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Assistant Principal forced to resign from job. Goes nuts. Driven by Pro Life Christians

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posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: AboveBoard

He perceived the religious converters as a threat. So replace the religion and see if people here still think he acted badly, or would he be a hero for defending the kids from inappropriate influencers. It's all a matter of what you believe.

I don't think it would make much difference what the young adults were " protesting" about.. or trying to bring awareness to.. his response was childish .. over the top.. and seriously unprofessional. Would he have bothered to even go out there had it been gay rights activists harrasing cars as they drove by?

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Sheye

He was not professional. I will certainly agree with that.

Religion and politics are very emotional issues for everyone (yeah for the right too whether they admit it or not). His buttons were pushed and so he over-reacted.

Did you answer the question I posed?

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: TobyFlenderson
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

What was offensive about what they were doing? Political protest. You may disagree politically or ethically, but that doesn't make it offensive. The only thing offensive here is the big asshole who thinks he knows better than anyone else.
Preaching to a captive audience is a misdemeaner in most cities. I don't know if this counts as that. It basically includes anyone standing in line, or bus stations. Any place where people can't really walk away from.
edit on 16-5-2017 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)
he should have just called the police though. If they could do something, they would.
edit on 16-5-2017 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
a reply to: Sheye

He was not professional. I will certainly agree with that.

Religion and politics are very emotional issues for everyone (yeah for the right too whether they admit it or not). His buttons were pushed and so he over-reacted.

Did you answer the question I posed?

The question regarding if it had been Muslims promoting Sharia law I'm assuming ?

I think in whatever case this vice principal should have called police to deal with it.. and if they weren't breaking any laws they should be allowed to free speech. Peer groups can often effectively shut something like this down just by ignoring it or calmly addressing issues. The vice principal unfortunately lost his cool and assumed because it was a public school no one would care about the rights of unborn children. I bet he would not have stopped picketing for the rights to gay marriage .. but I can't say that for sure.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver

I don't think that's the case in Boston. Every subway stop has some nut job going on about something.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Obviously not.

But that wasn't what I asked.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: ketsuko

So once again some fundies stick their noses in where it's not welcomed and a good teacher who's dedicated to his students loses his job. Oh well.

'once again'? is there a pattern of fundie nose-sticking? not aware of.

shall we stop antifa from sticking their progressive noses in where not welcome?
should we encourage LGBT or BLM activists to keep their noses to themselves?

or is public protesting wrong only if religious conservatives are doing?

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: DanDanDat

So than we agree; the protesters were wrong and they should seek to be more inviting and understanding of others. They should probably desist from protesting until they acquire these skills... it will go a long way to legitimizing their point of view.

And we agree that the assistant principal was wrong and he should get better leadership and professional traning so that he may properly deal with situations like this in the future. Until such time it is probably prudent that the school and the assistant principal part ways until he acquires this training.

Yes, we agree completely.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero

'once again'? is there a pattern of fundie nose-sticking? not aware of.

Actually ya. Religious Fundies do a lot of nose-sticking. They have all kinds of reasons for why they do it too.

shall we stop antifa from sticking their progressive noses in where not welcome?
should we encourage LGBT or BLM activists to keep their noses to themselves?

Possibly, it depends upon the situation. If Antifa and BLM or LGBT protests were being held outside a high school where none of those things are an issue to begin with, then IMO someone may want to suggest they go somewhere else since that isn't really the place for it. It really depends upon the situation.

or is public protesting wrong only if religious conservatives are doing?

I'm not against public protesting for whatever reason. But I think some attention should be made to where and why you're protesting at certain locations still.

For one thing these were two kids, brother and sister who were in their mid teens who seemed to be pushing biased information as it is. I doubt they had enough knowledge to address any real questions that came up beyond they're propaganda.

They weren't part of that school and the school itself was a secular science based school. There was no cases of teen pregnancy happening there either according to this guy and their message wasn't needed. Nor were they invited to give one there.

Calling people "baby murderers" and stuff like that also just pisses people off because you're insulting their intelligence and sitting in moral judgement of others.

But it's their right to do it, I'm not arguing that. But a little more tact might be something to consider. People who do that kind of stuff often wonder why people don't respond too well to it. Well, maybe they should think about the way they try and deliver that message. Sending a couple teenage kids to do it is also pretty lame for many reasons I won't bother getting into.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: TobyFlenderson
a reply to: DanDanDat

Using your argument with the Vice Principal's logic, we should all be able to be killed at any time.

You're starting to get it. If you're a serial killer on death row or a death cult trying to get into the USA to kill Americans- you will be defended endlessly at the cost of the taxpayer.

If your a nine month old fetus you're just cells and can be killed or used for any purpose. Keep it quite. They'll even make you pay for other countries to kill their fetuses.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 06:48 PM

Telling other people's children your God is gonna kidnap their souls and torture them for all eternity , if they don't play ball. Is kinda jacked up.

People should not be able to say anything remotely that offensive at a school. I don't want my kids to hear crap like that.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: CB328

Telling other people's children your God is gonna kidnap their souls and torture them for all eternity , if they don't play ball. Is kinda jacked up.

People should not be able to say anything remotely that offensive at a school. I don't want my kids to hear crap like that.

I have to agree that is really heavy stuff.. but these students were also young adults and it wouldn't have been the first time they were exposed to that sort of ideology so I doubt it would traumatize them.

The young adults wanting to raise awareness to what they called a holocaust of unborn lives could have certainly chosen a better way to deliver their message of concern. I think they were out of line for how they did it to some degree.

These are sensitive issues and shouldn't be discussed on a street corner .. yelling at cars. Handing out pamphlets quietly to some who were willing to read them would have been better.

That being said the vice principal should have suggested they have more wisdom in spreading their concerns and suggest alternative means instead of acting like a lunatic atheist having a childish tantrum.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 08:36 PM
A. Trump? What the heck?

B. Um, you dont have the right to speak/stand here/talk to my students? Uhh how dare you. Typical liberal, your opinions dont match mine so im suddenly infuriated. Second, any further attempt you make in sharing your opinion i will see as illegal, a hate crime, facism, and do all i can to get them silenced because freedom of speech is only if you say exactly what i would.

C. He thinks he is an educator?? How DARE he! And id beat his ass if my kid went to his school and he pulled this #. What a hateful pathetic little man. Not my students? Wow he is as dumb as he is immature. I guess in his town the abortionists furnish him with a list of patients otherwise how the hell would he know how many girls got pregnant.

D. Id walk into his office a second time and break his nose if he said those things to my kid about Christ and the Bible and FYI I sure as hell would walk in and bust his jaw all the same if he ran his mouth about atheists are scum after my child identified him 0r herself as atheist, i would choke him out if he knew my child had chosen to identify as Hindu and he did something like pull his arms from the sleeves and out the bottom flailing all 4 extremities around and saying in a mocking voice, "oh look at me, im the great Ganesh! i want a peanut!" And no joke, judging by his immaturity, hate for diversity, and abraisive personality in general, that is exactly what i would expect him to do in the presence of a Hindu person before he grabbed some string and tied off a cow and telling that person, "i just castrated your fictional God." Any educator who DARE tell my kid there is one absolute truth and then the other side is only foolish fluff not warranting any respect and taking away his ability to as much as be exposed to a different viewppint would have just taken that step over the line from idiot to idiot who has now exercised control over how my child is able to experience his or her own damn life and that is a place you just dont want to wander into with me.

E. And im not an idiot, i know it is very likely that the kids lack of really anything of substance to say makes it possible they are being used to do some other agenda by a church or overzealous parent but we all at that age were ignorant and wishywashy and were just starting to navigate the road tp our eventual beliefs and moral opinions....ok, maybe Zoarastor Buhda and/or Jesus already knew the "right answer" from all the conflicting opinions before they could speak but unless one of them is on ATS, again high school you were not an expert on racial relations or gun control history so dont say you were. But since that is the case (and because i aint a "liberal" and by liberal i mean liberal 2.0 2017 model and since im not a liberal i form my opinion of a person by his or her behavior, honesty, kindness, etc. and in general dont take personal beliefs into account) i can only look at the kids in regard to how they act and they arent cursing and screaming, they are addressing a person they know to have conflicting beliefs with the same level of respect as they would anyone else, they are inviting the other side to be heard and offering a forum to attempt a sharing of ideas. Well, check check and check.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 08:41 PM
And no offense to a lot of you liberals but this new kind of liberalism is less ideology and more just a really sad and embarassing symptom of having been put through this new educational system philosophy which starts out with what they told us but just about math. What did they all admit? "The final exam senior year will be the last time you ever see this stuff. Nobody actually uses this out in the real world. It used to be this funny little truth about school.

But then they took it too far. Computing systems built right into our bodies or brains as well as robots to do all our work for us in the coming years paved the way for a second renaissance where the mind could roam free all day every day. So for this to manifest in innovations and art, school could get a
Iittle repurposing now that you wouldnt need ANY of this stuff out in the real world (forget how we learned the card catalogue system and other worthless stuff as gen x because even though it was no longer needed, our teachers knew that you had to use that extra fluff like dumbells since its not the knowledge that mattered but exercisong the brain...the process that kept us from letting electronic revolution also creating a stupid era of mankind). So for maximum encouragement of the individual, school became not about learning tbe material like before but learning how to express how the material MAKES YOU FEEL. And giving everyone a place and forum to SHARE FEELINGS. And they are just feelings so there is no right or wrong. And each persons feelimgs matter as much as the rest of the class combined, maybe more.

Well this individuality encouraging has given us the most cookie cutter hive mind intolerant hateful people ever who while having the OPPOSITE effect to cultivating individuality and uniquenesa somehow SIMULTANEOUSLY gave us a generation of all total narcissistic personality disorder sufferers whose cultural products like music and fashion are more simpleton,drab, unintellextual, trendy, and BLAH than the heavens gate cult members gave us.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Dude, get a grip. Nobody's having or performing Abortions at 9 months. Unless there is some kind of medical emergency maybe.

Otherwise it's called birth or a C-Section.

Late term abortions are considered rare even. Like 1-3% of abortions. Early Abortions account for like 90%.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: CB328

If they know about abortions they should be taught about the various theories on the topic. That is unless you want your child to grow up with the inability to make decisions and just be a mindless replica of their parent. I understand that frame of mind, my own brother followed that model.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

I'm not trying to be confrontational, but I don't understand the difference. If you don't consider abortion the killing of an unborn child why does the time frame matter? Why is the mother's body no longer sacrosanct?

Feel free to ignore me, I really am just trying to understand for personal reasons. Sorry if I offend.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:54 PM
You say the teacher was out of line, I say the protesters are out of don't have abortions at schools you have them at a clinic or hospital, go protest there...if you don't want teenagers to get pregnant tell them not to have sex or give them condoms, or have them get a vasectomy or tubal ligation, as early as 15!

When I was in high school we had pro-life protesters do the same thing and the posters they held were repulsive/grotesque pictures. Maybe they should have pictures of bodies from inside concentration camps because that is the first thing they said when the spoke to the assistant principal. There is a holocaust going on right now.

I actually sat through most of the video...assistant principal is totally correct, and the kids are clearly harassing him and the school.

There's a fox news interview of the protesting kids and they are total wackos...they are homeschooled and found out that particular school was studying the Holocaust so they went there to protest because they think there is a Holocaust going on in America right now.

Children or a fetus as they believe are not born with these thoughts...their parents put this into their head. Anti-Abortion is not a gene trait. Homeschooled with time to go protest anti-aboriton sounds really wacko....

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: TobyFlenderson

Are you asking my personally or officially why there is a time frame importance for Abortion???

Personally I think the earlier the better for various reasons. Officially why they do it that way I could probably guess a few reasons but I doubt I know all of them. You'd have to look that up.

I'm pretty sure the mothers body and health are always important regardless of the time.

posted on May, 16 2017 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: mOjOm

No, I know the legal underpinnings very well. Not just because I disagree with the decision, but I find SCOTUS's decision in Roe absurd legal reasoning. It actually bases the right to abortion on the viability of the fetus. One would think, therefore, that as science progresses the right will be more limited. I can't think of another "constitutional" right that would be so adversely related to the advancement of science.

I'm more concerned with the morality of that thought process. In my viewpoint it is logical to believe either none or all abortions should be legal. Either it's another human or its not. Anywhere in between seems like a compromise and I just don't understand how someone can compromise on that issue.

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