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Skateboarder Punched In The Head By LAPD Officer

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posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:06 PM
Don't do the crime and you won't pay the time. I don't feel sorry for these criminals

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:34 PM
I've been skating for over 25 years... this was a popular sticker we rocked back in the day:

Seems it's as relevant now as it was then....

The video only shows what happened after he was pinned down, but there are 4 or 5 of them in a dog pile on a freaken teenager.
That is totally unnecessary. Not to mention the face punch.

What was he arrested for ??

It states his father went downtown to pick his son up so obviously he was released.

Hopefully the rest of the story comes out.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by rottenrascals
The ones who want power should never be the ones who have any.

Cops are power hungry individuals. If you want to be a hero, be a doctor, a fireman, EMT, not a cop.

Cops are not heroes, they are egotistical psychos with authority over all.

Seriously? A cop being a doctor? I'm sorry, that one was just toooo funny. Cops aren't physically prepared to become a doctor. They are missing an important organ in their head. Instead of a brain, they have a lump of gristle.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke
I dont think he was being very compliant,perhaps he brought it on himself,children these days are never wrong and seem very emotionally stunted,looks like hes having a temper tantrum and the "man" is explaining to him the error of his ways.Call it a lesson, when you kick out always remember life will kick back a lot #in harder

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:42 PM
All this for riding your skateboard on the wrong side of the street??

Thank goodness these Officers were there to protect us citizens from such an Outlaw! /sarcasm

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:45 PM
ahh yes the effects of roid rage...thought you fools on ats knew thats whats up with the leos in so cal - massive widespread steroid usage.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Brilliance

Originally posted by Samuelis
That will teach him. Sometimes kid's just need a good thumping to learn some respect.

Got that right!

Punks, all of them. Should have been properly disciplined in the first place but the parents of these punks are often drug addicts themselves.

What'd he do...?

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by HIWATT
What was he arrested for ??

I wondered this as well. The story does not make much sense. Click the link in the OP and read the article that comes with the video. According to the article, the kid was riding his skateboard on the wrong side of the sidewalk. When Police approached him, he attempted to flee and that's when they jumped on him to hold him down. He was arrested for "suspicion of resisting arrest".

This really makes no sense. Either you resist arrest or you don't, so where does the "suspicion" part come into play?

Besides that- this happened in LA. Are you telling me that there is so little crime in LA that they need to worry about some kid skateboarding on the wrong side of the road? It's just silly and really the story makes no sense at all. It has always been my experience that if the story does not make sense- it's because there is something untrue in it. Considering all we have heard is the Police version of events, that narrows down the mystery of who is full of crap.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:59 PM
This is why it should be legal for everyone to carry a gun.
If cops are trying to waste someone's time and take some aggression out on them for no reason they could just pull out their gun and pop one of them.
Sure, that person would end up getting shot, but at least one of the pigs would go down as well.
After a while, knowing that every little thing is going to turn into a gun fight, cops (pigs) won't be so quick to randomly find things "wrong" with people.
It's got to get worse before it's ever going to get better.

If we were all armed to the teeth at all times you would start to see ALLOT more respect out there.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 03:08 PM
We don't know enough about the situation. What exactly was the kid doing? Was this guys struggling from getting arrested? Police corruption and arrogance exists. But so do dumb people. Police have used excessive force in the past, however when you resist arrest, yes police are allowed to hit you to subdue you. Again there isn't enough info.just as a side note, cops usually help more then abuse. MSM only shows what cops do wrong, never about all the lives they save

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal

Originally posted by HIWATT
What was he arrested for ??

Besides that- this happened in LA. Are you telling me that there is so little crime in LA that they need to worry about some kid skateboarding on the wrong side of the road? It's just silly and really the story makes no sense at all. It has always been my experience that if the story does not make sense- it's because there is something untrue in it. Considering all we have heard is the Police version of events, that narrows down the mystery of who is full of crap.

Good point. Not only is it in LA where cops have bigger problems to worry about it's in Venice BEach. The cops there really have bigger things to worry about than some skateboarder. Like the Vatos rolling 12 deep down the Venice promenade.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

He got beat up for skateboarding on the wrong side of the street? I didn't even know you could skateboard on the wrong side of the street. Ohhh the irony of "we are just trying to protect you from getting hit by a car so we'll punch you in the face."

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

The video suggests to me that he was targeted for some reason or else a case of mistaken identity based on the number of police at the scene so quickly. Do the police patrol in convoys in Venice? I live in Toronto and the platoon response in the video just seems surreal for stopping a skateboarder.

Regardless of the reason for stopping him the excessive violence was shocking. The one who struck the kid looked like he was just a bully but the "ganging" was overkill all the way. I have an older brother who was a bully growing up and he later was a police officer for 30 years. He just turned out to be a more arrogant bully. I once witnessed him showing glee when someone else was suffering.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:14 PM
would love to see them try that # in Australia.....

The cops would end up with an entire skatepark descending upon them.....

and I've seen it happen....

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by GarrusVasNormandy
reply to post by RealSpoke

Where is the video that shows what happened before several cops were on top of him?

Who would have guessed, that another biased thread would appear, showing only one side of the story...

that's what i was thinking too.
there are so many people with video phones that it would be out right foolsih to use excessive force without cause.

i will wait until i see all the information before deciding if the police were in violation of anyone's rights.


posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:30 PM
Having rode skateboards for 10 plus years of my life, I can't help but feel for this poor kid. At the same time, I know a lot of skateboarders have a profound dislike for police officers. It wouldn't surprise me if this kid was spouting off to the initial police officer at hand, but that does not justify getting gang beat. Maybe a slap on the back of the head and a "Come on Dinozzo"...but not this sort of violent outburst. Sickening.

There's should be a forum strictly for police brutality articles/videos.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by wirefly

I was actually implying that instead of becoming a cop, they become a doctor. Not turn all cops into doctors.

That would be silly.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 06:05 PM
Cops down here don't give a fook. Plain and simple. The reason they call backup in heavy numbers is because they are cowards. They know what they are doing is wrong and they hope if they get enough of their buddies to come down and get their story straight, then no one will question them. Even when the video footage proves otherwise. Their unions are too strong and that's the first thing we need to tackle. Public servants with this much power do not need unions, they need character. Unions are for the powerless, not the power hungry.

It's crazy the direction this is going in. This isn't a racial thing anymore. The dudes father claims it is but I think he's wrong. I don't understand how he could see that anyway when in that video I clearly saw atleast one Asian, a couple Hispanics and Caucasians in blue. It's gone beyond that. The murder of Kelly Thomas proves that. Kelly's principal murderer was Hispanic. This has turned into an us vs them thing now. Thought I doubt it was ever anything but. If it continues like this, it's going to end very badly and they can't say that this was brought on by anyone but themselves.

It's my belief that anyone who joins the rank of leo already has a screw loose. People who seek power are inherently crummy people. Simple example is how ridiculously fast they cruise down the street. I live on a busy street and the speed limit on my street is 45 mph. Yet daily, cops speed down this street at double that speed. They have absolutely no consideration for anyone. You can claim that they're just trying to get the scene of a crime as quickly as possible but at what cost? And really to what benefit? Going 90 mph is beneficial if the crime is 50 miles away. But in a city where his beat couldn't possibly be more than a few square miles... what's the point? Why risk injuring others when there are probably 3 other squad cars already on their way to the destination? In a small town in middle of damn nowhere Kansas, yes cruising 90 mph to get to your destination on the other side of town which is 20 miles away and the police force is a 1/4 of the size as those of a suburb in LA is of benefit. But here, no... so why do they continue getting away with this? If I was driving that fast down this street, my car would be confiscated and I would be in jail.

People that really want to help their communities and the world at large do so in a more constructive manner. Violence and murder are not constructive. And hypocrisy is the least. Who are they to arrest criminals when they themselves act like criminals? People who really want to help the world only take on power when their fellow citizens ask them to take on the responsibility of holding that power. Real heroes do not seek the power, it is bestowed on them. That's why our politicians are all cr@p. They're seeking power and fame. Instead, the people should be out seeking our leaders instead of having them parade around trying to convince us why they should be our leader.

As many have already suggested, one of these days, they're gonna stomp on the wrong person and upon witnessing another incident like this, an individual or group of individuals is going to take the law into their own hands and met out justice to the criminals in blue right then and there. As much as watching videos of these idiots day in and day out treating their real paymasters with the utmost disrespect p's me off to the bone. I hope that before that day comes, citizens educate themselves and rather than resorting to violence, instead conduct a citizen's arrest. And I especially hope that when that officer tries "resisting arrest" as I'm sure he/she will, that those citizens performing the arrest act with more decency, mercy and respect than they have ever shown us. Kill them with kindness and firm justice. Anything else is just reckless and stupid.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 06:07 PM
Wow this is insane, he was just riding on the wrong side of the street. I could have sworn that is only for cars. What next? Getting pulled over for walking on the wrong side of the street?

Also what is up with being arrested over suspicion of resisting arrest??????????

First don't you have to be under arrest (i.e. breaking the law) in order to resist arrest?

How can you resist if you were never under arrest?


posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Disclosure Agent
would love to see them try that # in Australia.....

The cops would end up with an entire skatepark descending upon them.....

and I've seen it happen....

Your cops dont carry machine guns - ours do

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