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Whatever Happened To The Anunnaki Ailens?

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posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 02:09 PM
What happened to the Annunaki? The space aliens who needed to build pyramids because otherwise they had no idea where on Earth they were?

They got lost.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 03:57 PM

So now where does nibiru fit into this alliance, since that is where they are supposed to be from ?

Well, there you have it; their home world, yall just had the wrong star

And it would seem logical to understand the Annunaki are a made up alien race, but who is to say either way...

Who's to say? How about logic, history, myth, the stars themselves?

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Rapha

I would say since we are still here ,if the assumption is they are indeed an advanced race,obviously some liked us and some didn't.
I am not too well read on the subject,this is conjecture.
edit on 28-9-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 04:50 PM

reply to post by gortex

The search for Gold comes from the Holy bible, if people actually read it, they would know this!!

Greatest selling book in history, that no one reads!!!

Also a great piece of fiction...

Whats your point? Referencing the Bible doesn't make it any more true then saying saying it came from Dr. Suess...


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by SloAnPainful

Mention that book and some people get all happy!!

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 10:41 PM
Annuaki is just a name for a pantheon of Gods, like Olympians, gods in vahalla, or a for any other almighty army in the sky. The reason why Annuaki got so popular was due to that Stitchen Guy, and the whole 2012 nibiru scenario which never happened.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 11:27 PM


Wirral Bagpuss
I am intriedged by the Anunnaki aliens. Whatever happened to them though.

They never existed!

But if they did, and were Gigantors (Titans), and the fact that Tibetan Buddists have two of them; one is 19' the other 21 foot tall (preserved in gold) relics in their possesion as witnessed (according to T. Lobsang Rampa) and written about in his book "The Third Eye" the story of Chakpori Lamasery, and his journey into becoming a Lama copyright 1956, would that convince you? My thought regarding human engineering would be follow the gold. Who has come by infinate wealth? What family clans or genieologies own the Gem, Gold and monetary systems of the world? Those would be the ancestral remnants of the original miners of earths minerals (this is completely metaphorical and NO ONE seems to get this); the original genetisists that created this specie of human. Who known as "THE CHOSEN ONES" and why do they call themselves as such, (they interbred with the human and this was a BIG PROBLEM). Who is/are the backbone of what is called the Blueblood or the blue race? There are two correct answers.
edit on 28-9-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 11:57 PM

Annuaki is just a name for a pantheon of Gods, like Olympians, gods in vahalla, or a for any other almighty army in the sky. The reason why Annuaki got so popular was due to that Stitchen Guy, and the whole 2012 nibiru scenario which never happened.

Can you read Sumarian Cuniform? Who exactly decifered the marks in the clay (or translated/fathomed, had an idea of what it meant)--oldest known written language as far as Im aware oh that crazy Stitchen Guy that is published and has a sizable readership/fellowship/and plus plus lots of dedicated debunkers; and YOU..ARE..WHO?

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Opps, I'm sorry if I stepped on your gods and you feel insulted.

And that my problem if people want to buy that crap ether literally in dollars, or in sense. As far as I remember, he basically helped with that 2012 hysteria, even though I don't remember having anything to do with mayans.

Btw, Pantheon means a group of Gods, like Marduk or others, which would of been viewed as elite or chief of the mythological/ or albeit fictional annuaki. Besides, why should I care...There over 5000 years dead, and I never got into the Sumerian myth when that Nibiru.

Would an actual alien race called themselves Annukai?

And who I am is of no concern to you. Do I look like Im displaying myself any differently then your posting God incarnated?

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Btw, No I can't read Sumerian Creeds? If that the aim of your post.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Specimen

Has anyone read the full version of Genesis? It is very enlightening. Many people I know 'cherry-pick' what they want to believe and ignore the rest because it doesn't confirm with their beliefs and thoughts.
With regards to the Sumerian 'cuneiform' writing, wasn't something similar to the 'Rosetta Stone' discovered showing Hebrew, Aramaic and Cuneiform together? Didn't Michael Heiser (I can never spell this guy's name right) one of the most learned scholars on the subject of cuneiform, challenge Sitchin to a 'live on TV' discussion regarding his (Sitchin's) translations - which Sitchin refused - regarding the fact that NOWHERE in the tablets is there any reference to Niburu. Heiser has explained the extreme difficulty in translating cuneiform as it is written in one continuous line with no obvious paragraphs, sentences, full stops or comma's. A simple word can have it's meaning changed when it is either prefixed or suffixed with another word - eg "bone" 'bone idle' 'bone dry' 'trombone' and apparently cuneiform is full of these.
Sitchin has been debunked. His debunker's have been debunked. And they too have been debunked but it is scientifically impossible for a habitable 'planet' to have a 3,600 year orbit of planet Earth as it would change from an inferno to an ice-ball.
We should not ridicule anyone who does not concur with our own thoughts on this matter but agree to disagree in an amicable way and leave the subject open to discussion.
The Sumerian tablets leave many questions unanswered but appear to provide a more acceptable way of understanding what we were and what we have become. "Anunnaki" are NOT a race but simply a word meaning 'those who came from out of the sky' or, as Christian and Barbara Joy O'Brien described them as 'the shining ones'.
We have much to learn but at least we seem to be making some progress on the subject although those who have found the 'faith' will never accept anything that questions the existence of God, BUT, if the 'Anunnaki' did exist then the big question is WHO created them which puts the concept of 'God' as we know it now into a different ball-park as HE would be zillions and zillions larger than we could possibly conceive.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by OzTiger

Adam and Eve is one of the most disgusting love stories ever told for one.

Why u telling me this like the vet guy, when their are others that need more of a clearer understanding of that culture mythology, let alone not relating it Aliens.

As far as Im concerned with Sumerians, they were pagan(respectively), so they didn't like to have a one God to rule them all type of deal. Which probably pissed him off, and wiped the Sumerian for not sacrificing virgins on a solar eclipse.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 11:49 AM
Try reading the "Lost book of Enki" I think you guys would love it.

Yea I too have read that they came in search of gold, as well as needing a slave labor race because their own workers didn't like the conditions. They live a lot longer then we do of course.

A previous user posted that terrestrial man ran them off, who knows...

But I think a lot of this has some tie in's with the hollow earth theory, actually, quite a few conspiracies on other subjects all tie into this one massive portrait of our ancient past up until today.

Our biggest enemies of course will always be the reptilians. Man...we are natural warriors, fierce fighters, in other words, WAR MONGERS. We represent a direct threat to the reptilian empire, look at how quick we expanded on our earth, birth technology in a matter of a hundred years, what would happen once we got our hands on some truly revolutionizing technology that would take us beyond our solar system within a reasonable time frame? Nature works in mysterious ways and the annunaki, no matter how advance they were, could have never anticipated this.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 12:10 PM
They left more than 12 000 years ago and havent updated their status since. Also, I cant find anything on their Facebook Timeline nor any Twitter Activity. They might be back though. Their first stop will not be the U.N. Building, it will be Fort Knox.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:26 PM

reply to post by Wirral Bagpuss

Anunnaki Ailens don't exist , the Anunnaki are mythical creations of the Sumerians that have been taken and misrepresented by Zecharia Sitchin and subsequent AA theorists .

Thanks to meticulous cataloging of the Sumerian texts over the last few decades, and the advent of the internet, we no longer have to take people like Sitchin’s word for it. Heiser: “There are some databases online that allow you to search through Sumerian texts, and I have a video on my website

If you go there and click on the Annunaki tab I will show you how to search through something called the electronic text corpus of Sumerian literature. I will show you how you can search for all the occurrences of the word Annunaki and then click through the English translations of all those occurrences. You can find this material and I would encourage you to do so because you can check up on Zecharia Sitchin; you can check up on me.

For once I actually have to disagree with you. You can argue against and offer debunk theory for absolutely everything that happens. Even for things we know are facts. It is done every day to enhance ones own belief system. For me to try and debunk ancient alien theory is futile. Even further, to say that we have not had help and been influenced by alien tech since roswell time frame is insane.

To say we made the advances in science and technology in our normal evolution is just plain lunacy. We made hundreds of years, many say thousands of years under normal conditions, of advances in less than fifty years. Your beyond nuts if you think this happened cus we just got smarter lol. It does not work that way lol.

If you don't think our ancestors were visited by aliens i don't know what to say. I respect your right to believe that and I still respect you immensely. For me there is no question our ancestors were visited by the god's, ie aliens. Just the map, that they can carbon date, that is an accurate aerial view of the world showing the land mass accurately under the ice at the pole is unbelievable and proof in of itself. Mainstream science can not explain the existence of this map let alone all the other evidence all over the world.

Of course everything is just dismissed and called debunked because it they can't comprehend the truth. Just go visit cave near you with ancient wall painting and you will say Hmmmm that does look like an alien or space suit lol.

Come on, you can believe if you open your mind......

The Bot

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:50 PM
I was going through some scriptures and came across a reference of the "Grigori".

Here is the wiki reference of them under watchers.

Chapter 18 presents the Grigori as countless soldiers of human appearance, "their size being greater than that of great giants". They are located in the fifth heaven and identified as "the Grigori, who with their prince Satanail rejected the Lord of light". One version of 2 Enoch adds that their number was 200 myriads. Furthermore, some "went down on to earth from the Lord's throne" and there married women and "befouled the earth with their deeds", resulting in confinement under earth.

5th Heaven is a interesting term. Makes me think of 5th Dimension or maybe 5th Planet Jupiter....

The confined to Earth reference, makes Earth sound like a Prison or Hell for them...

This is referencing one of the oldest books in the world, if not the oldest book.

Makes me think of the cosmonauts in the Salyut 7 orbiter in 1985 witnessing the Giant Angels in Space....

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:52 PM
I would be nice to have 100% evidence...but that will never happen. The government needs to spill its guts...

This is a good video....Click Here

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Why u telling me this like the vet guy, when their are others that need more of a clearer understanding of that culture mythology, let alone not relating it Aliens.

So ... just how are these "Cultural Myths" not related to ET? The whole idea of SOA colonization attempt explains all of the myth, and the effects on Terrestrial history, and provides an unbroken explanation for all the "God" myths right up to the present day.

Even better, much of the myth also exposes extraterrestrial technology. One can actually see the progress of SOA technology in the current myths; from the chemical powered machines of ancient India, Summer, Egypt, to the field powered systems of today.

Actually, these "myths" are a wee bit more logical than the alternative.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 04:27 PM

reply to post by vethumanbeing

Would an actual alien race called themselves Annukai?


The Anun... and the sons of Anun!

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by veteranhumanbeing

Opps, I'm sorry if I stepped on your gods and you feel insulted.
And that my problem if people want to buy that crap ether literally in dollars, or in sense. As far as I remember, he basically helped with that 2012 hysteria, even though I don't remember having anything to do with mayans.
Btw, Pantheon means a group of Gods, like Marduk or others, which would of been viewed as elite or chief of the mythological/ or albeit fictional annuaki. Besides, why should I care...There over 5000 years dead, and I never got into the Sumerian myth when that Nibiru. Would an actual alien race called themselves Annukai? And who I am is of no concern to you. Do I look like Im displaying myself any differently then your posting God incarnated?

You call yourself "SPECIMEN" so I would interpret that as yourself being used to being looked at under a microscope or with scrutiny; at worst a magnifying glass held by a five year old (are you wearing protective gear)? I dont have any contamination of spirit or GOD worship, why should need reasurrance that I exist. Sitchin died YEARS ago, and I dont see any of his writings having any bearing upon the 2012 hysteria regarding earths frequency change. You dont remember/know how the Maya spoke about this because you obviously have never studied their pictogaphs, or have looked at them with any scholarly attempt at understanding that language. I thought "Pantheon" was an edifice existing in the mediterranean region (ROME) my apologies; could have been thinking more in terms of Pandoras box of "False Demon Gods, Markuk, ANU, Enki". Would an actual alien race call themselves "the chosen ones", Annunaki (SP) guffahs aside (not sure what an Annukai is) an end of a meal appertif?
edit on 29-9-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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