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Boy tries to rape mom, kills her, over Call of Duty ban.

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posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by amraks

Originally posted by Thurisaz
reply to post by Lysergic


maybe the violent games affected him ?


This is what I am talking about you will blame video games.

But these video games have ratings on them, his parents bought them games for him. violet video games never affected him his parents affected him by letting his little mind play the game rated above his age limit.

The Common Sense site rates it for not under 12. At least CoD 4

What parents need to know Parents need to know that although earlier games in the Call of Duty series had "Teen" ratings, this game is rated "Mature" for portraying highly authentic modern military combat with realistic gore. There are distressing situations involving torture, execution, and the gruesome deaths of primary protagonists to whom the player will likely have grown attached. This material is more intense and disturbing than in earlier games of this series, and a diverse selection of cuss words is clearly audible. This game can be played with others online, which Common Sense Media doesn't recommend for anyone under the age of 12.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:48 PM
So just out of curiosity, how often did this used to happen before violent video games for hours at a time were the norm, children had access to .22s, every kid saw 20,000 murders on teevee before they hit 18, and neither parent was home all day long because both had to work? Oh, and a kid can 'accidentally' find the most perverted porn on line by the time they're old enough to push buttons?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by the_philth

Originally posted by truthseeker84
I'd still blame the parents.

In this case, the Dad more severely than the Mom.

What kind of parenting it is that you tell your boy "Just push her over a grove"? Even if it's only a joke.

Remember, if the Dad can joke about this, imagine what he jokes about with his son on a daily basis??

Trust me, as Asians have a saying, you can't clap with one hand.

Plus, crazy people are generally not born that way, unless it's a natural defect or something. But it's mostly influences that makes them snap.
I joke with my kid all the time --- he's currently 20, has a bright future ahead of him; he's talented, charismatic and extremely witty! I love his sense of humor - and there have been times where we both have said something rather dark - but guess what, it's our sense of humor that allows us to know when we're joking about something!

In all my years on this planet, I don't think I've ever had an ill or sadistic thought to wish harm or death on anyone, and I sure as HE77 can speak for my son on this one as well. Just because we may make certain wise-cracks in a dark sense of humor, doesn't mean we're natural born killers!

Some people can take a shot of tequila and it will have no effect on them whatsoever, whereas another person will take that same shot, and it'll give 'em a decent buzz.

I'm gonna pray to Allah, Buddha or Baby Jesus that you're not a Psyche Major... because you're seriously off the mark by ID'ing this kid's schema the way you just did.

You're right, only to a certain extent.

Yes, you may have been joking with your son and perhaps it has been ok for you two to joke about something really dark and gritty.

Ok, can you say the same for everyone else?

Whether or not, your kid is stable enough for you to tell killing jokes, will be for you to determine and you alone. Judging from the fact that you still have a bright kid with a good future ahead of him, I'd say that you're both mentally very stable and have a pretty clear sense of right and wrong.

But, you cannot say the same for others.

Just because you're kid was okay with growing up on joke about snuffing the Mom, it doesn't mean every other kid can take this and make good out of it.

Back to the main topic at hand.

Did you even read the original story? Did you read between the lines or you simply chose to ignore it?

The post said that the Mom and Son would fight often but normally made it up by playing video games together. It even went on to say that the son actually said he will kill his mother once but they shrugged it off as a joke.

So, if you're child, shows signs of being highly aggressive towards the Mom or anyone else, you just shrug it off as being normal?

If this isn't neglect, then what is?

On top of it, you joke around with the kid about actually committing the crime, oh no we're not done yet. You've even taught the kid how to dispose the body after you kill Mom...

What a great murder consultant you are.

Come on... we seriously need to license parents to have kids these days.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
People are addicted to many things. To say this could couldn't have gone into rage because he couldn't play his favorite game is laughable. Anyone who has raised kids knows how much kids are into video games. I've had many arguments with my son while he was growing up when I would have to take his video games away for one reason or another.

It may go much deeper. Mother played the games with him and looks fairly young. Maybe the boy was sexualy attracted to his mother and the feelings made him feel bad about himself, thus rage toward her. She may have treated him as a friend on his level and been to close.

I think sexuality is messed up today for children, thus we have 12 year olds who as a group broke into a 70 year old woman's home to robe her and gang raped her.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by caladonea


I am thinking if what you say does happen...what will society have...another (Norman Bates) on their hands?

I'm just saying.

Because the chances of them trying this kid as an adult are pretty slim, especially once he's seen by an appointed psychiatrist, and what judge is going to think this kid SANE enough to stand trial?

When he's out, he'll commit more crimes, be arrested, THEN tried as an adult, and then possibly stay in, but not before he's hurt others I'll wager. The kid is obviously at least psychotic (disconnect with reality), and with other undiagnosed illnesses as well.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN
-Personally I think it was the game "Dungeons and Dragons" or perhaps that evil "Rock and Roll" music.

Study the "satanic panic" and read the articles and books of the time- Note the "experts" (and then look what has come out regarding them in the past 20+ years) who were cited in the media.

Maybe it was the graphic violent video game Mortal Kombat" (that drove many to Violence) or Ice T's "Cop Killer" song with Bodycount.

-Anyhow. Enough of the blame. Clearly this was a Dungeons and Dragons "Satanic murder" (and if this was the 1980s that would be the excuse and Christian media would be making this kid a "star" for converting publicly and schooling the rest of us on how Games make people kill.
edit on 6-5-2013 by DarKPenguiN because: (no reason given)

Maybe all the things you listed were and are, baby steps along the same path, and we are still broadening the path.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I think sexuality is messed up today for children, thus we have 12 year olds who as a group broke into a 70 year old woman's home to robe her and gang raped her.

That sounds more like a gang initiation. Seems to be a new thing with gangs, to show that a new recruit can be utterly heartless and cruel, they must target a child or the elderly. Personally, I think a new level of crime should be created for such actions, with a penalty so harsh it puts an end to this "fad".

Maybe all the things you listed were and are, baby steps along the same path, and we are still broadening the path.

No, simply having parents who were responsible and followed the ratings would have sufficed. No need to lump other factors into this. Take Dungeons & Dragons, for example. This game helps kids foster imagination, improve in math and reading skills, and apply critical thinking. I've personally SEEN someone who couldn't read or write well LEARN it while playing this game. The problem is, people demonize things before understanding them. I've seen and played Call of Duty, so I don't presume to know what it is in it...I KNOW because I've seen the game. It's great...for those mature enough to handle the material.
edit on 6-5-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Here here!

The stigma surrounding mental illness keeps a LOT of people from seeking help. These people don't want to be seen as broken monsters. The thing is, mental illness has always existed. Today, however, we are just better at attaching a label to it and stigmatizing it.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Unfortunately, labeling it is likely our biggest error. Even within a label, patients can be as different as night and day, but unfortunately, they aren't treated as such, and often misdiagnosed, prescribed wrong medication, and made even worse. There is this false belief that it is a "science" when just like medicine, it's an "art". That's why they call it PRACTICE.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 04:19 PM
Thought the thread would like the latest news on the subject.

The defense in the Noah Crooks murder case has rested, and rebuttal witnesses were being called by the prosecution Monday following the testimony of Dr Donner Dewdney in Wright County District Court. Noah Crooks was unable to appreciate right from wrong when he allegedly shot his mother in the living room of the family's Osage home in March 2012, according to testimony from a Des Moines child psychiatrist. Crooks, 14, is charged with first-degree murder and assault with intent to commit sexual abuse in the shooting death of his mother Gretchen, 37.

Globe Gazette

Remember this link will probably stop working in a few days as the paper changes the website.
edit on 6-5-2013 by ntech because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy
Anyone remember this ...

17-yr old Pistol Whips Her Mom, Forces Her 2 Co-Sign On Car!

The mom refused to press charges because she
"didn't want her daughter to lose her acceptance to an Ivy League school".
The police arrested her anyway.

Mike Grouchy

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
Angry children + access to guns = dead parents. Im surprised it doesnt happen more often.

I think the commonality between these two incidents
are the lack of a Dad, living at home.

This is a result of cheap and easy divorce culture.

Mike Grouchy

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by amraks
I would not blame the video game here. Lets blame the parents for buying him the R rated game.

His dad should of had a serious talks on his thought of killing his mum also and investigated that thought.

"R" rated Video game??? How about blaming the parents for buying their psycho kid a rifle??

You gun nuts make me laugh.
Guns guns guns,


HAve fun with you're guns and your precious civilian-killing amendments.

edit on 6-5-2013 by canucks555 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 06:01 PM
Has anyone in this thread has even asked or thought about if this story is actually true or not?

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by amraks

I would not blame the video game here.

I would, let's go ahead and blame everything since it is society and culture which basically forms our way of life. Violent video games, violent movies, violent music, and a massive porn industry easily accessible all in the grasp of young kids. Then everyone wonders why they have psycho's running around shooting and raping people.

Funny thing is....that humans think they are intelligent beings when actually if you just look at the world and "society" humans are actually pretty damn retarded.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 06:46 PM
Maybe the kid can use the donut defense, Worked out for Dan White? Or wait, that was the twinkie defense.

Anyway reality check: When Dan White was released from prison, he committed suicide. = He was mentally ill.

To the clueless, It wasn't twinkies or video games that caused Dan or this warped child here to take another human beings life, let alone try to rape one's own Mother. What the hell is wrong with this World? ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 07:22 PM
Well the game is rated 18+ for a reason i guess. However it isn`t really the games fault - I recall myself playing extremely violent games (COD is nothing compared to them) by the age of 13-14 but I didnt even come NEAR the thoughts of killing/raping anyone over a video game, no matter what! The kid is either plain sick or there`s something wrong with his family, either way he should be isolated from the society IMO (I mean almost raping his own mothers corpse are you serious?!).

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by WhiteAlice
reply to post by Lysergic

Only if they monetized it. No ads = no monetizing = no money from views. Hope they are selling a whole lot of tshirts because honestly, what they aren't thinking about is that someday, their potential future employer could see those videos and say "uhhhh, no".

haha right, I'd have to think twice about hiring the guy who corn-holed himself for the whole world to see! LOL

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 07:47 PM
To the people doing their best trying to defend COD:

It doesn't necessarily make people overtly aggressive all at once but rather it changes your perceptions about the outside world over time, moulding the mind to perceive external threats where there otherwise would be none.

The game wouldn't have him pursue murder directly as much as it would change his perceptions about using murder on an external threat.

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker
To the people doing their best trying to defend COD:

It doesn't necessarily make people overly aggressive all at once but rather it changes your perceptions about the outside world over time, moulding the mind to perceive external threats where there otherwise would be none.

Well real war does that to soldiers, so should we ban anyone from enlisting into the Military?

The game wouldn't have him pursue murder directly as much as it would change his perceptions about using murder on an external threat.

If that truly were the case, those from my generation who grew up on Intellivision, Atari and Nintendo would all be a product of what you describe.

I do understand what you're getting at, I just don't 100% agree. What I do believe though my friend is that while playing the game one shuts down their normal senses, and opens up their pre-historic survival senses.

Ever notice how if someone is speaking to you while you're posting or responding to some heated post or topic here at ATS? Many times it can distract one, and actually annoy one, where the normally would not be annoyed, understand what I mean?

Now that is where your comment before should be inserted.

I have found that even those who have very, very good multi-tasking skills, still seem to fall prey to that distraction. The internet is more powerful and influences us all more than most of us will ever realize. ~$heopleNation
edit on 6-5-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on May, 6 2013 @ 08:28 PM
What a freakin retard... Wow kid do you think you will ever get to play Call of duty (or any video game for that matter) ever again now? Sick idiot.


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