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Continually Conflicting Information, Uncertainty and Social Pshychosis

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posted on May, 25 2020 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Advantage

Fun fact.
Vanilla beans must be hand pollinated.

One reason they cost so damned much.

Yeah, I did read on that when I was learning about domestic versus overseas( Tahiti, Madagascar, etc) sources for raw vanilla beans. I wanted to grow them, but as soon as I discovered they came from a certain strain of orchid I dismissed the idea. You see, as soon as an orchid sees me, it commits suicide. Or at least thats what my husband claims due to all of the rapidly murdered orchids the kids have gotten me for mothers day over the years. I have a super green thumb.. except for orchids.

If people really realized what goes into a lot of the things they just hop down the the grocery to get.. theyd pray for NO disasters or SHTF or dystopian future events.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: Phage

It wasn't Monsanto.

The article just a few days ago was about DARPA's insect modifications program.

You didn't even read the NIH article I posted either...

I'm confused Phage, so you ignore 100 posts I've made to you about Covid, turn around and continued fear mongering everyone Ignoring all the facts, now you think "you've finally got me" over ant modifications to improve pollination lol.

I'll find the article but they were altering a scent receptor so the ants would stay on the plant longer and ignore the chemical repellant. IIRC.

It was DARPA who funded it I'm pretty sure.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I ignore a lot of stuff you say because often I can't make much sense of it. My bad.

But that one caught my attention. No source then?

edit on 5/26/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Advantage

Fun fact.
Vanilla beans must be hand pollinated.

One reason they cost so damned much.

The vanilla orchid originates in Mexico, where it is pollinated in the wild by bees. Because these bees are not found in Madagascar, the vanilla orchids must be pollinated by hand. The yellow vanilla flower blooms just one day per year, and is typically open for only a few hours.

So you're a lil misinformed there buddy.

Hahahaha are we really going to do this all night?

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Vanilla beans today are literally on life support. They would largely be non-existent without the help of human, hand pollination. With ongoing research that is taking place today, we hope to find a solution to vanilla bean cultivation that is self-sustaining and long-term.

In the meantime, vanilla beans will continue to be one of the most expensive and difficult spices to harvest in the world.

Now, about them genetically engineered ant pollinators? Any luck yet?

edit on 5/26/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: muzzleflash

I ignore a lot of stuff you say because often I can't make much sense of it. My bad.

But that one caught my attention. No source then?

Where's your source that vanilla beans MUST be hand pollinated by humans?

You didn't say in Madagascar.
Cuz in Mexico bees pollinate them.

Oh you make sense out of my posts but you ignore them because you are here to promote pro-govt ideology and do whatever you can to discredit anyone else.

But yet you've been discredited 100s of times in the last few years and pretend it never happened once.

Maybe we can negotiate a trade here?
You give me my vanilla beans, I'll give you your modified ants.


posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Better yet.
Give me the ants (I asked first) and I'll give you GM vanilla beans.

edit on 5/26/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:53 AM
Honey bees are not native, the other once 4000 species of bees now down to about 2000 is what we need to worry about. Honey bees really do not account for much spreading of pollen.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: muzzleflash

Better yet.
Give me the ants and I'll give you GM vanilla beans.

I can't find it. It was from last week too, about DARPA.

So I must be mistaken.

Let this be a lesson to everyone - I repeat 1 thing from my Google MSM news feed and it gets debunked epically.

That's what I get for repeating MSM articles without due diligence!

Score 1 point for you Phage.

Now... About Covid-1984... Can you debunk even one post I made to you since January out of the hundred or so?

None of my sources on that were MSM, they were all scholarly (WHO, NIH, etc).

Very well done though. I'm definitely not used to being proven wrong on anything.

In fact you get 10 points for that.
I'm still so far ahead I'd be a huge jerk not to let you have your glory for tonight.

All hail the Phage!
He actually found a chink in Flash's armor.

I'm only human after all....

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 01:02 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Honey bees are not native, the other once 4000 species of bees now down to about 2000 is what we need to worry about. Honey bees really do not account for much spreading of pollen.

Yeah.. and there goes East Asian Murder Hornets coming over here... killing colonies off and gnawing through entire populations.

Im thinking maybe Asian insects and viruses really really hate us.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 01:04 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Honey bees are not native, the other once 4000 species of bees now down to about 2000 is what we need to worry about. Honey bees really do not account for much spreading of pollen.

This article claims:

While not all bees make honey, there are many species that do—perhaps hundreds.

The roughly 20,000 species of bees we know about are divided into just seven families. Of those seven families, only one contains honey-making bees, the Apidae.

So 20,000 species roughly?

list of bee species that make honey

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Personally i think what this article describes is way worse than what you were looking for.

DARPA Insects?

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Very interesting post. S&F for you.

Were you in Scientology by any chance? I'd be very interested in knowing where you saw these techniques being used; huge interest in cults and control techniques on my part. You could use PM if you don't want to post publicly?
edit on 26-5-2020 by drussell41 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
a reply to: incoserv

I see this too. They are the swamp inhabitants, the un-elected civil servants and god given right to rule politicians who care for nothing but themselves. They need to camouflage the reality that they are largely self serving, and they use doublespeak to induce doublethink to achieve this end. I realise these are Orwellian fictional terms, but it is what they are doing.

It is a clear demonstration that political systems around the world are broken....because they are all # doing it.

And things need to change.......but they won't.

They won't change because too few have the expertise, or a voice loud enough, to challenge the corporate media sock puppets relentless brainwashing and parroting of the doublespeak.

Exactly, the corporate voice is so loud now anyone who goes against it or even points out it is not in the peoples interests Is attacked for pointing out it's not in our (we the people) best interest. Go figure...well then again the saying we are our own worst enemy actually makes some sense.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: Xtrozero
Honey bees are not native, the other once 4000 species of bees now down to about 2000 is what we need to worry about. Honey bees really do not account for much spreading of pollen.

This article claims:

While not all bees make honey, there are many species that do—perhaps hundreds.

The roughly 20,000 species of bees we know about are divided into just seven families. Of those seven families, only one contains honey-making bees, the Apidae.

So 20,000 species roughly?

list of bee species that make honey


sweet sauce

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Google feed is feeding you BS to look crazy

They give you either MSM or BeyondFlatEarth. I can imagine Alphabet running some sites too to have something to fill search results with when people look for certain phrases.
If you use to visit random sites you need the two-independent-sources rule before "publishing" it here
. or chronic fact-checkers eat you.
A news source can pay people to filter misinfo for you full-time. It's a life hack. Like using a registry cleaner program instead of doing it by hand. Some sites filter nothing, MSM filter and twist the truth and people still use them because it saves time. They even spin the facts with your favorite bias for you. It saves time a lot

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 07:02 AM
Cognitive dissonance - Description
In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, or participates in an action that goes against one of these three, and experiences psychological stress because of that.

makes sense...

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: acackohfcc

Cognitive dissonance can be neutralized by the mindset of Buddha when you dont stick to any subjective truth.
By seeing the whole coin all the time and not touching it. A Christian can even play with it while having his heart, mind and hope in heaven. Psychology is a pseudo-science. Psychiatry too. And it's psychiatrists saying it. Those who actually use SPECT scans to find a biological proof of a disorder. They are still not very popular among colleagues for some reason. It's a cult of mind readers.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

By definition, cognitive dissonance in cancelled when one decides to take one part of the contradiction and keeping consistency in regards to its arguments and conclusion relation.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Xtrozero

Bad all the way around. For everyone.

Nothing good about it.

Actually, viral infections are believed to be essential in human evolution and the development of our biology.

Here's the first link but it goes much further:

Viruses hijack nearly every function of a host organism's cells in order to replicate and spread, so it makes sense that they would drive the evolution of the cellular machinery to a greater extent than other evolutionary pressures such as predation or environmental conditions.

Science Daily

The existence of these viruses is beneficial to a degree and helpful towards our survival as a species despite that tiny amounts of us die from them.

We animals need viruses and the viruses need us. It's a mutually beneficial relationship.

Deny Ignorance and Deny Fear.



After all, it is a symbiotic relationship.

Humans and the virus grow together and apart at the same time. We were intended to face these things head on and to survive. Proper diet is encouraged and even was taught but some people are lazy and fast food in a mylar bag suits them dangerously fine. Some kind of Sunshine and exercise are necessary to maintain our bodies as decent food is for us.

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