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Mystical Energy from the 2012 Winter Solstice is beginning to Reach Us

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posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by boncho
So I (surprisingly) made it through every reply in this thread. Something I normally have trouble doing on topics like this. I've concluded that sometime around December there will be a group of 20 somethings standing around a bonfire on a beach somewhere,

"Dude, like I can totally feel the galactic energy coursing through my veins."

And someone replies, "Man, I think I'm like kinda frost bitten on my toes... Do we have any more beer?"

"You don't need beer dude, we have cosmic energy. My pole just totally shifted."

-Future scenes censored-


Oh great mystical powers, please end my life early so I will never be witness to things like this again...

Be as condescending as you want. Not everybody who believes in this believes the world is going to end in December as you keep implying.

I for one, do not believe the world will end. December 22 will roll around and for years to come it will be hell on earth. Literally a living hell, on earth.

The weak willed will be consumed by their demons and will openly show animosity fear and anger toward others. It's a bad time to be on Earth, but it's a learning experience.

I'm hesitant to just click away to another thread like I usually do but something in me wants me to post this so...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Argyll
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

this is a forum board, correct? where people come to find others "like them" because in day to day life, the odds of you meeting another person like you aren't very high, whereas on a forum board, people from all walks of life and all areas on earth can connect. so please excuse us for using this forum board for what it's meant to be used for. on second thought, just excuse yourself.

My opinion is that there are no mystical solstice related energy forces being beamed at this planet, we are what we are, no one is coming to save us and you really need to get over yourself.

i agree with you. we are what we are, no one is comi9ng to save us. nailed it. welcome to the club. see? we're on the same page. as far as getting over myself, pahlease, that will never happen.

however, there are earth changes beginning that our finite minds cannot even fathom at this point. i'm not claiming any exclusive powers. nope. we are all VERY magical creatures. it's within all of us. some of just choose to listen to that little voice inside our heads and then we see the benefits and rewards, and then, well, it's like planting a mustard seed. the heart puts out MUCH more energy than the brain. jesus and all this talk of love makes more and more sense.

don't try to understand it. just love it.

edit on 11/18/12 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by mythos

Originally posted by boncho

Oh great mystical powers, please end my life early so I will never be witness to things like this again...

careful what you wish for.

Oh, but I was asking the mystical powers to end my life of ignorance and open me up to grand mystical powers of sight. Surely I wasn't actually asking them to "off me".

I love this corporeal world too much.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by WhoFeelsitKnowsit

I for one, do not believe the world will end. December 22 will roll around and for years to come it will be hell on earth. Literally a living hell, on earth.

The weak willed will be consumed by their demons and will openly show animosity fear and anger toward others. It's a bad time to be on Earth, but it's a learning experience.


You've described most people's lives among the population of our crummy little planet Earth. Not sure who is considered "weak" either. Is that simply people who disagree with your point of view?

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by WhoFeelsitKnowsit

I for one, do not believe the world will end. December 22 will roll around and for years to come it will be hell on earth. Literally a living hell, on earth.

The weak willed will be consumed by their demons and will openly show animosity fear and anger toward others. It's a bad time to be on Earth, but it's a learning experience.


You've described most people's lives among the population of our crummy little planet Earth. Not sure who is considered "weak" either. Is that simply people who disagree with your point of view?

The weak are those who allow their demons to control them. They act out of fear, jealousy and anger. Weak-willed, as in they have no willpower. My point of view has nothing to do with the manner people conduct themselves in.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Everything is energy in one form or another right? This is what the scientists tell us. Of course there are energies coming to the earth. What do you think sunlight is? Do you believe that you are aware of every kind of energy that is bombarding the earth and your own body? Do you think that our Scientific instruments are sensitive enough to measure every form of energy that exists? I agree that a lot of these people are highly delusional but i know without a doubt that a human who spends a lot of time meditating starts to notice things they didnt notice before and that a lot of people have never noticed. For example right now your heart is beating, its always beating but right now you probably don't notice it. But if you stop for a moment and pay attention you can start to feel it beating in your chest, and if you pay closer attention you can feel it beating even in your hand and if you continue to focus you can feel it in any part of your body. I'm not saying anything about 2012 and what is or isnt happening but i am saying that its entirely possible that subtle forms of energy similar to sunlight are coming to our planet and that some people who have spent some time meditating so that they are aware of more subtle things can feel this energy in a conscious way. I'm not saying anything about what this energy is or what it does, just that its entirely possible and perfectly scientific. But i definitely understand where your coming from in regards to these very egotistical people who get a boost from the belief that they're more sensitive than the rest of us. Even if they are their ego keeps them from going any further than that. But lets not discount what very well may be true because of these people.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by WhoFeelsitKnowsit

The weak are those who allow their demons to control them. They act out of fear, jealousy and anger. Weak-willed, as in they have no willpower. My point of view has nothing to do with the manner people conduct themselves in.


The same could be said about love, compassion and empathy.

I will have to agree to disagree. Although I do agree with the latter part of your post. I read some of your post history and you do not seem like the type. I may have jumped the gun with my comment.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by BlueMule

can you elaborate more as to what you mean? I have felt changes but not sure what you mean by feeling a mystical shift? thanks.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by WhoFeelsitKnowsit

The weak are those who allow their demons to control them. They act out of fear, jealousy and anger. Weak-willed, as in they have no willpower. My point of view has nothing to do with the manner people conduct themselves in.


The same could be said about love, compassion and empathy.

I will have to agree to disagree. Although I do agree with the latter part of your post. I read some of your post history and you do not seem like the type. I may have jumped the gun with my comment.

And I will also agree to disagree
It's so refreshing to see something talked out in a sensible manner without insults. Something that rarely happens, lately
Peace, boncho. Just curious when you say "the type" are you referring to the "2012 doom and gloom" type or the "newager" type? No harm done I'm just curious.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by WhoFeelsitKnowsit

Just curious when you say "the type" are you referring to the "2012 doom and gloom" type or the "newager" type? No harm done I'm just curious.


I asked if you categorized people as "weak" for simply disagreeing with you. I don't see that. And you also stated that you believe it to be certain emotions like fear, anger, etc.

Although I believe just about any emotion can be put into that context, you do not seem the type to label anyone who disagrees with your premise as weak, so I give you that credit.

There are many that say not believing in something, is a sign of weakness. (End of the world, shift in consciousness, aliens probing our bums, NWO trying to kill us, etc.)

That about covers it.

If you simply believe in something, without preying on people's weaknesses to propagate it (the irony) I can at least respect your position.


posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:07 PM
No idea what's going on really and I have no interest in the 2012 nonsense, but I will say, that my Reiki energy has taken on a heck of a shift lately, and some very odd dreams. I have no explanation for it though.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Jauk3
We're leaving together,
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back,
To earth, who can tell ?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?

Star for the 80s metal reference. Otherwise, this thread is.... is.... smh

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Everything is connected regardless of how much distance there is inbetween. Is there even such a thing as inbetween? Think of the stars you see in the sky. How far away are they? The fact that you can see them means the light from those stars is reaching you and what is light but just another form of energy? So that energy is hitting your body which is just another form of energy and also hitting the earth(another form of energy) and some kind of interaction is taking place. In fact it seems that all forms are made from the same basic energy. So its kind of like with a glass of ice-water where the water and ice are actually the same substance taking 2 different forms. Are the liquid water and the solid ice seperate from each other? How can they be seperate when theyre the same thing? Is the water seperate from the glass? Well if fundamentally they are made from the same basic energy taking different forms then even though they appear to be seperate things there is really no seperation. So what about the air between the glass and whatever objects are around the glass? air is just another form of the same basic energy. So the water, the ice, the glass, the air, the walls of the room, your body, the house, The outside air, the trees, the earth, the atmosphere, space, stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies, every form that exists from the densest to the subtlest is made from the same basic substance like one ocean where the water morphs into different forms but is water through and through. There is nothing woo woo about this its very scientific and when looked at in this way its very difficult to say "oh that things too far away it doesn't have any affect on us"...... But maybe it doesn't what do i really know for sure anyway? It seems that the height of ignorance is being CONVINCED that an opinion or theory or belief is correct when it very well may not be.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:32 PM

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:00 PM
The people that feel what they feel, know. Whether it is "energy", or not. The person I was, not too long ago, is no longer the person I am. Something outside of the physical has changed this. The nay-sayer's can keep at it. It is too easy to distinguish between the affected and the yet-to-be affected. Love and Light

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:08 PM
Nope, there is no mystical energy from the 2012 winter solstice reaching us.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
Any energy from other Stars coming at us now is bad news. Ain't no Ionosphere left to protect us. The Sun going crazy is blowing our atmosphere away....people using Directional Radiowaves to push up on the atmosphere to stear weather is aiding in our Ionosphere getting blown away.

Maybe before we all lose control of our brains as the energy stream in the atmosphere shorts to ground some of you may have "mystical energy" thoughts and even think it's something biblical. It's just science.

Earth's losing her atmosphere. Most of the Ionosphere is LONG GONE. We're now witnessing WHY civilizations disappeared and why their history was forgotten. It's cyclical.

Calm down, Lady Gaia is just disrobing and slipping into something a little more comfortable.

You'll see. It isn't important to understand the mechanics of Ascension. Just be a good carrot and enjoy the ride.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:41 AM
The thing for me is that I don't feel anything. I'm numb to it. I also don't dream. If I do dream, I never remember them, which is the same to me as not dreaming. I hear everyone talking about this and I just don't get it. It's not that I'm a doubter in all of this, because I'm leaving the door open for possibilities. I just don't feel it. You'd think that if there were some sort of "mystical energy" bombarding the planet that there wouldn't be any doubt that everyone would feel it. I'm just getting nothing.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:57 AM
I've definitely been having very spiritual dreams lately.

I'm feeling the changes too. My energy body is a lot more reactive too.

I'm thinking that during the eight minutes of alignment on Dec 21st will raise your consciousness by an extreme level.

Watch this video. A Mayan leader talks about what's going to happen on Dec 21st.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:44 AM

First, if it doesn't matter how you symbolize it then i fail to see how a 'magic wand' wouldn't be capable of activating this archetype in your mind if the culture you relate to 'mystical energy' includes the use of such natural objects as a focus for reaching the state of consciousness you are referring to.

Second, your assumption that 'spells' can't be objectively proven is completely groundless as i can point out 'spells' to you that could theoretically be cast by multiple parties and recorded for documentable proof of the existence of the vary thing you are talking about.

I will even let you choose:

"Summon a hail storm"
"Make a spirit appear"
"Turn a man into an animal"

Finally, just cause i don't buy your bull# doesn't make me a skeptic, it just means i think Carl Jung was an ass.

Emeris i dig what you are saying and i agree..

edit on 19-11-2012 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

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