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More Mexicans leaving U.S. under duress

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by illegal mexican
i currently live in a 1 bed room apt. with my brother sister step dad and my mom. my step dad and my mom are leaviing to mexico in a few years. my little sister and little brother were both born here so they are set. but me as of right now, i am working as a dish washer for a local family owned buisness. it is harder than most of you could imagine.

[edit on 11-7-2008 by illegal mexican]

Well I just had to post again to highlight the above from the illegal mexican "person" -- you illustrate perfectly WHY we want you criminals to go home. You are not a citizen, you are here by means of criminal acts, yet you have the audacity to complain that you are living in a one bedroom apartment with 5 people----an apartment meant for 1 or 2 people. What about the other people who rent there that have to put up with 5 people living next door to them, or upstairs from them? Are they liable to have to live with what I am sure is a nightmare of noise, crying kids, etc? You have a job YET YOU EVEN COMPLAIN ABOUT THAT. Do you know what the national product of Mexico is? It is the American DOLLAR. Criminals such as yourself get American jobs, 10 people will live in a space meant for 1, and they send American Dollars back to their family in Mexico. That is why the Mexican government does nothing to stop you criminals from coming over here. Why doesn't the Mexican government put together an infrastructure to take care of their own? Because the majority of Mexicans are criminally-minded, to get anyting done in Mexico you have to grease a palm at every corner; there are not enough honest people in Mexico to ever have a successful properly run government. But again, that is not America's fault. Then you actually made the statement "my brother and sister were born here so they are set" -- well I know good and well who paid for the delivery/hospital costs for the little illegals and it wasn't anyone YOU know. If it is, as you say, harder than we know, why don't you leave and go to your own country? You don't belong here, don't ever think you do. America has been slow in responding to this major problem but things are starting to happen, and now with the financial problems looming for us, I think it will push our government to start getting serious about evicting the illegal drains on our society.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:27 AM
I have also read that it because the labor is saturated. That the inflow was going to be reduced or even reversed because there are so many laborers, they have to compete more and more and drop their hourly rates to compete to the point where it is not even worth it.
Many of the illegal daylaboreres here were getting angry at the constant inflow of immigrants because it was making competition fierce.
There are only so many jobs to go around.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by johnsky

again, everyone outside of here tends to lump all immigrants in the same category.

Do Americans have problems with legal immigrants? no. not at all. Half my coworkers are from around the world, and they are all cool and interesting.

Americans have a problem with the lawbreakers. And I have said this before: no one is more angry then the legal immigrants who used their hard earned time and money to get here.
I litereally watch them seethe.

Do you really think that someone hops the border and that is the only law they break.

Oh, I am just gonna do this one stunt and that is it.

rarely are criminals just a one time deal

If you think that, then I have a bridge to sell you.

I work on the front lines, trust me,they are working the system.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:52 AM
i don't think Americans hate Mexican's

countless job's lost to Mexican illegal's

they move in in pack's like wolve's...

pull up to get gas in Texas in a work truck...50 Mexican's run up on top of you many u need need how many u need...

not only do they cripple America's taking full time job's ..and still being here jumping a border... like a criminal

they hurt the poor white man.. from making a paycheck from odd end job's ..mowing yard's..trash... list goes on

if they came here illegally and refuse to learn English..and become a citizen heck yes throw them out.

America is so afraid of the Taliban..... but we can stop Mexican's from crossing border's to steal job's ..add to crime rate...more tax payer dollars to front medical care..ect...

fact is America is freedom....but you got to do it legal..not cross a river and go i am a American.

i know Mexican's i see them every year... talk to them allot when they in my state.
they are seasonal worker's..they come from Mexico to work tobacco all summer and some of fall.

they save all the money go back to mexico to give there family...the family live's like they work for the pentagon.
because Mexican price's are lower than ours....

so basically all the seasonal worker's take there money out of the USA.
therefore we loose money to the economy right there.
and there here for the soul reason to better there life's in Mexico not a better life in America.

i should take a pic and show my neighbhors house..
they are mexican's 20 live in one 2 bedroom house.
Mexican flag flying in the yard lol
kind of a slap in the face seeing as a cop pull's up..15 run out the back door threw a field. lol
[edit on 15-7-2008 by beforetime]

[edit on 15-7-2008 by beforetime]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by illegal mexican
["In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith, becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.]

Hey Illegal Mexican --- Did they not teach you in 2nd grade that these laws apply to people who immigrated to the US legally? You and your family are all criminals and have no rights whatsoever here, certainly not in the mind of the Average American. You might have found out how to slicker your way around, but there are many people growing more and more anxious and irritated by the day that you are here. The Average American has enough problems right now to deal with. If the financial problems here don't get better soon, remember that you are a criminal and you are definitely last in line.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by Bombeni]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

I have had my car broken into three times in three years. IN different parts of the country. Two perps caught, guess what....

The seond breakin, I was simply informed by the police that I should go to the pawn shops in Guadalupe and I should find my stuff.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:04 AM
victims of illegal aliens

small list..

now go tell there parents them illegal's....had a right to be here illegally!!!!!

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

I have had two cars stolen, almost three, except the third time I caught him in the act just before he was going to take off, my car could be started without a key at that point. It was a mexican couldn't speak a word of English. The cops told me mexicans were leading the car theft ring in Tulsa then. Last August an illegal turned right in front of me, totaled both cars. He got out and after a couple of minutes of looking nervous he took off running. No insurance on that car and all I had was liability so I lost ANOTHER car to [snip]

Mod Edit - removed racial slur.

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 15-7-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:21 AM
I had my car stolen one week after I bought it. Did not even have my plates yet to give a number. I live in a Border state. It was found a month later near the border, with thousands of miles on it, stolen credit card receipts in it, and was trashed. I asked them to take fingerprints, the cops did not even bother. Said it was probably used as a transport vehicle, driven by illegals, so they would not even bother to print it. Disgusting

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by beforetime

Thanks for posting that, good article but shocking. I have a feeling that push is about to come to shove for these illegal mexicans, all of them including their illegal babies too. America has enough problems now without them. I say the govt. should commandeer Greyhound and just start rounding them up; they could ask for American citizens to volunteer and be deputized to assist. Where's the line?

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

this is not a law this is what president (teddy) Roosevelt believed. now tell me one thing. what problems am i, me personally, causing you i dont even know you. this wouldnt be the same conversation if i was legal. i noticed that people after a while begin to say "well your a criminal" or "your illegal so you have no rights/ say in this". no really? im trying to fix something that was above my control.
another thing, you assume there are alot of noise. well there is barely any noise because no one is barely home. so keep you assumptions to your self because thats all they are- assuptions.
my next door neihbors are actually immigrants from the middle-east. they have 6 people living in an apartment with no bedroom in it. i dont know if they are there illegally nor do i care. they leave me alone so i do the same. yeah some people do send money back to there families. again, SOME. i never have. i dont even know anyone in mexico to send money to. finally, its not that mexicans are criminally minded, it the way there government is setup. have you ever heard of anything called The Stanford Prison Experiment (1971)? look it up. mexico system is setup to be exploited easier by there own officials.

dont talk about my brother and sister being here illegally because they are not. also my mom had them under insurance that her employer gave her pre-1996.

i read the artical about the many lost to illegal immigration. my condolences to them. but people like these are not accepted warmly by ANYONE. my mom knew a guy that killed someone and not alot of people talked to him. she stopped talking to him

one more thing. im against name calling. so everyone quit it. can we have a civilized conversation?

[edit on 15-7-2008 by illegal mexican]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:23 PM
you are right if you were here legally no one would have any issue with you. This is the entire point. You would be under the law of the land and have to do the same as everyone else. Including pay for health care and our free education that your siblings get.



posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:33 PM
OK, so some illegals are leaving the U.S.

My questions are:

When will this be reflected in the prices of tomatoes and strawberries? Maybe more importantly for me, will this make the price of pizza go up, too?

When will the lines at the clinic start to get smaller in case I need to get some emergency help?

When will I have to start mowing my own lawn again, or paying the neighbor kid to do it?

Now these are real-life issues for me related to this subject ...

[edit on 7/15/2008 by centurion1211]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

im not asking for any special treatment. im asking that people at least give me the opportunity to make something of my life. i actually have to pay my high-school $400 for registration and fees. before i can get my diploma. im not complaining but everything isnt free to aliens whether they are illegal or not. so i guess free-education is not so free after all. my siblings plan to live in the united states all there life. they will get the blessing to live as citizens. they will become tax payers. thats what i meant earlier when i said they were set. not they were living free.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by illegal mexican

Ok. I will bite, although I have to admit that I am SKEPTICAL, considering the non-respectful username you have chosen. It doesn't seem realistic that someone would seriously use it, unless trolling.

But no, Americans do not hate illegals personally. And this is not even limited to just illegals from Mexico. Americans are simply resentful because it's so easy for others to break a law, and essentially come over here and steal their tax dollars, in the form of welfare, food stamps, free medical, free schooling, etc. These taxes hurt. Most of us WORK our whole lives, and we sure don't get hand-outs.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by LostNemesis

first i would like to say thanks for replying OP. nice topic you have here. sorry if im getting too off topic. i did have my own thread but it was removed by the staff.

on another note, i understand your frustration. i lived here 17 years and i have seen the changes that have happened because of illegal immigration first hand. but im not asking for a handout. i have never exploited the holes in the system.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by illegal mexican
reply to post by reluctantpawn

im not asking for any special treatment. im asking that people at least give me the opportunity to make something of my life. i actually have to pay my high-school $400 for registration and fees. before i can get my diploma. im not complaining but everything isnt free to aliens whether they are illegal or not. so i guess free-education is not so free after all. my siblings plan to live in the united states all there life. they will get the blessing to live as citizens. they will become tax payers. thats what i meant earlier when i said they were set. not they were living free.

You claim your brother and sister will live here all their lives. Newsflash, there are several politicians working to put an end to the jackpot baby problem, and to rescind birthright of persons who don't fall under the original intent of the constitution's consideration. The law was written to aid black people after slavery was abolished, NOT to make a loophole for pregnant criminals to jump our borders.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

my brother and sister were born here. as of right now it they are citizens whether you like it or not. the older one was born three years after my mom came here. my mom didnt "wait on the border". i think that parents that do that are wrong. saying there are politicains working to get something fixed isnt a valid argument. politicains work all the time to get laws passed so it isnt really a newsflash.

fine though. ill play your game. in the constitution it says

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to ANY PERSON within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

do you know what ANY PERSON means? it doesnt mean just blacks and whites. it means ANY PERSON

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:48 PM
We are bending over accept Mexican citizen's.
And in turn million's of Spanish immigrant's refuse or are to unable to learn English.

it's like a slap in the face.
they want to be here but on there term's.
piss on Americans language..Americans will have to learn Spanish to talk to me!!
piss on America's law's they was not wrote for Mexican's
piss on America's border's..i come and go as i want and take your money with us.
piss on America's border's..i can commit any crime i want jump the border to freedom of Mexico...with your money
piss on america's good general.

Did you know immigrant worker's from Mexico draw food stamp's....for the season they work here?
say they are here 5 month's..our government front's them foodstamp's.
NO overhead......they take our money from back to mexico live like a prince..till next season....and American citizen's foot's the bill.
with our tax's.

Must be nice to get paid to work by a government that isn't even there's..

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by illegal mexican

on another note, i understand your frustration. i lived here 17 years and i have seen the changes that have happened because of illegal immigration first hand. but im not asking for a handout. i have never exploited the holes in the system.

If you have been here for that long, then why are you not LEGAL at this point? That's a serious question. Does it take that long to become a Citizen, or even to be granted some sort of legal status and recognition?

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