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Define Christianity as Hate - The New Homosexual Agenda

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posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

The word murder refers to one human killing another. The Bible is referring to the taking of human life, not animal.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Or... you could look up the definition of 'murder' in any dictionary.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by Generator85

This concept applies to Atheism as well, but on a lesser degree as there are no specific rules or guidelines that Atheists follow.

Atheists follow specific guidelines and rules. Everyone does in society.

A moral code, an ethical understanding, is not specifically exclusive to the religious.

Atheists can and do follow rules and guidelines. They are just different than the Christians (on some matters), but that doesn't mean they don't have them.

I am not an atheist myself, but more or less I would relate to the atheist concerning this particular idea.
edit on 8-8-2012 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

I agree wholeheartedly. The moral/ethical code of conduct that Atheists, or society in general, follows isn't as specific or constricting as religious beliefs though.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by aardvark888

It's a good thing I was never elevated to being a moderator.

I would just ban members like you

That said, I am fairly sure calling our fellow LGBT ATS members 'filthy dogs' is against the Terms and Conditions you agreed to. I could be wrong.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by aardvark888

1. To kill (another human) unlawfully.
2. To kill brutally or inhumanly.
3. To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances.
4. To spoil by ineptness; mutilate: a speech that murdered the English language.

Well I would use the second.

But okay. Actually second to supporting equality for the gay community I am a huge activist for animal rights as well. I view sentience in many animals to such an extent that I personally have no qualms viewing them in essence as a 'person' and thus even with your definition consider it murder. But this is off topic. We can leave this for another.

reply to post by Generator85

Ah okay I understand. And I agree

edit on 8-8-2012 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by sensible1

This is no surprise to anyone who has read Matthew 24:3-31 lately. Note the second half of verse 9.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel
reply to post by sensible1

This is no surprise to anyone who has read Matthew 24:3-31 lately. Note the second half of verse 9.
An excuse to justify being an intolerant bigot that goes around putting everyone else down is still an excuse. Did Jesus do or was any of those things? No, of course not. The people that hate certain Christians don't hate them because they believe in Jesus, but because they act like self-righteous hypocrites.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by maes2
reply to post by sensible1

let alone Christianity and other monotheistic religions, certifiable homosexual marriage will break down the societies, the societies are in problem already because of justifying anything by freedom! however most of them are slavery! we are not criticizing homosexuals let them do what they want in their private but governments should be responsible. you know what I am feeling, the smell of anti_christ empire!
by the way, why do not they allow animal sex, marriage with animals! human is free to do whatever it wants and f... whatever it love!
I bet that if this tsunami continues, we should be waiting for marriage with animals!!! governments are responsible!

Yup, dem gays are going to bring us all down. I'm glad the likes of wife beaters, child abusers and cheaters are doing the good work of upholding the sanctity of marriage and protecting society against the minions of anti-christdom who may be latent animal rapers and tree shaggers.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

I have always been a truth seeker of sorts. And during that time I have been involved in Christianity a few times, new age, Buddhism...more spiritual stuff. I also went through a period of being an atheist, which ended for me not too long ago. For the most part, I only will argue doctrinal aspects with others of the same or similar faith. I have always believed that as a Christian (for me), it was a total waste of time to argue with atheists on the existence of God.

As an atheist (for me), it was a total waste of time to argue with the religious on the non-existence of God. I thought "Let them be fools, it is nothing to me". As an atheist, I had much better (I thought) things to think about and do. Fornication and Adultery were two of those things. Politics, Philosophy, Government Conspiracy Theories, etc. were my other interests. I am becoming much less interested, especially politics and philosophy.

I will not name names of the many false teachers and preachers of Christianity. I will only say that SOME of them are quite famous and very popular. I could talk about the teachings that are false, but since you claim to be an atheist, I wouldn't want to waste my time. I am not comfortable naming people's names, as that TRULY is judgmental.

I will say this though. There is an orthodox method of Biblical interpretation that has been passed down by some theologians over the years since the Reformation. There is a way to "rightly divide the word of truth", is what the Bible says. There are preachers that have gained a large following blaspheming the Holy Spirit. There are preachers that have have gained attendance numbers by allowing sinfulness into their congregations. Many preachers do not teach sanctification and then justification. Many teach "Jesus saves", but don't give their congregations the tools to Jesus told the prostitute; "Go and sin no more".

We (Christians) are to be "in the world but not of the world". As a former adulterer and fornicator, I can tell you that it is VERY hard to stay away from those things, as people are bombarded everywhere by sex. I am not doing it on my own. I try to pray always...and I mean always as instructed...and I have found that the more I think about Christ, the easier it is to not think about sex, or any my other sins of my past. Am I perfect. God forbid. There IS only one perfect person, and that is Jesus Christ. And sometimes I fall still, especially in my thoughts.. As Jesus taught, our thoughts are just as sinful as the act itself....and in my thoughts I have broken EVERY commandment often.

Atheists do not understand context of the Bible. Even most Christians cannot differentiate "the Law", from the statutes and ordinances. As Jesus said: "I did not come to change the law, I came to fulfill the law". So when I hear false preachers telling people that they can continue in their sins happily without regard to God's will and His commandments, I know that he/she is a false preacher. When I hear the false prosperity preachers telling people that if you believe in Jesus you will become rich...and then those people become lawyers, bankers, real estate vultures sucking off the misfortune of others, all kinds of "get rich" schemes...when Jesus said; "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven" (a good example of a verse that is often spiritualized and Jesus is talking about a real needle used for sewing, not some gate), I know that preacher is false. Once I heard a very famous preacher say that God the Father told him where to park his car because he couldn't find a parking place, I know he is a liar and most likely preaching lies. The Holy Spirit is ONLY concerned about spiritual things, namely your soul, and not where to park your car.

When I hear that a church or sect of Christianity has introduced pagan idolatry themes into their doctrine, I know that the church is false.

True Christianity has ALWAYS been a small minority of the Christian population. Even in the BEST churches with the BEST preachers, there are those in attendance at every church that claim to be Christian and are not..the tares. I don't care what the world or the atheists say. Homosexuality will always be a sin. Adultery will always be sin. Murder will always be a sin. Theft will always be a sin.

What is going to war against a nation like Iraq that did not attack us? It is murder.
What is the income tax? Legalized theft (so beware you IRS agents and repent)
What is making homosexual marriages legal? Legalized fornication
We made divorce easier, and God does not like divorce. There are Biblical rules for Divorce...but basically we have legalized adultery.

ran out of characters

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:01 AM
Of course its hate speech, its an organization of people who have a certain set of beliefs, that are against another certain group with their own set of beliefs or (sexual preference), who wants to belong and be accepted by those people, and i for one really don't care any more, i could care less, i don't care i don't care i don't care, there i freaking said it, what i do care is that i have to hear about this crap 24/7, tv, radio, xm, internet, cable, video game chat rooms, sports shows , cartoons, and now conspiracy sites? wth and i could care less about either of the groups, if you want acceptance, make your own church,(how many different off chutes of Christianity are there) or do what the Israelis did and infiltrate the government and get 50 million laws passed for them. i used to have great compassion for the gay movement pretty hard not to going to art school lol, but its been so over saturated it just disgusts me now to the point i could care less now,
the way this topic always comes off to me is if a black man in the USA wanted to join the kkk shows up to gathering and gets p'd off that he cant join, should he scream racism DUUUUH! (i also don't agree with that group either lol)
and the more and more this crap is forced onto people like me who were for the cause, the more they will lose support and force me back in the direction i was, before i met a whole bunch of lovely, smart, and very talented gay people male and female
as far as the basic marriage license i don't get hat either, i think you should be able to marry a rock if you want to, if its because they will be granted the same tax breaks (if any i don't know) then just limit some of the tax incentives for getting married, as far as the church goes, if an organization doesn't want you, GIVE UP getting accepted by a church isn't going to reaffirm SEXUALITY

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:06 AM
Christianity as an organization has oppressed, suppressed and denigrated countless groups of individuals - not just homosexuals - over the millennia, and continue to do so to this day. The only difference between then and now is that public executions by burning and boiling, and church-prescribed torture is frowned upon by society so it doesn't happen in the town squares anymore. And after thousands of years the tables have finally turned, and those people who in days gone by were dispensing the hate are now the ones receiving it.

And I cannot honestly think of a more deserving group of people to finally be on the receiving end for once. I do admit to deriving some satisfaction in the growing news storm brewing between religion and homosexuality, and am cheering for the same-sex crowd the whole way as much on a matter of principal of fair-play as a matter of personal belief and opinion.

Christians seem upset that they're the target of social scrutiny and public condemnation for the first time in their long history, and they don't like it. And probably for many of the same core reasons their victims had in the past if you really think about it. The irony is so delicious I wish I could eat it with a spoon.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:10 AM
Christianity like all so called organised religions is a huge con trick.
If you really want to know the truth about religion and how it has been used to hoodwink us all take a look at
They explain in clear, rational, and measured terms why what we have been brainwashed into believing is nothing but lies and misdirection.More importantly for those of us who think for ourselves it show where religion is wrong
Of course if your brainwashing has gone too deep you will attempt to decry it or ignore it.
That of course is your choice; but for those people who still like to question and challenge you will find convincing arguments

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:10 AM
Damn! Here I am a 53 year old homosexual and I have for years been trying to discover what the "Homosexual Agenda" is and now there's a NEW one?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:11 AM
As a transgeder person, I don't define Christianity as hate. I have a great deal of respect for Christians as I do for all Paths. I think the real problem is people want others to be as they want them to be and not as they are. They tend to the buisness of others when they should tend to their own buisness. I don't want to enforce my ways on others and I don't want them to enforce their ways on me. It's that simple and the world would be a better place if we would get over our control issues.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by sensible1

LEGAL rights will NEVER line up with God's will.

That's because your God is a childish tyrant invented by primitive bronze age men. God doesn't ever give the Israelites, or anyone ANY rights, rather he restricts their behavior offering up barbaric and outdated absurdities. The God of the Bible commands the Israelites to stone betrothed women to death if they lose their virginity before marriage, to stone those who work on a Saturday, to murder rebellious children and to murder your own family member if they attempt to convert you to a religion that doesn't serve him. These commands applied to the ancient Israelites BUT if you believe the Bible is the word of God than these commands ALSO apply to everyone.

So yes, teaching the "Biblical" view of homosexuality is hateful. Just as teaching the Biblical view on slavery would be hateful BECAUSE THE GOD OF THE BIBLE condones slavery openly.

If most Christians truly sat down and read their Bible they would toss it in the trash the next day or donate it to the nearest museum, its an outdated collection of myths and bad moral advice AT BEST. And Jesus' teachings, the only somewhat redeeming quality about the book, are mostly ignored by Christians. When was the last time you saw them worrying about the LOG in their own eye before pointing out the SPECK in their brother's eye? When did Jesus, the supposed savior, God's only son, ever condemn homosexuality? The only people Jesus did condemn were members of the RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT, that Pharisees and Sadducees. He didn't break into the temple to cast out homosexuals, he cast out the money changers.

If I were a Christian I'd be far more worried about my Pastors plan to line his pockets with donations and buy a private jet than two people wanting to get married who happen to be the same gender. I guess that's the Christian fringe persecution complex for you though, everyone else is a sinner, everyone else is a hypocrite, but people are catching on to the fringe Christian-right that complain their rights (to take away other people's rights) are being infringed.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by dirkpotters

I have always been a truth seeker of sorts.

Assuming we understand this the same way then so have I been!

I also went through a period of being an atheist, which ended for me not too long ago.


And by why I don't mean why you now believe in God but why do you believe specifically Christianity to represent that God?

For the most part, I only will argue doctrinal aspects with others of the same or similar faith.

Because you don't tolerate disagreement?

I have always believed that as a Christian (for me), it was a total waste of time to argue with atheists on the existence of God.

Always?? You just said you were an atheist for a while. Sorry this doesn't add up.

I will not name names of the many false teachers and preachers of Christianity.

Because you didn't have an actual response. This scapegoat aint fooling me. You made a blanket accusation. Back it up.

I will only say that SOME of them are quite famous and very popular.

Clues eh? That's your response? Is this a game then?

I could talk about the teachings that are false, but since you claim to be an atheist

I said I don't believe in the existence of a Christian god. I did not say I was an atheist. In fact in this very thread I already said this:

I am not an atheist myself

And I have said that and explained my belief in other threads.

I am not comfortable naming people's names, as that TRULY is judgmental.

I am in utter amusement over the idea that believing a person is wrong and bad because they were born gay is not judgmental, but replying to my question of who you were referencing is judgmental.

True Christianity has ALWAYS been a small minority of the Christian population.

Then your fight is with those Christians. Invest your energy there.

To us non-believers people are Christians when they say they are and preach from a Christian bible.

What is making homosexual marriages legal? Legalized fornication
We made divorce easier, and God does not like divorce. There are Biblical rules for Divorce...but basically we have legalized adultery.

Wut? Can you paraphrase. I didn't understand that.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy


I don't understand how you can talk about the word "sin", let alone pick which sins you like or don't like.
The word "sin" by definition is a violation of divine law....not man's law.
Why would an atheist even use such a word?

As I mentioned in a reply to the OP, this country will be destroyed. Once true Christians wake up to that,
we won't really need to care about homosexual marriage. Fine, if it is going to legalized, that is great. It will still always be a sin. Not any better, nor any worse than any other sin...but still a sin.

It's just that most murderers don't ask equal rights. I have yet to see an adulterer organization asking for equal rights. I do see organizations like NAMBLA asking for equal rights to be pedophiles....and I am sure that will be coming more to the public forefront soon. I don't see thieves demanding equal rights based on their thievery. I do see the rich ones getting away with it and less rich going to prison for it. I do see the covetous protesting and demanding the government steal more money and give it to them.

So many people don't even understand what it means to be judgmental. Calling something a sin is not being judgmental. Pointing to a specific individual, or calling them by their name; and then telling them that they are going to hell...THAT is being judgmental. Homosexuality is a sin. Adultery is a sin. Theft is a sin. Covetousness is a sin. Putting ANYTHING before God is a sin. Not loving God with your whole heart is a sin.

So when Christians (true or false) point out that homosexuality is a sin, it is not the Christian being judgmental. Those complaining about being judgmental have judged themselves.

I have been an adulterer. I have been a fornicator. I have been a thief. I have been covetous. I have not loved God with all my heart. I have dishonored my mother and father. And although I have not physically murdered anyone, I have in my heart and therefore I am also a murderer.

Am I glad that I have done those things? No. I am a sinner, and I deserve hell. We are all sinners.
However, redemption is possible.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by aardvark888

That comment was utterly obnoxious and uncalled for. No wonder people - not just the LGBT community - see Christianity the way they do. That was pure hate and, since you are quoting the bible about meat eating (like that has anything to with this thread) I am assuming that you call yourself Christian. Take a look in the mirror and see if you reckon Jesus would like what you see there.

Well, of course, he would, because unlike you he actually had a genuinely radical idea about loving people regardless of human judgement of their actions.

If you believe homosexuality is a sin, great. Don't do it. But who put you in charge of anyone else's life and beliefs, let alone their soul? Just as you are, every individual is entitled to live, love and make their own choices and they should also be entitled to expect the love and respect of anyone professing to be a Christian.

Let God worry about the judging stuff - that's his job, as I understand it - and I really doubt you are quite as bright as he is.

Not all Christians hate. I suspect not even most. Perhaps it is about time that those that don't stood up an said so instead of letting this loud, virulent minority dictate the discourse.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by dirkpotters
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

As an atheist (for me), it was a total waste of time to argue with the religious on the non-existence of God. I thought "Let them be fools, it is nothing to me". As an atheist, I had much better (I thought) things to think about and do. Fornication and Adultery were two of those things.

Ummmmm, see I feel like here you are trying to indirectly paint athiests are immoral.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by jtap66

um i live in uk, tony blair's government did legislate the church of england and catholic church in uk,gay rights are not more important than religious freedom.
homosexuality is a sin and no preist,vicar or pastor should have to bow to political correctness or the pro gay agenda.
its also rather telling that in the uk at least politicians have been very quiet about trying to force islamic or jewish religious leaders to accept gay rights in the mosque or synagog.
christianity is under attack from all angles,especially from pro gay media.

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