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New petition on Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede

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posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by alternateuniverse

You can deport and dispose the people, but you will fail in suppressing their ideas.

Actually I personally can't deport anyone. I simply do not have that authority. And I'm not suppressing anyone, in fact I am all in favor of people who think that the US doesn't have enough freedom to move. I'll help them pack. I'll volunteer to drive them to the airport. Hell, I'll even help build them a raft.

I'm all about making people happy, and if it would make them happier to move them to Somalia so that they can create the Libertarian Utopia of the dog eat dog, me first, screw you, society they wish, I'm all in favor.

reply to post by rockintitz

No one forced them to advocate secession either. Why do you see it as them or us?
I see it as us or the federal government.

Exactly, no one forced them to advocate secession, if that is their wish, then they have the freedom to leave this country they hate so much.

I don't see it as them or us, I see it as giving people what they really want in life. They want a anarchic/libertarian utopia where they can do what they want when they want with absolutely no consequences unless the people they inevitably wrong decide to do what they wish. I just want to help them leave. The US will be a better country for it.

It's supposed to be WE the people, not ME the Individual. But if they want a ME the Individual country, my suggestion is Somalia. They can build that into their Ayn Rand paradise and show us all how it's done.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 03:59 PM
Step one.....step Too? for U.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Is this what we have become? A nation that punishes and demeans other people's points of view?! A nation of "you don't like it, you can get out" minded fellows?

I didn't know 500 people represented our entire nation's views....Usually when people sign a petition, you do NOT assume the entire population supports it.

I find it funny that the people who are so against "entitlements" act like such spoiled brats themselves....

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by HauntWok

It's supposed to be WE the people, not ME the Individual. But if they want a ME the Individual country, my suggestion is Somalia. They can build that into their Ayn Rand paradise and show us all how it's done.

My friend, I think you have dire misunderstandings about the intended nature of our nation.

I know you have heard people say, "America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy". Right?

And it is true. We are not a democracy. In a democracy, the desires of the many can over rule the rights of the individual. Thus, the democratic system was eschewed instead for a constitutional republic.

This means that it absolutely, 100% IS "me the individual". Yes, our Declaration states "We The People", as it is a declaration that our nation made in unison that we, as individual people, would no longer live under the tyranny of the oligarchic system of feudal Europe. Nor would we take on the failed system of democracy that was seen in Rome and Greece.

No, our nation called for something greater, something bigger: that each individual has rights that are inalienable. Not by the government, and especially not by his or her own countrymen.

Your viewpoints are more in line with the socialist forms of government, where the rights of the masses over rule the rights of the individual. And to that I ask, "Perhaps it is YOU who would make our nation better with your exit?"

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:08 PM
I must be the only one here that does not see a problem with the breakup of the United States. It's been a long time coming, in my opinion. The left moves farther left and the right moves farther right. The left thinks the right is crazy, and vice versa.

So, what's wrong with the idea of dual nations? The leftists can go create their utopia, and the right can go govern themselves as they see fit.

I fully expect to see this come to fruition in the next 10-15 years. You have two populaces, diametrically opposed as to how they think their government should function.

I believe it's only a matter of time.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by TheAngryFarm
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Since you believe the Constitution is so outdated, you certainly wouldnt mind giving up all of your Constitutionally protected rights then correct?

The constitution is more than just the bill of rights. People cherry pick what they like and ignore the rest.

No guns for you peasant.

I am for a more limited version of the 2nd amendment.

No free speech for you either, since that whole concept is outdated. Right?

It is important to take a literal stand on this and not misinterpret it to include financial contributions aka bribes.

How about we let government agents burst into your house whenever they feel like it ?

I do NOT LIKE dhs, ndaa, tsa, patriot act. It all happened because of 911, but there was no arab attack.

You, oh enlightened one, certainly dont need any of those protections.


some I agree with and some I disagree with.

As for your age, your avoidance proves affirmative. Early 20's, and not a clue as to what happens in the real world.

again its none of your business.

Since youre such a big fan of socialism, and I can afford it, how about we come to an agreement. Right here on a public message board, I will offer to finance your relocation to whatever socialist nation you choose with the only condition being you never step foot in the U.S. again.

NO. The ones that want to leave are seccessionists from the south....the sore losers of each democrat victory.....the ones that blame democrats for everything and put the republians on a higher pedestal.

Sound good little boy?
edit on 13-11-2012 by TheAngryFarm because: (no reason given)

How bad does it make you look to lose an arguement to a 20 year old?

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:16 PM
I see the tyranny of the majority is finally raising it's head.

( A majority of 2% in the last election and it's already being called a mandate.)
Somebody remind me of why the U.S. is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy as most people here believe.

What goes around, comes around. Unless we get hanged for sedition first.
(By sedition, I mean disagreeing with Obama.)
Times change. The pendulum continues to swing.

If the red states were allowed to leave, there would be a lot of people in the blue states petitioning the U.N. for help.

edit on 13-11-2012 by Nite_wing because: I felt the need to insult somebody.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:18 PM
Look! this is all just an attempt to voice an opinion now if any of these states ACTUALLY were too secede first of all it would be a direct address from you state handler......2. they have things they would have to do in order to secede and not fail. so regardless of whom signed the petition its just a voice. and this is why we are the divided states of the former america. common ground we love our country.....when disaster strikes we unite. when the country divides we point the finger in the other direction......its never our fault as "WE THE PEOPLE...." allowed this to happen but now we cant figure out how to fix it we cant put our grown up panties on and say ok......were too big....we need to cut defense and figure out a better way to defend our land from home...were running out of oil ok we need to spend equal in oil and alternative. our health is failing im sorry we need to cut that and take a better look at that. and then theres the fed...............THEY ARE NOT THE TREASURY. WALLSTREET that needs to be relocated to a man made island. the "fema" camps
I remember reading in a history book that we the people defended our soil.....
foodstamps and medicaid need to be regulated to hell because i as a cashier at a million dollar company see FAR TOO MANY FS FONIES. foodstamps should have to come with a life skills class. not a plastic card and immigrants should have an immediate ss#. you forget we were a country founded by immigrants. "give us your tired your hungry your poor." not give us your money and take this test and you can possible become a citizen.
Left winger Right winger no neither we freaking need a dead center. sorry you can make millions and millions and eat your cake too......sorry you cant have all the free handout in the world thats what samples are not only are we heading for the worlds biggest american depression far worse then the great depression BUT we are hosing the decks down on whose junk is bigger and better when we should be human and be like here YOU HELP ME I WILL HELP YOU. i know easier said than done. they need millions to have lavish lifestyles sorry but while they are making 58 billion dollars on our soils they should at LEAST pay a 2-3 billion dollar tax each freaking company that makes MORE that 1billion a year.
put your big girl panties on and fight for your right dont accept tsa pat downs, drowns in the air, patriot acts.......if our government crumbles the people will not. LIKE LINCOLN SAID: America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.


posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:21 PM

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by HauntWok
They voluntarily signed a petition declaring that they want to no longer be part of these United States. In my opinion they should have their citizenship revoked and deported. No one forced them to sign those petitions.

I think they should be forced to sleep in the bed they made. They basically renounced their citizenship signing that petition anyway.

I hear that Somalia has a small government that doesn't interfere with the people. How bout they go there?

You have absolutely no clue. You fully deserve to be a US citizen vs. one of the free.
Do you mean "these united States" or "The United States"? See "The Act of 1871". There is a HUGE difference. I'm all for getting out of the corporation known as United States. I've done it myself. I'm a member of the Republic again. I truly wish my State would do the same thing.
So many of you just don't get it. The best thing that could happen would be for every one to be stripped of their US citizen status. That being your membership in the corporation. Then you could be deported, administratively, back to the Republic. I did it. I was deported from Corp US back to the Wisconsin Republic. I am no longer in the jurisdiction of of the corporation known as WI. Nor do I "reside" in the federal zone of 54751.(zip code adhesion contract.) Yes, it can be a fight. But not violent, at least not on my part. Real freedom always is a fight, in one way or another.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Why should I leave? I'm not wanting to break up the union. I'm not out there using my 1st Amendment rights to try and suppress the 1st Amendment rights of others. I'm not trying to force my will on women's bodies. I'm not going completely insane if someone dares mention gun control. I'm not trying to ban same sex marriage because it's not in line with my viewpoints.

The people that want to leave the union should.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:25 PM
I believe that we have free speech in this country.

You can't strip citizenship for signing a petition.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by rockintitz

More threats of secession from sour grapes over Obama's election win? ah they'll get over it.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by HootMcVie

Originally posted by muse7
I like that, let's see these fake secessionists put their money where their mouth is

I'm sure there are many right wing paradises where these nuts can go live! Where there are no social safety nets, no health care and where they can get into daily gunfights

There are many immigrants waiting to be part of this great union, we won't miss these crybabies

you're kind of a dick, aren't you?

It’s not like he accused a disabled veteran of never being in the military now that would be a real dick wouldn’t you agree.

I have seen the threat of succession happen before this time it’s because people were out voted and they are but hurt.

Fact of the matter is enough people saw through the façade that was Romney I am just surprised about how many didn’t. They made excuses for his flip-flopping his taped speeches to wealthy supporters where he said he didn’t have a plan and put down almost half the nation. He made promises on jobs and how he could cut taxes and make up for it by closing loopholes but never offered any details.

His entire campaign rhetoric was basically saying trust me. I for one do not trust people who say trust me and especially when those people are politicians. It’s time to get over it the election is done. People should be focusing on the future and not the past. This slyness of succession will blow over soon enough and hopefully there will be something of substance to focus on.

Anyway thanks for the thread it was worth some laughs

edit on 13-11-2012 by Grimpachi because: add

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Bildo
So many of you just don't get it. The best thing that could happen would be for every one to be stripped of their US citizen status. That being your membership in the corporation. Then you could be deported, administratively, back to the Republic. I did it. I was deported from Corp US back to the Wisconsin Republic. I am no longer in the jurisdiction of of the corporation known as WI. Nor do I "reside" in the federal zone of 54751.(zip code adhesion contract.)

I didn't think people could still be this ignorant in the 21st century??!!

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by rockintitz

Yeah, the message behind this petition is one that I definitely do not support. It is also an ignorant message - you can't just strip citizenship from people and leave them without citizenship anywhere.

Luckily, hardly anyone wants to sign it.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
reply to post by rockintitz

More threats of secession from sour grapes over Obama's election win? ah they'll get over it.

I am afraid this county will never get over it. It think it will be destroyed before 2016 by Obama and Obamabots.

The Democratic Party has become a cult. Americans 52% are still drinking the Kool-Ade.
Jonestown was real. This is becoming dangerous.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:32 PM
I don't understand what is happening.. How about people start voting for someone and not against someone. If you don't feel like the candidate represents what you believe don't vote just to replace the one already in office that don't represent you. Almost every person I know that voted for Romney did so just to get Obama out of the White House not because they support Romney and vise versa.

Secede won't change anything because people will still elect the same type of liars. The people deserve the Government they get. I read all these stories of voter fraud, but it only exists (if it's true) because we allow it to exist. Turn off your TV and get a reality check in the real world, Americans are broke, scared and more interested in reality shows than what's going on in their own town. Plus I don't think this secede nonsense is going to get anywhere, but if it does it will destroy our country completely. Disturbing to say the least.
edit on 13-11-2012 by maxella1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-11-2012 by maxella1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
I believe that we have free speech in this country.

You can't strip citizenship for signing a petition.

Speech is only free if you're saying something the au-tor-ities want to hear. Otherwise speech can come with a hefty price tag, especially if its written down and signed.

No one will be sripped of their citizenship but there may be a sudden rash of speeding tickets or something similar.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

your nationality should not be an albatross that you have to carry with you.

If your nations government fails to act in accordance to the values of the nation, we should be demand "ENOUGH".

Secession is not about your nation, it is about your government. I don't want to leave America. I want America to leave its government.

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