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Roswell Debris Confirmed As Extraterrestrial: Lab Located, Scientists Named!

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by mmiichael

I asked you about this in the Adamski thread but you must have missed my post so I'll just cut and paste my questions:

If the debris was from a ML-307 radar target why is the official USAF position that this was part of a Project Moghul balloon? I understand that early moghul balloons were actually clusters of weather balloons. If this was the case in Roswell you might expect to read descriptions of partially inflated balloons as wouldn't it be unlikely for all balloons in the cluster to burst simultaneously? (source).

The later moghul balloons were made of polythene which sounds nothing like Bessie's description nor anyone else's that I'm aware of. Finally Bessie's description differ's so much from that of Jesse Marcel Jr that it's seems clear that they are describing two separate things. It also seems strange that a 14 year old girl could quickly identify the wreckage as a balloon but that this assessment was beyond the ability of a USAF Intelligence Officer as well as that of the base Commanding Officer.

[edit on 27/5/2009 by MarrsAttax]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:02 AM
Now all we need is for this information to hit the MSM and perhaps we can get the show on the road.

I am getting a little long in the tooth for this information to reach the masses and quite frankly now is the right time!

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Thanks Frank for the update.

Here is a thread devoted to back engineering/reverse, hope it will be some help.

Mike! thanks for pointing this out but are the composite metals the same?

Also Nano Tech has jumped in latley, and what happened to the self learning gell CPU that was mention back in the 80s?

Did we invent all of this in such a short time span or did we get some input from what ever?

Who knows?

Also regarding Nano Tech! why hell are we still flying around in 40s tech rocket propulsion for our space missions?

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Bob Down Under]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Bob Down Under
reply to post by mikesingh

Also regarding Nano Tech! why hell are we still flying around in 40s tech rocket propulsion for our space missions?

Hmmm...Perhaps not!
Check out this thread...

The Top Secret US Military Space Program. Is The Future Already Here?


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael

This all in the same period when it was impossible to keep the atomic bomb a secret for very long.

Yeah, exploding two of them over Japan sort of let the cat out of the bag on that one!

Please, what faulty reasoning. Over a hundred thousand people worked on its development, and it was kept secret until one exploded. Even the Trinity tests remained secret. E for effort.

Edit to add: and there is abundant evidence that the US was supplying nuclear and other sensitive material to Russia through Newark airport in the immediate post-war years, under the auspices of the alliance that soon became the UN. In fact, Newark was closed to civilian traffic for a time to dedicate it exactly to this airlift purpose. There was even a Congressional investigation of it.

[edit on 27-5-2009 by gottago]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by smurfy

That is an interesting point, although obviously if this was true this would mean it wasn't an alien spacecraft as im sure a thunderstorm would be the least of their worries.

It is possible that this is man-made as the nazis where developing anti gravity for flying saucers. Which after the war American soldiers captured some of the scientists who were developing this. So of course it was possible if not definate this memory metal was also being tested, maybe they created it as strong as what was found at the crash site and are not letting on as much as we think.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by gottago

Yeah, exploding two of them over Japan sort of let the cat out of the bag on that one!

Please, what faulty reasoning. Over a hundred thousand people worked on its development, and it was kept secret until one exploded. Even the Trinity tests remained secret. E for effort.

My bad communication. I thought it would have been clear I was referring not to the fact that the US had an atomic bomb, but rather the secrets of producing them and even more effective ones.

German born Klaus Fuchs, who had worked at the Manhattan Project gave gave critical information on the hydrogen bomb and the initial drafts for its development in England and America, to Russian agents in the late 40s.

You can't keep a good secret down.


[edit on 27-5-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Hi, I've posted an "idea" on the US Open Government website. The title of my post is called "Disclosure of Extra-Terristrial Presence & Technology." You can search by just entering in "UFO" in the Search tool. I would really appreciate it if those of you who agree to what I've written can please vote for it on the site. I think it's a good idea to vote for the other brave people who've attempted to bring the subject to light.

Sorry if this is off-topic from this particular post, but I just thought I had to get some attention on this opportunity.


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Renegade Bison

as someone else said you either must think all people who have seen ufos are tremendously stupid and/or love to make things up. whilst that does apply to an awfully high number of such 'sighters' if you will be so off-hand with a case which has the depth of roswell (not just a typical sighting like a single guy seeing a light in the sky) and are even prepared to ridicule its evidence as being nothing better than that of santa clause then your post only serves to make you look as part of the 'religion that there couldn't possibly be any life out there which has visited us' as you would say. and in a case which has the evidence it does that is really even more naive than believing that there was something with ETs at roswell.

and your talking of the matter which is only your opinion (which seems to be that all the evidence must be ignored because looking at it seriously would be silly) in a tone as though you know it for certain only further supports the idea that you are not even prepared to accept any form of possibility for its truth even though by adding up the evidence there has been no conclusive denial which can't be challenged yet. it is actually you who is part of a religion here. it is not possible to find truth by outright disregarding all the evidence just because it's possible that it's not correct.

how utterly ridiculous.

But there really is no "evidence". Read the posts by Mmiichael. All I could say would be repeating what he just said. Why do you people insist that all of these "sightings" MUST be "alien". Why can't they be super top secret military aircraft. What's utterly ridiculous and naive is you embracing the statements of a few and ignoring statements made by all of the people who say that they really did see a weather balloon. Look at the copies of the headlines attached in the post by bl4ke360. In the first headline, right underneath the "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region" it says that "no details are released". In the second big headline - the one that exclaims "Gen Ramsey Empties Roswell Saucer" right underneath that exaggerative statement is a much smaller headline that states "Ramsey says excitement is not justified". Why are these so ignored by all.
And, I am not the "religion" here. Religion only requires faith and not proof. I'm a skeptic. I require proof that is completely undeniable. I actually have seen with my own eyes a "UFO" that, in my opinion did not look or move like anything man made that I am aware of. But I don't automatically make that arrogant leap that, since I don't understand it - it must be alien. It's just something that I am not aware of.
Just a question - if these "aliens" are so technologically and intelligently superior to us little humans, why don't they just land publically? Why do the obey the puny human leaders and stay hidden?

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Roswell had died and faded away into history. It was a sensationalistic tabloid magazine that breathed new life into it. Yes top notch journalistic rag equal to the Weekly World News added tabloid spin to the old tale.

Unfortunately much of that spin has been accepted as truth for decades now. Cue in the participants who saw the opportunity to cash in and muddy the waters by perpetuating that spin and making it close to impossible to separate fact from fiction. Every few months new "Facts" are posted - it just never ends.

Roswell has to be one of the worst accounts to base belief in UFO's or aliens.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:20 PM
What caught my eye was what Bob Down Under posted

Also regarding Nano Tech! why hell are we still flying around in 40s tech rocket propulsion for our space missions?

I'm going to take a wild stab at answering, seems the power was so extraordinary a few decided not to share. (after all history has proved this with the USA being the mightiest nation)

I have witnessed people being killed for this knowledge.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:22 PM
not to say that its not real until CNN covers it, but its just another controversial article in the "UFO nuts" arsenal that the average joe sixpack wont hear about or acknowledge.

So, neat finding, but not a great source insofar as it being of consequence.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Facefirst
The title of this thread is misleading.
Nothing has been confirmed as being of ET origin.
Some claims have been made, that is all.
Confirmation requires hard, factual proof.

I hope my gut is wrong. Because 99% of claims such as what the article suggests turn out to either be attention seekers, hoaxers or people with mental disorders. Not a good track record. AKA bunk.

I think you should go re-read the OP again. It says that it confirms that Roswell was in fact an alien crash, not a weather balloon as the US Government tried to say it was.

If the US Government lied, then we have some real issues that need to be discussed and touched upon.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:28 PM
Mornin' KF,

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by Frank Warren

The documents and memos that refer to them add much to the crash at Roswell. It is taking a long time, but the truth is coming out in bits and pieces. Thank you for the article, Mr Warren. I always look forward to what you have to say on the subject of flying saucers.

Your welcome and thank you. As mentioned earlier, I admire and praise Tony's efforts, and well as his salient approach, in this instance digging into Battelle minutia in relationship to Ufology, specifically Roswell.


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:30 PM
Goo Day WM,

Originally posted by Welsh_Mulder
I have to agree with some of the other posters, research into shape memory alloys had begun in the 1930's. It is not inconceivable that the alloys mentioned by frank and in the UFO chronicles article were a natural development of this early research. See excerpt from wikipedia below:

The first reported steps towards the discovery of the shape memory effect were taken in the 1930s. According to Otsuka and Wayman (1998), A. Ölander discovered the pseudoelastic behavior of the Au-Cd alloy in 1932.

If this were from a reliable source, would it not be all over the media?

I think we will need further proof on this before some of us get too carried away.

I am only one of the publishers; the credit for the piece, as well as the research belongs to Tony Bragalia.


posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Evisscerator

I think you should go re-read the OP again. It says that it confirms that Roswell was in fact an alien crash, not a weather balloon as the US Government tried to say it was.

If the US Government lied, then we have some real issues that need to be discussed and touched upon.

Yet "it" does say that "it" confirms that Roswell was blah diddy blah blah blah...the only problem here is that "it" is just someone's opinion. They're just "confirming" their opinion.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:49 PM
I didn't think my questions were that hard maybe mmiichael has me on ignore

Originally posted by tallcool1

Just a question - if these "aliens" are so technologically and intelligently superior to us little humans, why don't they just land publically? Why do the obey the puny human leaders and stay hidden?

The logical answer to this (assuming the aliens are real
) is that it is the aliens themselves that are enforcing the secrecy about their existence or at least complicit. Reasons for this may include:-

respect for our leaders wishes;
concern for the effect on our society of a sudden disclosure;
concern that full disclosure of their existence could hamper the work they are trying to do (whether good or bad)

Of course this begs the question of why our leaders go along with the secrecy of which there are also several answers:

they themselves benefit materially (technology in exchange for silence);
they have been threatened with annihilation;
they too are concerned with the negative effects on society of disclosure (War of the Worlds type scenario)

[edit on 27/5/2009 by MarrsAttax]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

With little documented evidence to support this, the focus has shifted to a belief in a controlled demolition of the WTC. The claim is that despite two planes being flown into buildings causing massive fires and loss of structural integrity, explosives were planted causing the buildings to collapse.

Without getting completely off topic, you failed to address building 7. NEver , in the history of Earth has a building fallen into its own footprint because 3 floors were on fire. NEVER. as in, EVER. U dont need to have documented evidence, nor be a conspiracy theorist to understand this.

Back on topic....

[edit on 27-5-2009 by NightVision]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by gottago

Yeah, exploding two of them over Japan sort of let the cat out of the bag on that one!

Please, what faulty reasoning. Over a hundred thousand people worked on its development, and it was kept secret until one exploded. Even the Trinity tests remained secret. E for effort.

German born Klaus Fuchs, who had worked at the Manhattan Project gave the gave critical information on the hydrogen bomb and the initial drafts for its development in England and America, to Russian agents in the late 40s.

You can't keep a good secret down.

When exactly were the two bombs dropped on Japan? The 50's?

As some have said. I don't trust my government any further than I can throw them.

Star and Flag Frank. nicely done.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by NightVision

There was a large chunk taken out also though that was some stories high,it wasn't just fires.Although you just have to watch the video to see it still shouldn't have came down like that.

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