiable information from cited sources.

Greer: You're going down.

P.S. As previously mentioned, you can view his 62 acre estate in Virginia by placing he following into Google Earth:

37 59 24 N 78 45 31 W

Of course, I have his address (and much more), but won't publish it here, unless it's OK to do so.

posted on Aug, 24 2012 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by HAL9000beta1

However, you can see the building permits for his $12,000 new covered porch, and $20,000 for their solar panel system located:

Nice find, Hal.

Although it appears to be 2010 when the work was done the total figure almost matches the $31,871 that "slipped out" of the Kickstarter Sirius funding total. Looking at Greer's calculations only $8,959 of the $50,982 donated was carried forward to the main project.

Despite $282,688 having been pledged with 102 days to go Greer is still not satisfied. In his webinar statement regarding Sirius he pointed out the fact he would like to upgrade his CSETI website - but will need $20-30,000 in funding!!

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