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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 12:04 PM

So we both stood and stared at these two objects as they should of collided, and I say 'should of' because as they came within touching distance they moved around each other, and I don't mean banked around each other as a plane would. It was a straight forward, fluid and uninterrupted movement around each other. It was a deliberate, last second manoeuvre to avoid contact. And just when I thought the best thing ever had just happened, the second object (that came from behind and over my house) flashed twice with an incredibly bright white light. I know this sounds a little weird and maybe stupid but it was almost like an acknowledgment
, and then it sped off just a little faster than it's counterpart. There was definitely an increase in speed.

So, that's what I saw. My conclusion is that it was not aeroplanes or satellites, and I am totally lost.

How neat! Never saw anything like that before... "swing your partner, dosie doe, you saw a dancing UFO!"

I apologize, couldn't help myself. It's Christmas Eve and I've had way too much sugar!

Seriously though, I've always thought myself lucky to have seen one at a time. Two of the four things I acknowledge as UFOs have been within 20 or 25 yards, so I'm extremely happy for that.

The farthest away was what I thought to be a helicopter hovering in place with one white light pointing toward the ground early one morning... until it "flashed" around at lightning speed in three or four different spots, then "flashed" off into the wild blue yonder. there was no sound with this one, as for the two really close ones. The fourth was the size of a football field across, and maybe two football fields away.

Congrats on your sighting, and I love your accent.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

Ha Ha! A dancing UFO. I liked your little poem. That's funny!

A sugar rush, huh? Well, you may not appreciate this cake I made for all my friends on this thread then, but you can still enjoy it later.


Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all the members who have shared your awesome experiences this year.
I hope to see all of you back here again. Cheers!!

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 09:34 PM
I just had a thought I decided to post. What if all the shadow images you sometimes see out of the corner of your eye sometimes might be glimpses into parallel worlds? What if the glimpses are flashes of you or whomever in a very close parallel reality? Maybe these tightly packed parallel worlds or parallel universes interact with our own as far as gravity is concerned. Maybe this would account for the missing 98% of matter called dark matter. I believe scientists call it as such because they do not know the source but only that they see the effects. After a certain distance, the gravity of all the other parallel worlds are no longer an influence on our own but we still experience the gravitational effect of almost 100 nearby parallel universes.

It's a thought I had. I do not know if anyone ever thought of it before me.

I suppose this would imply some kind of dimension or phase shift between parallel universes and that up to 100 universes interact with each other altogether via their combined mass in different dimensions or phases. Beyond that the distance is great enough to no longer experience gravitational attraction across phases or dimensions.

I'm also wondering if someone could do an experiment to pinpoint the gravitational well among some large objects and detect whether or not the center was skewed from where the center should be only observing the large objects in this universe. That was an idea. I do not know if any such technology exists.
edit on 24/12/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by orionthehunter

Ahhh... the frequencies coming in are making you "think deep" inside your mind.

You should go post your theory on one of the science forums and see if they can help you. You never know, you may be famous for this idea... the answer to a question that has eluded even the greatest of minds up to this point.

May I have your autograph?

posted on Dec, 27 2013 @ 09:37 PM
My brother shared a paranormal experience with me last night. he said he has never had any paranormal experiences ("strange dreams") until he started using anti-depressants. He started having night paralysis and a shadow figure rushing at him and pinning him down. He said he stopped taking the anti-depressants because of those experiences and they stopped. He seems to chalk it up to the drugs. I told him that his mental state was compromised by the drugs and an entity tried to take advantage. What I didn't want to tell him because he knew he wouldn't believe me is that I think that entity has been feeding off him for a long time, hence the depression, and the drugs revealed the culprit. I don't know how to tell him to deal with the entity when he doesn't have a spiritual practice at all. Any suggestions? Maybe just light visualizations before falling asleep?

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

I think that's simply just sleep paralysis mate. I've had it my whole life. I probably experience it once every 3 or 4 months on average and it's basically down to stress. The visions are due to panic because of the muscle atonia you are experiencing i.e. you cant move so your brain goes into overdrive as a mechanism of self defence.

It used to scare the hell out of me. Whenever I get it now though I don't panic because I know what it is and guess what, no more visions.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 05:03 AM
dozens of different weird things ,although for some reason its stopped in the last 6 months apart from the bed vibrating now and again ,seeing ufos,beings in the bedroom ,attacks ,lights ,seeing bizarre visions, noises ,lap danced by demons ,etc etc

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 06:37 AM

My brother shared a paranormal experience with me last night. he said he has never had any paranormal experiences ("strange dreams") until he started using anti-depressants. He started having night paralysis and a shadow figure rushing at him and pinning him down. He said he stopped taking the anti-depressants because of those experiences and they stopped. He seems to chalk it up to the drugs. I told him that his mental state was compromised by the drugs and an entity tried to take advantage. What I didn't want to tell him because he knew he wouldn't believe me is that I think that entity has been feeding off him for a long time, hence the depression, and the drugs revealed the culprit. I don't know how to tell him to deal with the entity when he doesn't have a spiritual practice at all. Any suggestions? Maybe just light visualizations before falling asleep?

I don't know what to tell you, since you say he has no spiritual practice. I think our "demons" will rise to the surface of our mind when it is in a certain state, as he said he thought the anti-depressants did.
Just because he can no longer see the shadow figure doesn't mean it's not there.

Doing "light activation" meditation should help to ease his depression. He needs to work through the dark tunnels of his mind and get rid of all the negativity. Demons feed on fear and negativity. If there is none to feed on, they'll leave.

I wish all the best for your brother. Let us know how it goes.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 06:41 AM

dozens of different weird things ,although for some reason its stopped in the last 6 months apart from the bed vibrating now and again ,seeing ufos,beings in the bedroom ,attacks ,lights ,seeing bizarre visions, noises ,lap danced by demons ,etc etc

Welcom to ATS, and my thread, Wombatta.

I, and the others here would love to hear your experiences in detail. They sound amazing, to say the least.

Do you know of anything that has changed in your life to cause these experiences to stop? Moving to a different location, a change of friends, thinking in a different way, etc.?

I look forward to hearing back from you.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 05:12 PM

My brother shared a paranormal experience with me last night. he said he has never had any paranormal experiences ("strange dreams") until he started using anti-depressants. He started having night paralysis and a shadow figure rushing at him and pinning him down. He said he stopped taking the anti-depressants because of those experiences and they stopped. He seems to chalk it up to the drugs. I told him that his mental state was compromised by the drugs and an entity tried to take advantage. What I didn't want to tell him because he knew he wouldn't believe me is that I think that entity has been feeding off him for a long time, hence the depression, and the drugs revealed the culprit. I don't know how to tell him to deal with the entity when he doesn't have a spiritual practice at all. Any suggestions? Maybe just light visualizations before falling asleep?

It is true that demons do follow people around to take away their life energy. As I said before, that is the only way a demon can stay alive. Without spiritual protection and guidance, people are open to demonic forces by default, regardless if they know it or not. Drugs such as anti-depressants will only enhance and make the door even wider for demons to charge into your mind, as well as increase their strength. If your brother is depressed, it is a sign that his mind is unbalanced or emotionally unstable. It happens to a lot of us, a common occurrence. If not treated properly, it will lead to Soul Fragmentation. What this means is that your Mental, Emotional, and Identity higher minds are no longer functioning in a balanced state. This can lead to physical illness as well. But this is just an extreme case. But either way, a mental unbalance such as depression allows demons to attach their mind to you, allowing them to control, and in some cases, manipulate your decision making. This will only increase the emotional breakdown further. The reason why they do this is so you will give your misqualified or dark energy to them. This is the only type of energy they can use. They can't use qualified energy, which is pure energy from God. They are no longer capable of embodying pure Light Energy.

Now that you understand a little better about the differences between light and dark energies, the only way for your brother to stop having demonic attacks is to have more light energy within him. Light Energy purifies the darkness and demons will stay away from it. There are two things people must do to increase Light Energy within their minds.

1. Balance the Mind: God automatically sends Light Energy down from the 5th Dimension down to you everyday. People don't know this is happening, but God does this so we can stay alive. Without God's Energy, you wouldn't exist. The more you balance your mind, the more Light Energy comes down to you. It's not that God is trying to limit the Energy, it is YOU who is limiting it. The way to limit it is your emotional roller coaster. If you stay sad or depressed, then you will misqualify the Light into Dark Energy. If you stay too happy like partying and hanging out at bars drinking the night away, then you also misqualify the light. If you are in a relationship that is damaging to your emotional state, this can also do the same. If you are angry even moderately, your mind is not balanced. Do you understand? Negativity and emotional instability are people's worst enemies. That's why the Masters say, "Your worst enemies are within not without."

So your brother needs to seek out what is "wrong" with his life in all areas and correct them slowly. Don't rush into anything because that may lead to further depression if he fails. This includes but not limited to his job, relationships (love, family, & friends), diet (eat lighter), lifestyle, and overall happiness. Happiness is important. He needs to focus on something that he enjoys doing that will not lead to harming someone else nor himself. Think deeply and clearly. Relax. Life is about experience and learning.

2. Spiritual Life: I understand that you brother doesn't have any spiritual training. In fact, most people don't. But it is necessary and profoundly important. Because following the Path of the Spirit only leads to happiness, not only here but many lives in the future and worlds beyond. He is the only one who could make this decision. If one day he realizes that it is the Key to Life, then he will find it. It is up to him. With Love and Wisdom of God, there is no fear, no depression, no anger, no disagreements, no strife, no altercations, no life threats, no difficulties, and no lack of anything. The more he walks this path, the more demons or any form of darkness will stay away from him, since he will gain more Light Energy through prayer, meditation, and pursuing things higher than this world. You seem to have some Spiritual Training, so help him so that he may help himself.

May Peace and Divine Love be with you and your loved ones.

edit on 12/28/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by ctophil

I had a "feeling" you'd show up to respond to this member's post.

Thanks, Ctophilp. Always appreciated.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by sled735

It's good to see new people continuing to post.

I didn't recognize you with that new avatar, Sled. I like it.

I hope everyone has had a great holiday so far. I hope to see many more people posting their experiences in the coming new year.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Mindless1980

Hi, Mindless. Good to see you. I hope you had a great holiday too.

Thank you for the compliment on my avatar. I just felt like wearing something different for awhile.

I hope things pick up on the thread after the holidays too. I'm sure people are busy during this time of year with other things. I'll still be here when they're ready.

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by sled735

Sorry it took me so long to reply. I'm older and still getting used to our messaging system. I'll tell the youngest of the stories, that being around age 5. Growing up, we had a small farm with a fruit orchard being in the very back and away from direct eyesight. My closest siblings were about 10 years older than me and usually gone with friends. When I became too much for my older parents to put up with, they would send me to the orchard to play. Over one late spring, I notices some small brown children at our orchard gate asking to climb the trees and play with me. They were about my size...some a little taller, some shorter. their skin was funny...kind of reminded me of worms, brown and moist. I don't remember noses and their eyes were totally round and very red. I was told never to open the gate, but heck, I was lonely and wanted playmates. Anytime after that one time, if I went to the orchard alone, they always showed up. I loved having them. What was neat it that we didn't talk with our mouths but with our thoughts, which seemed very natural to me. The only thing that pissed me off was that they could float up to any part of the trees they wanted. Me, it took me awhile to get my pudgy butt up a few branches. They thought this was hilarious and would laugh at me. After playing with them, I would feel like I was drained of energy and needed a good 3 to 4 hour nap...which slightly alarmed my parents. They questioned me one day and I confessed my story. Got a whipping for opening the gate and was not allowed back for a week. When I did go back and tell my new friends what happened, they were very sad. They told me that their parents did not like human parents because they refused to believe and to trust. I wasn't sure what that meant but was happy when they promised to always be my friend and that we would be in contact my whole life. Then they said that because of what happened to me, they had to leave and could not put me into harms way. I cried for days. I never saw them in the orchard again. However, they are not gone.

I go by the name Natura on other websites. This is the name of my physical twin that "disappeared" at birth. Re-absorbed according to the doctor to my mother (Then late 1950's, now known to be totally impossible). I am the only member of my family to have a negative RH and copper eyes with yellow undertones. Everyone else on both sides has positive blood, blue undertones with blue, green, or hazel eyes. I later met Natura and she, herself, is her own story. The story "The Little Ones" that I submitted for the Nov. story contest was not far from the truth. Natura lived amongst the little ones until the people on the planet met an unfortunate ending. They lived at a higher frequency and vibration than the current Earth, but still could not out run their genetic disposition. Much more is carried in our DNA than we give credit for.

Many have ask me to document or write a book. I am compiling some thing but hold back because there are still innocent parties at stake (family) that could be hurt or left emotionally damaged. I have been pretty much dumped by a great amount of family already. They do not know my story but know enough about me to usually not feel at ease when near. (I was forewarned about this.) Still, I must have their "go-ahead". They tell me that the timing is such that no significant, or positive change would come from the result of it. So that is it for now. There is far more out there than the eye sees. The biggest thing I would tell people would be to become re-attached to your biggest sense...your inner knowing. The sixth sense.You need that in order to have "contact".

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by smcneil01

Whoa! So, do you think you're a hybrid?
I am about to go searching for your story. This should be an awesome read!

Here is a link for others who would like to read it:

I have RH neg. blood too. I really don't know if anyone else in my family has it. I am the only "weird" one in my immediate family, though.

Thanks for coming back and sharing that with us. Awesome!!!

edit on 12/29/2013 by sled735 because: add link

posted on Dec, 29 2013 @ 11:30 PM
WOW! I just watched some really scary stories on the Destination America Channel. There are a lot of different things on that show that I've had members post about in this thread.

The one I watched tonight was about sightings of Thunder Birds, and shadow people. There was another one before these two stories, but I missed it. It comes on again at 1:00 a.m., e.s.t. in the U.S. so I'll be parked in front of the t.v. to see what I missed the first time around.

I was going to post it here, but it's not up on the site yet. In the mean time, there are many other good shows available that will scare the crap out of you!!

If you've had a horrific experience with monsters, shadow people, aliens, skin walkers, a large bat-like creature, and the list goes on and on, I would love you to look over these shows and see if anything they have up is anything similar to what you may have experienced.

Come back and tell us if you see anything familiar in the stories. They will be adding more shows every week now that their new season has started.

WARNING: You may not want to watch these alone at night, like I just did.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by sled735

Hi a newb here. Hope I can figure out how to navigate and properly post soon. This is my first test post.
This is an interesting thread for me. I see I
have a lot of reading to do to get up to speed.
I have much to share and possibly can be some help at some point as well. Always looking to learn more.
I will better introduce myself and some of my background once I'm sure I'm posting properly.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by ikensee

Ok Im not sure where to begin so I will list some of my past experiences for starters then can elaborate later if there's interest.
I saw ufo's once.
My mom was a white witch.
I spent a lot of time on the Ouija board long ago.
I could read some past, some present and some near future using a standard deck of playing cards a long time ago.
I almost died being put under a spell by 2 black witches when I was 17.
I have been taught a considerable amount of old school traditional native American spirituality which is my path now. A lot of this pertains to working with the spirit which is in every thing including rocks etc.
I'm vary aware of the tall dark shadows, the small dark shadows which dart by in the outer edge of our peripheral vision (the little people) .
I have been clinically dead 5 times. I have had things not kill me that my doctor had no explanation as to how this was humanly possible.
I have actually seen my guardian angel as well as other guardian spirits.
I know its reasonably easy to welcome and keep certain spirits around while cleansing out others.
I learned to be very specific in asking Creator for teachings as more often I would get lessons I didn't know I needed. I also learned Creator has an inherent sense of humor and the laugh is always on me.
There is more but I'm hoping this is a worthy list to fit the topic of this thread.

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by ctophil

Thank you!!!

My brother left yesterday but I will send him your advice via email.

I tried to find a moment to talk to him about his depression and his vision of being attacked by a shadow figure but we never had any quality time (so much family around). I've tried getting him into meditation practice for many years now. He says he knows I'm right and sees how it's helped me but he's still deeply stuck. Again this year, I gave him a book and CD on meditations and basic Dharma teachings. I told him it doesn't matter if he believes in shadow beings sucking the life from him or not, he knows negativity only feeds itself and that he needs to do some positive meditation practice before going to bed.

I will keep trying with him. Too much doesn't work but giving up is not good either. Thanks for the help!

posted on Dec, 30 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by sled735

Yes. Natura told me that I am definitely a hybrid. However, that being said, there are a great many on Earth whom are not fully human (As they on Earth understand Human to be.). They were seeds planted with God's permission. The God that created Earth also created the Universe and all that it contains. Humans, for some reason. can't fathom the thought that God may have created more than just Earth and has allowed some interaction between the planets. (what God creates, he/she rules over.) Some are seeded and some came by other ways and are here to help. Earth is a planet of duality (ex.:good vs bad). So, because of this, there are some "outsiders" who came, and can exist here, who mean harm. They see Earth people as a threat and work with other humans to secretly eradicate the planet as a whole. They do so under the veil of science, mostly. Humans are blinded with the idea that what they are creating is for the overall good of mankind. (Ex: chemicals, fake foods, vaccines.) That is why there are so many lightworkers here at this time to counteract this. (Not all lightworkers come from alien backgrounds.) They are not here to "save" the planet but only to lead or influence people to do better by raising their frequency and vibration. Anyone who has a "good heart" and tries to help others is a lightworker whether they realize it or not. It is not man's disposition to necessarily do good. It is our survival instinct that is so strong. Fight, steal, want more, kill others, have all been necessary pieces to man's survival. We are trying to move now to a more peaceful way of living without those traits. We are transitioning and it's not easy. Everything within us wants to return to old ways. That is why there is so much war and rumors of war. If mankind can not make this jump (and we are closer than we ever have been), than we may face a cleansing. Cleansings can be worldwide or only areas. It can be anything from pandemics to collision. That is God's determination.

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