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Romney in secretly taped video: Obama voters ‘dependent’ on government

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posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:20 AM
Veiled racism is always lovely.

I am not sure where all this entitlement crap comes from.

Mitt never had to struggle for a god damn thing in his life, he is simply a disgusting human being who has gotten rich by screwing over other people for a living.

It is really unfortunate Obama is going up against such a pathetic candidate

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by CoolStoryMan

Hm, he is disgusting because he hasn't had to struggle in desperate poverty? Yeah, weird.

I find it unfortunate that Obama thinks i should pay for your health care, i don't owe you a single thing other then what i want to owe you. Healthcare isn't one of those things.

Hell, Medicare and Medicaid was even unconstitutional.

You have a right to pursue happiness, you don't have a right to be handed happiness from the government. You have the right to PURSUE it, which requires you to get off the couch.
edit on 18-9-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke

Maybe people don't want to vote for you because your campaign is weak, you're creepy, you're at a disconnect with 99% of the country, and you're boring. Ever think about that? Just admit that you're unlikable...don't blame it on people "dependent" on the government. Maybe you helped those people come dependent, you outsourced their jobs did you not?

He's sitting here going on about healthcare when he is the one that was the first to start the individual mandate. And what does he want to do? Impose an income tax on people that do not have an income? Like 18 yr old college students? I don't get his point about taxes. Tax people that have no money already?

Romney = GROSS

Is anyone surprised he said this stuff?
He is just a normal republican. This how they feel.
I just hope they secretly tape Paul Ryan and get his views on pre-emptive war or whatever.

Seriously, you guys don't know how GOP think and reason by now?

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Yes, everyone knows this. All it shows is common knowledge, that both the democrats and republican politicians are corporatists.

edit on 18-9-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by milkyway12

I find it unfortunate that Obama thinks i should pay for your health care, i don't owe you a single thing other then what i want to owe you. Healthcare isn't one of those things.

Obama? Wait you mean Romney right...the individual mandate was first implemented by him and created by a conservative thinktank.

Oh...and Obama/Romney care has nothing to do with healthcare, it is about insurance...private insurance. It doesn't force you to pay for others, it forces you to pay for your own.

edit on 18-9-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Everyone here might know this, but the general electorate doesn't seem to have too solid a handle on politics.

Therefore, this recording is a significant event in this election. It provides all the type of stuff that is used to get people worked up, and Romney can't afford to lose votes.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by milkyway12

There should be a 20% flat tax on EVERY income that is not considered in poverty. Get rid of Medicaid / Medicare, or reform it as well as reform health insurance. So it stays profitable, but benefits the consumer more consistently, and not, " sorry, you got cancer, see ya."

It is not my responsibility to ensure you are healthy, and neither is it the government's responsibility. If you are in danger, of course i will help, but if you are sick, sounds personal.

Flat tax keeps the rich rich and the poor poor. And that's the point, isn't it?

And wow, these tough guys are going to be real fun to watch when the last social contract gets torn.
We'll see what you think of responsibility when no one in USA thinks they have any at all. When rule of law goes out the window.
You don't think they have a right to medicine? They don't think you have a right to property.
You don't think they have a right to not go hungry? They don't think you have a right to any ownership.
If you can't get behind basic human rights, why should they get behind any of yours?

edit on 9/18/2012 by 12m8keall2c because: fixed trailing /editby tag

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

Well, given that my state is historically a blue state to begin with, I found it quite interesting.
And I happen to believe what he said, due to the mentality I currently see every day here.

Btw, technically no. I don't HAVE to use roads, stop signs, any of it. Not even to get to work, if I chose not to. I could ride horseback, cross country for 6 miles and be to work.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Summerian

You do not have a right to food. You must get it yourself, either by your local food bank, or if you have to steal it from a grocery store. Then do so. I hate to condone stealing, but if you are going hungry you better do what you have to do by any means necessary, especially if you have a family.

You do not have a right to medicine. I am sorry you are living in a world with bacteria, it sucks for everyone. However, you have a right to purchase medicine legally. You do not have a right to be given medicine for free.

However, if you are given free medicine, it shouldn't be because i am forced to pay for your medicine. It should be because some one has given you free medicine or purchased it for you voluntarily.

I am sorry you were born into this world and have a life. Suck doesn't it?

(The ' you ' used is not personal, but only applies to whom it may apply, i am sure whom ever reads this will know to who i am speaking to)

edit on 18-9-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:18 AM
Okay here is my take on things with my experiences and point of view.

I have friends/ex gfs that live in the phillipines. I work for a telecommunications company and my company as well as other companies outsource their call centers to other countries.

One was in the phillipines and this woman i dated for a while when she was in korea had just gone back to the phillipines and was very happy that a certain telcom company had opened a call center there.

I expressed to her why they outsourced the jobs there and she didn't understand my irritation. I asked her what her wages were and she told me and I told her that they were low balling her hardcore. She said business is business and that those wages were more than enough for her and that it was a good thing.

I understand what romney was saying although I do not agree with the mentality 100%. He states we are lucky to have the USA. All of us who live here regardless of how you feel about this country are lucky people who have the time to sit around and slam on your government while your needs are being met.

Although the wages in other countries payed by american companies are considered slave labor they are better than no wages in the given countries. at least from what I have seen and heard from the phillipines work is scarce and hard to keep. Apparently from what i have observed if you get a job you only keep it for a contracted amount of time then you are let go to allow someonelse a chance to work. In the meantime you are unemployed.

yet many of these people have a home and net availability although some still live in conditions that would seem deplorable when they are unemployed. When they are employed their they have so much more.

Which is what american companies bring to a region. yes they are lowballing them, yes compared to us they are slave wages but compared to no wages there they are a godsend to them.

Romney asked about the fence and towers. They were told it was to keep people out not in. Is that true?? I do not know and I highly doubt they did much investigating about it.

he seemed to have taken teh story at face value and felt that them providing jobs to those people is in such high demand that they have to keep people from coming in.

that is what i got from the video.

I think it is garbage that people have to beg for crappy working conditions but if you starve a man for days and then give him a saltine that will be the tastiest food he has ever tasted and will beg you for more.

If anything it just shows how out of touch he is with things, not that he supports slave labor since he feels he is helping these people out by creating jobs.

edit on 18-9-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I really think that, liberals especially, believe that our government was created to help everyone else out at the expense of those that really work for a living. Its the reason why our country has a national debt right now. Its because our government has grown to be too powerful, with too many selfish interests, and thats why I will vote libertarian or write Ron Pauls name in when it comes time for me to vote in November. I think Romney is just pandering to votes. I think he is still the lesser of two evils. But I also believe that he was right when he said he can not reach people that have this mindset that the government is here to take care of them. He is just being honest. These people are disillusioned and brainwashed. Too few of us have ever read the constitution or the declaration of independence, or the bill of rights for that matter.
Conservatives believe that you should keep the fruits of your labor, and that the government is here to protect us from foreign invasion and to establish a rule of law... and guess what? Thats pretty much it. Thats the way our government was founded.
Today it is so far removed from that.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

What is the problem. He is right.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:35 AM
That is too bad that leaked out, he is cutting his own political throat. If he did get in he would have to his regular "flip flop" to get his own country behind him.

It sounds so arrogant with that I'm-above-it-all attitude. That is not the correct path of a guy that wants to be a president. You just don't go out and offend half the country wether your a republican or a democrat.

There are a millions and millions of good people in those ranks that contribute greatly to their U.S.!
edit on 18-9-2012 by thetiler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by macman

He is right in saying that 47% will vote Democratic. But the accuracy stops there. He also talked about 47% who don't pay taxes and would vote for Obama because they're leaches. Aside from that number being wrong, probably more than half of that 47% are Republicans or conservative.

Seniors - at least half are conservative and would vote for Romney
Students - some percentage of students are conservative and would vote for Romney
The poor - most of the states who receive government funding are the red states in the South
The wealthy - Those who use loopholes and don't pay taxes. Again, mostly conservative

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:39 AM
What people seem to miss is that there are TWO 'entitlement' factions in this country. Romney was playing to one while bashing the other. The wealthy elite are the real entitlement whores. They want to control legislation so that tax, investment and banking laws favor the ways that THEY make their fortunes: kill capital gains, kill estate taxes, reduce the top-tier tax rates, remove regulations (promote 'self-regulation') on businesses, and most of all keep the Fed printing free-money to the banksters.

The wealthy-elite don't earn money the way we do. The vast majority of their income is derived from investment income (capital gains). What they're asking for (expecting from Romeny et al) is that taxes on THEIR income be eliminated. That would be like us expecting income tax to be eliminated. They've already had their tax rate reduced by 50% since the 70's, over 60% since the 50's/60's. Yet they feel entitled to yet more. 50% of Americans die with no assets. Which 50% do you think that is? They want the Estate Tax eliminated so they can pass-on their wealth to their kids/wives and pay no tax. Even in 2009 only 0.5% of trusts of people who died had to pay any estate tax. Between 2000 and 2009 the number of estates that were exempt from taxation DOUBLED as a result of changes to the tax code. That's BEFORE any new changes.

We pour out billions in business subsidies year after year that THEY claim create jobs. OK, where are the jobs? The subsidies are still going out at the same rate as when there were jobs. The Fed is printing money (quantitative easing) to 'stimulate the economy'. Whose economy exactly? Who is benefiting from all this cheap money? You and I? No way. What WE see is rising prices becuase of monetary inflation (the currency is worth less because of the watering-down). Those at the top can leverage the availability of more money and offset the 'watering-down' by converting to hard assets. Meanwhile you and I pay more to eat.

So who are REALLY the entitlement whores? The people who use their money to buy elections in order to stack the rules in their favor so they can keep more and more of their wealth (because they built it afterall) while you and I struggle to eat and afford to go to the doctor when we need to?

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by macman

He is right in saying that 47% will vote Democratic. But the accuracy stops there. He also talked about 47% who don't pay taxes and would vote for Obama because they're leaches. Aside from that number being wrong, probably more than half of that 47% are Republicans or conservative.

Not so.
Income tax, for those that make around $35k or under, will have it taken out of their checks, but will receive almost, if not everything back as a tax refund.
Now, what is the percentage of those making that amount?
I know of about 20 people personally that are in this income range, that act just as Romney described and think that way as well.

Latest polls for how people identify themselves shows the 47% is off as well. But, what time was this video taken? The current polls show both Dem and Rep are in the 30%s.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by macman

I'm not going to argue with you. Who are the 47%?

The dangerous misconception of the 47 percent argument, according to Kevin Roose writing in New York magazine, Daily Kos’s Jed Lewison, and the Washington Post’s Brad Plummer, is that it is too often misinterpreted to mean that 47 percent of households pay no taxes at all, that they’re freeloaders. But the truth is that only 18.1 percent of households pay no tax—two thirds of the households that pay no income tax still pay payroll tax. (Many, says Plummer, actually pay it at higher rates than Romney.)

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:49 AM
Mitt Romney....I really have trouble finding polite words to respond to this man. Sometimes I wonder if he even actually lives in America. When was the last time he walked down the average American street? For that matter, when was the last time he actually did anything in which he had to function in society with everyone else?

It seems very clear to me that Romney lives in a world which the majority of Americans will never know nor understand. He is one of the top elite who control most of the wealth and means of production. He simply would make for a very bad leader of the common people. I thought that Bush Jr. and Obama were pretty bad leaders but Romney has both of them beat. Romney is totally disconnected from the common people. He has no clue as to what is needed to get the US economy back on track. I am also sure he would be awful on foreign policy. If this man becomes president, America is in for some serious problems. The kind of problems that an election or impeachment will not fix.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by RealSpoke

Maybe people don't want to vote for you because your campaign is weak, you're creepy, you're at a disconnect with 99% of the country, and you're boring. Ever think about that? Just admit that you're unlikable...don't blame it on people "dependent" on the government. Maybe you helped those people come dependent, you outsourced their jobs did you not?

Trust me im not a Romney supporter, but I have to come to bat here........youre not being intellectually fair here...

He didnt outsource these jobs, he wasnt there for half of it because he wasnt with the company, and the other part was dicated by a PANEL of people, he was not a soul decision maker, thats how companies work....

he didnt walk in and say "lets outsource these jobs" and with a mighty wand do it, in fact it wasnt even something HE himself put into motion.......

Stop spewing more talking points, do research.....

2. Why is he creepy? Thats what you have? hes creepy? thats pretty weak........did you mean to say "hes mormon"

I often see you veil things in your posts like this........

3. Hes right, a very very very large portion of Obamas voting block does come from people who are gov dependent.........its been proven in his poling numbers and his turn outs......

it doesnt go for EVERYONE, but illegal immigrants, people who receive gov assistance, and people who are heavily gov invested in those areas ARE a part of his huge voting block......

Just because you dont like someone saying it, doesnt mean its not true.....

Please do some research......

That being still voting Ron Paul

Do research?

It's more fun to label your political opponents - creepy -.


President Mitt Romney is correct.

Obama = Womb to the tomb groceries --- Food Stamps

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by macman

I'm not going to argue with you. Who are the 47%?

The dangerous misconception of the 47 percent argument, according to Kevin Roose writing in New York magazine, Daily Kos’s Jed Lewison, and the Washington Post’s Brad Plummer, is that it is too often misinterpreted to mean that 47 percent of households pay no taxes at all, that they’re freeloaders. But the truth is that only 18.1 percent of households pay no tax—two thirds of the households that pay no income tax still pay payroll tax. (Many, says Plummer, actually pay it at higher rates than Romney.)

So your not going to argue, yet you argue.
Yes, they pay payroll tax, like Medicare Medicaid and SS.
Please, go do a quick tax refund process with an income of $35k, single person, no home with the IRS advised deductions and see how much is refunded back.
They are redefining the words and terms to fit their story.

While serving in the military, first year income was around $17k. All the money I paid into Federal and State income tax was refunded.

Again, don't argue, but lets see your argument.....I mean retort. Gotta stay within the line of thinking for changing the meaning of words and such.

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