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'Free Jahar:' Boston bomb suspect's cult following

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posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:02 PM
America, for 200+ years, had been ruled by law.

American security agencies and forces, are made up of americans, not mecernaries.

American govt, are made up of elected officials, not some dumb twit pushed upon the pedestal.

THerefore, either you - a free citizen in a democracy, who has the right to vote or if not to and thus relinquish any whinning on the ELECTED, do solemly abide by the RULE OF LAW of the nation. Failure which, you are and will be subjected to held fully accountable for your own actions, in a COURT OF LAW, and abide by its final sentence.

No need to whine, make lame excuses, accuse without any evidence, or cook up a fantasy and attempt to pass off as reality. Fantasy books and bikini clad tabloids are more suitable for such avenues to indulge in, but not in responsible daily life, unless of course, one is not an american but trying to pass off as one to fool others, to destroy America.

Those who cannot abide by such simple laws, locals or immigrants, the airports are open 24 hours a day. North Korea and Iran leaders breathes on fantasy and do welcomes the deluded.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

I believe that is why the tea party and occupy exist. Make your voice heard, but please know what the heck you are talking about beforehand. I am not speaking just to you, but to everyone that wants real change. Then vote third party! How difficult can it be??

Change will not happen overnight or even a few years. What I and others are doing is INFORMING people of what SHOULD be acceptable and the truth that shines above lies. There are many alternative media outlets but people are not aware enough yet. Help them become aware instead of being negative. That is all anyone can ask. Be part of the solution rather than part of the problem!

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
Hun, it's because I'm still angry. I'm still upset. This bombing hit me a little harder than some. I've my experiences. Personal ones. So my emotions are very high. Come this time in a few weeks, once I've worked through some of the personal issues it's raised - I'll be able to settle and have a better debate.

As to - what our government does. I was taught long ago - that our government does the same things we THINK only other countries do. I know that. I agree their are questions that our leaders need to be held accountable for - but I'm not going to encourage or condone violence to get to the bottom of it! I don't know how to fix the government. But I agree that the questions you raised in the post I'm responding to - need to be answered. How to get to those answers and hold people accountable. I don't know. But I won't entertain any form of violence - as a potential way.

If you were personally affected by it or if you live in Boston, I understand the emotions. Just consider, that this is what false flags are supposed to accomplish. They are meant to stir up emotions that will lead the public to support things they would otherwise not agree to. In other words, it worked on you. CISPA was just passed. Anti-terror legislation and so on.

For the last time, I am not advocating violence. Why do people, not just you, but many assume that whenever somebody criticizes the government, one wants violence? Why is stopping false flags violent? Remember, it was Obama's buddy, Bill Ayers, who is a convicted and unrepentent terrorist. The terrorists are sitting in the White House now (that includes the Bushes).

What I advocate is doing your own research, pick any "alternative theory" you want (maybe start with 9/11, or 1993 WTC), do some homework about explosives (can a bomb placed in front of a building bring the building down? what is "confinement"?) If you have come to a conclusion, speak out about it, share your conviction. In my case, I have come to the conclusion that in many cases there were bad people whom FBI and CIA have taken advantage of, to go to war or to create the biggest police force in the country, DHS, or TSA, and so on. High ranking Government officials, and low ranking ones, want more and more power and this is how they get it.

I don't care about the guy in Boston because I know the legal system will take care of him. I am concerned about the government because, as you noticed already, that one is hard to stop. You see, the problem is not that one President was less good, or there is some corruption (this is what I used to believe). No, follow event after event and you will see that the whole thing is a big lie. That is what you and I need to help raise awareness about. Marching in the street was useful for that in centuries past. Nowadays, we raise awareness by using forums like this one. I prey you will do your patriotic duty once again.

edit on 23-4-2013 by ThinkingHuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:35 PM
Thank you EarthCitizen and ThinkHuman for your advice. I vote. I voice my opinion. (Here I am on a conspiracy site no less) and I've stood in several protests. I read and research. I'm doing my part.

Still doesn't mean I'll stand with the extremists. It still won't change my stance on causing the change we want - peacefully.


posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Think the boston bomber has a little cult following on here too.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Hydrawolf

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
Well he admitted he did it and his brother was the driving force behind the attack.

edit on 22-4-2013 by SloAnPainful because: (no reason given)

According to the interrogators this is the case. Will we get to see the actual interview? Can we believe anything that comes from TPTB?

Yes when we will we see his actual hand writing notes?
they are already seeking a death plenty and from the reports he had a judge at his bed side? well that really says alot.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by FreedomEntered
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Think the boston bomber has a little cult following on here too.

Why dont you say that i support bin laden then or that bin laden has a little cult in here to then.
I might as well support GW Bush then.
edit on 23-4-2013 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Thanks for the good humor on this part.

American govt, are made up of elected officials, not some dumb twit pushed upon the pedestal. THerefore, either you - a free citizen in a democracy

America is two state party dictatorship. American rights have being slowly taken away with the exceptions of GW Bush elected twice by the citizens in a democratic even after finding there were no terrorists nor WMDs in Iraq. Don't get me started on Nixon.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by CirqueDeTruth
We really are the pawns to their whimsy's and desires. But it's not just in America. It's like that in every single country in the entire world. These are the elite - and they can do as please because they have been - for millennium. They don't follow our rules. We think they should have to - us common people, but they don't. They never will and they will nuke us all to a few million to keep their seat. That's just the way it is. It's always been that way. I don't how to change that.

Thank you EarthCitizen and ThinkHuman for your advice. I vote. I voice my opinion. (Here I am on a conspiracy site no less) and I've stood in several protests. I read and research. I'm doing my part.

Still doesn't mean I'll stand with the extremists. It still won't change my stance on causing the change we want - peacefully.


Maybe you are just pulling my legs, because these two posts are utterly incongruous with each other. Nobody has encouraged you to do anything unlawful yet you keep on repeating it over and over and over again.

Plus, if you foresee "them" nuking us, then I don't understand why you are so content to let it all happen.

Once again you amaze me. Sadly.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Your assuming that I view things in black and white - when there's a lot of gray in between.

I don't disagree that their are people at the top making bad decisions. I don't disagree that answers need to be had on past events - such as 911. However I'm not willing to go to war with my fellow Americans to root them out. Why? Oh why, you ask? Because when all the dust settles, guess who fills the empty seats? The same "elites" who we were trying to root out in the first place. And IF, someone get's the seat that is truly a honest and good person - it's not long before their corrupted and eventually their seat is replaced with the same sort of people that we were trying to root out in the first place! It's a circle and it always comes back to the same in the end. Power corrupts.


posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

You are the text book definition of a nihilist. Do nothing at all because all is in vain. Not to mention the flip flopping that romney and his ilk would be proud of you.

Nothing is in vain! People create the reality they want for themselves even if it requires help. I am not sure we are both fighting the good fight though. I know I am but I can't speak for you. Something isn't right.

Who are the extremists and what proof do you have?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:08 PM
I do find it disgusting that there are humans worshipping this animal whom had killed and maimed innocent others, who committed such heinous acts IN FULL VIEW of witnesses and even video frames.

Are such followers devil worshippers or revel in the suffering of mankind? And worse,some of taking the opportunity to swipe at the courageous efforts of many others to apprehend this beast and bring him to justice. Is compassion for victims, dead in this world today but killers and anti americans worshipped on pedestals?

Freedom of speech does not means one can freely lie, mix half truths with falsehoods, push stupid and insane fantasy or unsubstantiated wild claims as realties, such as what Osama bin Ladan, Persian Khameni, Muslim Brotherhood hard faction and the usual anti american few here had been doing.

Freedom is a power and with power comes responsibilities within each member of society. When such responsibilites are not taken up, it becomes abuses of power, to fool and misled the vulnerable, and worse of all is the manipulation of once human Dzokhar into become a beast to kill and maim fellow humans.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

In another "muslims are guilty" thread I was trying to make a correllation between 9-11 and the boston bombings and sure enough after I posted proof(strong evidence) people accussed me of "off-topic" to shut my hypothesis down.

The evil ones have no integrity! Ask for proof and then ignore it, while insulting the person who takes time to provide it.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

You are the text book definition of a nihilist. Do nothing at all because all is in vain. Not to mention the flip flopping that romney and his ilk would be proud of you.

Nothing is in vain! People create the reality they want for themselves even if it requires help. I am not sure we are both fighting the good fight though. I know I am but I can't speak for you. Something isn't right.

Who are the extremists and what proof do you have?

I was, when this thread started referring to terrorist sympathizers and anti-American/government people who are all over the internet saying this was a false flag and Americans need to stand up in civil war.

In responding to you and ThiningHuman the conversation as devolved into including free thinkers that question their government and people in charge. I don't think of them as the terrorist symathizers or even extremist people who question our government. I question it! As you can see in my posts also. If you don't fall into those categories, as sympathizers or supporter of violence, as I assumed you did with your post towards me - you should have stated that you didn't support the actions of these two men. After all - that's what this thread is about. People who stand in support of the Boston bombers.

As to being a nihilist - eh, I've been accused of worse. I wonder if all the soldiers I took care of felt I was a nihilist?

edit on 23-4-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: clarifying

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

How do we know that these two men actually bombed the marathon in boston, rather than being framed for it?

Why are you sure about this, while others are not?

I find many inconsistencies with the official story. There were many red flags and I explained what they were in a previous post, I believe in this thread.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

How do we know that these two men actually bombed the marathon in boston, rather than being framed for it?

Why are you sure about this, while others are not?

I find many inconsistencies with the official story. There were many red flags and I explained what they were in a previous post, I believe in this thread.

We disagree this is a false flag. I think these two men are exactly what they look like - terrorists willing to die for their religious beliefs. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. He's going to get his day in court - we'll see if he can prove his innocence.

Oh and a side note - as to the elites nuking us to keep their seats. That is no prediction. I'm not stating that that is what is going to happen. I'm just trying to be clear - that these people will always remain in power. Before war, during war, and after war. They are legion. They are like hydra. Cut off one head, and another will take it's place.

edit on 23-4-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2013 by CirqueDeTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:25 PM
Even if we who claim ourselves are sane and rational, and would DISCOUNT witness testimonial and positive identification of that animal, can we DENY the evidences of the multiple witness accounts and videos of his battle using bombs and bullets against the police within a population centre in Boston?

Doubts and half truths mixed with total lies are the weapons of the cunning terrorist sympathizers to create within the vulnerable and the foolish. Such were the techniques used by radical militants to get their recruits and cannon fodder to do their dirty work for them.

I am glad they surface here and elsewhere, so that mankind know for sure WHO they are.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

Lets hope he gets his day in court and that he spills the beans.

Maybe after he is proved innocent(good chance) people will stop with argumentum ad verecundiam.

If on the otherhand he is found guilty, then I hope he rots in hell. I have NO SYMPATHY for ANY TERRORIST!
edit on 23/4/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:37 PM
'Innocent till proven guilty' FUNDAMENTALISM.

If we saw a pick-pocket stealing someone's wallet in the street, do we say that guy is innocent, denying our own realties perceived right in front of our eyes?

In the past, it had always been one man's word against another, unless there were mulitple witness whom say the same thing and said act explained in a different manner. BUT the act remains the same.

Fortunately, in this modern day and age, there is something called video taping fresh off from incidents that brings our eyes to the very act being committed and by the pepertrators.

Do the ignorant and the cunning still DARE deny reality? Living in denial must be a great thing, but just hope that when the walls of truth comes crashing in, they do not lose their mental state, unless they already HAD lost sanity long ago.
edit on 23-4-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

How much safety are you willing to trade for your security, regardless who did it?

And why don't you address the people that you choose to insult?

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