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Defend your daughter? 20 years in prison

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posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:24 PM
Nobody was hurt and he got 20 years? That's sick! What kind of jury was there?
Probably I would have done the same thing, considering the boy was just a kid. But compassion doesn't seem to value much anymore in the eyes of the justice system, isn't it?

As many said before, next time shoot to kill, at least you'll know for what you're sitting in jail.
The old rule of war: "A good enemy is a dead enemy."

edit on 13-6-2011 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Gakus
I'm sorry but you have to be one sad pathetic "man" to be unable to subdue a 15 year old teenager without the use of firing a gun, sickening.

OH crap thats what you find sickening about all of this?

Firstly the daughters age was 15,all it says about the young guy is that he was under 18,not that that should matter,if you bothered to read the OP you would have read also that the father had recently had surgery and the young guy ripped out the stitches.

It also doesn`t give the size of the young guy or his fitness level nor does it about the father only that he was already injured to some degree.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:25 PM
woah woah hold on everyone take a good look at this

State Profiles Orville Lee Wollard III Florida


In 2008, 53-year-old Orville was living happily with his wife, Sandy, and their two daughters in Florida. He held a steady job as a human resources specialist at Sea World. Unfortunately, Sandy became very ill with serious heart problems.

the boy, a local drug dealer, was known for his lengthy criminal record and violent outbursts.

It wasn’t long before he began to abuse Orville’s daughter, punching and yelling at her, and stealing prescription pills, jewelry and money from the family’s home.

Property damage, assault, theft.

He called the police repeatedly and issued Amber Alerts when his daughter would disappear. Unfortunately, the authorities told him they could not do anything to stop the boyfriend, as he was a minor.

So he did CONTACT the authorities but they didn't do anything because he was only a minor.

At trial, Orville was not allowed bring up the many problems the Wollard family had experienced with the boyfriend; he was only permitted to say the boy was “no longer welcome” at his home

Why not?

Both of Orville’s daughters, now 18 and 20, and the boyfriend wrote letters to Governor Rick Scott begging him to overturn Orville’s 20-year mandatory sentence.

Well isn't that awfully nice of the boyfriend. Appears that they are still together after this whole thing.
edit on 13-6-2011 by balon0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

I mostly agree with what you have said. I will protect me and mine at all costs.

The only thing I disagree with is that had you, I (if I lived in the US) or, anyone else shot this little punk dead, we would likely be free men as dead men can not talk and that phone call to the cops would never have happened. When faced with a freaked out father, a terrified mother, a beaten daughter and a dead intruder... you damned well know which way that verdict would have gone without the punk-a$$ there to whine and grovel for 'justice'
edit on 13/6/11 by discordantone because: type too fast & miss words... it's italicised

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Shoulda capped the little SOB!

And then smacked the hell out of the daughter for being stupid enough to hang around people of that calibre.

When it comes down to it you have TWO sets of stupid people.

The Jurors.

The Daughter.

Jurors, well, they speak for themselves. They figure better a quick conviction and get back to beer and a tv.

The Daughter. I GUARANTEE this conversation took place.

"Sweetie, you need to get rid of that POS. He's bad news."

"Oh Mom and Dad, you just dont understand him. He's really nice".

Once again. He would have been dead in my house. Even with a room of jurors that have to share a single brain stem, they couldnt convict a person then. If he did get convicted? Well, better to go for something you DID do rather than something you DIDNT!

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by balon0

There is a term for this chick.

white trash.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

i think we need to hang out in front of thes e court houses and protest these stupid judges and make sure we have a rope.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Here's the Facebook wall of his daughter, Sarah Wollard. She looks like a real winner.

Maybe daddy should have just let the boyfriend, Austin O'Hara, have his way with her. She still hasn't learned her lesson.


She's still slumming with the loser who put her father away for 20 years.

Yup, Daddy should have just kicked her out of the house and let the boyfriend take care of her.

edit on 13-6-2011 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:25 PM
And in other news, a cop who shoots an innocent man in handcuffs in the head and kills him in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers was just released from jail after serving 11 months.

Something about this seems backwards. Shoot your gun which is your god-given right to possess according to the constitution, in a wall of your own home, to dissuade a violent intruder from harming your family - 20 years. Shoot a young man in the head who is in handcuffs sitting on the ground while you're wearing a badge - 11 months.


posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 07:53 PM
His mistake is one that every gunner owner should know is that if your going to use your gun to defend yourself. You must use it with the intent to kill... Firing a warning shot would be construed as a assault. Just pointing your gun at somebody could find yourself in trouble. While I believe there is more to this story. This is just another unfortunate story of someone not knowing the rules. I will have to read the story again, but doesn't even sound like he even reported the incident.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Homedawg

Sure. There always is isn't it? Still, these things keep happening.

Face it, the entire system is corrupt as it can be. There is no justice.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by crash712us

Do you often brush with fluoride? Because I havent read such nonsense in a long while.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:36 PM
Adding this to my list of reasons why people aren't going to get a warning from me in situations like this. If the same thing happened to me, I would have shot the punk in the head. Dead people can't bring up frivolous charges and lawsuits after assaulting your children in your own home.

Actually, I'm lieing. If I had a daughter and someone was abusing her, I'd probably leave the gun alone and twist his head off.
edit on 13-6-2011 by duke396 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by C21H30O2I

I think you mean he should've called his lawyer first...not the cops. The cops have no place being involved in this situation.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:12 PM
having recently taken a basic home defense/firearm defense course situations like this were covered. its sad to say that he should have either shot the boyfriend (probably resulting in death) if he felt that he or his wife & daughter were in imminent danger of severe injury or death or have done nothing and waited for the police. even if he had shot and killed the boyfriend he probably would have faced lesser charges and been found innocent by being able to prove that he was acting in self defense in his own home. on the same note though, it is absolutely ridiculous that he should go to jail for 20 years

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by matt87
having recently taken a basic home defense/firearm defense course situations like this were covered. its sad to say that he should have either shot the boyfriend (probably resulting in death) if he felt that he or his wife & daughter were in imminent danger of severe injury or death or have done nothing and waited for the police. even if he had shot and killed the boyfriend he probably would have faced lesser charges and been found innocent by being able to prove that he was acting in self defense in his own home. on the same note though, it is absolutely ridiculous that he should go to jail for 20 years

What kind of jail was he sent to? Is it a state run prison or a private prison owned by a corporation and operated for profit. The corporate prisons need to be kept full with prisoners or they will not generate that healthy profit for their shareholders, and all at the taxpayers' expense! Is that part of the reason why the judge had no balls and sentenced this plainly innocent man to 20 years?

The judge could have disagreed with the mandatory minimum sentence and could have refused to sentence this man to time in prison. The judge could, if he had the personal integrity and assertivenesss it takes, have sentenced this man to a term the judge felt was just, such as zero jail time, no fine, and no other penalty of any kind, and leave the man with just the verdict of guilty and a criminal conviction on his record.

If the judge had the personal integrity to do that, given that the judge openly recognized the sentence as unjust, then the prosecution would have been in the position of either letting the zero jail time sentence stand or appeal it. The judge might have faced some criticism for that, and might even have faced a recall election, but I doubt it. I think more people would have praised him than condemned him for it. Then this hot potato would have been in the appellate court's lap and it would be interesting to see how they'd handle it.

There is constitutional protection against disproportionate punishment, in other words, the penalty must fit the crime. It doesn't in this case. I wonder whether the man's defense lawyers were competent. After all, judges and jurors have to make their decision based in large part on the case as it is presented to them.

Has someone contacted Florida's Governor about this case? Seems like a good case for a pardon or clemency.
edit on 6/13/2011 by dubiousone because: Spelling correction.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by kro32

Originally posted by Reprobation
reply to post by Vitchilo

Another example of the corrupt so called justice system...stupid jururs.

Jurors do not get to write their own laws you know. There were specific crimes laid out before them (read them above) and they do not have the option of looking at things outside the scope of that. Every law presented them was a no-brainer as to what their decision was with no wiggle room whatsoever.

The jurors could not have decided differently if they wanted too. The issue isn't that he broke the laws though it's more about the mandatory sentence which does not allow a judge to look at other evidence as to the reasons why a crime was committed. In this case neither the jurors or the judge could do anything to help this man out.

The law had effectively tied their hands.

they could have ruled not guilty, and ignored or rejected all evidence to the contrary. "We the jury rule that the Defendent is not guilty on all counts". That is fully within their power, and that power is the whole purpose of the jury system. It is a further check on the power of government. If we lose influence over the executive or legislative branches, it's still us who decides whether or not someone is Guilty.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Nobama

Exactly, in those third world countrys where gun ownership is illegal or severely restricted the citzenry ends up getting pushed around thier whole lives by both sides of the law. The ability to own & use a gun boils down to power.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by keepureye2thesky

Yeah in cases like this you gotta beat the opponent to the calling the police punch first. It makes it look like the dad is trying to hide something by not calling the authorities after the incident. If he got his version on record first I bet this would not have happened.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 11:41 PM
This sounds like a job for the local lynch mob.

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