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War declared on Tea Party

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posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by trailertrash

I was OK with the Tea Party until I saw the Koch Bros suddenly show up at their rallies talking as though they were so happy the Tea Party existed. We all know the Koch Bros are only interested in money coming to the Koch Bros.

Wow those famous Koch Bros showed up at a Tea Party? Hmmm I only had Hulk Hogan show up at the one I went to.

Hulk talked your real estate tax.

edit on 30-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
My suggestions are, if you don't want the Tea Party to have such a bad name...

Stop making it an umbrella for racists to hide under. You don't like the racist labels then the so called leaders of the movement ought to step forward and loudly declare that racism will not be tolerated, stop with the little tee-hees you think no one else is smart enough to grasp. Of course this won't happen because like it or not a lot of white americans were disgusted when a black man took office and every politician knows not to isolate your base, right?

You don't want social programs, welfare etc? Tell your republican congress to stop breaking the backs of the middle and lower classes. Tell them to pass higher corporate taxes and make it illegal to export jobs, or tax the practice to hell. Make them bring our jobs home or shut-up about entitlement. You're goddamn right people in America are entitled to eat and have a roof over their heads and be warm in the winter.

There are no leaders of the movement. Liberals just started throwing around the name of Koch when they discovered that the Kochs made some personal donations, because they had to counter the truth that Soros is who sponsors, and La raza, and Media Matters, and Code Pink, and....etc ad nauseum. The list of Soros sponsored leftist movements is phenominal.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by trailertrash

I'd like to hear the Tea Party position on each of the points I just made above.

Well, I am sorry but that is quite impossible. The "Tea Party" as the MSM likes to call it, is made up of a large diversity of many different people that all believe many different things. Any person claiming to be a "leader" of the tea party is ignoring that fact and using the protesters to further their self-interest political ambitions. I would say, unsuccessfully so.

I am one of the protesters that the MSM has labeled as the "Tea Party" so I can just give you my opinions on what you said, I nor nobody else can speak for such a diverse group of people. Basically the only thing they agree on is the government is spending its way into bankruptcy or that the government is already bankrupt. They agree that the government is not acting in our interest and is too big. There is no unified voice. Anyone claiming there is is telling a lie.

Here are my answers though.

On SS. I see it as a non-functioning program. Payments do not rise with cost of living and it hardly provides for a good retirement, in my opinion. I feel like anybody who has been paying into SS deserves to have it for them when they retire but I also see that it is not sustainable and we have to start allowing people to opt out if they so choose. Opt out from paying and opt out from receiving.

I agree about the Koch Brothers. They are ridiculous and self-interested, I see them as trying to co-opt a political movement.

I agree with you about the religious aspect. I also see this as people trying to co-opt the political protesters for their own benefit. Religion has no place in government. Religion is personal and should not be used as the basis of government or laws.

I am a protester with the "tea party" and I am entirely against every war we are involved in. Ending the wars has been a strong rallying point with many of the protesters. We need to end all of the wars. Many people say Ron Paul is the father of the "Tea Party" though he would not agree but he is on the record for saying the same, bring the troops home. Once again neocons that have co-opted the "tea party" want to expand the wars.

I hate lobbyist and I feel like if the government was not giving so much money away, the lobbyist would not be there to ask for it. Reduce the size of government and get rid of the lobbyist, that goes hand in hand. You can not have lobbyist without a big government handing out money.

Personal responsibility. BINGO. That is a big thing with me. That does not mean people don't care about others only that they want a disticntion made. Are you in need of help because you are truly struggling despite your best efforts or is it because you make no efforts. Both exist and the government makes no distinction so I believe should not be the one handing out the dough.

When people are trying very hard and not achieving enough success they will find many people willing to help, I know from my own personal experience. It would be logical for me to think even more people would be willing to help if they didn't assume a safety net was available and people did not need any help because the government was providing with tax dollars. I have had to explain to many people that I refuse to take welfare or unemployment. They are much more willing to give me a break when they realize that is true.

Sorry, like I said, the "tea party" can not answer you because they are not a group of entirely like minds. Many are Democrats, many are Republicans, many don't associate with any of the lying scumbags (like me) and their views are as diverse as the many shapes of snowflakes.

If it seems like they are all republicans, that is because it is darn near impossible to elect a third party candidate and the Democrats running for office have entirley dis-owned any merit to their arguments and called them racist. People are racist in all walks of life, some democrats are racist, some republicans are racist and so are some people who don't affiliate with any political party.

Despite what the MSM would have people believe, there is no consensus.

They only agree that what has been attempted is a total failure and that we need to revert back to a constitutional republic or at least a form of government that looks much more like one.

This is my humble opinion anyhow and I would say I am one of the mad as hell protesters. I sort of despise the use of the term "tea party" as it has many implications that simply aren't true. One has only have to go to a rally and talk to people to hear the many many many different opinions that are not expressed in the MSM.

edit on 30-8-2011 by sageofmonticello because: some minor corrections to spelling, grammar and such.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:23 PM
The Tea Party is just a rehash of the Moral Majority from the 80's. Same people same social conservative crap. Now they have financing and organization from the right wing, and are driven by that agenda as "useful":

The Moral Majority in funny costumes.
edit on 30-8-2011 by spyder550 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by spyder550
The Tea Party is just a rehash of the Moral Majority from the 80's. Same people same social conservative crap. Now they have financing and organization from the right wing, and are drive by that agenda as "useful":

The Moral Majority in funny costumes.

You mean the Colonial dress of our Founding Fathers? A liberal would find that funny. Or at last a person not familiar with American history.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by spyder550

Not trying to be rude, but that really sounds like some red diaper doper baby Leftist hogwash. The Tea Party is mainly dominated by pro-Constitutional citizens. Also, people who are sick and tired of our corrupt government. Some also have had enough of the Government endorsed invasion of the United States of America from just about every turd world nation on the planet, but mostly Mexico. I could go on, but I won't because obviously it would be a waste of time.

So with that being said, If you were under the impression that you made a point, I am hear to re-educate you about that assumption.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Ah, safe and sound in a black church where it's perfectly o.k. to spout off racial rhetoric. After all, that's the norm, isn't it. So the tea party wants black people hanging from a tree? Did I miss something?

This garbage that is constantly being put forth by these black leaders has got to stop. If they want to talk about racism, how 'bout looking in the mirror as they are one of the largest groups keeping it alive.

They're all so damned scared because there are people in this country who feel you ought to be able to take care of yourself for the most part and don't need to stick your hand out to uncle sam for every little thing. The problem is that people in this socio-economic demographic grow up learning to be dependent on the government for everything. Maybe they equate actually having to do for themselves the same as lynching? If so, then they are in worse shape than I thought.

But, leave it to a democrat to scare these people into actually believing that the tea party wants to treat them as second class citizens and hang them. This congressman ought to be censured for his comments. Had it been a republican, it be national news.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
reply to post by spyder550

Not trying to be rude, but that really sounds like some red diaper doper baby Leftist hogwash. The Tea Party is mainly dominated by pro-Constitutional citizens. Also, people who are sick and tired of our corrupt government. Some also have had enough of the Government endorsed invasion of the United States of America from just about every turd world nation on the planet, but mostly Mexico. I could go on, but I won't because obviously it would be a waste of time.

So with that being said, If you were under the impression that you made a point, I am hear to re-educate you about that assumption.

You got on that bus for sure. (bus provided by Dick Arney and Fox News)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by spyder550
The Tea Party is just a rehash of the Moral Majority from the 80's. Same people same social conservative crap. Now they have financing and organization from the right wing, and are drive by that agenda as "useful":

The Moral Majority in funny costumes.

You mean the Colonial dress of our Founding Fathers? A liberal would find that funny. Or at last a person not familiar with American history.

Is this something sacred like the popes red shoes. ..... wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible -- Yes a true patriot.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to [url=]post by

Do we need to teach about the Christian God, or any god, in schools? NO. I believe it's prohibited by the constitution, and if the churches were doing their job the schools wouldn't have to pick up the slack.

Can you please state word for word the part of the Constitution you are speaking of?

(I know this is off topic and I do apologize beezer but I really get sick of people who try to sound smart but are as dumb as a box of rocks about the constitution)


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Wow those famous Koch Bros showed up at a Tea Party? Hmmm I only had Hulk Hogan show up at the one I went to.

Hulk talked your real estate tax.

edit on 30-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Wow, at least it was not some rich, white guy, asking you people to advocate lowering his taxes right? Oh wait.
Wow that was almost a great point too.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:35 PM
All of you that agree with this BS... 'Extremist, Medieval Roman thinking' should really be ashamed of your self on God’s realm...on Gods earth.

I pray that nothing ever happens to you all when something medical disables your ability in some way. Its the 21st century, not the Stone Age, people have worked hard to bring comfort to the sick and disabled.

I’m glad that the majority of people in the 'USA' are aware of this new age- stone age way of thinking, I guess that’s why OBAMA became president IN THE FIRST PLACE, and I guess that’s why he will easily get a second term.




The American people are tired of the fear aspect of life.

It is what it is !

And that’s REAL-TALK !

TextThe progressives want to give the person a wheelchair (bought by someone else). They don't want the person to go through the painful process of rehabilitation. They want that person to stay in the wheelchair until the legs have atrophied to a point where they CAN'T leave the wheelchair. They want that person to be dependent. They want that person to NEED them.

edit on 30-8-2011 by RealTalk because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2011 by RealTalk because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2011 by RealTalk because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2011 by RealTalk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by spyder550

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by spyder550
The Tea Party is just a rehash of the Moral Majority from the 80's. Same people same social conservative crap. Now they have financing and organization from the right wing, and are drive by that agenda as "useful":

The Moral Majority in funny costumes.

You mean the Colonial dress of our Founding Fathers? A liberal would find that funny. Or at last a person not familiar with American history.

Is this something sacred like the popes red shoes. ..... wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible -- Yes a true patriot.

I don't know about the Pope's shoes but ummmmmm the common dress of the 1700's...what's so hard about that?

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Smack
reply to post by Janky Red

Wealthy people aren't allowed to support those they agree with?

You should look at who is backing Obama and the Democrats.

Let's talk about ideology instead of political labels.

I did not say that.

My point is Private Wealth is a corrosive factor when it is introduced into a republic based upon a representative democracy.

Conservatives have the tendency to address all issue with passivity by handing the "solutions" off to the private sector. As far as I know, democrats are always interfering with business, trying to regulate it... Conservatives
in modern times tend to do the opposite by creating loopholes are demolishing pre existing laws and regulations.


posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by RealTalk

Just out of curiosity, what medeivel Rome thinking are you talking about? I don't understand what you are trying to say about New Age medical practices? And what does that have to do with Obama? He just made it so people have to buy insurance. It has zero to do with advanced technological and best medical practices. But if you think that chemotherapy is much better than putting leeches on people to suck the evil spirits out of them, you might want to rethink that.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Star and flag for you beezzer, I am sure this is going to get the liberal left all furious and foaming at the mouth. The Tea Party is just a bunch of people with the same ideals - smaller government and more personal responsibility. The left and the right are becoming anxious because the typical racist / guilt / class warfare traps are becoming uneffective, therefore they become hostile.

How dare people have the balls to suggest what should be done with their money.
edit on 30-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:44 PM
I love your analogy...well put together and makes you say Hmmm ! I agree the Tea Party has lot of folks in the Democratic Party in fear. The TP also has many Republicans in fear. Each party fears losing the grip they have on America. Both parties have always Shared could not do something without the other...and if a majority came about for one side or the other...the big dog and pony show under the big top went on the air live and in color...they shouted in 30 second sound bites....they pointed finger in sessions...and then they side got everything they wanted that was highlighted in the circus and the other side got everything they wanted in secret hidden in what ever bill was passed.

Make no mistakes, both parties have played the game and will continue to play the game...but wait...a new batter at the plate and it is the TP...apparently some are willing to play the game and some are not...frustrating the Repubs....and the Dems are yelling get them under control before they lose it all.

It won't be long before they figure out the game and start to play fair so they too can get what they want and give a 30 second sound bite about how great they are donate and vote for us today !

Lets face it...the game they have played is the oldest game in the book...its called Divide and Conquer. This is what they have done to the American people divide the people by class, religion, race, and anything else they can come up with that keeps us apart. The two party system has a grip around our throats and around the necks of any other party and you can bet that nothing will change...except my TV channel when on of them starts another stupid sound bite !
edit on 8/30/2011 by DJMSN because: correction

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by RealTalk

Just out of curiosity, what medeivel Rome thinking are you talking about? I don't understand what you are trying to say about New Age medical practices? And what does that have to do with Obama? He just made it so people have to buy insurance. It has zero to do with advanced technological and best medical practices. But if you think that chemotherapy is much better than putting leeches on people to suck the evil spirits out of them, you might want to rethink that.

This thread hurt my spiritual essence for tonight, I will not reply, sorry…moving on to some happy threads.

TextThe Tea Party would like to see the person go to physical therapy, use crutches, a cane, then walk on their own. It'd be painful. But the patient would learn to walk again, and become self-reliant.

'self reliant'

edit on 30-8-2011 by RealTalk because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2011 by RealTalk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by beezzer


why do we need a (add race/color) caucus?


Why is it that so many in the "black leadership" want to keep chains (regardless of iron or symbolic) around the necks of their own kind?


It reminds me of rich socialists that espouse the virtues of socialism but they live pretty high on the hog.
I guess its easy to do when your at the top of the food chain looking down.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:51 PM
It always cracks me up when the TP raises the "personal responsibility" argument when the WHOLE system is so freaking tilted in favor of the rich. People have to fend for themselves, but when banks or corporations need a bail out, its up to the tax payer to do it for them.

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