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Who Controls Our Children? /The secret War Against America

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posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 08:38 PM
There's way more potential than ever before for a movement toward more independence and power for the individual, thanks to the very media developments that have done some brainwashing.

I interpret many of the societal developments as a preparation for liberation. 100 years ago people were controlled, 50 years ago people were controlled, and now people are controlled but have more available information and a higher capacity to communicate. People can break free of any control if the choose, and they can now take their freedom and touch everyone else with it.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 09:08 PM
In this time, the authorities have more power than ever to control people's thoughts...

and individuals have more tools than ever to be empowered as a knowledgeable and free-thinking individual...

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 09:30 PM
What word did you use to make your friends brain "reset"? What was the discussion? Obviously, I want to try this myself.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:09 PM
the american education system - summed up in a picture.

edit on 5-9-2012 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

Forgive me if this was already asked, as I want to ask this before i read past your OP so that I'm not influenced by other posters' opinions.

What was the word that supposedly made this other person's brain "hiccup"? If we're to take it as any proof that americans are being programmed we have to know the word. For all we know she just had no idea what the word meant. Not everyone shares the same level of understanding in word definitions.

As for the rest of your OP, it's intriguing I'll give you that. Lot of information. I just don't see how effective such a thing could be with the massive access to information that is available in this day and age.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by OldSchoolMom
reply to post by RealSpoke

I googled this quote and the only place that it returns to is this where did it come from? Did you make it up? But uh, they are failing horribly because anything remotely related to communism is preached to be the worst thing next to Hitler in school. I graduated 3 years ago, so it's not like I'm old or anything. This global government is communist, America will conform. Yeah, sure, that's why corporations rule the wold, capitalist and fascist corporations. The global government plan is to bring back feudalism.

Listen sweetheart, I provided links to hours of material, I have studied this issue for years... if you don't have the time to even check any of the resources before you comment, scatter off... you won't "get it" anyway.

You would probably be amazed at how much research RealSpoke really did to pick apart your entire article and find the one thing he can use to try to discredit and bait an argument out of you. Real classy eh?

A lot of the links you provided tell the story right from the horses mouth, schools have become indoctrination centers for fear and guilt based manipulation. Your taught to take a specific set of information, hold it, than regurgitate it back onto the exam paper and your judged on how good you can do this. It's rarely about what you think, what you want, its designed to exercise only very limited parts of the left brain.

When I took Philosophy is highschool, I didn't learn anything about real Philosophy, I just learned the names and dates of great philosophers. Same thing with Religion class, all we were taught was the names and dates of saints and prophets etc. nothing about the real subject matter. The sad part is there are so many useful idiots that actually believe and promote whats happening in the education system, its frightening when you think about it.
edit on 6-9-2012 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:41 AM
Im with optimus primal on this one. i would really like to know what word causes these hic ups.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Konduit

As for philosophers/theologians/thinkers/inventors/artists or any other 'creator', I find studying their quotes most affective/effective. This allows one to get a brief overview of that individual and what they may have to offer one in their own journey. I found the 'Oxford Dictionary of Modern Quotations' helpful while as a youth in the military; a structured, ordered environment and most unlike m'y' character I could add.

edit on 6-9-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

You know, its funny. I have a 15 year old nephew that just started high school. He cannot read. Let me say that again. 9th grade and he can't friggin read. That alone is enough to tell me that school is about more than read, writing and arithmetic. I'm glad I was home-schooled.

Is it me or do you notice as well that none of the kids nowadays know how to think. They don't know how to figure things out. Its like they don't realize theres a process and steps to learning something. If you give the majority of them a task, you will have to stay there and micromanage them until they do it. Kids nowadays are also completely addicted to entertainment. Honestly if the children are the future then its a very bleak future indeed.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

I searched the book you linked and the web pages, the quote was not in either. The quote also pulls only one result on google, which is this thread. So did you make it up or what?

I have studied this issue for years..

I'm not sure you have. You seem to be in denial that capitalism is brainwashed into Americans since birth.

you don't have the time to even check any of the resources before you comment, scatter off... you won't "get it" anyway.

This content isn't new to me. I've listened to all of the Alex Jones Charlotte Isyerbit interviews like a year or two ago.
edit on 5-9-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

Not everything can be found online, lots of stuff must be done the old fashion way. By going to the library or bookstore and reading page by page to find what is needed.

Though it might not be in that book it could be in another. There are tons of really horrible stuff out there hidden in books of the past.
edit on 6-9-2012 by Lostmymarbles because: added to

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Just found it, but it seems it wasn't an exact quote but it is something along the lines of what he said or was trying to say.

The Carnegie Corporation commissioned a research by the AHA (American Historical Association) which was written in 1934 under the title, "Conclusions and Recomendations for the Social Studies" in which the book was to be used to "to use the schools to change America from a free, individualist economy to a planned, socialist, collectivist economy in the New World Order."

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

It might be in that study that the actual quote is from. Whether it's word for word, I cannot say because I have not looked into it farther then what I posted. But it seems that the one whom started this topic was not lying and he probably did say that exact thing or very close to it.
edit on 6-9-2012 by Lostmymarbles because: added to

BTW I found lots of other websites which talked of this, it did not only link it to ATS but to a whole bunch of other sites. What did you put in the search field to look for it?
edit on 6-9-2012 by Lostmymarbles because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Bluemoonsine

Parent teacher organizations need to get together to audit the educational package offered so both sides of each topic at hand in 'all' educational curriculums are presented to a student so they may choose for themselves via Reason which is truth and which is 'other'.

Been there done that... here is a video that explains everything that was done and the results back almost 30 years ago. It is an hour long video but, it will explain exactly what was discovered back then about the education take over.

If the online education curriculum appears biased in one topic or another, an 'alternative' perspective or 'link' may be provided as well to ensure all sides are presented for a student to choose what is truth and what is propaganda. The truth, when found/heard is often irrefutable and stands on it's own merit, naturally, as it should. This also encourages debate, critical thinking, problem solving and involvement in one's personal education. Open Source is the only way forward to any society one can believe. Good effort OP, well presented and 'timely' delivery.

Let me tell you what I discovered recently. I went back for a few more years of college, this time, I was given a long list of topics banned from discussion or research. I was told it was because those topics were discussed to death and there wasn't anything that could be said that wasn't already said. So, I could do a research paper on the possible causes of A.D.H.D. but I am not permitted to mention vaccines as a potential contributor.

Fast forward .... I, being very unorganized... I have flash-drives all over the place with data from previous research but thought it would be easier to just look it up on the net, it will be faster. Although this is hard to prove, I am not able to find some documents I previous used to clearly show deception on the part of the education department even though just a few years ago, it was a breeze to get them. I also have been noticing other material that was easy to access seems to be gone or restricted. Then I thought about it, If the government is able to police what can be accessed on the net, they can control information just like they have been doing in the education system. The young person probably wouldn't recognize missing material as would someone my age (I have been searching the net since 91').
Thank you for your opinion, I completely agree parents should being deciding the curriculum. The school system should be locally controlled completely.
edit on 6-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

Please, please tell us what the word was that caused the hiccup and reset, and what the synonym you used was.


posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 07:36 AM
I think it's interesting, possibly telling, that somebody could rationalise a friend's absence seizure (or similar "zone-out") as a "brain reset" caused by a control word. My first reaction would have been to ask my friend if I was boring them, and apologise for waffling. Although I'm not one to cast aspersions, I would say your reaction to the event is close to delusional.

As for the dumbing down of America, well, is that really happening? I doubt actual facts would substantiate that conjecture. The US has a 99% literacy rate in over 15's. Among the country's adult population, over 85 percent have completed high school and 27 percent have received a bachelor's degree or higher.

I would postulate your sacking as a teacher has left unhealed baggage. To you, the school system has become some nefarious perversion that is poisoning the minds of our children. It really isn't the case.
edit on 6-9-2012 by zigguratvertigo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Oh LiveForever8,

Just watching Chapman's presentation brings back so much anger in me. Thank you for sharing and linking your thread here, it is exactly the type of contributions I was hoping for in this thread. I could understand how young new teachers are able to teach this crap but, I just get fumed when these older teachers try to justify what they are doing. It is treasonous in my opinion.

The UNESCO link you posted is invalid. I know sometimes this is an error but, in my experience it seems like more and more information on the net is disappearing/restricted. I am concerned our window to access, share and communicate information through this technology (the net) is a brief opportunity to stop what is happening before this too is controlled. Just as Chapman mentioned, they are changing the language and definitions.... I too noticed this but, like many....I find it so hard to completely trust my own observations without others confirming the same.

Thanks again for sharing your information, and please do link me up to any additional information and suggestions on what people can do to stop this from continuing.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 08:26 AM

I disagree with a bunch of this, but S and F because it was laid out very well. As well as with a lot of heart. Personally I think you need to look to Big Oil and Big Corps for the lions share of trouble both political and social in the US and around the world. And I agree in 1989, when you were teaching and were sneakily asked to find out about the children's parents life at home, that kind of intrusion is wrong wrong wrong! But remember who the boss was in 1989. George the First. CIA man. Actually THE CIA man for awhile. Go figure he'd want to know what's up in every household. At least his son got to realize his dream.
reply to post by sealing

Well, my point was that this is what was beginning to happen in the school I was in back then. The schools were doing what is wrong in exchange for the money (funding). The parents were unaware but, the teachers were.

Actually, Goals 2000 was signed into law by president Clinton.... they all work together up there against our best interests as if you read the linked book posted in the OP you will see how this is so. The more I learned I realized it is all of us being hoodwinked by both political parties who are the very ones tangled up in doing what is best for their business interests rather than ours. Back then I saw it as people selling their rights for false promises. I read the legislation back then... it was in direct contradiction to the flyers describing it's intent being circulated by the Dept. of Education. They mostly used vague language and sometimes outright lies. But, no one would listen to me, it was all about getting computers in the school...I remember people accusing me of not wanting our kids to be able to catch up with the rest of the world. I didn't even see how we were slacking in the first place. I posted a video that explains why they wanted to know about personal family business, we found out years ago about the electronic profiles being created on everyone.

Thanks for contributing to this thread, and feel free to contribute everything you feel is relevant to this topic, it helps us see how everything is connecting with other changes in our country.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by penninja

I am sorry penninja,

I am sorry because I don't even know how to understand or sort through what you are saying. Hopefully someone here can discuss your opinion with you so I may be able to understand better. I am just not able too. I don't even know if sharing with you my opinion on why I think a new system will be flawed will address what you have said but I will give it a go ok.

How can anyone trust that something good and honest for everyone can come by listening and doing what liars and thieves say to do? Rephrased....There seems to be a prevailing philosophy that "it is OK to lie if it is for a good purpose". I just don't believe that. If it is a good purpose, people would be truthful about the details. These ideas being presented/manipulated have come from a people looking to control and oppress people, the tools they have used do not serve the purpose of good for all but, for them. Again, I apologize for not being able to fully understand your opinion, so please disregard my reply if does not have any value to what you have said.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by zigguratvertigo
I think it's interesting, possibly telling, that somebody could rationalise a friend's absence seizure (or similar "zone-out") as a "brain reset" caused by a control word. My first reaction would have been to ask my friend if I was boring them, and apologise for waffling. Although I'm not one to cast aspersions, I would say your reaction to the event is close to delusional.

As for the dumbing down of America, well, is that really happening? I doubt actual facts would substantiate that conjecture. The US has a 99% literacy rate in over 15's. Among the country's adult population, over 85 percent have completed high school and 27 percent have received a bachelor's degree or higher.

I would postulate your sacking as a teacher has left unhealed baggage. To you, the school system has become some nefarious perversion that is poisoning the minds of our children. It really isn't the case.
edit on 6-9-2012 by zigguratvertigo because: (no reason given)

I'd be interested in the link that shows the data of a 99% literacy rate in America in over 15. Everywhere I've looked shows "no data available".

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Uh, it's in a PDF file, you can search the text...this is the digital age. Did you make up the quote or what? You keep giving weird excuses...which makes you think you did.

No, I wouldn't make it up, I may not be very organized but, I think this country has had enough deception so I would not knowingly pass off something I made up as a quote by another.... I took some notes while listening to some of the interviews of Charlotte Iserbyt that are on her website. If you listen to them yourself you should find that she said it was a direct quote. I trust her credibility and thought it was an important quote so I included it.

If you are just looking to find fault in me rather than taking the time to go through the materials and come of with your own conclusions, it won't take long....I am full of flaws.... I am just trying to share what I see as an intentional attack on the freedoms and future of our children and country. We are all effected by what has happened... some more than others apparently.

I cannot discuss with you about a new or different form of government because I am of the opinion our old form of government was the best, the problem appears to be that when good people get those positions they turn corrupt. I have heard many opinions as to why but, I don't see a solution. Should I not alert parents about what is being done to their children because I can't stop what is happening? I don't know what to say to you dude. I am sharing something I think is important for people to know about. Want to ban me from posting and leave it to government approved "experts" to tell us what they deem notable to mention?
edit on 6-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

I see a lot of people throwing around these terms 'communist,' 'socialist,' and 'capitalist'... and seemingly little understanding of what they actually mean... though that is very common, so not surprising...

I agree, I have in this very thread misinterpreted wrongly because of it too. A person working in the education system currently told me that every four years some information even definitions are altered. I believe this was and is intentional as well. Look up "doublespeak". What a perfect way to hinder like-minded minds from communicating by slightly altering meanings for the same word every so often. Just like Charlotte mentioned, you really need to be on your toes to keep up with what is being done and how that is just not possible because we are all busy and have many issues to deal with on a daily basis.

Thanks for contributing and making such a good point.

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