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National Guard Whistleblower: "Doomsday Preppers Will Be Treated As Terrorists"

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posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by antonia

Is your existence worth fighting for ? Ideology stops at an empty stomach .The Banksters know that but a massive population reduction is necessary to their ability to keep their power as well as the fact that too many people are breathing their air and drinking their water . Money is nothing of it self if it does not bring them ultimate power . They have all the money but can not exercise the ultimate power if they fear another French type Revolution . Remember power to the masses.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Why so much planning for an insurrection that has never happened before in the history of the USA . Or maybe it has happened back during the Boston Tea Party . The Rothschilds owned England at the time of the tea party through their deception during the battle of Waterloo . Were they trying to ensnare the Colonies into using their money at a cost of 1 1/4 % and Tax us . Tea had relatively nothing to do with the real issues . Is the preparation for insurrection in the US a Rothschild stipulation from a lessen learned from the last take over attempt . After all the Rothschilds are the only big dog in this Global takeover scheme .
Question : When was the last insurrection in America , and what would it take to bring on such a perceived future upheaval that requires such a large budget and foreign troops ?

The next question is what do they know that we don't?

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

You do realize that other countries come here to train, especially the UN Peacekeepers, because we have the single most comprehensive and multifaceted military training programs on the planet, right?

Quit harping about something that won't happen.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by hawkiye

Why so much planning for an insurrection that has never happened before in the history of the USA . Or maybe it has happened back during the Boston Tea Party . The Rothschilds owned England at the time of the tea party through their deception during the battle of Waterloo . Were they trying to ensnare the Colonies into using their money at a cost of 1 1/4 % and Tax us . Tea had relatively nothing to do with the real issues . Is the preparation for insurrection in the US a Rothschild stipulation from a lessen learned from the last take over attempt . After all the Rothschilds are the only big dog in this Global takeover scheme .
Question : When was the last insurrection in America , and what would it take to bring on such a perceived future upheaval that requires such a large budget and foreign troops ?

The next question is what do they know that we don't?

The last hot insurrection was the civil war its all about money and industry it always has been. Kennedy was probably the last significant act of defiance when he started issuing silver coin. To bad Americans don't know real history,..

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by elias
reply to post by hawkiye

You do realize that other countries come here to train, especially the UN Peacekeepers, because we have the single most comprehensive and multifaceted military training programs on the planet, right?

Of course you are right what was I thinking 100s of Russian Chemical warfare vehicles are just routine training equipment and Clinton was right we really need theses foreign troops we can't do it alone nothing to see here move along.... Sigh!

Quit harping about something that won't happen

Quite reading posts you don't agree with instead of trying to tell other people what to do...

Quit drinking tap water being a sheep and repeating media propaganda programming you might get a glimpse of reality...

edit on 28-10-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

Agree on that ! I have read that the Rothschilds were involved in the creation of the civil war to divide the large and growing new Nation . Divide and conquer is the name of the game . It has been said that the Rothschilds of France funded one side and the Rothschilds of England funded the other . But when they wanted to charge a variable 24 to 36 % interest Lincoln just issued his Greenbacks . He was assassinated shortly after . Boy that sounds like the JFK thing !
In fact the Rothschilds were supposed to have been shut out of the French governments financial dealings and were said to have helped bring about the French Revolution . And then they were available to offer assistance to the new government .They are certainly rumored to have been connected to some ruthless , under handed dealings to get their way . That being offer money under bad circumstances which they may have created , make it impossible to repay, bankrupt the country and place that government under their control . All part of the overall plan . This is the same accepted and tried and true method that permeates the world of Money as the means justifies the end . The love of money is the root of all evil. How true .

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

The reported reason for the Soviet Chemical trucks was they were bought and nobody wanted them so they were scrapped for the steel .
What idiot would buy a failing closed societies vehicle who's parts would be unavailable anywhere on this side of the globe if at all to the public . Then the labor here and shipping would be prohibitive and could be scrapped over seas cheaper with out the EPA breathing down their necks .
Either some one is real stupid with too much money (not) or they think we are stupid .

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 01:20 AM
When US Secretary Snow stepped down from the Treasury he got in with people and started buying up all the gun maker companies. And made a FORTUNE.

Fear makes money.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 10:37 AM
Prior to the muslim boogeyman "terrorists" our military was being briefed the biggest threat to America was.....

Drum roll......"Armed Citizens".

Their intel briefings actually said the biggest threat was isolated to the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania. "Largest concentration of militia groups on Earth".....their quote not mine. They're afraid of all the gun clubs guys created to get away from their wives and drink booze.

It wasn't until the CIA started bringing those Somali's and muslims into Pennsylvania that a real threat was created. They brought them in on purpose knowing they'd arm up and start shooting. So they could finally outlaw owning a firearm in America.

Democratic Think Tanks thought that tactic up. Have they started bringing those "Pro-US" Iraqi's into America yet?? Those boys are going to be hellbent on revenge on us for what we did to them as well. All part of the plan.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Pervius

In the protest that have happened including the Occupy Wall Street that of course has been diminished into a hippie revolution by the very media that is controlled by the globalist there has been trouble makers inserted to create a need to bust some head by the very forces doing the head busting .
An operation I believe called , Trojan Horse is used to help expose the trouble makers who will respond to encroachments into the rights of Americans . I have been to 2 such attacks on Christianity and all I saw was policemen with big cameras taking pictures . With today's cameras and your face recognition drivers license pictures they can put a name to the picture quickly If you don't provide a problem they will supply one for you if they want to .

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Those types of exercises occur all the time. Been involved in them as a 'protester' and been in them when I was voluntold to play rent-a-cop for a week when I served in the Air Force. Preparedness of government entities/military = conspiracy, preparedness of citizens = terrorist. Just depends on how you look at it all.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:24 PM
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" .......

Does that include a incompetent President, Congress, and State Level Government that is trying its damndest to strip away our Constitutional rights?

If the order ever does come down to act upon our citizens for defending themselves when SHTF.. I believe you will see the largest mass exodus of soldiers, going AWOL, that the world has ever seen. Sure you will get a few that stay and "do their duty", but I believe that most of our brave Armed Service Personnel would tell the current Comander and Thief to stuff it and would help their fellow Americans. And for the powers-that-be to believe that they have brain washed all of those fine people into taking arms against their own country....... its just mindblowing.

God Bless America!

And a Very Large Heartfelt Thankyou to all of our service persons, active, retired, and in training. Thankyou for your service.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Pervius

It wasn't until the CIA started bringing those Somali's and muslims into Pennsylvania that a real threat was created. They brought them in on purpose knowing they'd arm up and start shooting. So they could finally outlaw owning a firearm in America.


Are you actually saying Americans are law abiding citizens who have no desire to cause trouble and that TPTB have to import trouble to give other Gov. entities a job to support budget forecast.

Kinda like relocating Gang Banging Intercity folk into the quiet outlying areas, isn't it?

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Ghost of Chewie

They the strategist for the NWO already know that .There is about 2 million multinational troops ( training? ) in the US all the time who have been said armed to the teeth who will do the dirty work . When the SHTF all uniformed troops will become the enemy because false flag attacks will make the regular uniformed that enemy .Then those kindred souls will be your enemy and your natural defence thinking will come into play . The good cop will have become nastier than the bad cop in the eyes of the public .Then you will have to deal with that .

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

I too saw the Cuber missile days . JFK could not say Cuba for some reason . It's been coming on heavy back in 1913 with the institution of the FED.
There is a video on youtube of a Presidential Press Conference where Helen Thomas asked Bill Clinton about the Concentration camps .In that video Bill Clinton was asked to use his powers to debunk ( not the term used) the scare mongers saying that whole blocks of counties were housing foreign troops ( armed ) and we were going to give our country over to the Russians and Chinese . The rest of the press corps were laughing her down . But Bill Clinton said ; you laugh but , we need these people , we can no longer go it alone . Did that say armed foreign troops are on our soil in mass ? It shut up the other press people for sure . There has been reports for some time about armed UN troops on our soil for some time . A video called Police State 2000 shows foreign troops disarming Americans in their homes and shooting M60 machine guns in their neighborhoods as an exercise . Yes the US military will be under UN control says FEMA.
It's here it's now and soon . An economic collapse world wide would give the UN/Nwo Global Gov. and Global Money ( Mark of the Beast system ) it's unopposed chance to dominate the world . Out of starvation , disease and a dying world population living in utter chaos the NWO would be the salvation of the world to the masses .
Is this not what the Banksters have been working on ?

Perfect time to implement with sandy and the closure of the NYSE. When it reopens who knows how the stocks will do. If theywant an economic collapse, this is the perfect opportunity and its perfect timing.
Dont think they could do it??? Well look at what they have already done in the past.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 01:59 PM
Now, given this was post Katrina and the whole thing was prefaced by the possibility of a New Madrid EQ effecting my area.. as I live on the New Madrid zone... we were briefed on confiscation of goods for redistribution. There is a protocol.. in the event of roads, bridges and etc effectively cutting off an area... and you cant just fly or chopper in everything when you have large areas effected. Its an EMERGENCY protocol. It involved private homes lastly as far as confiscation protocols ( and heavily on if the home was occupied or not.. giving assistance on shutting off gas, etc) , but started with shipping hubs in the area, stores, etc for food and goods. Its normal worst case scenario protocol for keeping a population's head above water in a CF of a catastrophe.. and entering homes to secure them from fire and etc. The Guard would only give assistance : safety and motor pool vehicles present in whatever area youre working. Its not like a disaster comes and the guard and FEMA goes to a home to get some #10 cans of freeze dried TVP Taco mix and gas masks. Thats ludicrous. You have a SOP basically for the different stages of keeping folks alive from short to long term... and every stage in between.. trying to come up with a plan for the variables in a disaster. Different teams have different "jobs" and receive instruction on those specific "jobs".

I cant stand jones.. I was around when he screamed about blood running in the streets during y2k.. if he says he has confirmed a source.. he is full of it and you cant trust him OR the source. Huge credibility fail for YEARS. Knowing what many of us do on ATS and real life.. the guardsman is either NOT a guardsman ( my opinion) or a liar. Or both.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by planefixer

LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE ELECTION . The Elite 10 Jewish families really have no need of anymore money . If that money can't be turned into ultimate power over life and death which is ultimate Privilege then other people with a lot less money can have everything you have as an Elite . For this to happen I believe Fiefdoms will be established . Most likely these 10 Fiefdoms already exist in the overall plan . In a Fiefdom the populous belongs to the head of that fiefdom like chattel . The head or King of that fiefdom can do anything they want including killing their people . This is in line with the Ten Kings without kingdoms as of yet that gives their power to the ONE told about in Revelations .
After the election the war between Iran and Israel might decide the future or lack there of . I believe this to be the war of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38 .

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 09:18 PM
I have been through Hurricane Ivan, Katrina, Rita, Gustav, and Isaac as a National Guard member and I can tell you the level of incompitance with Higher command voids any targeting of anyone. The idea is laughable. Dont get me wrong, during a disaster all National Guard members have arrest and detain rights, as well as use of deadly force, but you are thoroughly briefed that it better be a good cal or you will pay the price.

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