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The big secret is.....

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posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 02:38 PM
This information is only valuable or "secret" because to many people that have this knowledge refuse to use it out of moral concerns. It would probably be moral to give as many people as possible "hidden" knowledge. There is a lot more knowledge then understanding information being communicated through the media. Basically if a bunch of people were given the knowledge, they could all "crash" the party at the same time and instead of a few unwanted guests, there could potentially be millions. You really could destroy the economy. They would have to admit to themselves they are full of # and just give a bunch of people what they want, with nothing to back it up. There is not enough to go around as it is, but they keep the illusion going that everything is based on a real system that has ups and downs. What if millions of people were given the knowledge to all legally demand thousands of dollars each at the same time? Would that crash the system or would they have no choice but to pay out to keep the illusion going? Yes, money is created out of thin air everyday.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: bwj2012

I think even if one were to give everybody thousands of dollars all at once, and for nothing in return, just a windfall, then human nature would come into play. By the next day a lot of women would be wealthier and a lot of luxury businesses would have most of the cash.

posted on Jan, 10 2017 @ 07:09 PM
I see that Dylann Roof was sentenced to death today. He had 33 charges against him. So there you have it... the scapegoat. The story is about a young man who claims there is a race problem in America today. He went and killed 9 black people in order to draw attention to his claim. Now he is sentenced to death.

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: bwj2012
This information is only valuable or "secret" because to many people that have this knowledge refuse to use it out of moral concerns. It would probably be moral to give as many people as possible "hidden" knowledge. There is a lot more knowledge then understanding information being communicated through the media. Basically if a bunch of people were given the knowledge, they could all "crash" the party at the same time and instead of a few unwanted guests, there could potentially be millions. You really could destroy the economy. They would have to admit to themselves they are full of # and just give a bunch of people what they want, with nothing to back it up. There is not enough to go around as it is, but they keep the illusion going that everything is based on a real system that has ups and downs. What if millions of people were given the knowledge to all legally demand thousands of dollars each at the same time? Would that crash the system or would they have no choice but to pay out to keep the illusion going? Yes, money is created out of thin air everyday.

people do what people have always done. Money is supposed to create an unsafe condition. Imbalance alone can't tip that scale. I know exactly how to handle the money. child's play compared to Oxygen.

posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 05:35 AM
Listen to this audio.
a video of Alex talking about the current state of the stock market after Trump's "upset" victory.

Start listening at 1 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds.

Listen to what Alex says about the stock market, the intent to begin a market selloff, the Hillary Clinton campaign loss, the idea that the stock market would sell off after Hillary Clinton won the Presidency but in fact actually raged higher after Trump won. The idea was that Hillary would win the rigged election and then the stock market would sell off as the "angry Republicans" bailed on the beautiful idea of the American dream for all.

It was supposed to be a rich old white guy knee jerk reaction to Hillary Clinton becoming President. The Brexit was supposed to be shot down. The attempt by Donald Trump to become President was supposed to be shot down. The stock market was supposed to plummet as angry white guys sold their share of the American dream.

But Trump won.

So the market is going super bubble.

The 40th week indicator says down on Istanbul shooting, but Trump's big money team pushes up against what would appear to be an anti-American force.

posted on Feb, 9 2017 @ 03:33 PM
Market seems to want to move up even though the 40th week signal indicates down.

We are in the first small step, which has the same archetypal idea as the first large step, the "all" containing everything. Think of something that starts where the ending left off, or something circular.

40 weeks can be divided into three parts of 10, 20 and 10. Think of a sin wave that goes up for a quarter of the period, then down for two quarters of the period, and finally comes back up to were it started in the fourth quarter of the time period. It goes up and down and up again to end where it started (or close to it, but down a bit in our case).

We are in week 6. I am thinking that the actual market top will occur in the 10th week, March 5 - 11, 2017.

We are going to see a market "celebration" of the Presidential election results. It would not have mattered who won. Either way, the market would cheer the new President. Then the whole thing was supposed to sell off with the excuse being that Hillary won and the evil rich Republicans are selling on purpose to crash the market and make Hillary look bad. Because Trump won the excuse will be different. The scheme stays the same, but the excuse is that the clever market participants, the professionals and the smart guys are worried about the things stupid Trump is doing politically. So you have a market that first cheers and then slaps Hillary or Trump either way as it sin waves up and then down.

"At least 39 shot" in Istanbul was the 40th week message.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 12:07 AM
I will say your post was eye opening in the sense that it helped me understand another form of communication. Definitely not just for the money market but for things that effect world wide events also. You know all you have to do is look up and you will see truth. There were a lot of events that happened over the media in the last few years that you could tell were blatantly faked as a way to stir events and make changes that would effect the world as we know it world wide. They communicate in secret and use ritual through entertainment and entertainers to make things happen. That is fact and common sense if you just try to open your mind and see it and find out. You just can't get too crazy or paranoid about it and come up with other things like very wild theories. There needs to be a fine balance between body mind and spirit the emotions and your passions.

posted on Feb, 25 2017 @ 03:27 PM
AP News now showing this headline...

Twin Attacks On Syrian Security Kill At Least 32

This is Saturday, February 25, 2017, Week 8 (3-1-8).

posted on Mar, 1 2017 @ 02:38 PM
In Trump's casino anything over 21 is a bust.

Could we have reached levels of exuberance that are just plain irrational? Could this be the pivot point a little bit early? Does anybody think this sort of stock advance is based on reality?

This is the middle of Week 9.

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 07:05 AM
It is Sunday. The start of the tenth week. I'm thinking Chiron could begin his fall this week -- his fall from immortality down into the mortal. We are nine weeks into this conception and gestation phase. This time period we are dealing with is the third major archetype. It is literally the creation of the male inside the virgin female. The mother is dividing herself. The archetype here is the Separation of the World Parents according to Erich Neumann. Inside this third major archetype there are the six archetypes repeated. We are in the time of the first minor step. The time is 3-1-10. I am thinking of the first minor step as a sine wave. The wave goes up in the first quarter, down in the second quarter, down again in the third quarter and up in the fourth quarter to end where it began. One cycle. The circle. Everything. In the stock market I would expect the chart to end down slightly in terms of actual price because of the 40th week clue telling us about the Istanbul shooting event with at least 39 dead. Think of a downward sloping sort of sine wave that ends a bit lower than where it began. Or a huge amount lower. I don't know. But there is a downward bias. It is downward because we are at the top and it is all down from here. Probably for about three and a half years.

I've been taking theanine and choline in the form of alpha-gpc. I think my brain is working better.

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 07:16 AM
Do you see how this works?

Weeks ago I bought the March 2017 Dow 21,000 call option for $21. Last week I sold it for $232. That is eleven times the money in about two months time. That is powerful. I immediately bought the April 2017 Dow 20,000 put option. These are marks in the sand. I have the trade history. The trades are made on the 40-week system. I have the proof.

It doesn't even matter if I tell you about it. You can, too. The system does what it is going to do no matter what I do. Or what you do. I talk all about it. It stills works. Nobody tries to stop me. I'm great advertising. I am advertising the 40-week system and the 40-week system appreciates it. The more the merrier. The money falls out of the screen.

It can not be stopped. Unless the entire trading system were to be stopped. If that happens then you know there is some serious stuff about to happen.

But it won't! It just keeps doing what it does.

posted on Mar, 5 2017 @ 09:17 AM
Goes well with my models and harmonic Elliott wave analysis....

The market has morphed is being taken buds say when in doubt buy worked on Friday.....

I follow six cycles......forty weeks hits Ganns 9x9, 81% of the year....and the
edit on 5-3-2017 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2017 by GBP/JPY because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 01:10 PM
Remember Dylann Storm Roof? He was a 40th week shooter. AP News out today.... Dylann Roof's friend gets 27 months; failed to report crime

We are in week 12, and Roof's friend gets 27 months. He could have received 33....

If you recall the most recent 40th week shooter headlines then you remember "at least 39" died. 12 and 27 equals 39.

We're tuning in to the reality of it all. The stocks are really moving today.

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 01:17 PM
Now they've changed the headline suddenly....

Dylann Roof's friend gets over 2 years for lying to FBI

Was facing 33 months.

Got 27. In the 12th week.

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Generation9

Now the text has been edited to remove the reference to 33. It no longer mentions getting 27 out of a possible 33 months in prison.

edit on 21-3-2017 by Generation9 because: the 33 was showing as 22

posted on Mar, 21 2017 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Generation9

The story is morphing now. The web address stays the same, but the text is different. The time stamp changed from 2:03pm to 2:28pm. The reference to 27 is removed from the headline. The reference to 33 is removed from the text.

posted on Mar, 22 2017 @ 02:27 PM
So now another 3/22 attack. This one seems rather minor compared to others, but there are reportedly 3 dead and 20 injured. Again, 3/22 brings to mind Skull & Bones, and the number of dead and injured brings to mind the Spring Equinox.


Too mystical!!

We are in week 12. This would be two weeks into the second quarter of the sine wave -- a down move. The third quarter is also down and then the fourth quarter of the wave is up. Remember I am thinking that one characteristic of the first archetype is a sine wave which is in fact a representation of a circle. A sine wave is a circle moving forward along the time line.

The idea of Spring is a renewal and return of growth. This is obviously in contradiction to my current prediction of a downward stock market move. The mainstream news is definitely negative in tone. And the near future seems to be bringing us more negativity.

posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 04:01 PM
Greetings Generation9 (i remember your name) + XXX777 + and other folks

Glad to see this tread is still alive.

Freemason lodge in London UK, opened 1717 have thier 300th aniversery on 2017 ... march 22 / 322 day


posted on Apr, 7 2017 @ 04:29 AM
Look how the Dow bounces all around the 50-day moving average and then suddenly Syria.

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 11:13 PM
Lots of hammers on the 50-day moving average. Men at work.

Full moon coming up Tuesday for maximum thievery.

The Dow really does appear to have called for hit after hit rapidly pushing the chart upward until it busted just above 21. I say it appears that way because it is important to understand that the market paints a picture with the chart.

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