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National Guard Whistleblower: "Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists"

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posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Crap, the FBI should be at my door any moment then because I fit all those criteria. I have no credit cards, bank accounts, debt, or even an ID (which is a crime in public). I also refused the recent flu shot when my doctor asked ( and she called me a "loser" for not doing so, can you believe that?!). So I should be on a watch list somewhere right? I highly doubt it.

The biggest "we are the government and we're here to help" day is still in the future.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 06:56 AM
They won't have to confiscate many guns as too many people are reliant upon the system for food, fuel and medicine. If they ciontrol those resources then we would have to go to them for the necessities of life.

They can starve us into submission in a matter of weeks should they choose to do so.
Gun confiscation would follow this initial step and I do believe it's coming.
Why? Because they are openly criminal and know that not every American is willing to bow down and accept their authority and will rebel against them.
Confiscation is the final step in any takeover and honestly, what else is it that they don't control? - the government? the media? the supply of money, food, or fuel?
The only thing not in their control is us and the tools that could be used to remove them from power.

People closed their eyes in Germany and said to themselves "it can't happen here!"
Sleep at your own peril people.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:00 AM
Anonymity leads to lack of credibility. Plus it's from Alex Jones.....King of Internet Retail.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Semicollegiate

Well Im proud to say they don't have control of my inheritance money (wont say how much but its more than 10,000 and its an Australian trustee account, so the money is in Australia), they don't have my retinal or facial scan (Which I know for sure they get when they do a picture for your ID), and they dont have debt to hold over my head.

Also, I have the unique ability to be expedited to Australia if I so see fit since I have dual citizenship. So if S ever does HTF I will just call up my embassy and go to Australia. Lucky me

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:38 AM
I read stuff like this and then go back and reference the FEMA site and its instructions regarding preparedness... is entirely dedicated to Prepping!!

So, if this is true, the govt. has created their own source to generate "terrorists".... What gives??

Remember this from NASA??

The NASA Family/Personal Preparedness Program is designed to provide awareness, resources, and tools to the NASA Family (civil servants and contractors) to prepare for an emergency situation. The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA’s mission are our employees’ and their families. We are taking the steps to prepare our workforce, but it is your personal obligation to prepare yourself and your families for emergencies.

Listen to Administrator Bolden’s thoughts on why it’s important that we “know our stuff” and “be prepared”.
Administrator, Charles F. Bolden, Jr. Video

So, we're damned if we do, damned if we don't.... We've been instructed to Prep for a wide variety of situations. Right now, any preppers in the path of Hurricane Sandy will be damn glad they prepared...

DHS is in on the prepping as welll....

One thing is certain... "Something" looms on our nation's horizon.... could be anything... Better to be prepared for your families sake than worry about being treated as a terrorist within the country you love. I have faith in the Oath Keepers!!

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Foxy1
So What classifies a doomsday prepper? someone with more ramen noodles that they should have?

sadly, yes.

i'm not worried about the national guard nor police nor even the military because when you look at their track record, think Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc. you soon realize they have no hope of stopping anything from occurring in a country with hundreds of millions of armed and pissed off American citizens.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:04 AM
I find it depressing that so many ATS members still listen to Alex Jones for anything more than entertainment. The casual viewer could be excused for listening to that blowhole, but not people here who should know better.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:17 AM
As soon as i saw the title my Alex Jones light flickered
This guy is the number one fear monger
don't believe me, i DARE you to look up his Y2k or 1999 2000 broadcast and tell me he wasn't straight lying his A** off. This guy makes his living lying to people all day every day
sure some of the stuff he covers is true but he likes to put his own crazy twist on it and make it seem like we are all going to be killed by our government.
For one if our government is training our troops for civil unrest that isn't a bad thing, remember the L.A. riots?
53 people killed that was just L.A in 6 days, now think about the whole country going crazy like that.
how many fires how much looting how many deaths damage to infrastructure.
calm and peaceful protest is fine
but when it turns in to riots its a different story
its funny when Alex say's he has verified everything for you and this guy checks out and its all true blah blah blah yet Alex nor soldier x can verify the claims.
I laughed so hard when Alex said in the beginning of the video "uggghhh killing Iraq veterans that don't turn in their guns, that's New York Times"
not even in New York times
Find me ONE just ONE veteran killed for not turning in their guns.
This guys claims are out right amazing
i always ask my self what kind of people take this guy Seriously!
You know what i looked this up just for you guys

But remember If he predicts something and it doesn't happen it's because he warned everyone and now the globalist can't do it just because you know

and how he say's people that release information about the government will conveniently have an accident

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:22 AM
I am a national guard member in Oklahoma. I have yet to receive such a brief. If this were to happen, then at least half the Oklahoma Army National guard and Oklahoma Air Guard will be seen as defects and terrorists. We love our guns.

I don't see this "plan" working anywhere in the Midwest through the south. Maybe on the west coast or new England area were people think guns are evil. We just have too many guns, there would be an uprising.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Renegade2283

Like radiation after WW3, the totalitarianism will be world wide.

You might get an extra generation, say 10 to 20 years, of what we have now down there.

Actually the NWO will probably simply wait until nobody wants to raise children and the birthrate drops to zero.

Could happen in 5 to 10 years with a very high probability of 0 birthrate by 2200.

By then most embryos will be for research and stem cells.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by zorvok

I am a national guard member in Oklahoma. I have yet to receive such a brief. If this were to happen, then at least half the Oklahoma Army National guard and Oklahoma Air Guard will be seen as defects and terrorists. We love our guns.

I don't see this "plan" working anywhere in the Midwest through the south. Maybe on the west coast or new England area were people think guns are evil. We just have too many guns, there would be an uprising.

The commander looks for good ground to fight on if he can. The story of the OP is about finding the best troops for the plan rather than directly training for it.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Semicollegiate

I bet you are a blast at parties.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by zorvok
I am a national guard member in Oklahoma. I have yet to receive such a brief. If this were to happen, then at least half the Oklahoma Army National guard and Oklahoma Air Guard will be seen as defects and terrorists. We love our guns.

I don't see this "plan" working anywhere in the Midwest through the south. Maybe on the west coast or new England area were people think guns are evil. We just have too many guns, there would be an uprising.

And you will not get such a brief because it is all just crap created by people to get ratings and make money. Just basic common sense makes it clear such a senerio is silly.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:29 AM
If this is true, then the TPTB are truely fearing the organization of people, and how people are starting to become awake, organize, and ready themselves. This puts fear into the TPTB, because the more we become less dependent on them, the more the powers at be lose their total grip, and enslavement on Humanity. Once more people become aware that, if we the people work together and realize that we are all One. The TPTB will have lost, they are only powerful by seperating us, creating division and choas, to keep people from respecting eachother and working as One, not hundreds of different races, religion, ect......... Id rather die fighting for freedom and a common goal for humanity, than die under the rule of a few tyrants for the greed and enslavement.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:32 AM
Romney is a mormon and mormons prep for 1 year of supplys so will he be taken away?

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by antonia

Though I have debunked AJ many,many times, there are full time NG workers. But that is the only point I want to make

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by antonia

You can hate on Alex Jones all you want, and I expect in any and all threads that include him, but this isn't about Alex Jones running his mouth but a National Guardsmen blowing a whistle on a recent briefing he had about preparing for civil unrest and more.

No, its about Alex Jones.

Think about it. Since this man is not giving out his identity for us to verfiy on our own, we must put our trust into Alex Jones that this man is who he says he is. And we really have much more reason to distrust Alex than trust him.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by zorvok
I am a national guard member in Oklahoma. I have yet to receive such a brief. If this were to happen, then at least half the Oklahoma Army National guard and Oklahoma Air Guard will be seen as defects and terrorists. We love our guns.

I don't see this "plan" working anywhere in the Midwest through the south. Maybe on the west coast or new England area were people think guns are evil. We just have too many guns, there would be an uprising.

You are absolutly correct, IMO. the South and Midwest would be their toughest targets. We have many many resources, cattle, chickens, cotton, coal, natural gas, water, lakes and rivers for fishing, and navigation. Not to mention the number of retired Combat vets. many people in this area are very tough and have much knowledge in agriculture, mechanical machines, Hunting and tracking of a variety of species and on and on. the number of weapons FAR out numbers the amount of people in this region. Thats not to say it wouldnt be easy for them either though but only by fighting dirty, Biological weapons, Nukes, disease, contaminating the water or just by turning people against people with pysops warfare.

This all being said, I dont think it will happen, and have faith that humanity will awake, to help eachother rather than kill eachother.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by zorvok
I am a national guard member in Oklahoma. I have yet to receive such a brief. If this were to happen, then at least half the Oklahoma Army National guard and Oklahoma Air Guard will be seen as defects and terrorists. We love our guns.

I don't see this "plan" working anywhere in the Midwest through the south. Maybe on the west coast or new England area were people think guns are evil. We just have too many guns, there would be an uprising.

45th SIB ?????

Wasn't sub units from the 45th that were trying to confiscate during Katrina????


......there are more of these sources if you dig on the net.

Nothing against the of there armories was across the street from my college ROTC unit. We used their weapons and trained with them.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by magma

Not defending the OP or the source, I have confirmed through my military contacts including family members on active service (MP's) that they have received special training regarding the handling of U.S Citizens on our soil in the event of widespread civil unrest. I have been trying to get copies of the manuals and training literature however it is collected after each class.

The training statements are true, the purpose is undefined. I have a hard time swallowing that any US Armed forces member would stand against their neighbors. Although the ramifications of this election which Obama will lose, his departure will not be graceful. Could cause and most certainly will cause chaos, how long it lasts or it's intensity is yet to be seen.

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